
Harry Potter - back again

Devastated by the death of his beloved, the hero sets out on the trail of his godfather. Once inside an artefact that is ready to grant him his wish, he asks for oblivion and a chance to make things right. The artefact gives him oblivion and sends his doppelganger to a parallel world in 1975. Harry Potter/Pancy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Astoria Greengrass, Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass, Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter/Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter/Andromeda Tonks. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Old Wounds

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He only thought he was going home to Grimmo, but his feet decided for him again. No, he didn't go back to Pansy's as one might expect, but when he could finally distract himself from his musings, he found himself in the familiar garden that surrounded the path to a small two-storey mansion lost in the centre of London. Apparently his subconscious knew better what he needed. He sat on the swing in the shade of the sprawling oak tree where they used to sit so fondly in the evenings, back when all she'd let him do was kiss her unrestrainedly in the bushes - until his mouth was dry and his breath hitched - while spanking his demanding hands. The blue sky overhead reminded him of her eyes again, and he stared unwaveringly into that flawless blue, letting the memories fill him, if only briefly, with a sense of that happiness.

- Harry?

He sat up straight and then jumped up, almost hitting his head on the rain visor.

- Mrs Greengrass," he mumbled, trying to bow, but she swiftly stepped forward and put her arms around him, not allowing him to switch to a formal tone.

- I asked you, Harry," she rebuked when he awkwardly hugged her back. - "We've been on a first name basis for a while now. Just call me by my first name.

- I..." he sighed after she let him go. - 'I just don't know how to now...'

Mrs Greengrass reached out and ran her hand through his hair. The loss had been hard on her; six months ago she had looked about thirty-five at most, and when her face lit up with a smile she looked thirty. Now her tears had left furrows in her face. No, as a skilled sorceress, she knew how to deal with the wrinkles, but she didn't want to. Maybe it was her way of staying at peace with her loss.

- Are you still drinking? - she asked.

Without judgement, but just like a concerned relative asking about health. "Is your runny nose gone yet?" Harry shook his head.

- 'No, I gave up on Wednesday,' he replied.

- You smell," she sniffed. - 'Or is that a new cologne?

She had a right to ask him that question. After all, she was one of the people closest to him.

- No, Perry, I'm sober," he replied. - I rinsed my throat this morning and made sure I didn't need any more.

- I'm glad," she nodded gravely. - Shall we go inside?

- If you invite me," he replied courteously.

- Nonsense, Harry," Peraspera said, turning round and heading down the path half a step ahead of him. - You know this house will always be yours, even if there are minor disagreements.

- Disagreements? - he interjected cautiously.

She turned around, staring into his eyes, and then laughed when she finally saw what she was looking for.

- Harry," she said with a laugh. - Don't tell me you don't remember anything at all!

He tensed. Images flashed haphazardly before his eyes, as if they were reels in a slot machine, obligingly filling in the gaps with languidly breathing pink flesh, heaving breasts, round asses, sweat dripping down flat bellies, lips beckoning and tongues licking defiantly... He felt hot, as if a dragon had breathed on his face.

- Perry..." he began, and his tongue went numb, refusing to serve him. - Perry, I don't remember anything... I don't remember anything at all from the funeral... I've been told such things... Tell me, honestly, I didn't do anything like that, did I?

- Yes, you did," she nodded. - You did, and more than once. I barely managed to talk Daniel out of dueling.

- Wait," he pleaded, feeling his legs refuse to serve him, and sank to the grass in frustration, grabbing his hair with both hands with the intention of pulling every last one of them out. - Wait... You do realise that I was completely out of it when it happened, don't you?

- Of course," she agreed. - That's what I've been trying to explain to my husband.

- Shit, shit, shit!" he shouted, clutching his ears in his hands, hoping they would stop hearing the horror. - Perry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.

- I thought you did! - She objected.

- It won't happen again, I promise! - he moaned.

- No, Harry! - Peraspera said, giving him a hand to get up from the grass. - Decent people don't do that. What is this," she fixed her hair coquettishly, "that you take a girl and leave her? No, that's no good! I think Daniel would insist on a duel, for sure!

- With all due respect, Perry," he shouted, "are you out of your mind? Does he seriously want you and me to...?

She suddenly laughed merrily, transforming herself again into the same almost-girl he had known before. Her laughter rang out like a merry bell through the garden, and Harry fell silent in puzzlement.

- We're with you! - she exclaimed happily and laughed again.

He frowned, and his gears began to turn slowly and tediously, puzzling him with the suspicion that he had missed something somewhere again. Something undoubtedly important.

- Oh, thank you, of course, honey," she said, holding her hand to her side, which seemed to be starting to sting. - It's been a long time since anyone has made me feel this good! But still, darling," she tugged at his sleeve, turning him round to face her. - Let's be serious, though! It's not only funny, it's insulting! How could you think such a thing of me, and with my husband still alive?

- Is that why you're encouraging him to duel with me? - he guessed.

- Oh, youth! - Peraspera exclaimed, and with her head up to the sky, she laughed, and, laughing merrily, ran like a girl into the house.

- Danny! - came her voice inside. - Harry's here!

- On his eyebrows? - Mr Greengrass interjected. - Don't worry, he won't notice me anyway. As usual...

Harry closed the front door and went into the small hall, where the landlord was sitting in a chair, looking at him unkindly over a newspaper.

- Good afternoon, sir! - He bowed.

Mr Greengrass put down the paper, looked at Harry in surprise, then turned his head to his wife, who stood by his chair, and asked in a loud whisper:

- Perry, can he see me?

- He's different now," she said in an equally loud whisper. - Sober. But he doesn't remember anything.

- Nothing? - Mr Greengrass frowned puzzled. - He doesn't remember losing a thousand Galleons at bridge a fortnight ago?

- Do I know how to play bridge now? - Harry asked dazedly.

- Well, dear, I don't remember that either," Peraspera patted her husband's chest.

- He was breathing on you too much," Mr Greengrass explained. - You must have been drunk too, and forgotten my thousand Galleons.

He glared at Harry, who was fighting the involuntary urge to pull himself up into a straight line. Like Mrs Greengrass, Daniel was dressed in all black, but the loss didn't affect him as much outwardly, though Harry was sure he was more worried than he was. She was loved by everyone, of course, but to his father she was the truest ray of light, an angel and a deity, cherished and honoured.

- Are you really finally able to comprehend what's going on? - he chuckled.

- Yes, sir," Harry answered briefly, not quite sure if that was the right answer.

I mean, he was, but he still couldn't make sense of it. No, one very important thing he had figured out was that he hadn't slept with Peraspera. On the other hand, what had he done that made Daniel want to kill him?

- Then you must realise that you must marry my daughter immediately," Daniel said. - The shame we've already suffered is enough.

- What daughter? - Harry was taken aback. - I'm already married.

He began to suspect that they were both mad with grief, and that they were both talking nonsense.

- To the very one whom you have not only dishonoured, but with the utter cynicism of having abused the walls of the house that sheltered you in her own bedroom," said Mr Greengrass angrily.

- I would never do such a thing, sir! - he muttered.

- Danny, stop being angry with him already," Peraspera pouted. - You do realise there are two people involved....

- Just because her brakes failed at that moment doesn't absolve our dear Harry of the necessity of thinking with his head sometimes," Mr Greengrass said angrily. - said Mr Greengrass angrily. - First he seduced one of my daughters, but in her case at least there was a semblance of propriety, though my reputation was irretrievably ruined by the breaking of her engagement... Then... What's the matter with you? Why should my daughters be the ones to suffer from your indiscretion?

- Firstly, sir, I'm sure I haven't made anyone suffer," he objected vehemently. - And secondly, will someone please explain to me what's going on?

- Sit down, Harry," said Mr Greengrass in an unexpectedly peaceful tone, pointing to the chair next to him.

Peraspera immediately stepped to the other chair and seated herself majestically on the edge of the seat. Harry lowered himself obediently into the seat.

- You must understand me, son," said Mr Greengrass. - You will agree that the man who would have won the heart of any of my daughters was a lucky man, won't you? And what would you call the man who won both? - Without waiting for an answer, he summarised: "You could call him Harry Potter, of course, but I think that's a bit too much luck even for Wonder Boy.

Harry felt annoyed at the colourful epithet, which he tried hard to shrug off, at least by showing himself to be a good detective.

- I'm still-" he raised his voice.

- It all started with the Malfoys' visit," Peraspera interrupted him.

- It all started when Harry first came crawling back to us unable to string two words together," Mr Greengrass shook his head. - 'Literally the day after the burial. Don't think - I was glad to see you anyway - after the ceremony you looked like it was the last time we'd see you. Perry even insisted that we disarm you somehow," he patted his wife's arm.

- From myself, Harry," she hastened to add. - I was sure you'd take your own life.

- When we found you under the door, everyone was overjoyed," added Mr Greengrass. - You didn't look like a human being, but you were dear to all of us, and you were alive.

- You came to see us once a week," said Mrs Greengrass.

- 'Crawled over,' Mr Greengrass clarified. - Did I mention that you didn't look much like a human being?

- I heard you the first time," Harry muttered.

- Very well," Mr Greengrass nodded. - If you don't hear anything, ask me to repeat it - it's no trouble at all.

- The Malfoys," Peraspera reminded him.

- 'Yes, the Malfoys didn't go down well,' agreed Mr Greengrass.

- You were sitting in that very chair, trying to focus your eyes on that vase over there," she said. - It didn't work very well, I must say.

- I wondered if he was going to throw up like last time or not," Mr Greengrass shook his head and added, "Like the time before that...

Harry felt himself blushing thickly. Perhaps a couple of times repeating that he was not human enough - he was a pig, and he deserved to be reminded of it several times a day!

- Luckily, we quickly realised that we should have taken your drink away from you when you entered the house," Peraspera smiled, correctly assessing his confusion. - Because those cheap knockoffs you brought with you not only kill bedbugs, but mages as well. Since then, we've always had at least a case of firewhiskey or ice water in reserve, just in case.

Another mystery solved. It looked like Pansy had come to the same decision, since she had a bottle specifically for him....

- The Malfoys came," Mr Greengrass continued. - The two of them. Lucius immediately declared that since one of our daughters had broken off her engagement to Draco, we should give another daughter to him... You know how the Malfoys make even the ugliest girls shy away from the Malfoys... And while he was saying all this, he somehow managed not to see you.

- And Draco, poor Draco, has been as pale as chalk for a long time now, tugging at his father's sleeve like a schoolboy," Peraspera chuckled. - "Dad, ah, Dad!" - she mimicked in a pitiful voice. - And pointing a finger at you.

- Then you stood up and suggested that the Malfoys get the hell out of the-" Mr Greengrass said.

- 'Skip the obscenities, dear,' she pleaded with a laugh. - My delicate ears won't stand it a second time.

- Oh, yeah?" he marvelled. - And I listened. You didn't repeat yourself once in five minutes of insults. Apparently, you haven't missed a single harbour pub. Draco turned green and almost jabbed his wand at you, shouting that our daughter was so far gone that not even the widowers of the Wizengamot would marry her, and that she shouldn't turn her nose up when she was being honoured by Malfoy. You pulled your wand aside, somehow made a full turn around yourself, and your shoe, along with your foot in it, flew into Draco's head, knocking him into a corner.

- It missed the door by a bit," Peraspera shook her head. - You swung it open and started kicking the emotionless Malfoy son out of the door, shouting that he had no business being in this house. Poor, poor Draco - he'd only been out of hospital for a month!

- I was so ashamed, Harry," Mr Greengrass rebuked. - In my own house, a wizard, a trained Auror, forgets everything he's been taught and starts kicking his opponent in the face like a Muggle! Aye-aye-aye, that's not nice!

- Of course, a real trained mage would beat his opponent with his fists," she laughed.

- I just swung my wand awkwardly," he explained.

- So awkward that Lucius, who you accidentally hit in the nose, never regained consciousness while you and Harry worked together to drag him out," Peraspera added with a laugh. - Harry dragged him by his right leg and you dragged him by your left. Up the stairs, I remind you!

- And I'm doubly ashamed of it! - he exclaimed. - Such unacceptable clumsiness! And as if I'd forgotten about Levicorpus!

- Our daughter came running at the noise," Peraspera continued. - You said that the problems with the Malfoys and the others who wanted to do her a great favour and - so to speak - marry her had to be solved, and you were going to do it right now. You took her hand, asked her something, she nodded cheerfully, and you disappeared into her room.

- I was busy negotiating with the Aurors I'd called in and didn't know what was going on in the house," Mr Greengrass admitted. - Afterwards, when I heard the screams... I wonder what you sealed the room with that even a houseboy couldn't get in? In your own house?

- If I remember, you'll be the first to know," Harry snapped, adding, "Sir!

- Perry assured me that nothing scary was going on in there," Mr Greengrass continued. - So I had to listen to the sounds of that 'nothing scary' for the next two and a half hours. Intermittently.

- Let's just say I offered to give you Muffliato a few times," Peraspera reminded him.

- You also wanted to knock me out with Stupefy," Mr Greengrass sighed.

- I wanted to," she agreed. - And what else can you do with a man who, when he hears it starting again, starts wringing his hands, running round the house, and promising that this time he'll kill the bastard for sure!

- So what you're saying is-" Harry hissed.

- I mean that you have dishonoured my daughter, and now you must marry her! - Mr Greengrass blurted out.

Now everything finally fell into place. Harry wrapped his arms around his head, staring dumbfoundedly at the floor in front of him. As his memory reluctantly answered the questions he had asked her directly, and as the face of the girl came back to him time after time - in these moments he began to realise clearly that it was the girl he loved - he realised more and more clearly exactly what Pansy had meant when she had said that he would give up everything in the world. He really was ready to give up everything in the world. He remembered, he knew now... She was the whole world to him, and there was no way he could ever part with her. And Pansy... He doesn't even love Pansy! He shook his head in surprise.

- You don't seem very eager," Peraspera remarked.

- 'Without blinking an eye,' he shook his head. - "If it weren't for one 'but'..."

- What buts can there be when it's my daughter? - Mr Greengrass wondered. - Look, Harry, you're dear to me... You're like family to all of us, but there's a limit to such impunity...!

Harry sighed convulsively, stood up and stretched out in front of the Greengrasses.

- Daniel, you could kill me right now," he said, feeling the blood rushing from his face. - Any one of you could kill me... But I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a day's grace before you do, so I can finish something.

The baby needs a name and it will get one, whatever Pansy thinks about it. And then...

- Harry, wait," Mr Greengrass jumped up, running up to him and putting his arm around his shoulders and looking into his eyes with concern. - You didn't take all this talk of duelling and murder seriously, did you? I just want to play the tyrant and autocrat sometimes, guarding my beautiful daughters locked up in a high tower until their eyes are red. But I'm not like that! I can understand your reluctance to marry when it's barely six months since-" A shadow came over his face, and for a few seconds he lost himself in thought. Then he managed to snap out of it, and went on: - In general, you don't want to get married now - don't get married, but I can see that it's serious with you, and that's why I'm not worried at all. I don't care if you don't formalise the relationship at all. I'd rather your children be Greengrasses than Potters...

Harry sighed again.

- Still, Daniel, I'm asking for a day to settle my affairs," he said.

Mr Greenglass took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, staring intently into his eyes.

- Well," he said with pressure. - Tell me, son. Don't be shy, we're all friends here.

- I'm going to have a baby," Harry ventured.

Peraspera choked and opened her eyes in surprise, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. Mr Greengrass remained unperturbed.

- I confess I thought something of that when you started to be sarcastic," he said with a satisfied nod. - It would be surprising if, after you'd had such a splendid time - and you've had a splendid time, believe me. Rumours of your exploits in solving the demographic problem not only in the magical community, but in London in general, have reached even our backwater....

"Backwater," he obviously meant anything that wasn't within a five-minute walk of the Ministry. From that point of view their own Bunsbury was a village.

- I'd be surprised," continued Mr Greengrass, "if you'd managed to get away with it. Is she even a sorceress?

Peraspera stood beside her husband, clinging to his shoulder and looking at Harry intently with her sky-blue eyes. She was clearly waiting for something.

- Pansy," he admitted grudgingly. - Pansy Parkinson.

Unexpectedly, she smiled and poked Mr Greengrass in the shoulder. He, strangely enough, smiled too.

- Oh, Harry," he said. - You know how to find the hard paths in your life! I'll tell you what, if you ever hurt my daughter... I'd be sad, but I'd understand. Especially in light of what you said.

- Daniel, sir! - he interrupted.

- 'Let me finish,' said Mr Greengrass. - 'But if you hurt Pansy, I'm not going to give you a hand!

- Danny! - Peraspera rebuked him.

- My threat is the only thing I can do to help that stubborn fool who thinks that if everyone is against her, so are we," he grumbled angrily.

- She just didn't want to cast a shadow on us," Peraspera shrugged. - And really...

The front door slammed, and Mr Greengrass looked past Harry, spreading a welcoming smile.

- I'm home! - came a ringing girl's voice.

- Astoria! - Peraspera exclaimed. - Look who's here to see us!

Harry froze, hesitant to turn around. He knew he couldn't look into her eyes, clear as mountain lakes and blue as the sky, but almost immediately there was a light tap of heels and a thin arm wrapped around him. Now he's definitely gone!

- Did you torture him? - Astoria asked him sternly from under his shoulder. - I know I did! It doesn't matter. I'm taking him away from you anyway! Come on, Harry!

Saying that, she dragged him outside. He cast a helpless glance at her parents, but they smiled at him, Mr Greengrass smiling with what seemed to him to be a tinge of gloating.

- Wait! - he begged as they walked along the path to the gate. - Stop!

Astoria obediently slowed down and clung to him, looking into his eyes. It was a big mistake on his part; his determination to explain to her that they should break up evaporated instantly, giving way to a desire to hold her tight and never let her go. Of course, he and his sister were alike, and that could explain why it was so easy... Why it was so easy for him to love her, even though it was a terrible loss for everyone. It seemed that part of his love for Daphne had simply been drawn to Astoria, and his heart was eagerly beating again.

- What is it, sweetheart? - She asked.

- Where are you taking me? - he enquired.

- To Pansy's, of course," she wondered. - Isn't that what you came for?

- What, I come and take you to Pansy? - he asked. - Is that how it usually happens?

- Of course," she nodded. - Not to your house!

The thought hadn't occurred to him. In fact, in all these days he had never once imagined going back to Grimmo. To a house where she was no longer there. He'd never been home since that memorable day. And now that Astoria had reminded him, he felt acutely aware that he wasn't sure he was ready yet.

- No," he shook his head. - We're not going to Pansy's.

- I don't understand," she frowned. - You almost drag me into bed with her, and then..." She wiggled her nose, and her eyes widened, "Oh, are you sober? Mummy!

- It's much worse than that," he said grimly, pulling her closer to him. - I'm finally starting to remember...

- You... what do you mean? - she asked cautiously.

- It was like I woke up on Wednesday," he explained. - And until then, I didn't remember anything from the ceremony.

- Pig! - She pounded him angrily in the chest with her fist. - Didn't you even remember how...?

- I remember now," he assured her, seeing that her eyes were glistening with anger and that a real storm was about to erupt. - Really, when I saw you just now, I remembered you!

- Yes?" Astoria asked suspiciously. - What did you remember?

- 'First me and Daniel blowing up the Malfoys,' he sighed, 'and then I said... Shit!

- Yeah, shame on you! - she exclaimed triumphantly. - 'You said... You said... Oh, I'm ashamed now too!

- I said I wouldn't let you die an old maid," he concluded grimly. - And that I intend to solve this problem right here and now. I took you by the hand and asked you if you were ready to go.

- And I jumped for joy and said I was ready, ready, and very ready! - laughed Astoria. - And you dragged me to my room. That's when it all happened! Three times!

- Three?" he raised an eyebrow. - I remember five.

- Oh, no, you must have been dreaming," she shrugged. - After the third time, you fell asleep. I can tell you that for a fact, because it was a total dick move on your part - at that point! I lay there for a while and then went to share my joy with Mum. Mum asked if I'd managed to collect a valuable ingredient, I showed her the vial, and Dad went straight to kill you. Luckily, you'd been snoring for twenty-four hours without regaining consciousness, and he'd lost all his fighting spirit as a result. Then you got up in the middle of the night and took off.

- I vaguely remember running around your house naked looking for booze," he nodded. - Shit!

- The world will never be the same for our housekeeper," she laughed again.

- What's the precious ingredient? - he remembered.

- Don't play dumb, sweetheart," Astoria advised. - I know the ashes of the phoenix are knocking at your heart, but still... A few drops of blood. It's expensive because it's rare.

- I don't understand," he shook his head.

- You fool!" she said admiringly. - Shall we go to Pansy's?

- No," he shook his head. - Grimmo's.

- Grimmo? - She was horrified. - Do you think you're ready?

- Will you help me? - he asked quietly.

- Of course, darling," she said, stroking his cheek.

She took him under her arm and they walked leisurely towards his house. On the way they stopped at a café for a bite to eat. He looked at Astoria in disbelief, who seemed genuinely pleased that he was finally awake from his hibernation, and that as soon as her hand was on the table, he covered it with his. Having eaten, they went on their way. As they approached, the house habitually appeared out of nowhere, pushing the neighbouring ones apart. Stepping up onto the porch, Harry hesitantly placed his hand on the door and stroked the varnished surface. Astoria stood at his side, peering into his face.

- 'Don't worry,' she said, 'I'm right here! I'm with you!

He looked at her and pressed the handle, opening the door. In the hallway, looking at them, stood the houseboy with his ears pinned up like a beaten dog's.

- Master's back," he said pitifully. - 'Master didn't leave Kreacher.

- What nonsense! - Astoria exclaimed. - How could Harry leave anyone?

- Kreacher grieved with his master," said the houseboy. - Is the master better now?

- Yes, better now," he nodded.

- What does the master want? - The housekeeper shrieked.

- Dismantle the place," Harry asked, glancing around the house. - I'm back...

Kreacher jabbed his finger at the wall and waves ran through the house. The dull grey of the furnishings came back to life, the lights came back on, and the parquet returned to its luster. There was a barely perceptible stirring of the air. Harry kicked off his shoes, and Astoria did the same, though he wanted to ask her to stay in her shoes. Accepting his coat from her, he hung it on the rack next to his cloak.

- We're going upstairs," he nodded toward the stairs, inviting her to come up. - Her room was on the first floor.

His favourite's room was both a dressing room and an office. Not that she really needed an office to work in, but family life came with little things-gifts, cards, collodographs-that could be kept in one place, where they could be shelved or displayed and sometimes spent time looking through them with a dreamy smile while she waited for her husband to come home from work.

Astoria hesitantly froze on the threshold, afraid to disturb this sacrament that seemed almost sacred to her. He knew that her love for her sister went from adoration to worship at times. Maybe not adoration, but something like that - like almost everyone who knew her, she seemed like an angel. Harry put his arm around her waist and led her inside.

- It can't stay like this," he shook his head.

- Why not? - Astoria didn't understand.

- You see, it's like an altar," he said slowly.

The words were hard to say. It was hard not to say them, but to choose them in such a way as not to offend Astoria and not to defame the memory of her beloved.

- You could, of course, preserve everything here, but then it would never go away for me," he explained, involuntarily massaging his chest on the left side. - I won't forget and I'll never love her less than I do now, but for your sake, for..." he frowned, realising that he was remembering Pansy again. - I need life to come back here.

- I understand," she said absently, walking to the centre of the room and looking around. - But what would you want?

- It's all yours now," he said firmly, coming up close behind her.

Astoria spun around and grabbed the lapels of his jacket, pulling him to her.

- You..." she gasped, staring intently into his eyes. - Do you... do you realise what you've just said? Did you mean it?

- Yes, I said I want you to be with me always," he nodded.

- Are you... Are you proposing to me? - she kept asking.

Proposal? Could he be proposing to her? He bit his lip and walked to the window, pretending to be interested in what was happening outside.

- Wait, wait, wait! - Astoria exclaimed. - What is the meaning of all this? - she came up and tugged at his sleeve, but he didn't move. - Answer me!

- Honestly, I don't know what to do," he muttered after a long pause. - What am I to do, Astoria?

- You know, I liked you better when you were drunk," she reproached him. - You didn't hesitate or ask. You went for your goal like a bull to a red rag. And now you've sobered up, suddenly you're afraid of everything, and you're backing up!

- I acted like a complete bastard," he swore.

- Well..." Astoria hesitated.

- You don't argue? - He grinned.

- Not a complete bastard," she shrugged, "but there was a certain animal charm to it.

- You think so? - He glanced at her. - Charm? Beastly?

- I'm sure it was," she confirmed. - Nevertheless, those of your daring experiments, which I thought were too daring, you easily forgot about and didn't even suggest it a second time.

- Bold experiments? - he asked puzzled.

- Later, Harry," she stomped her foot irritably. - We'll discuss the experiments later. Right now you were trying to propose to me.

- Animal charm, you say? - He grinned, hugging her and tipping her onto his knee, holding her thigh and gripping her waist tightly as if she were tangoing.

Astoria shrieked in surprise and hung around his neck with both arms.

- Mademoiselle," he said in a low, hoarse voice, devouring her breasts in the neckline of her dress with a greedy gaze.

- Ah!" she exclaimed, and put her hand to her forehead as if fainting.

- Mademoiselle," he repeated in an even hoarser voice, and could hardly keep from coughing. - Je temps, mon amour!

- Ah!" Astoria exclaimed again, and he buried his lips in her cleavage.

- Harry," she patted him on the top of his head when, a moment later, he still hadn't bothered to climb out of the neckline of her dress. - 'And yet! Let's get serious!

He set her down with a jerk and put his hands on her waist.

- 'I mean it,' he said. - 'I love you....

- Then it's a proposal! - She exclaimed, covering her eyes and rising up on tiptoe to touch her lips to his.

- I'm not leaving Pansy," he said, moving away slightly.

- What?" she couldn't believe it, looking at him roundly. - What did you say?

- I'm not leaving Pansy," he repeated. - And I won't let you go.

- Let go now," she struggled.

- I said I won't let go," he said calmly, squeezing her shoulders in his hands. - Consider it a cost of my animal charm.

- Is it because you knocked her up? - Astoria asked with a wry grin.

- Ew, how rude! - he was indignant. - Choose your words!

- I made her a baby! - she blurted out. - Better? Is that why? Do you want me to make you a baby too?

- No! - He said hastily, and closed his eyes brokenly. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.

- Then why? - Astoria asked. - Did you see how poor she was and feel sorry for her?

- No! - He frowned. - What I don't feel for her is pity!

- What do you feel for her? - she asked playfully, clearly amused by this interrogation.

- Do you really want to hear? - he wondered. - Or are you just having fun?

- All right," she nodded seriously. - I really want to hear.

- I admire her," he shrugged. - 'She's amazing. Don't get me wrong. You're amazing. But she's amazing too, in her own special way. I know I'm not in love... I mean, I don't feel in love, and I certainly don't feel anything like I feel about you," he took her hand and kissed it. - But I am drawn to her like a magnet, and I feel unbearably sad at the thought of not seeing her today.

- You're so full of it! - Astoria shook her head when he stopped talking. - Almost like Arthur Rimbaud! And the funny thing is, sitting with a beautiful girl, kissing her hands, and declaring your love for another.

- I was just saying that I don't feel love! - he objected.

- I heard what you said! - she replied defiantly. - I heard it perfectly well. And it sounded exactly like a confession! What are you going to do about it?

- I don't know," he shrugged his shoulders. - First I have to convince Pansy that she needs me too.

- You haven't convinced me that I should stay with you yet," Astoria shook her head.

- Let's go," he called, taking her hand. - To a more suitable place for persuasion.

The master bedroom was at the very end of the corridor, a bright, spacious room with a huge bed and a warm, soft rug on the floor. The carpet had been Daphne's idea and, as it turned out, a very good idea. He could see Astoria's eyes flash, who also liked the bedroom arrangement. He led her over to the bed, sat down on the edge and patted the palm of his hand beside her. She readily sat down.

- Did you change the bed again? - she wondered. - When did you do that?

- I didn't," he shook his head. - It was ours.

Astoria was aware that after his painful and scandalous divorce from Ginny - or rather, the divorce had been from Molly, who had suddenly realised that her life would again be confined to Burrow and the garden, and that instead of a lady of the capital, she would be a country bumpkin again... After the divorce, he had got rid of the old bed and a few other pieces of furniture and bought a new one, and a new one to suit his preferences. Consequently, both the frame and mattress were custom-made, as the London shops didn't even have anything close to that size.

- Yours and Daphne's? - she gasped.

- It's ours," he repeated.

- You want me to take her place? - Astoria couldn't believe it.

- No, darling, you have your own special place," he objected and pointed to his heart: "Right there!

- But Daphne is there! - she reminded him.

- Of course she is," he agreed. - She's not going anywhere. Never...

He reached up and kissed the curve of her neck, but she pushed him away, pressing her shoulder to his ear.

- 'Wait,' she asked. - You haven't told me yet... How have you been living all this time? We've seen you well, if once a week....

- I got off the chopping block," he shook his head. - I'm not going to tell you, because I really didn't behave properly. I let my animal charm get the best of me. I mean, I let the beast off the chain. Without a muzzle.

Astoria's eyes darted to the floor.

- Oh, that's it," she muttered in horror. - No, don't tell. I just hope I'm not in for any more surprises in the future....

- Neither do I," he shrugged. - You realise there are some things a man can't control.

- Or doesn't want to," she said. - Well, to hell with it! You'd better tell me how. It's only been six months, and you're already in love, and I don't see you suffering...?

- Am I supposed to suffer? - he threw a sharp glance at her, and she looked away in embarrassment.

- 'We were all afraid,' she said quietly. - I was afraid... That you would do something to yourself. If it had been possible, I would have stuck to you then and never let you go anywhere alone!

- Perry offered to immobilise me," he grinned. - I'm sorry, sweetheart.

- For what? - Astoria wondered.

- For letting you down," he explained.

- You mean all those women? - She was outraged. - To hell with them!

- No, not the women," he shook his head. - I'm really...

- Fool!" she took offence. - You just can't imagine... Your parents... You're like their own, like their own... Imagine what it would be like for them to lose two children at once!

- I'm sorry," he repeated, dejected.

- "Fool!" she said. - I'm so glad you had the sense to change your mind.

- I didn't change my mind," he shrugged. - I did what I intended to do.

- What?" Astoria exclaimed. - You did what?!

- Remember when I told you about Sirius' death? - he asked. - I followed him.

- Into that awful Gate? - She asked, turning pale. - In the Department of Mysteries?

- Yes, to the Arch," he nodded. - It turned out that it was not a useless tool for killing, but something like a wish-granting artefact....

- Fool!" she said again, and he thought she was going to cry.

- Astoria..." he called out, taking her hand in his.

- Twenty-four years already Astoria! - she snapped at him, but didn't take his hand back. - What did you ask for?

- I wanted oblivion," he answered. - Or rather, I just wanted it to hurt less... That thing got it right....

- Stupid, stupid Gryffindor," she sighed. - 'And what would I do without you? How would I live?

- Ah..." he opened his mouth, but hesitated when his eyes met hers.

He wondered why she was talking about herself, because back then, before he'd gone to the Department of Mysteries, he'd only been her sister's husband. Or was he not? Her look gave him the answer better than words, but she decided to put him out of his doubts for good.

- Did you think it was possible to resist, Harry? - Astoria said with a slight reproach in her voice. - Do you think I had any chance of not falling in love with you? No, don't think that you can't win a girl's heart with just a look or a sweet voice. It's not about you at all...

She bit her lip and sighed. He waited for her to continue-if she was going to continue.

- Who do you think has been your most loyal fan? - She asked. - The one who adored you and loved you more than anything else in the world? My sister didn't even have to praise you out loud - just when someone mentioned Harry Potter and she would burst into flames... Like Venus in the impending darkness of the night sky... That flame that burned in her soul was infectious... I couldn't resist, and neither could any of us.... Even Papa, who at first breathed resentment at the impudent man who had stood in the way of what seemed to him a favourable marriage... You should have heard him tell the stories he heard from his friends and acquaintances, how proud he was... As if you really were his son. Even Pansy Parkinson.

- Pansy what? - he asked greedily.

- I'm telling you I love you," Astoria shook her head. - And you want to hear about someone else again....

- I'm sorry, darling," he said, embarrassed. - I really am a moron.

She climbed onto the bed, snuggled up behind him and hugged him.

- Daphne was visiting her," she whispered, breathing ticklishly in his ear. - Pansy hadn't appeared among the wizards in years. Daphne had brought potions and ingredients she had bought especially for her. And, of course, stories. Everything. She hoped it would melt the block of ice she'd encased herself in. I'm sure Pansy's been in love with you for a long time. It's impossible not to after what Daphne told me about you. And I...

She nestled her lips against his neck and began to kiss him, and he hugged her over his head to put his lips to hers.

- I love you," he said, turning round to face her.

He pressed down gently, tipping her back on the bed, and pressed his weight on top of her, looking into her eyes.

- I love you," she replied smiling happily, pulling him to her.

Astoria dozed off, curled up against his side, and he continued to stroke her hair, looking up at the ceiling, feeling more and more magnetically drawn to the door behind which the impassive gaze of green eyes awaited him. As if sensing his thoughts, Astoria squirmed and placed her palm on his chest. Kissing her on the top of his head, he leaned back against the pillow.

She was right-if he'd made a mess of it with two girls under one roof without asking anyone for their opinion, it was up to him to decide what to do about it. Not even to decide, but to get out of it. A sting in the frying pan, heated in the flames of two fires at once. On the other hand, what she says about loving Pansy - and vice versa - is nonsense. He knows what love is, and his attitude to Pansy is not love at all. But his physical attraction to her is such that he is ready to howl at the moon and run across town to her. Maybe he likes the fact that she's pregnant. That's ridiculous - he wasn't attracted to Ginny, for example, when she was expecting a child....

I wonder what she's doing now? Probably embroidering, surrounded by needles and thread. What's she thinking about? Was she thinking about him? That the answer to that question was important to him was a troubling sign. Maybe Astoria was right about something. But no, of course he doesn't love Pansy. He likes her, and he cares for her. Not as an attractive girl, but as the mother of his child.

Astoria's breathing changed - she was no longer asleep.

- Kreacher," he called softly into the darkness.

- Yes, master," the houseboy responded immediately, with a clap to herald his arrival.

- Miss Astoria Greengrass is now mistress of this house," he said.

- The master's wishes are law in Kreacher," the housekeeper said. - Anything else?

- And Miss Pansy Parkinson," he added.

- What about Miss Pansy Parkinson? - The housekeeper asked.

- She's the landlady too," Harry explained.

- Kreacher understood," the housekeeper confirmed nonchalantly. - But Kreacher has never seen her here!

- If Miss Parkinson comes here, her wishes will be granted," he said.

- Kreacher will be happy to serve the new mistresses," the houseboy muttered. - Anything else?

- Draw the curtains and switch on the light," he asked. - And then... we'd like to be alone.

Astoria shifted, resting her head on his shoulder, and he slid his hand under the blanket, running his fingertips over the soft skin on her ribs, and palmed the breast he reached.

- Mistress, then," she said.

- Mistress," he agreed.

- Did you know that in the Dark Ages, when you didn't even have to be a sorceress, but only had to have a good figure and a pretty face to be burned at the stake for witchcraft..." she said.

- Nonsense, of course," he shrugged. - You can't burn a sorceress on a fire of wood and brushwood, can you?

- That's right," Astoria laughed. - That's how they got all the women they could find to be attractive!

- Yes, listen, that's right! - He said enthusiastically. - Until I spent a lot of time among the Muggles, I thought there were only ugly girls in Hoge! But here is a London full of such crocodiles, that with our bad-looking girls were not even next to each other!... What were you going to tell me about the bonfires?

- In those times the rejection of Christianity among wizards was so strong that even the ancient pagan rites, which would resemble Christian ones, were rejected by us, - she remembered. - And the code of magical rules and laws was enriched with an article, according to which it was enough to call a girl a mistress in her magical dwelling... Have you thought well?

- So I just took you as my wife? - He asked in a carefree tone. - That's fine.

- No, you're not going to get away with a big wedding! - She promised, playfully pinching his side. - I want to be beautiful in a veil, too!

- You are beautiful," he smiled. - And happy.

- Yes," Astoria nodded, "even though you have your sights set firmly on Pansy.

- Did I... take her to be my wife too? - he asked.

- Never mind," she laughed. - It's a very old custom. In the sixteenth century, the family code was completely rewritten, so there's no such provision.

- I see you've taken a keen interest in the subject," he said, kissing her forehead.

- A decent girl starts preparing for her wedding when she gets her first doll," Astoria said seriously. - I was given a real doll with lots of dresses and even a handsome prince to complete the set when I was five. By the time I was six, all the necessary rituals and customs were bouncing off my teeth!

- Merlin, where have I got to! - he exclaimed in feigned horror. - You're some kind of wedding maniac!

- I'm not! - she grinned bloodthirstily. - Wait, you'll fall into the hands of your mother, who will organise it all! The outfits, the bouquets, the hors d'oeuvres and the wedding cake!

- It's horrible! - he exclaimed. - I need a portal to Tibet right away!

- Why Tibet? - she asked suspiciously.

- There is no escape from there! - he blurted out.

Actually, it wasn't that bad. The Greengrasses really loved their son-in-law, and it would not have occurred to Peraspere to organise a celebration at which he would feel uncomfortable. And he... He loved his bride to bits, and all he needed was for the smile to never leave her face. He didn't even have to try or make an effort on the day of the wedding-he just disappeared into her happy eyes, and there was nothing in the world for him but those eyes... Until the moment when he had traditionally carried her across the threshold of Grimmo and her eyes had rounded in horror at Ginny's parting 'gift'.

- You're not going anywhere! - Astoria giggled wickedly, her fingernails scratching his chest and shaking him out of his memories.

- I won't run away," he agreed confidently.

- So when's the wedding? - she reminded, and then she came to her senses, raised her head and made a pitiful face: "I'm sorry, darling, I've been carried away! Your confessions made me lose my head. Don't mind me, I don't need any wedding - just as long as you are near!

- Of course you do," he said. - Would you mind telling me all the laws on this subject?

- Do you think about her all the time? - She asked him sympathetically.

- No, not all the time," he objected. - When you and I--when we're together--I think only of you.

She lifted herself up and lay on top of him, looking into his eyes.

- I don't know about you," she said, "but I can't physically endure twenty-four hours of love a day. But it's worth a try. What do you think?

He pulled the blanket off her, stroked her back, and squeezed her buttocks tightly.

- And I'm always up for it," he said, and she kissed him on the lips.