
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

An unfinished story! Part-1

{Potter Manor, Untraceable, Somewhere in Ireland}

{09:21 PM, 30th Sept 1991}

Dumbledore hurried through the hallways of Potter's manor, for all his predictive capabilities he could never have guessed the message that he received from James's Patronus just a few seconds ago.

He arrived at Harry's room, even though he wasn't as welcome in the Potter household anymore, he still knew some things because James still trusted his council.

"Albus," Lily's narrowed eyes greeted him first as soon as he entered the room, the warning clear in her eyes so he merely nodded towards her, his attention on the other hand turned to the young man lying on the bed, he appeared to be sleeping soundly and looked remarkably like Charlus but there were apparent differences between that two. Harry Potter seemed to be quite buff and maybe because Lily or James had removed his dress robes to help with the blisters, there were clear lingering marks of abuse available on his chest, hidden behind blisters.

He stood rooted for a few seconds before he pushed aside his own guilt and moved forward, with his wand in hand.

"attende vocationem meam, sustine me animam tuam..."

As Dumbledore activated the familiar chant, Lily once again looked at Harry, the aggressive blisters were retreating by the second and the wounds that were covering his body became visible, although they don't look like abuse wounds now as she had thought they were before, even more questions started appearing in her mind.

"That looks like a knife wound..." she heard James whisper and her focus immediately went to the scar along Harry's collarbone, it had almost faded from existence. Lily traced the scar with her eyes, another physical indication of her failure as she forcefully turned her eyes to the steady rise and fall of Harry's chest.

'As Long as he's okay...' Lily thought as Harry groaned slightly, the blisters immediately started receding immediately before in a couple of seconds they vanished completely, she could feel the unrestrained magic that was coursing through her son calm down at an alarming rate before it once again went back into his core.

"Albus?" she asked the question on her lips was halted as Harry opened his eyes, Lily stared at the emerald green eyes just like her own taking in everything around him before he lifted his hand, everyone stared as Harry conjured a mirror wandlessly and stared at the mirror to see his real face staring back at him.


{Potter Manor, Untraceable, Somewhere in Ireland}

{A few seconds ago...}

Harry woke up feeling a lot different, his mana had been overflowing from his core as it was seeping and destroying his own skin, with a thought his mana obeyed as a string uncoiled, and within seconds he felt his core fill up again, he opened his eyes only to stare back at another just like his.

He didn't even need Legilimency to read Lily, her face held traces of tears, and with what limited Occlumency she knew, she was trying her hardest to remain strong.

'Which means only one thing...'

He resisted the urge to sigh loudly and ignoring everyone else, he put his right hand up, feeling his mana once again traveling up his arm, he controlled it and imagined changing the air particles into a mirror as he wove a simple transfiguration spell.

He stared at his own face, it has been a couple of months since he had seen those green eyes reflected in the mirror. A small burst of magic later the mirror vanished from his hands as he surveyed the people surrounding him, there were his parents, Lily looked like she was pushing through the worst day of her life, James a little bit of an in-between, he looked like he had seen better days, his age lines showing as he held a crying Ivy in his arms who was slowly but surely calming down. There was Charlus, standing together with Lord Black. Harry didn't even try to understand what his twin was feeling as his eyes landed on the old man peering at him with a blank face.

Harry stopped himself from looking towards the Tonks, for whatever little while he had spent with the Tonks family, they were one of the safest days that he had ever experienced and he would be grateful to them for that.

"It's good to see that you are okay Harry," Dumbledore started but Harry shook his head stopping him from continuing. He concentrated and checked through the system logs that have been buzzing since he had woken up...

[System Log: Host Magic core unstable, starting last recorded response to threats...]


[System Log: Response insufficient, calibrating Response...]


[System Log: Deleting skill Broken twin bond...]



[System Log: Skill: [Broken twin bond] lost...]


[System Log: Repairing Host's core...]




[System Log: Mana still haywire, recommended action: Wake Host up...]

Harry skimmed through the logs and upon confirming through his status that everything was okay, he activated the skill Alternate identity once again, under the curious gazes of the whole extended Potter family Harry was in a couple of seconds replaced with Hector Jackson.

"I'm sorry Professor, I haven't been Harry in years..." Hector replied, feeling for any changes to his magic as he tried to control his mana, he was surprised though as to how easily he was able to manipulate his mana. Something changed in him due to this process and according to his intuition if he was to guess it would be the broken twin bond thing that he lost.

'Which suits me just fine.'

"I'm sorry to hear that my boy," Harry felt a flicker of irritation appear on his face, and Dumbledore immediately backtracked, "can I cast a few spells just to make sure you are okay," Harry wanted to say no, and just leave this place but he knew that it was not possible, not without some pointed questions.

"Yeah okay," his eyes finally found Andromeda's and he was relieved to see there were no negative emotions there, Tonks on the other hand was inching closer to him.

"Was that?" she asked, her question remained unfinished so Harry answered, "Metamorphmagus? yeah, it was a skill I discovered when I was 6..."

Before he could continue though he heard Lily ask, "are you okay now, Harry?" He could sense her coming closer to him and so he turned towards her.

When Harry was a 6-7 years old kid he sometimes daydreamed about how he would one day meet Lily and what he would do to prove to her that she made a mistake in abandoning him, but being face to face with her was an entirely different feeling. As his feelings about familial love died during his stay in Hydra, so without any bias, he could see and guess exactly what Lily wants to say and ask but couldn't due to her own fear, her failure, and her guilt.


AN: I know some of you are pissed and stuff about the sudden reveal and the absurd bond with his sister instead of his twin, but be patient I'll explain it slowly through the old and wise Dumbledore in a few chapters! Anyway, see ya tomorrow! Peace!!

P.atreon current chapter- 40 (12 chapters ahead of Webnovel), -patreon.com/WN_Translations