
Harry Potter - back again

Devastated by the death of his beloved, the hero sets out on the trail of his godfather. Once inside an artefact that is ready to grant him his wish, he asks for oblivion and a chance to make things right. The artefact gives him oblivion and sends his doppelganger to a parallel world in 1975. Harry Potter/Pancy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Astoria Greengrass, Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass, Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter/Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter/Andromeda Tonks. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Marty Montenberry, the chief of the Aurorate, had long ago learnt that the rule of the bore was that it was easier to give in than to explain why not. This time, however, he was well equipped to deal with his deputy's insistence, and he shook his head with a grin for the umpteenth time.

- All right, let's go round again," Harry said patiently. - What's been the Auror's workload for the last four weeks?

- That doesn't tell us anything," Montenberry said. - The Aurorate's strength of two hundred and fifty men is optimal in the event of a surprise attack by the dark forces. We don't just hang around here, we stand guard. We are that thin blue line that separates the magical community from the abyss into which it can be pushed at any moment by the adepts of dark magic.

- We don't have any dark magic adepts," Harry objected. - All those who survived the Second War were sent to Azkaban....

- We think there aren't," Montenberry shook his head. - 'But in fact they are. And plotting. They're always plotting. Your mate Malfoy...

- He's not my mate," Harry said indignantly. - Neither of them are.

- By the way, Narcissa Malfoy has been wandering between the Dangerous Magical Plants Accounting Department and the Muggle Confrontation Department since this morning," Montenberry remembered.

- 'I'm not interested in that,' Harry threw in. - I'm interested in you letting me or Dick Longsocage go to Azkaban and do an inspection there.

- And I don't want either of you travelling a long and not entirely safe journey for the sake of some prisoners," said Montenberry. - If they were put there, there was a reason for it.

- Some were sent to Azkaban while Voldemort was running the Ministry," Harry pointed out.

- They're probably dead by now," Montenberry said sympathetically. - All the more reason not to go there.

- Well, let's go round again," Harry sighed. - What's the Aurorate's workload been for the last four weeks?

Throughout their conversation, Richard Longshore and Harry's aide Michael sat close by, not interfering. Michael was clicking away on his laptop computer as usual, and Dick was digging through the Prophet, which covered the trial of the surviving Death Eaters and their imprisonment in Azkaban. In fact, the surviving issues of the paper were the only documents that could more or less accurately list who had been sent to Azkaban in the summer of ninety-eight.

- Tell me, Harry," Montenberry changed the subject after two hours. - Why the sudden interest? Why would Dick go to Azkaban and dig through the dregs of society?

- Just because not all of them might be scum," Harry replied. - Is it so hard to lend a hand to someone who might have been imprisoned undeservedly?

- And you, of course, remembered that the moment you woke up from your six-month binge? - Montenberry chuckled.

- Consider it my attempt to pay my debt to society for what I've done in the meantime," Harry muttered.

- It's good that you remembered your debt to society," Montenberry raised his eyebrows in surprise. - Richard, would you mind a little business trip?

- If I spend another day in the Auror's office, I'll hang myself by my own shoelaces," Longshore replied lazily. - Permission to leave now?

- Do you need assistants? - Montenberry inquired.

- How many can I take? - He put his feet down on the floor and stepped forward, looking eagerly into his superior's face. - The boys will be ready for a drink, boss!

- No more than six," said Montenberry thoughtfully. - Harry will formulate a task for you.

- I'll go and have a contest among the Aurors," Longsocage rose from his seat and patted Michael on the shoulder, "and you two finish your talk.

Montenberry waited until Michael had followed Longshanks out.

- I kept wanting you to confess to me that you had a personal interest in this case," he said to Harry. - Then you reminded me of my duty to society, and I decided that was enough.

- And I didn't want my personal preferences taken into account," Harry shook his head sadly. - When I came here, I was given carte blanche to be guided by personal considerations, but I've given good results, and that might allow personal considerations to take a back seat. I think I deserve to be treated at least once in a while not as a crazy saviour of the nation, but just as a person doing a good job.

- So what happened? - Montenberry asked. - And what are you so ashamed to confess to me?

- Oh, no, I'm not ashamed of anything," said Harry. - I'm ashamed to remember Shacklebolt's broken desk, but in this case... I'm trying to right a great injustice. And although I found out about it privately, and my personal preferences did play a part... But only in the fact that I got this information, not in how I intend to dispose of it....

- I'm all ears," said Montenberry.

- All right," said Harry. - Do you remember that epic story about the girl who offered to give Wonder Boy to Voldemort?

- Of course," Montenberry nodded. - We even have a painting in the hall dedicated to it...

- That's why I said epic," Harry grinned. - We even have a three by ten metre painting. Twice as big and it would have been life-size... Do you remember the girl's name?

- Honestly, not very much," said Montenberry. - Though I do remember that she's sort of a pure-blood, so I had to pick and choose.....

- Parkinson," Harry said. - Pansy Parkinson. She's been a pariah since the incident.

- How so? - Montenberry wondered.

- No one wanted to talk to her," Harry explained. - No one at all. Not a word. She became withdrawn and stale.....

- Ah," said Montenberry with a wave of his hand. - It's a slap in the face.

- What's it to you? - Harry interjected. - A frightened girl who was attacked by Eaters at school at the very same hour that the same shopkeepers who'd been obstructing her were still trading in Diagon Ally? And not one of them made a move to help in the battle...

- Well, I see what you mean," agreed Montenberry. - Yeah, you're right, and I didn't even think about it.

- Her parents were arrested and sent to Azkaban just before the battle for Hogwarts, even though she didn't know it," Harry continued. - Notice that this was done by the Aurors and the Wizengamot, who served Voldemort. When we won, all attempts to find out their fate were defeated under the new government by her surname. There's still a chance they're alive, and there's still a chance their crime was against Voldemort's power...

- Okay, you've convinced me," Montenberry clapped his hands, rising. Harry jumped up as well. - I'm officially telling you that Dick has been sent to Azkaban to restore justice, not because of the madness of the saviour of the nation.

- Thank you, sir," he bowed as he left the warden's office.

The briefing was simple enough. Since no one knew the realities of Azkaban life, the first task was to determine whether the Parkinsons, or any of them, were alive, and to distinguish them confidently from other prisoners, especially from the Eaters. It was Longsauge's share of this that prepared the newspaper clippings. The second task was to find out, if possible, the circumstances of their imprisonment and to understand what they had done. Dick was very clever, and among his chosen companions were two healers, just in case. He did not need instructions, for he was quite aware of what was required of him.

In the evening he and Astoria went to visit her parents, and over dinner Harry told them what he had done. They left quite late, and without conspiracy they went to Pansy's house to spend the night under the door.

The Aurors had a long and dangerous journey ahead of them. First they had to travel by fireplace network to Edinburgh, then two transgressions to Peterhead, not far north of Aberdeen, and then a hundred kilometres by broomstick over the cold and often rough sea to the east-north-east, navigating by a special compass without an arrow. Harry had hoped that the Aurors would not fly at night, so he had not expected news before noon. But the exhausted owl arrived in the evening, just as he was about to leave the study. It flopped down heavily on the desk and stretched out, breathing noisily. He untied the letter from its paw and opened it hastily.

 "To the Deputy Chief of the Aurorate.

"of the British Ministry of Magic.

Harold James Potter

Mr Potter,

I hasten to inform you that the detachment sent to Azkaban Correctional Facility reached on time and without casualties.

The results of the initial inspection:

1. The facility is staffed by two Aurors from the Edinburgh branch, on duty on a rotating basis. The duration of the shift is fortnightly.

Staff are charged with the duty of cleaning all areas of the prison at the start of the shift. Afterwards, as desired. Preparation of food for prisoners and feeding, which is carried out through narrow windows with sliding boxes - trays. The feeding ration is defined by article number seventy-two of the twelfth edition of the twelfth of February, one thousand thirty-first year of the Code of Magical Rules and Laws.

2. There is no record of prisoners. In order to avoid possible acts of vigilante justice, the staff does not know the names of prisoners or the articles under which they are sent to Azkaban.

3. The prisoners' living conditions are a couple of mattresses on the stone floor, a thick blanket and a hole of a latrine in the corner of the cell. There are no wooden or metal objects. There are only bars on the windows, no glass. It is believed that the protective spells of Azkaban should not allow the cold wind to pass through. Experimentally it was found out that these calculations are unjustified.

4. According to article number seventy-three of the twelfth edition of February twelfth, one thousand thirty-first of the Code of Magical Rules and Laws, relatives should be placed in adjacent cells, although there is no possibility of communication.

5. A brief tour of the cells was inconclusive. In many cases, it was possible to determine the sex of the prisoner by clothing and beard. Three surviving male-female pairs have been found in the neighbourhood, but it is not yet possible to find out whether they are related or just happened to be close by. The healers are working on it, but I can't promise any quick results. The matter is complicated by the fact that one of the couples is practically on edge, and the irreparable may happen from one day to the next, despite all efforts.

6. The remains of prisoners of the opposite sex have been found in the neighbourhood of several prisoners. The healers will also try to bring these prisoners to a state in which they can perceive reality.

I will send possible results by the end of the day tomorrow.


Richard Longsauge,

Senior Auror."

 After rereading the letter three times, he clutched his head. Astoria, to whom he had shown it, frowned too, but did not express such indignation.

- I understand your anxiety about the Parkinsons," she said. - I think of them all the time now, but I have no pity for the others. Don't forget that Death Eaters tortured and killed your friends, too. They've been given a chance to survive, and if they don't take it, I'm certainly not going to cry.

 "To the Deputy Chief of the Aurorate.

"of the British Ministry of Magic.

"Harold James Potter.

Mr Potter,

As I mentioned yesterday, one of the couples we discovered was in critical condition. Despite the efforts of our healers, we were unable to save the woman, and the man's condition continues to deteriorate. The prognosis is very unfavourable.

At my request, six more aurors and four healers have been sent from Edinburgh, making our task much easier. Two of the aurors who have arrived are now busy clearing the cells, including the remains.

I ask that a motion be tabled to change the conditions of the prisoners. Food, windows and furniture. You are aware, as far as I know, of the availability of durable Muggle materials that are not suitable for either witchcraft or suicide.

Your humble servant unwittingly made a mistake yesterday, though I listened to you carefully before sending you off. Today, out of the potentially familial ones, we have singled out a couple in which neither has a Black Mark on their hand. I've assigned two healers to focus on these two prisoners. They're in decent shape relative to the others, but they can't communicate meaningfully yet.

If they turn out to be the ones we need, I suggest we arrange transportation in advance. We may be able to get names from them, but we can't get details, and our healers think they'll need at least a couple of weeks of treatment at St Mungo's.


Richard Longsedge,

Senior Auror."

 This letter encouraged him, and he immediately ran to the Warden to arrange transport. There were potentially two possibilities - a direct portal to London, or by air by dragon. The dragon was inconvenient for many reasons, but the portal required the Minister's personal authorisation, and was also unsuitable for use by weakened prisoners. So he decided to ask his superior's advice.

- Prepare both," shrugged Montenberry. - If the case is as you say, and these men turn out to be innocent before the current government, the Ministry will probably offer them substantial compensation for every day they are imprisoned, and the dragon will certainly be cheaper. And it won't cost anything to get the portal key to Azkaban. I'll talk to the Minister about the key myself.

- Thank you," Harry thanked him sincerely.

He didn't really want to see Shacklebolt yet.

The next day Longsedge reported that the prospective couple were still out of sorts, and the healers' prognosis was that nothing would change until Monday at the earliest. In addition, of the remaining twenty-seven prisoners, twenty-one Death Eaters had been identified. Longshoreman had ordered additional food from Edinburgh by his authority, and had sent a cook to prepare something other than the three meals a day. The food was still supposed to be simple but good. Montenberry sent Shacklebolt's portal key and made sure that a dragon capable of carrying two people in addition to its driver was transported to Azkaban.

Harry had spent the day drafting new rules for the detention of prisoners and incorporating Azkaban into the paperwork system he'd already established at the Aurorate so that he wouldn't have to guess who was in prison and where, but instead would be able to retrieve a case at any time, with a point-by-point description of where, why, and most importantly, who was in prison. The latter was particularly important, as prisoners were likely to be witnesses to the crimes under investigation. Potentially investigated, of course, since at the moment, thankfully, there were no criminals on the horizon, no matter how much the bored, decaying Aurorat staff might wish it.

The document had to be immaculately drafted, and Montenberry had to be secretly asked to steal the Ministry's only legal officer from Shacklebolt. Paragraph after paragraph was gradually put down on paper, and by the end of the day the first draft was ready. While the lawkeeper looked over the result one last time for inaccuracies, Michael brought Harry the results of a search for furniture and windows that could be used in Azkaban.

- Not bad," Harry remarked. - The sturdy plastic could be reinforced with spells so that the furniture couldn't be moved. Since you can hang yourself on a sheet, too, if you have the furniture, you can also use enchantments to secure the linen to the bed. The blanket must be sturdy so that there is no possibility of cutting it into strips. Are you taking notes?

- Sure, boss," Michael nodded.

- It's all right, Mr Potter," announced the lawman, who had just finished reading. - I'll take it to the Minister for his signature, and then the secretariat will bring it up at the next meeting of the Wizengamot. As soon as they approve the new rules, the Codex will be automatically updated and the rules will become binding.

- Thank you very much," Harry bowed.

It was bad enough that the suspense dragged on until Monday, but at least now he believed that he had found what he was looking for, and that Pansy's parents were the same couple that the Aurors had failed to identify. From what the Greengrasses had told him, the Parkinsons were good people, and they certainly wouldn't have fled abroad without a trace, leaving their daughter to fend for herself. And if they were in Azkaban, they probably hadn't done anything terrible. And that was the conclusion he drew from his interactions with Pansy. If she, who had seemed to him at Hogwarts, as far back as he could remember, to be a stupid, evil freak, had turned out to be the exact opposite of what he had thought at the time, then her parents must be exceptional.

Saturday morning he opened his eyes and realised that a person really can get used to anything. The night's sleep had turned out to be quite healthy and prolonged, bringing some much needed rest in the end. Astoria in his arms did not wake up at all, but burrowed her nose deeper into the lapel of his jacket. Pansy at the door, however, seemed to wake up at the same time as he did. He gingerly pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled her number. The ringing sounded nearby, interrupted not even halfway through, but in the first third.

- Yes," she said into the receiver.

- Good morning, kitty," he said.

- Well, let's put it that way," she said discreetly.

- Shall we put 'good morning' or shall we put 'pussycat'? - he smiled.

- 'Pussycat,' she clarified.

- Shall I not call you that? - he asked.

- I'm not used to it," she replied. - As you wish.

That wasn't enough for him, and he opened his mouth to ask again.

- I like it," she said before he could ask a question.

- We have an extensive programme for today," he announced. - Astoria and I are going out for breakfast, and then I'll come and get you.

- Why? - She asked.

- 'Because,' he replied. - Because I wish it.

There was a rustling sound.

- I'm with you," she said, and then she said, "I'm opening up!

He hugged Astoria tighter, and the door swung open silently. As usual, Pansy hadn't locked it. Maybe she was checking to see how much he could be trusted, or maybe she just trusted him.

- Promise, please..." she began.

- I won't try anything," he nodded. - Unless you do it yourself... Astoria, wake up, sunshine!

She was actually awake - her posture had stopped being relaxed for a moment, but he'd caught that moment - and now she was squinting, pretending she wasn't here.

- 'Sunshine,' Pansy repeated after him.

- 'Are you claiming? - He asked. - Do you want me to call you that too?

- As you wish," she replied and headed for the stairs.

Astoria jumped up and headed upstairs too - but only to the first floor, where she usually slept in the house. Harry stayed downstairs, as there was a bathroom downstairs. And in the bathroom, more importantly, was a magical ointment for removing growths from his face. After washing and freshening up, he sat down on the sofa in the living room, picking up a book on the way.

Pansy, strangely enough, was the first to appear. Or rather, she suddenly appeared right in front of him. She seemed to tread so inaudibly that he didn't even notice her approach. He jumped up and hovered over her, barely keeping his hands to himself. She was beautiful, the sunlight streaming almost horizontally through the stained glass window, gilding the strands of her dark hair and filling her tantalising lips with ripe juice. Sensing his impatience, she stepped almost close to him and turned her head aside as if she were not there. He reached out hesitantly, wrapping his arms around her waist, and leaned in to kiss her cheek. Then, unable to resist, he continued to her ear and moved with kisses down her neck, which she arched towards.

She sighed almost silently and he reached for her lips, but she continued to look away. Then he let go of her waist and took her face in his palms for a kiss. She clenched her eyes tightly and didn't immediately respond to the kiss, but he continued to torture her sweet lips, and then she couldn't stand it any longer and threw her arms around his neck, rising on tiptoe. She returned his caress eagerly, as if she missed him as much as he did, and almost immediately used her tongue, stopping only when his hand grasped the hemisphere of her breast beneath her dress.

- No," she said, breaking the kiss and pulling away.

- "I'd rather hear 'as you wish,'" he objected.

- No," she repeated, and he pulled his hand away with a sigh.

She did not let go of him, however, and continued to gaze into his eyes, licking her lips involuntarily with her tongue. He smiled at this sweet gesture, leaned down to her ear and whispered:

- Pussycat!

She immediately turned her head and found his lips again. Time seemed to stand still. As he kissed her, he felt her melt in his arms and moan silently, and he felt a terrible urge to spit on her ban and carry her upstairs. Somehow he knew that she would not stop him, and would only hold him tighter to make it easier for him to carry her, and even so she would lick his ear gently... And then, when it was all over, she would force him out into the street and never let him in again. So he only clutched her waist in his palms, savouring her trembling. Astoria was leaning against the wall at the entrance to the hallway, her arms folded across her chest, smiling as she looked at them. Pansy sensed her presence too, broke away from him, looked round and tried unsuccessfully to break free.

- Let me go," she asked quietly, looking up at his emeralds from beneath her eyes. - Please!

He reluctantly released her arms, but immediately pulled her to him and tucked her under his arm. Astoria came over and settled herself on the other side, looking at Pansy cheerfully.

- I've had a change of plans," she announced. - Since you're going to keep Harry company at breakfast, I'll leave him to you. Make sure he doesn't hit on any other girls.

She rose on her tiptoes and put her lips to his, but only to kiss him on the lips. Pansy watched her closely, as if studying the behaviour of a strange animal.

- I'll see you tonight, darling," he said affectionately, and Astoria swept away, closing the door softly behind her.

- Well, we'll be off then," he suggested, drawing Pansy into the hallway.

Breakfast was still the first item on the programme. There was a small café just a short distance away, in Regent's, which opened fairly early. He wasn't sure how much the menu would suit her, but at least the place was good. She held his hand, and the feel of her palm trustingly given to him filled him with warmth. There was a look of extreme concentration on her face, though, and he thought she was trying to guess where he was dragging her this early. And he had not guessed it himself.

- Inconsiderate," she said suddenly.

He looked at her in surprise. She didn't often initiate conversation, and if she did say something without him trying to start a conversation, it was usually some brief message that didn't involve dialogue.

- I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," he admitted. - What exactly was inconsiderate?

- I shouldn't have," she explained. - Hurt Tori. She ran away.

- Don't worry," he smiled. - It's all right. You saw that she didn't run out and slam the door and make a scene. She kissed me goodbye and ran off to run some errands.

- To her house? - She asked.

- My place," he shook his head. - Our place.

- I don't understand," she mumbled, and her eyes widened slightly, making her attempts to keep a nonchalant expression on her face a little comical.

He smiled furtively again.

Contrary to his misgivings, she approved of the menu, even though it wasn't exactly like a traditional English breakfast. She didn't hesitate to get a pancake with toppings, but not the kind he'd ordered. The pancakes came with country fried potatoes. He asked for a double espresso, which he immediately gave to her, leaned back and savoured the look of bliss on her face as she squinted and almost dipped her nose into the steaming drink with its thick foam on top. The orange juice in this establishment was squeezed on the spot, but not by hand, but with the help of a machine specially designed for making orange juice. In this short time he had already learnt all the shades of impassivity on her face, and now he could clearly see that she was feeling good, and that she was glad he had dragged her out of the house so early.

- Now you," she said, noticing that he had already finished his pancake and destroyed all the potatoes.

- Me what? - He didn't understand.

- Tell me," she explained. - About himself.

All week he'd been making up for not being able to hold her to him by making her remember and talk about her life on the phone. Now, apparently, she'd decided that he should share a little of his memories, too.

- You know," he said, smiling, "my childhood was not a happy one. I don't want you to be sad on a beautiful morning like this, or worse, to feel sorry for me.

She paused, as if considering what he was saying, but he took the pause gratefully-she didn't want to taint his words with food.

- Promise," she said at last.

- I promise," he nodded. - Gradually... when the moment is right, I'll tell you without reminding you.

- Something fun, then," she suggested, picking up the instruments again.

- Fun? - he grinned. - All right, let's do something fun. Daniel, Mr Greengrass, told me... Do you mind?

- Not at all," she agreed.

- Good," he said. - Then listen. My binge lasted for six months, from the moment... Once a week or more I went to the Greengrasses' house. Even though I behaved like a pig, they were still glad to see me alive... They were afraid that...

- It's not fun yet," she reported.

- It's a prologue," he smiled encouragingly. - It's a little sad, of course, but it gets better. So, one day I was hanging out in their living room in an inebriated state, and the Malfoys showed up. No Narcissa, just Lucius and Draco. Lucius immediately started demanding Astoria as compensation for me ruining Draco and Daphne's engagement. I, even though I wasn't thinking straight, stood up and kicked Draco in the head, then started kicking his body towards the exit. Daniel bumped Lucius with his fist, and out of respect for his grey hair we didn't kick him, but dragged him out by his feet. There. Isn't this fun?

She had just finished eating and was leisurely blotting her lips with a napkin.

- I'm insanely proud of you," she said with a phlegmatic look.

- That's funny! - he exclaimed.

- I'm laughing," she said with a stony face. - Can't you see? I want a refill. Are we in a hurry?

- A lot of words," he smiled, reached out and ran his hand down her cheek. - No, we're not late for anything, kitty.

She reached for his palm with her cheek, and when he returned her hand, she snuggled against it.

- I'll have a salmon pancake," she asked. - I'm busy.

I was busy rubbing my cheek against his palm. He called the waitress with his free hand and ordered. It was about time he had his sweet tooth, and her order was complemented by dessert.

- Where are we going? - she asked.

- To Diagon Ally," he shrugged. - You can buy what you need at the shops. Or if you want, I'll buy...

- No," she said, looking at him sternly.

- Yes," he said calmly. - And in this case I don't even intend to argue with you. We're going to Kosoy, and that's the end of it!

- I don't want to," she shook her head, pushing his hand away. - I don't want anything.

- You do," he repeated, and then softened: "All right, tell me, why don't you want to? Because all these people have hurt you? Don't give a damn about them! All those little gossips and envious people will never have what you have.

- What? She asked.

- Let's go there and you'll find out," he promised. - Don't be stubborn, I won't let anyone hurt you. Pick someone who's done you a favour and we'll go there first.

- Why? - She asked.

- Because," he said. - Because I want to.

- Windmills," she said.

- Let them," he agreed easily. - But I can't do otherwise. I can't put up with what these people have done to you....

- I am myself," she interrupted.

- Nonsense! - He was indignant. - Not on your own! Without the help of all these well-wishers nothing would have happened. It keeps me awake. And my temper is such that if I get off the chopping block, it's not going to be good for anyone. If you read about hundreds of dead bodies in the paper, you'll say it was you.

- Blackmail," she said.

- No, not blackmail," he sighed. - I do feel very badly indeed. No, I don't want to kill, but other thoughts come to mind. You know, nowadays, if someone comes to the Auror's office for help, the first thing I think about is whether it's worth it. Maybe that person was one of the people who hurt you.

- I get it," she said. - I'll do it. For you.

He silently took her hand and kissed it.

- 'Not all of them...' she said. - 'There were others.

- What do you mean? - He didn't understand. - I understand your habit of being economical with words, but please be generous with me.

- There were others who were kind to me," she explained. - Or at least not displeased....

- The Greengrasses? - he asked.

- Godparents, of course," she said. - No, there was a man in Kosom....

- We'll start with him," he nodded. - If you don't mind, of course.

- As if anyone had asked me," she said indifferently.

"Little John's Jolly Stub" was the name of the shop. As they walked towards The Leaky Cauldron, Pansy kept her head down and even slouched a little, as if trying to appear inconspicuous. He stopped her at the very entrance, took her face in the palms of his hands and kissed her tenderly.

- I'm with you, Pansy," he said. - 'Don't think of anyone but me. Just look at me without looking away. I won't let go of you a single step.

He raised his five fingers, showing her, and she gently placed her palm in it, looking him carefully in the eyes. When they passed through the wall that separated the magical world from London, however, she immediately clung to him, hiding behind his back. He didn't insist, expecting her to get the hang of it, but at least she wasn't hiding her eyes... when she looked out from behind him. When she rushed into the Merry Spine, he held her back, reasoning that something indecent must be lurking beneath that sign. She waited quietly for him to let go, and then went inside, and he had to follow-but with a slight delay, so that "Little John" would not notice that they were together.

Strangely enough, inside turned out to be a greenish-lit room with several rows of shelves. Numerous glass cases held illuminated roots, of which he could identify a dozen at most, and the rest were completely unfamiliar.

- Good afternoon, Miss Parkinson," came a voice from the salesman's counter, and Harry finally noticed the short man who was just barely peeking out from behind the counter. - I haven't seen you here in a while....

- Hello, Mr John," she replied. - Yes, I'm sorry I forgot all about you. You know.

It was amazing - she was talking to the salesman normally, while Harry had to pull words out of her.

- I understand, of course," the salesman agreed, suddenly standing a head taller.

The explanation for this, however, came quickly enough: behind the counter was a small staircase of two steps, which the dwarf climbed up.

- Our chickens have got you down, haven't they? - he asked sympathetically.

- Quite, Mr John," she agreed.

- Shall I collect for you as usual? - asked the salesman. - Or something else to add?

- No, thank you," she replied. - Besides, I don't need anything else.

Mr John jumped down from his stand and, grabbing silk pouches and small glass vials, ran nimbly along the shelves, assembling Harry's unfamiliar 'usual'. He was so engrossed in this task that he nearly crashed into Harry standing by one of the shelves. Dumbfounded, Mr John slowly raised his head, cocking it as if a skyscraper had suddenly grown in front of him, and finally stared into Harry's face. When he recognised the famous auror, he jumped up on the spot and in an elusive swift movement moved towards Pansy, spreading his arms out as if to block her. It looked all the more comical because she was a good head and a half above her protector.

- Miss Parkinson," he said quickly, stretching his mouth sideways, "hurry, behind the counter to the warehouse and out the back door! I'll hold him off!

At these words, a wand appeared out of nowhere in his hand, which Mr John pointed precisely at Harry.

- 'It's all right, Mr John,' she said.

- Please, Miss Parkinson, run! - he pleaded, not taking his eyes off Harry or his wand. - This is no time to play the noble game!

- It's all right, Mr John," she repeated and stepped out from behind him. - Can't you see that Auror Potter isn't going to do anything to hurt me?

- Don't do it, Miss Parkinson! - Mr John exclaimed, but she had already reached Harry and taken him under her arm.

- We came together, Mr John," she explained.

- I don't understand," he frowned. - You're under arrest? And he's escorting you? What's going on?

- No, Miss Parkinson is not under arrest, but I am indeed escorting Miss Parkinson," Harry interjected. - Not in quite the same way you mean. The fact is that Miss Parkinson and I are-

- Friends!" she interrupted. - Mr Potter and I are friends, and he volunteered to escort me.....

- Why did you think I should arrest Miss Parkinson?" he looked her in the eye and said, "You sure you didn't do anything like that?

- I didn't," she confirmed.

- Indeed," Mr John frowned. - Those chickens must have pecked my brains out, too! I'm sorry, Mr Potter!

- It's all right," he replied, holding out his hand, "Mr....

- John, Mephistophelos John," the man introduced himself.

- And I'm Harry," he shook his hand. - How do you do?

- How do you do, Mr Potter," Mephistopheles replied, slapping his forehead. - Your shopping, Miss Parkinson!

He ran behind the counter, placing the chosen goods on it, and climbed up his ladder again.

- Tell me, Mr John," Harry inquired, as he and Pansy came closer together, "were you friends with the Parkinsons?

- No, I wasn't," he replied, staring intently at the contents of one of the glass jars, and then writing something in illegible handwriting in his book.

- 'Perhaps you knew Miss Parkinson before? - Harry asked.

- 'Not at all,' objected Mephistophelos. - I met Miss Parkinson after she had left school. Ah, you're wondering why I'm the only one in the aisle who talks to Miss Parkinson. Well, I consider myself a human being, Mr Potter. One thirty, Miss Parkinson!

- Thank you, Mr John," she said, taking out the money.

- Thank you, Mr John," Harry said as he walked out the door.

She stopped in the street, looking at him with a sidelong glance.

- Have you had enough? - She asked.

- I'm offended," he said, coming close to her. - Such eloquence, so many words.

- It's the least I can do to repay kindness," she explained.

- And I am not worthy," he said, turning away.

She tugged at his jacket, turning him towards her.

- Do I owe you a favour? - she asked quietly.

- I'm sorry," he shook his head. - I'm ashamed I said that to you. I'm sorry, please.

- You have nothing to apologise for, Potter," she said. - You know it yourself.

- I don't," he replied. - Let's go on and see the local chickens, since Mr John had advertised them so well.

She chose a shop called Bald Mountain as her first target. Fey and Cinderella were twirling in a swirl of glitter in the window, and the only way she could tell what they were selling inside was by the traditional potion bowl on the sign. There was a Venus symbol sticking out of the bowl, which was supposed to mean potions for women. Pansy glared at him for a moment longer at the entrance, seemingly expecting him to take pity and change his mind, but he allowed himself to simply enjoy the gaze of her green eyes, completely ignoring the prickly sparks that flared in them. Apparently she realised that quickly enough, too, because she turned around and walked into the shop after all. He counted to five and followed her in.

The place looked more like a perfume shop - although, in fact, it was. Most of the "feminine" assortment of potions and ointments were, of course, for the purpose of inducing and preserving beauty. Perfumes that could - depending on the intended use - bring back pleasant memories, stir and make the blood boil, incite passion... Eye shadows that either trapped the eye or gave the eyes incredible size and beauty. Skin salve, for a while as if tightening the whole body into a corset and creating a near-perfect figure - but at a price, of course, which was the burning pain for two days after application. Of course, remedies for minor problems like uneven pigmentation, pimples and even warts were on offer in the appropriate department.

Pansy went straight to the most "medical" part of the shop - it sold medicinal products, but with female specifics. For example, birth control potions. It was too late for her, of course, but she needed other things, such as an amulet to protect the foetus, which would create a spell that would protect the child from danger and damage. She waited, looking at her landlady standing a metre away from her, a pale woman in her forties who was careful not to pay her any attention at all. When he entered, the landlady gave him a distracted glance, opened her eyes and looked at him again - but admiringly. She turned and ran out into the back room, whence she returned in less than half a minute, but with a girl who looked much like her. All the time the landlady had been gone Pansy had been looking at him, and in her impassive gaze he could already clearly read reproach.

The girl came up to him at once, but had begun to speak even earlier.

- Good afternoon!" she chirped enthusiastically. - We are glad to see you in our humble pharmacy. My name is Ofelia, Ofelia Rolipoli, and my mother and shopkeeper's name is Luisa....

Luisa, who listened attentively to her daughter's monologue, nodding her head approvingly, immediately smiled at him with all the friendliness of which she was capable. She didn't seem to spend much on her own merchandise, and her smile was as faint as she was.

- What would you like to purchase? - Ophelia continued. - I can offer you...

At that moment she realised that she couldn't offer him anything, as all the potions, potions, ointments and amulets in the shop were for the use of the fair sex only. But the shop assistant's hospitality obliged her to find a product for the lonely auror, and she remembered the original purpose of her visit to the unusual customer. She twisted in place to eliminate the unfortunate omission, wrapped in barely perceptible sparks of magic, and when she found herself facing Harry again, her strictly closed Potions dress was a little more frivolous, revealing a full view of the hollow between the taut and bulging orbs of her breasts, bared almost to the brink of propriety and as if ready to leap at the first demand into the hands of an enthusiastic connoisseur. Harry looked away from them with difficulty, trying not to look into the devil's eyes, which were also glowing with witch fire. He wondered if he'd had time to... meet her yet? The memories had returned, of course, but not completely, far from completely....

- I don't think you remember me, Mr Potter," she chirped again, "because I was a green first year when you defeated You-Know-Who. That was so courageous, Mr Potter! I've longed for the opportunity to pay my respects in person for so long...!

Lovely. In one sentence she had managed to indicate her young, but marriageable age, and at the same time to hint that the suggestion that they meet in a less formal setting would be received quite favourably... But now it was clear that he hadn't seen her before, and that was good. At this point Pansy, who really needed both potions and ointments from this shop, got tired of waiting.

- Excuse me," she tried to call out to the landlady who was turning away from her.

Harry craned his neck in her direction with defiant interest.

- Oh, don't worry, it's only Parkinson's," Ophelia explained in a loud whisper, placing her palm conspiratorially against his cheek. - The very same one! But don't worry, Mummy will get rid of her in no time!

He didn't listen to the last words as he had already passed her and left her behind. He came close to Pansy and pulled her close to him, leaning intimately into her ear.

- Have you chosen what you wanted yet, love? - he enquired. - Let's hurry up and ask our kind hostess to help you.

With a cheerful look in his eyes, he slid his hand lower, as if casually pulling the dress over her belly. The mistress staggered like a troll that had been hit in the eye with its own club, but quickly regained her composure.

- Of course, of course! - She smiled feignedly, her eyes glaring at Pansy and her eloquently protruding belly. - What would you like, Mr Potter? A charm, a strengthening potion, a tonic ointment?

- Oh, no, I just happened to be here by accident," he shook his head. - Don't mind me. Your client is Miss Parkinson. And I'll stand here in the corner, so that I can admire it better...

He let go of Pansy and slid along the counter to the wall, where he froze with an adoring gaze. To his surprise, he found that adoration came easily to him when she was in sight. Feeling his gaze on her, she automatically folded her hands on her stomach, outlining her contours as if knowing how much he liked her current particular beauty.

- Miss Parkinson," the hostess said with a strained voice. - It's a pleasure to welcome you to our shop..." She glanced at Harry, and he gave her a nod of his head. - Our whole range of goods is at your service. Any request you make will be honoured immediately.

The hostess checked with Harry again, and he smiled at her, saying that everything was going just fine. Pansy pulled out a small pendant on a chain from behind her collar and held it out to her.

- This is my amulet," she said. - Charge it, please.

- Right away," she said, going into the back room. - Ophelia will help you with the rest.

- Be careful," Harry asked. - I'm so worried something will happen to the baby!

The landlady froze again, as if struck by a dust bag.

- Don't worry, Mr Potter, we guarantee the quality of our goods to all our customers without exception! - she muttered and slipped out.

- What else would you like, Miss Parkinson? - Ophelia, red as a crab, asked, taking her place behind the counter.

- Your mother guessed right, Miss Rolypoly," Pansy bowed her head courteously, "strengthening potions, tonic ointments. I'll need bath salts, too. And cosmetics, of course. Soaps, shampoos, grooming products....

- Of course, Miss Parkinson," said Ophelia, who had recovered from her usual role as customer-service clerk. - I've already put aside some products for the ladies in your situation, and if you'll come with me to this department, we'll find exactly what you need in cosmetics very quickly!

- Yes, of course, it would be my pleasure, Miss Rolipoli," Pansy bowed her head.

- It will be my pleasure to please you, Miss Parkinson," Ophelia bowed.

- 'Your amulet, Miss Parkinson,' Mrs Rolypoly appeared, trailing a trail of strong magic used.

As much as Harry disliked her for her attitude towards Pansy, it was hard not to praise her skill - such charms required great skill and, of course, great dedication. After the amulet had been cast, Mrs Rolypoly was to lose almost all her magic for a week, but the result was impressive.

The two of them spent another twenty minutes selecting Pansy's goods according to her preferences, and then they began to pack them up. The abundance of boxes was not as disconcerting to Harry as it had been when he first came to Diagon Ally, unaware of the existence of the delivery service, which saved the customer from having to lug around the shopping aisles laden with boxes, packages and bags. Mrs Rolypoly touched it with her wand and the goods disappeared, leaving gold dust settling in their place. Pansy reached for her purse, but Harry caught her arm in time.

- Don't worry, dear," he laughed. - I didn't leave my purse at home today like last time!

- Of course, darling, as you say! - She responded nonchalantly, and it seemed to him that she was not only displeased, but even angry.

Mrs. Rolipoli offered a ten per cent discount, almost fell on her knees begging Miss Parkinson not to forget her shop, and even shared the name of a healer she knew who specialised in the care of expectant mothers, childbirth and new-born babies, and who, according to Mrs. Rolipoli, was very good at what she did. In short, Pansy matched Pansy with a midwife. Mrs Rolypoly and Miss Rolypoly walked them to the door together, bowing almost every second and beckoning them to visit again.

- F-fuh! - He exhaled with relief when they were outside. - 'Who's next?

- That's enough," she said.

- We have to go round everyone,' he objected. - Look how great it turned out!

She turned round and went to the next shop. The news of the miraculous transformation of the exile of the magical world into the future mother of the heir-apparent - and no one doubted that it would be a boy - of the Winner of You-Know-Who, had magically spread through the shop, and Miss Parkinson was not only greeted with joy as she approached the next shop, but even tried to intercept a competitor. Harry wrapped himself in his cloak of invisibility and continued to accompany Pansy, but the enthusiasm of the stallholders continued.

- "Tired," she said when they finally left Diagon Ally and emerged from The Leaky Cauldron onto the streets of Muggle London. - Home.

- Maybe we could have lunch somewhere? - he suggested.

Without answering, she turned round and headed towards her house. He caught up with her in two steps and took her hand. It turned out that she hadn't been kidding herself - the way she was almost hanging on to him told him better than words could say how exhausted she was. And he could also sense that she was angry. In fact, he could almost physically feel the rage coming from her, but she didn't let it come out.

- Shall I come in? - he asked when they reached her porch in silence.

- No," she answered, and started toward the door, but he held her back.

- What's going on? - he asked. - Why are you mad at me? What did I do?

- A lot of words," she said, looking away.

- Damn it, I want a lot of words! - he almost shouted. - I want you to explain to me in detail and in colour why you're angry with me right now!

- All right," she agreed. - In detail and in colour. Just the way you want. It's not even the fact that you, without asking my permission, declared me your property, and not the fact that you bragged to the whole magical world that you dishonoured me....

- But I-" he raised his voice.

- I'm the one who knows you didn't," she didn't let him finish. - And that's why it's not so terrible. But tell me, who do you think you are, when you think you're allowed to pay for my purchases?!

- I decided..." he stammered. - I decided.

- A lot of words, Potter? - she snickered.

- I've decided that since we're having a baby and we're not complete strangers to each other..." he said.

- I already told you," she interrupted again. - It's my baby, no matter what you think it is.

- But I..." he said indignantly.

- And you're nothing to me," she cut him off.

The words stuck in his throat. He opened and closed his mouth several times, but he couldn't make a sound, just stared helplessly. She turned around to leave him, but he held her back again.

- Wait," he wheezed, struggling to move his tongue. - There must be something wrong with my hearing, and I didn't seem to hear your last sentence quite right. Would you mind repeating it again?

- You. Me. No one," she said readily, turned away and went into the house, leaving him alone.

Left alone, he took one step, one step, another, and slowly wandered back to his house, repeating to himself - "Left, right, left, right..."