
Harry Potter - back again

Devastated by the death of his beloved, the hero sets out on the trail of his godfather. Once inside an artefact that is ready to grant him his wish, he asks for oblivion and a chance to make things right. The artefact gives him oblivion and sends his doppelganger to a parallel world in 1975. Harry Potter/Pancy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Astoria Greengrass, Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass, Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter/Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter/Andromeda Tonks. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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The Heart of Beauty

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- Honey, stop being mad! - Astoria laughed as he jogged diagonally across the room from corner to corner and back again.

- I'm not freaking out," he snapped, biting his lip. - I'm in physical training.

- Yeah, you've already run two marathons," she agreed.

As he paced the room, she sat cross-legged in the centre of the bed. A thought popped into his head and he stopped exactly in the centre.

- Look, was I... not too rude... when I came back? - he asked cautiously, remembering that he'd forgotten to ask her opinion when he'd stormed into the house, grabbed Astoria, threw her on the bed in the bedroom, and literally started tearing her clothes off.

She was, however, laughing like a madwoman at this, but maybe it was hysteria from shock?

- Oh, no, you weren't too rough," she cheered again. - You behaved like a real animal! A very charming beast with an abyss of charm.

He hunched over, squatted, wheeled his legs, wiggled his nostrils, and scratched defiantly under his arm.

- That's it!" laughed Astoria. - That's about the size of the animal! The ferocious male has come home!

- I'll show you! - he growled.

- Oh, isn't there something else I haven't seen? - She flapped her eyelashes playfully.

- An animal," he explained. - You haven't seen a real animal yet!

With a loud growl, he jumped onto the bed, piling her up and tucking her under him....

Somewhere down the hallway, the phone rang insistently.

- Honey, is there something bothering you? - Astoria asked, sprawled on his stomach.

- No, nothing," he replied languidly.

- Maybe it's something important. - she suggested.

- Ah, screw it," he said. - It's too good.

- I'm glad, but the calls are annoying," she admitted. - It's the third time. Turn it off if you're not going to answer it.

- Silenzio! - he waved his hand towards the door. Astoria giggled, kissing his torso. The phone continued to rattle. - Accio, damn phone! - he muttered, giving up.

The well-made device bounced off the wood panelled walls and flew into the bedroom, landing in his hand. Without thinking, he pressed the connection button and held it to his ear.

- Go ahead," he barked.

- Potter," came from the receiver.

Astoria lifted her head interestedly, listening. He pressed another button so that the sound could be heard across the room.

- Pansy," he answered.

- You didn't come," she informed him.

- I know," he agreed.

- I can open the door," she suggested. - If you come.

- I'm staying home tonight," he said, pressed "off" and threw the phone at the ottoman by the window.

The device bounced off the soft cushion and crashed to the hide on the floor. Anger came back, as if the tumultuous hours spent in bed with Astoria hadn't even happened. His heart thudded in his chest, sending blood boiling through his body.

- You're pretty cool," Astoria said quietly. - Are you done?

- Got what out? - He didn't understand.

- My anger," she explained. - It doesn't take much to offend an unhappy girl.

- You'll offend her, of course you will. - he was about to resent her, but lost his temper when he met her stern gaze.

- Ten minutes," she muttered. - Or twelve...

She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

- It was a stupid thing she did, of course," she said. - But when she told you that, she didn't mean it.

- There are some things you shouldn't say," he shook his head. - No matter how much you want to say something so sarcastic and caustic.

- She's scared, Harry! - she exclaimed. - What if she lets you into her heart, and you-

It was exactly what he was thinking.

- But I don't-" he objected resentfully.

- But she doesn't know that! - said Astoria, eagerly. - I mean, she knows it, but she can't believe it, especially....

- Why are you defending her? - he asked. - What's in it for you?

- What?" she grinned. - Firstly, the realisation that my chosen one is really an honest and noble knight from a fairy tale, and not an average bastard....

- Oh, come on!" he said indignantly.

- What, you don't like it? - She nodded. - Then match it! Secondly, you mustn't forget that Pansy is family after all...?

- Because of the baby? - He didn't understand.

- Because Mum is technically Uncle Dave's stepmother," she shook her head. - And Pansy is technically my step-niece....

- And you're technically her step aunt," he chuckled.

- Remind me of that more often if you'd rather sleep alone on the couch," she advised. - What have we got? Oh, yes, Dave and Demeter aren't technically my godparents at all. Pansy is a childhood friend of Daphne's as well and has always been to her - and to me to some extent - almost like a sister. And thirdly, I've already told you that I'm with you on everything," she continued. - 'And you told me you wanted Pansy...'

- Not anymore," he put in. - I don't. I've changed my mind.

- Nonsense," she said angrily. - I know you very well, and I can see now that you only said that out of your famous donkey stubbornness.....

- Whoa, whoa," he snapped. - Take it easy on the turns.

- Wouldn't you say so? - she asked. - Well, if you say you need her, then she'll be with you... with us... I'll do my best to make sure she's with us.

- But..." he objected.

- End of story," she cut him off, jumped up, threw on her dressing gown, and ran out of the bedroom.

- Where the hell are you going? - was all he could manage to shout after her.

The pretty girl is showing her teeth! Sharp teeth, I should say! And how does she manage to hide behind the almost doll-like appearance and modest manners of this blond tyrant? His bare feet tramped down the stairs, and then he heard the sound of the door opening, and her ringing voice downstairs. Grumbling to himself, he put on his dressing-gown and went downstairs, already guessing in advance who was there at the first hour of the morning. He was not alone in being as stubborn as a donkey!

His hunch was right.

- Harry, look who's here! - Astoria exclaimed excitedly as he joined them in the hallway.

- Pansy," he bowed his head.

- I wanted to give this to you this morning...' she replied, holding out a large tube to him. - 'Been doing it for a while...

- What's this? - he interrupted.

- Open it," she advised.

He splayed his hands and removed the lid. Inside was a rolled-up silk cloth. He took out and unfolded the large embroidered picture, at the same time frozen with surprise, delight, gratitude... The feelings were overwhelming him.

- Two years ago," Pansy continued to say. - You'd recently married... I asked... to show you...'

He remembered it well - on a warm May afternoon, sitting with Daphne by the pond, and she had been so beautiful that it had been impossible to take his eyes off her... Had he really had such a loving look on his face? And Daphne... She shone like a little sun that bloomed beside him on the bench.

- I was watching from the side," Pansy explained. - Six months' embroidery. It's yours now.

How?! How can you convey all the beauty, all the emotion with a simple silk thread? How could you spend six months of your life to create such magic, threading an almost stranger into the canvas forever? He felt a lump lodge in his throat.

- Thank you, Pansy," he thanked hoarsely. - Thank you so much!

- You're welcome," she replied, and a shadow of a smile that could only be seen under a microscope flickered across her impassive face.

Astoria ran off somewhere. Holding the canvas in his outstretched arms and hands, he went into the living room to try on the best place to hang it. There was just a wall with enough space on it, so he carefully placed the painting on the sofa and in five minutes made a frame of sufficient size, and then spent another ten or fifteen minutes carefully fixing the canvas on it and hanging it. It had turned out just fine, though the frame didn't really fit the colours and composition of the painting - but he could deal with the frame later, and now he just wanted to sit down on the sofa and admire it. Oh, yes, I'd forgotten!

Pansy was still standing in the hallway, looking at him calmly. He stopped in front of her, looked into her eyes, smiled, and stood still too, swaying slightly from heel to toe and looking round. The silence dragged on.

- Shall I walk you out? - He asked.

He could see her lips trembling faintly.

- So late? - she wondered.

- Why not? - He raised his eyebrows. - It's no trouble at all.

- Thank you," she commented.

They fell silent again.

- Aren't you going to invite me? - She spoke up after a few minutes.

- No," he shook his head.

- 'Okay,' she suggested. - Do you want me to speak in long sentences, as you insist? Do you want me to go to Diagon Ally with you and smile at all those people? If you must, you can even pay for me, but--

- I don't want anything from you," he shook his head. - When the child is born, you can decide for yourself whether it needs a father or a father's name. If you think I should be in his life, I'll be there for him as long as you need me. Name, love, care, I'll give it all. Anything you ask. Nothing from you...

- How fast..." she remarked. - And you're like them. You pushed me away.

- I'm not the one pushing you away! - he shouted, and she recoiled, pulling her head back into her shoulders. - You're pushing me away! Just like those people you mentioned. They drove you away, and now you're driving me away!

- But I came," she said quietly.

- What's the use?! - He exclaimed. - The words are already out! Do you know why this happens? Because you don't care about feelings... You don't care! Back then, in the Great Hall, you spit in the soul of all those who did not agree to sacrifice a comrade for their lives! And you spat in the faces of those who thought about it but were horrified to hear it out loud! And now you've done it again! What did you say to me today, again?

- It was a mistake to say that, and there was no truth in what I said," she replied, squaring her shoulders.

- Marvellous! - He splashed his hands. - Is that your way of asking for forgiveness?

- Do I have to? - she asked.

- Shit, shit, shit!" he yelled again, grabbed himself by the hair, ran to the living room, came back, ran again, and came back again.

- I'm begging you," she said when he stopped in front of her again. - 'I know it may not be easy with me-please!

It seemed to him that she was on the verge of despair-no matter how hard she tried to look phlegmatic, her face still gave her away, in little strokes and hints, desperately crying out to him. He stepped forward and pulled her against him.

- I'm sorry," he said, burying his face in her hair with pleasure. - I'm sorry.

- I won't...say those things again," she promised muffledly. - I'm sorry.

- And you won't chase me away again? - he asked. - And I'll come every day?

- No," she said. - I'm not ready. It's too much.

- Well, to hell with it,' he exclaimed. - I want to see you every day!

- Please," she whispered. - Be patient! In time...

He pulled her away from him, noticing that she had already wrapped her arms tightly around him, and looked into her eyes.

- All right, I'll be patient, but then so will you...! - he blurted out. - You promise me everything you've listed-long sentences, diagon ally, and not to resent me when I want to pay for you!

- As you wish," she said without blinking an eye.

- But that's not all," he continued. - You will smile at me!

- Smile! - she was surprised.

- Yes, smile," he nodded. - When you see me, when you talk to me, even when you think of me, you will smile!

- As you wish," she said, lowering her eyelashes in agreement. - 'But you too...

- I'm always smiling at you," he interrupted.

- You'll stop sleeping at my door," she finished.

- What am I supposed to do if you won't let me in? - He was indignant.

- Call from home," she suggested. - I'm not very comfortable sleeping on the floor, leaning against the door.

- No one's forcing you," he pointed out.

- You're wrong," she replied simply. - You are.

- All right, then, it's a deal,' he agreed. - But you will smile at me!

- As you wish," she said, and her lips stretched a little. - Right?

Even with this slight deviation from her usual state, her face changed, blossoming. It was so sweet that he pressed her to him again. And just at that moment he caught a glimpse of Astoria, who, as it turned out, hadn't run away at all, but remained sitting in the shadows on the stairs, where she wasn't immediately visible. She smiled at him and stood up, opening her dressing gown for a moment. Swallowing convulsively, he remembered that he didn't have anything on under his dressing gown either.

- Harry, have you forgotten that you appointed Pansy as mistress of the house? - she asked. - I think now would be a good time to give her a tour of the grounds, don't you think?

- Mistress? - Pansy pulled away. - And you?

- Me too," Astoria nodded cheerfully.

- But what about..." Pansy asked somewhat perplexed. - Two mistresses?

- Get used to it," Astoria advised her, turning round and flying up the stairs.

Pansy shifted her gaze to him.

- You knew I wouldn't give up on Astoria," he reminded her. - I agree with you on that.

- Arrogant," she said haughtily.

- Come on," he waved his hand and pulled her coat from her shoulders, "As if you didn't know that before! Come on, I'll give you a tour! Since you're the hostess, I'll show you the kitchen and laundry first!

She took off her shoes and let him take her by the waist. He didn't take her into the kitchen, of course. After walking through the living room to the library, they reached the banquet room, which immediately astonished her.

- Is this... yours? - She asked cautiously.

- It's my house," he smiled. - It's more spacious on the inside!

- How is the TARDIS? - she asked.

It was amazing - it turned out she was watching Muggle television! He smiled again and pulled her against him.

- Now the first floor," he said and led the way to the stairs.

The first to arrive was Astoria's new room, where she was sitting in an armchair with a book, her leg tucked behind her leg, showing off her thigh, where her dressing gown had slipped off.

- Pansy," she exclaimed cheerfully, rising. - How do you like the house?

- Modest," she replied. - Cosy.

- Well, I won't disturb you," Astoria nodded and sat down again.

He pulled Pansy along. Actually, the first floor was mostly occupied by bedrooms - guest and master. She was peering into them with visible interest, going in and looking around. It seemed to him that she was picking out where she was going to spend the night. When he reached the master's room, he opened the door for her, and she slipped inside. Astoria had long since tidied up and made the bed - otherwise she would have warned him not to come in here. Pansy took her first look at the empty walls, obviously trying out what of her creations would fit in here; she went to the curtained window and stuck her head behind the curtain, trying to see something in the darkness outside; she sat down and ran her hand over the fur of the carpet; she flicked the light switches, leaving only a couple of lights on in the headboard; then she went to the bed, pulled aside the transparent curtain of the boudoir and tried the mattress with her hand, pressing down firmly. Apparently the result of the test satisfied her. She looked at it, reached for the barrette in her hair, pulled it out and shook her head, letting her hair fall to her shoulders. Placing a knee on the edge, she climbed in and stretched out, arching her back.

As he joined her, he thought that through this fight and sudden reconciliation, they had finally agreed on a future together - and the word 'together' was perhaps the most important outcome. The battles were over, they would be together, and now they just had to give her time to get used to the fact that he wasn't going anywhere... He was eager to do something different, something they hadn't tried before - and they hadn't tried much.....

The result of his efforts was a numb and numb tongue and a nearly dislocated jaw - at least his mouth didn't slam shut on the first try. He lifted himself up on his hands to look at her. Her heart was pounding like mad, and she was still shaking, but not as violently as it had been a few minutes ago, when the convulsions had shaken her whole. Her face was either covered with a blush or flushed from the...strangeness of the process. He moved his jaw in different directions, kneading. She lifted her head too, gave him a quick glance, and leaned back again, blushing even more. What he hadn't expected at all was the smile on her face. This time it wasn't a cautious or embarrassed smile - her mouth was happily stretched up to her ears. Wanting some sort of cover, he pulled down the dress wrapped up to her armpits, but she gently unhooked his hands and pinned her own to her sides, holding the dress in place. Kissing her round tummy once more, he stood up.

Sometimes he found the mixture of her shyness and innocence with her lack of shame touching. She didn't even think of covering herself or rolling over, comfortable in the starfish position. She only jerked her leg, which still had her pantyhose and knickers, which he had not completely removed, suggesting that she herself was not in the mood for that, and would the kind gentleman be kind enough to help her with this little inconvenience? Of course he would! He removed the parts of the garment that were in the way, and laid them on a chair beside her. When she reached out her hand, she squeezed his palm and turned away towards the window, and he regretted that he could no longer see her smile.

He had to wash his face and brush his teeth before he went to see Astoria, who-he was one hundred per cent sure of it-was awake and waiting, listening to what was going on. Then, though, he had to find out which of the guest bedrooms she'd decided to take up residence in. It turned out to be the one next door. She'd just switched off the lights. It also turned out that none of the doors were covered, and she would have been able to hear perfectly well... if it hadn't been for Pansy's usual restraint. She was indeed waiting for him - she threw back the duvet when he arrived and piled on top of him as soon as he touched the pillow.

- What took you so long? - Astoria asked unhappily. - What have you been doing for over an hour?

- Hmm," he wondered. - Do you want details or generalities?

- I was just asking," she shook her head. - But while you were there, I realised I wanted more!

- But..." he began.

- And don't try to tell me you've got no more energy! - she hissed. - If you're going to live with the two of us, you're going to have to keep on keeping on! And you can forget about getting a good night's sleep.

- I didn't mean it that way," he smiled. - I just thought you were complaining about being tired.

- I told you, you were so quiet and intimate that I was jealous! - she explained. - I want more!

She didn't last long, though. When she came to her senses, she climbed on top of him again and fell silent, letting his hands rub her back.

- Mm, I could have fallen asleep here," she admitted. - How about you don't go anywhere?

He didn't really want to, but he knew that Pansy would be waiting for him - his memory told him that she had never fallen asleep until he came back from Astoria's.

- I'll be back," he promised, rolling over onto his side and laying her gently beside him.

- All right," she said sleepily. - Just don't forget! I'll suffer!

Her suffering began before he could kiss her gently on the nose - she fell asleep almost immediately, and while he pulled her arm and leg out from under her and wrapped her in a blanket, she acted like a helpless doll. He had intended only to say good night to Pansy and go straight back to Astoria, but that was not why she was waiting for him. Pansy had already undressed completely and even showered, and when he came back and sat down next to her to kiss her, she immediately threw aside the blanket and arched up like a cat, managing to show herself from all sides at once. He thought he could lie next to her for a while, stroking her belly, but when he climbed on top of her, he found he was somehow on top of her in the grip of her thighs, her breasts already heaving with convulsive breathing and her lips glistening invitingly as she ran her tongue over them.

- The main thing... not done! - she whispered, pulling him by the waist and guiding him into her.

It turned out that Astoria's words about forgetting to sleep were not a joke - Pansy had missed him during the week of her own abstinence, and had almost attacked him with all the passion she could muster - the fact that she had bitten him on the shoulder a couple of times and even clawed at his ribs spoke for itself. As a result, the programme was quite extensive, though not entirely diverse - some of the methods were contraindicated in her position. Luckily, she'd calmed down before he'd exhausted himself, or he'd have had to swallow the horribly unpalatable strengthening potion again.

When he thought she was asleep, he got off and tiptoed to the exit.

- Dropping it? - She asked quietly, not opening her eyes.

He immediately returned to her, crouched down beside her and kissed her hand, taking it in his.

- Astoria is alone there..." he explained.

- And this way I'll be alone," she replied.

- All right," he nodded. - I'll be right back.

- I won't fall asleep," she warned him.

That meant that if he wasn't back by morning, she wouldn't sleep until morning. Unless it was about how much she didn't need him, she usually preferred not to exaggerate. He reached Astoria and climbed under the covers, cuddling. Without waking up, she immediately wrapped her arms around him in return. He wrapped her in the blanket and lifted her up, pulling her out of sleep after all. Clinging even tighter, she crossed her legs behind his back, not even thinking to wonder where he was dragging her to in the middle of the night. Pansy gave him a slightly surprised look, but nevertheless jumped up immediately to hold the curtain on the other side of the bed and pull the duvet aside. When he had laid Astoria down, he lay down himself, and she immediately folded her head on his shoulder, curling up with her back to him. Pansy watched this carefully, trying to make some sense of it. She switched off the light with her wand, turned round to face him, and hugged his arm, clasping the hand between her knees. She lay there for a moment and reached for his lips. When she kissed him back, she relaxed and quieted, and he sighed to himself, newly aware of the difficulty Astoria was trying to present to him-if he wanted to turn around, doing so with both arms occupied by his...his girls would be difficult.

He woke up to someone nibbling on his earlobe. And breathing ticklishly, too. The curtains on the windows were closed tightly, but still the bedroom was lit, hinting that the sun was not only up, but that morning was coming to an end.

- Oh, he's awake! - Astoria whispered. - Did you bring me here?

- Mm," he replied, trying to open his eyes.

It wasn't working very well.

- Were we the three of us sleeping together? - she asked.

- Mm," he confirmed.

- How awful! - she whispered.

- It's all right," he said.

- Is it okay that I'm naked? - she asked.

- That's fine," he agreed and stretched his body, running his hand down her back as he did so.

- And Pansy? - she hissed.

- Pansy's naked, too," he replied. - She was. Where is she, by the way?

- You keep an eye on your naked Pansy! - she said vindictively. - I'm going to take a shower! Don't barge in on me! You're grounded!

- I won't," he promised. - Bye.

She jumped up and ran to the bathroom, her bare buttocks flashing, and he sat up with difficulty, shifting on the edge of the bed and shaking his head. He was still so sleepy he couldn't sleep. From somewhere downstairs he could hear fussing and the tantalising smells of food. That's where she was! That's right, he'd made her the hostess, so she'd gone to do it first thing in the morning. Blimey, it's eleven o'clock!

Pansy was in the kitchen. She was cooking something on the cooker, and Kreacher was scurrying around. Two stacks of pancakes and waffles were on the kitchen table next to her. Despite the noise, she still heard him and turned her head for a second to make sure it was him. When he was quite close, she swung her hips, pushing her arse back. She didn't have to ask twice, and he slapped her soundly, then pressed in behind her and hugged her belly.

- Good morning," he said, kissing her cheek next to her ear.

She turned her head and reached up with her lips, giving him a brief kiss.

- Good morning, Potter! - She replied. - I'm almost done. The last waffle...

She switched off the hob and pulled away, pushing him back a little.

- Good morning, everyone!" came the cheerful voice of Astoria, who, having found herself in the kitchen, came straight towards them. - Hello, Pansy! - she said, kissing her on the cheek. - Did you sleep well, all right?

- A bit unusual," Pansy replied.

- I agree with you on that," Astoria nodded. - Good morning, love," she kissed her lips. - Did you get any sleep?

- Of course I did! - he lied. - Fresh as a cucumber!

- I can see that," Astoria said with a sneer.

- Breakfast is ready," Pansy said, ending the exchange of pleasantries. - Tori, will you help me set the table?

- Of course, dear," she said, releasing them both from her warm embrace. - You sit down and I'll do it!

He took Pansy's hand and led her to the dining table. He helped her to sit down and was about to land beside her, but she shook her head and pointed to the other side. It was the right thing to do - it was better to seat the girls next to each other, so as not to show preferences, however far-fetched and ephemeral they might be. Astoria, humming to herself, quickly put the dishes and utensils on the table, brought the kettle, a tray of sliced bread, a plate of sausages, cheeses and pates, several rosettes with various jams, and finally a dish of pancakes and waffles. It wasn't much of a meal, but it made his eyes water and his mouth water. He hadn't eaten this well in this house in a long time.

- I fixed the frame of the picture," Pansy said as Astoria sat down beside her and they began their breakfast. - I think you'll like the new one better.

- How long have you been awake? - He asked, reaching out to squeeze her hand.

- Two hours ago," she replied, clearly embarrassed: "I overslept!

- Don't worry about it," Astoria shrugged. - It's still Sunday.

- I suggest we go out," he suggested. - It's almost the middle of the day...

- I'm going home," Pansy said casually. He looked at her in surprise, and catching her gaze, she explained, "Otherwise I'll stay out again... I wasn't going to... Yesterday.....

- Somebody promised that he wouldn't skimp on words," he reminded her. - Stay. Please!

- Don't rush me," she asked.

Astoria listened to their dialogue with a smile without interfering.

- I'm worried about you, Tori," Pansy turned to her.

- Me?! - she marvelled. - Why should I be?

- I'm afraid Potter's tormenting you," Pansy explained. - You're screaming so loudly...

Astoria laughed loudly before she could finish.

- I don't understand," Pansy said puzzled. - What's so funny? What did I say wrong?

- Oh, I can't! - Astoria waved her away. - Don't you realise that I feel good?

- I suppose I feel good, too," Pansy frowned, blushing, "I feel good. It's not like I'm screaming as if I'm having my leg cut off... without anaesthetic... with a blunt saw!

- I'm surprised Harry hasn't run away from you already! He doesn't like the fact that you don't say anything when you're doing it!

- He doesn't like it? - Pansy interjected, turning to him as well. - Is that so?

- No, it isn't! - He shook his head. - I like everything - I like blondes and brunettes, and when they shout, and when they're silent, and when... Well, I've eaten, it was delicious! I'm going to admire the painting!

He folded his napkin on the table and pushed back his chair.

- I need to know,' she said, blushing even more. - 'Explain it, please!

He sat back down and rubbed his forehead with his fingers, shaking his head.

- There are some things you never tell a girl," he said. - It would take a long time to list them...

- Like what? - she asked.

- Like the fact that her new haircut is so bad that it makes her look more like a mop," he explained.

- I spent twenty minutes combing my hair this morning," she said, turning her head slightly to the side and lightly touching her perfectly styled hair.

He could have sworn it looked flirty at the very least.

- And I'm crazy about your hair," he hastened to assure her. - That's just an example!

- So if a girl is a dishevelled slob, you wouldn't admit it to her? - she wondered.

- No," he shook his head. - I'd be happy to have her with me, and I wouldn't want to ruin that happiness by discussing a moment that was completely insignificant to me.

- Insignificant? - Pansy asked sternly. - The hair is very important!

- It's a trifle compared to the fact that we'd be together," he argued.

- 'A trifle today, a trifle tomorrow,' she objected. - A thousand little things will add up and you will be parted!

- Maybe some day! - he exclaimed. - Not necessarily. But if I tell her, I'm sure we'll break up at once!

- Harry won't tell you anything, Pansy," Astoria smiled. - Just trust me.

- Will you? - She asked. - You're not a gentleman, and you're not bound by sanctimonious considerations of immediate gain.

- I already told you," Astoria shrugged. - There's no need to huff and puff. Of course, you don't have to yell like you're being cut off without anaesthesia with a rusty saw... It's like a conversation that doesn't go well if you don't say anything back. Just whisper, but say something!

- I see. What else am I doing wrong? - she asked.

- I'm willing to assume that you're lying there like a log," Astoria said.

That was too much. The girl's conversation was going in the wrong direction, and he decided there was no way he could be present for it any longer.

- I'm going into the drawing-room! - he exclaimed, jumping up. - You talk here, and I have business there!

- Where to? - Astoria exclaimed. - The most interesting things have just begun!

- That's right," he said, walking out of the kitchen. - Without me, please!

Pansy had really made a wonderful frame. It fit perfectly, and he did what he had wanted to do yesterday - he sat down on the sofa and let his eyes rest on this piece of pure concentrated magic, gradually drifting back to the day, which, like all the days he had spent with Daphne, he remembered perfectly. They were sitting and talking on a park bench, and he was quietly dripping with happiness, thinking that he was probably the happiest person in the world... Astoria was laughing again in the kitchen, and he thought how much her laugh sounded like Daphne's... He wondered again how it was that he had fallen so easily in love with his younger sister after his older sister was gone.....

- Harry! - Astoria called from the hallway. - Pansy's leaving!

He got up and headed towards them. It seemed that not all the questions had been answered, and Astoria, red as a beetroot, was whispering something in the ear of Pansy, whose face was a crimson colour.

- Will you let me walk you out? - He asked, taking Pansy's hand.

- No," she replied. - We've talked about this.

- We need to see each other more often," he said. - Once a week was too little.

She was probably still reeling from her conversation with Astoria, and that made her blush again. He agreed with her-it wasn't enough in every sense.

- I'll visit...you...in a week," she promised. - Please don't rush me. I'm trying.

She stepped forward and stood on tiptoe to kiss him, then hugged Astoria goodbye. Closing the door behind her, he froze, thinking of his own.

- Business! - Astoria shook her head.

- What do you mean? - He asked her again.

She sighed tiredly.

- I have something to think about," she said. - Please don't disturb me while I'm doing it!

- Is it important? - he asked.

- 'Yes, very,' she nodded.

- Would you like to think in the park? - He asked. - We could go for a walk, get some fresh air!

- No, you'll distract me in the park," she said. - I'll go upstairs and you wait for me downstairs!

It all seemed very strange-what exactly did she want to think about, and without his participation? He took Stoker's "Portals and Fireplaces" from the shelf and sat down on the sofa, occasionally lifting his head to admire his beloved's radiant smile. It took Astoria a couple of hours to get through the fifty pages of formulas and diagrams. Her eyes were red for some reason.

- What's wrong? - he asked worriedly.

- Oh, nothing, - she waved away and sat down on the Ivan, but not next to him, but at the other end.

For a few minutes, while he looked at her, trying to understand what was going on, she looked at the embroidery on the wall.

- You know, honey, I think I overestimated my strength," she suddenly said a little on the nose.

If he hadn't been sitting up, he probably would have fallen over in surprise-so delirious it sounded.

- I don't understand," he spread his hands in confusion. - What do you mean?

- I mean our quiet family nest for three," she explained. - I don't want to share you with anyone. I don't like the fact that you're attracted to someone else, and I don't like finding you in her bed.

- What were you thinking about before? - he asked. - All this time?

- I tried to tell you that once before, when you dragged me to Pansy's drunk," Astoria frowned. - It ended the same way it always did.

- Kill Pansy," he suggested, feeling himself getting angry. - Are you a witch or not? Or kill me, so that no one else will have me!

- Don't ask for it," she shook her head. - I'm in such a state now that I'll beat you to a pulp with elemental magic alone!

- You invited her in last night," he reminded her. - And you warned me not to be rude to her.

- I didn't ask you to drag her into bed right off the bat without even asking her what I thought! - she objected.

- What do you think about it? - He asked.

- I think I really should stop this mess," she shook her head. - Don't go.

- Astoria," he reached for her, but she recoiled, palms up in warning.

- No violence," she warned. - I don't want to end it on that note either...

- This is your home," he shook his head. - You stay here, I'll leave.

- Of course, Pansy's waiting for you," she snickered. - You're so excited!

- I'm not," he said. - And I'm not going to...

- If you think I'm going to refuse your house..." she grinned, "or find out where you're going... There's no drama, Harry! You're a big boy and you know what you're doing. Goodbye!

She jumped up, crossed the living room and ran up the stairs with ease. He put on his shoes leisurely, put on his jacket and coat and went outside. Somehow he was not as bitter as he had been yesterday. It wasn't because Astoria wasn't dear to him, or even because breaking up with her didn't seem real. No, on the contrary, he knew for a fact that she was absolutely serious, and that he needed her like air... It seemed that his subconscious mind had decided for him that he'd had enough, and he wasn't going to get out of another prolonged depression alive.

However, the Sunday he had hoped to spend with Astoria, if not in the company of both girls, was irrevocably ruined. As if to prove the point, a gusty wind had blown in, and before he reached the Ministry he was drenched to the skin with the traditional London drizzle, mixed with rain and a wind that blew in all directions at once. As a result, once he was in his office, he took a dozen minutes to warm up and dry his clothes. He took his broom and ducked into the fireplace. They knew him in Edinburgh, and he was not surprised to see him. He went outside and took off, heading north-east. It was as if the weather had decided to finish him off, adding drama to his misery, for over the North Sea he was caught in a real gale trying to throw him against the high grey waves, which he himself was forced to brace himself against because of the low-flying clouds. Of course, he was soaked to the skin and cold again, despite even the jets of hot air he was blowing on himself almost continuously.

He'd been to Azkaban before, but he hadn't really tried to get into it - the young auror had only been given a guided tour of the place, telling him what horrible villains had been imprisoned there in the past. In general, what he already knew - or rather, should have known - from the school curriculum, except for the cell numbers of notable villains. In the courtyard, where the Dementors had travelled in the past, no grass had ever grown, so poisoned was the ground by their presence. The protective spells worked properly, and a pair of wizards ran out towards him, wands raised warningly - but in a slightly different direction, as they couldn't see the unexpected guest in time because of the storm.

- Mr Potter! - Dick Longsedge nodded to him, instantly recognising the wet, shivering ragamuffin as his boss. - We've been waiting for you!

- Waiting for me? - he asked in bewilderment.

- I didn't think you'd last so long in London," said Dick, inviting him to follow him. - It's boring there!

- Isn't it boring here? - He asked, still trying to warm himself with the warm air from his wand.

- Oh, no, we're doing business here," said Dick gravely. - 'We've been able to identify four of them already.....

- And those...? - he asked. - Did you recognise those two?

- No, they can't even nod their heads yet," Dick replied. - The healers are working on it...

- So weakened? - he grimaced.

- No, we've got over that," Dick grumbled. - All the inmates have some degree of insanity or other. Even the walls are saturated with the anger of these monsters.

He led him into a small room, where fresh, dry clothes lay on a chair.

- So, you get changed, and then we'll go and see our couple," Dick said, and went out.

Strangely enough, apart from the faint, but never letting go, so familiar to him, oppressive feeling of hopeless longing, Azkaban did not make a gloomy impression. The corridors were dry and bright, and the couple of empty cells they looked into were literally shining clean. He noticed the new beds with linen and the toilet cubicles in the corner with sinks and normal toilets.

- As you can see, the work is progressing very rapidly," Dick explained, showing him around. - When I first came here, even the walls of the auror's flats were covered with moss. We've renewed the protective spells....

They've updated the enchantments designed to protect the castle from the weather. The artefact designed to keep the castle walls at twenty degrees had lost its power in the middle of the nineteenth century. It appeared that the knowledge of how to make one had long been lost, but a local Edinburgh craftsman was able to figure out roughly how it worked, and the device was able to be recharged. The craftsman claimed that the charge should last for another three hundred years. The fortress was given a couple of houseboys, who quickly cleaned up the place. The walls were also cleaned and then impregnated with a special potion that not only purified the air, killing germs, but also multiplied the light falling on the walls. Harry's proposed furniture and furnishings were ordered without waiting for the Wizengamot's decision. The runoff from the defecation holes in the floor, which had previously been simply piped to the walls, creating a unique entourage of smell, colour and delicious puddles on the ground, was now contained in pipes and piped to a separate tank where the contents were converted into ordinary peat.

- Those two, when they saw each other, didn't let go for a second," Dick said, opening the cell door, and grinning. - I think they even go to the loo together. Don't look at them for looking so good-they used to look like two dead men...

There was a man and a woman sitting on the bed in the cell... At least, at least that could be determined quite accurately. He didn't understand what Dick meant by saying they used to look like dead men - in his opinion, they put prettier ones in the coffin. Deadly pale faces, gaunt to the point where they looked more like skulls covered with thin latex film... The same haggard hands peering out from under their clothes... The clothes were obviously new and of good quality, certainly better than even the brand-new uniforms of the London bobbies. The man was tall and broad-shouldered, but there was nothing left of the muscles that had once covered his torso and shoulders. The woman even seemed diminutive in comparison.

Even in spite of her terrible condition, one look at her was enough to recognise her. He turned to Dick and nodded:

- It's them!

- Good," said Dick. - Then I'll have the portal send an auror to London at once.

The auror was to alert the men on duty to help meet them, and to summon the Mungo healer to determine the best way to transport the sick. Harry approached the huddled prisoners and squatted down in front of them.

- Mrs Parkinson," he called, gently touching the woman's hand. - Mrs Parkinson, is that you?

She jerked her hand away fearfully, and looked with horror at her companion, who he wanted to believe was her husband. It was foolish, of course, to hope that with a single word he could bring these people out of the state from which professional healers had been trying for days. Even miracles from Miracle Boy have their limit.

Several more aurors entered the chamber, some of whom - a man of about thirty-five and two girls from Edinburgh - he was not familiar with. While Dick introduced those present, the aurors carefully transferred the couple into a double transport chair and secured them with wide straps to keep them from falling out. Then the older of the healers lifted Leviosa's chair and carried it to the exit.

- You go through the portal first," Dick explained. - You will receive them on the other side. Peachy Youngster should be calling for help by now, but don't you dawdle! Come on, see you later.

- Thank you, Dick," he said.

- Oh, come on," he said. - It's a peaceful time, and people are dying.

Harry grasped the portal key, which by some stupid coincidence had been made from a night pot, and immediately he was sucked into the portal vortex, whirled around, dragged through the winding portal passage, and spat out the other side. After taking a couple of steps out of inertia, he looked around. The Aurorat reception area was empty. That was understandable - it was Sunday, eight o'clock at night - but where was the promised help? A portal opened nearby, and he stepped through it, since Dick had advised him not to yawn. A familiar couple fell out of it - but without a chair! It looked like the chair had just stayed on the other side, and the two of them had just sat there and jumped out of the portal on this side. He managed to catch the weightless woman, held her tightly against him, and in one movement was able to intercept the man, who had almost touched the floor. And just at that moment the promised help burst into the waiting room, led by a fifty-year-old auror named Peachun Youngster.

- Oh, you've come just in time!" said Harry cheerfully. - Please get the patients into the chair and we can transport them to Mungo's.

That was the main obstacle to using the portal; it always required a certain dexterity, not only at the destination, where he was usually thrown with some inertia, and sometimes even from a sufficient height, but also in flight, where he could spin ungracefully, and sometimes even hit the suddenly hard walls of the hole in space. Fortunately, this time it was all right, and he did not lose his temper. He gently unloaded the woman to her companion, who was already seated in a chair, and they immediately clung to each other again.

The elderly healer who had rushed to the call made a quick examination and turned to him.

- Well, Mr Potter, from what hole did you pull these unfortunates? - She asked demandingly.

- I'll come and see them tomorrow," he informed her.

- That's exactly what I was going to suggest! - The healer said in a threatening tone. - But you still haven't answered my question!

- See you tomorrow, then," Harry smiled at her and went to his office.

Back in the days when he'd been hiding from his first wife at work - or rather, from her parents, who regularly visited him at home - he'd made a secret bed in his office. With a secret, that is. The bed was hidden between the second and third floorboards in the far corner of the room and could only appear at the owner's request - he had to place a desk lamp in the corner of the desk and draw a zigzag in the middle drawer with a stick. The beauty of the solution was that the bed appeared clean and neatly made each time it was summoned - as, in fact, the manual in Shacklebolt's gifted magic book, The Magician - A Thousand and One Little Things, had promised.

He woke up early in the morning, so that he could get himself cleaned up before the aurorate staff started arriving for work. In principle, the life of a skilful wizard was simple in terms of amenities - wrinkled clothes could be mended or cleaned with a wand and ironed with the palms of his hands. If they are completely in disrepair, they can be transfigured into new ones. The same goes for shoes. Of course, there were also special magical clothes with unique properties, like his invisibility cloak, and such clothes had to be made by hand, but normal everyday trousers, jackets and shirts could be made by himself as needed, and then the degree of mastery of transfiguration and the wizard's attention to detail played a role. Maybe that was why his first father-in-law always wore rough trousers with trouser legs of different lengths - he just didn't care when he made them.

As recently as last week, he had been scheduled for Monday to practice his defence against the Dark Arts - or simply, to practice combat magic under the guidance of the most experienced tutors. He had traditionally had high expectations of himself in this area, believing that he should have both the skill and the knack of a fighter who had twice managed to take down You-Know-Who himself. He had to be patient and go to the most experienced aurors as an instructor, and he would have been happy and honoured to learn from them. More than once, however, he had the feeling that the whole thing had been designed to get back at the young upstart for his career luck.

In the afternoon, he was finally free to escape to Mungo's... It sounded wild, of course - usually one tried to escape from there... It was nothing new - the healer said that the new treatment would be effective only tomorrow, and today it was better not to disturb the patients in vain with annoying visitors. It was all right, though he had his own opinion about what was best for people who had spent eight years without human companionship. The fact that this couple, who were likely to be the parents of the mother of his future child, were away from the grim walls of Azkaban was a joy to him.

Leaving the hospital, he walked to the Ministry, trying to think only of good things, and his feet took him to a completely different place again. Looking around, he shrugged and pressed the bell button.