
Harry "Doom" Potter

STORY DROPPED! Summary: Harry Potter gets hit in the face with the Killing Curse, and is saved by his Mother's sacrifice. What happens when the failed curse brings something forward in Harry's Soul, that was supposed to have been forgotten? What happens when Harry remembers his old life of being Victor Von Doom? Will include: Demons, Time Travel, Magic, Kinda OP Character(Seriously, it's Doom!)

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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14 Chs


Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my fic, except for the completely OC characters I introduce.

This is a work of fanfiction, not made for earning money, but just to satisfy my hobby of writing. There is also no guarantee that I will finish this work of fanfiction, so keep that in mind before taking a look inside.

Also while I do have a Pat-reon account, it is completely open for the public, with no paywall for any post on it.


Yours faithfully, HelloDarkness07.

The Sorcerer Supreme.

A position I once held for a grand total of 17 hours in my previous life, in a Universe that I'm now 100% sure was most definitely not this one. 

And now, I find myself standing in front of my counterpart- The Sorcerer Supreme of this Universe- inside what appears to be the Mirror Realm.

But it is only a guess based on how it looks, and how it kind of mirrors the.. shall we say real world. I'd read up on it, yes, but I had not actually entered the Mirror Realm before. Master Yao had not allowed me to enter the Mirror Realm while I was his student, and my life was cut short before I could do it myself.

Apparently, the Mirror Realm had been used to trap so many enemies that it was risky to even try to open up a gateway to it. It seems in this Universe, however, that is not a problem.

The surroundings look a bit similar to the house I was in, with a few glances at the shattered mirror-like appearance of the Realm showing me that I could see outside of it. But the dimensions don't match. The room inside the Mirror realm is far, far bigger than the nursery we were just in, with the walls being pushed back. The items that were in my nursery were also missing, but there were a few additions, like the Asian tea table kept a distance behind her.

"Mr Potter." The bald woman I know to be Sorcerer Supreme says in greeting, right after pulling me inside the Mirror Realm.

I keep staring at her, ready to fight for my freedom but not yet ready to make an enemy out of her without sufficient reason. Although, she's already on her way to be it by making me what is definitely her prisoner in this Realm.

Tilting her head to the side, she starts walking towards the tea table, with pillows already kept for the two of us, and says, "Come, would you like some tea?"

I follow her, weirded out a bit, and ask, "Depends. Are you in the habit of offering tea to every 9 year old boy you kidnap?"

I'd expected her to start attacking me as soon as she saw me, either to capture me, or to test me. This… talking, I did not expect.

The woman chuckles, and sitting down she says, "Only the ones that do something eye-catching, and I don't mean it in a good way. Please, sit."

I stare at the sitting pillow for a moment, and then sit down, seeing as I don't really have another option. Taking the tea she offers, I take a sip to try the hot tea, and raise an eyebrow at her.

"That's.. just how I like it." I say, wondering if the Eye showed her how I liked my tea.

The Sorcerer Supreme takes a sip of her own, with her lips curved up, and says, "I am the Sorcerer Supreme. Finding how you take your tea is not something I had any trouble with."

Shaking my head, I finish the tea in a few more sips, and keep the cup down, waiting for her to do the same. She takes her time, almost a minute in fact, and then finally returns my stare, her elbows resting on the table between us.

"So.. you know who I am." She begins speaking, and I just nod in assent. Nodding back, she says, "How much do you know about me, may I ask?"

Frowning, I take a moment to decide how much to reveal. I doubt she knows about my previous life, but I won't bet on it. So considering that she knows all I've done from the moment I was born, to maybe even a few years in the future, thanks to the Eye of Agamotto.. let's just assume she knows everything about Harry Potter.

Focusing back on her, I say, "I know about the existence of the Sorcerers, although I don't know what you study, where, or how. I know that you're the leader of the Sorcerers, Sorcerer Supreme being your title, and your job is to safeguard the planet against external, mystical threats. Demons, dragons, rogue Sorcerers and the like. Other than that, I know nothing about you."

The Sorcerer Supreme raises an eyebrow, and asks, "And how do you know all this? Sorcerers have spent a lot of time keeping our existence a secret."

Humming, I answer, "I learned about your existence through Alastair, the demon I had summoned that day. I got proof of it when your Sorcerers came to the forest, and I learned about you when you yourself came to the forest. The rest.. were just deductions, until you confirmed them for me."

Not all of it is a lie, funnily enough. I did not know that this new world of mine had Sorcerers, not for sure anyway, until Alastair mentioned them.

The Sorcerer Supreme nods, accepting the answer, and says, "Let me introduce myself properly then. I am called the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of our World, and leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts- Sorcerers. As you said, my duties include protecting the World from otherworldly threats, and while we do focus on Mystical threats first, we have fought against other, non-magical threats as well. Along with that, my Duty as a Sorcerer Supreme includes keeping track of all the Magical communities around the world, and making sure they're not a threat to the World."

Taking a pause, she looks me in the eyes, and says, "And you, Mr Potter, are currently on a path to be named such a threat."

I frown, and ask, "Why?"

The Sorcerer Supreme looks at me sternly, and in a serious voice she says, "Please don't play coy with me, Mr Potter. You've summoned and killed a total of 47 Creatures of Hell, one of them being a Tier III Demon, while another one being the Grand Torturer of Hell. Your actions have been noticed, not just from this side, but on the other side as well. The next Demon you summon wouldn't just lead to your own death, but the destruction of Earth as well." 

I nod, accepting it all, and say, "Which is why I've stopped summoning and killing Demons."

She raises her eyebrows, and asks, "Have you, now? And I'm supposed to just take your word for it?"

I smile at her, and say, "Of course. You'll take my word for it because if you didn't believe me, I would have been attacked by you, not spoken to."

She stares at me for a few seconds, and then chuckles. Shaking her head, she says, "You know full well, Mr Potter, to take advantage of your age. What were you even trying to achieve by summoning and killing all those demons?"

Snorting, I say, "I wasn't trying to achieve anything, Sorcerer Supreme. I just needed some answers, and Alastair was the only one who could provide me, whom I wouldn't lose to. The ones before Alastair were.. practice, so I could improve my spells."

The Sorcerer Supreme blinks, surprise showing plainly on her face. She opens her mouth, and asks, "You.. risk a war.. with Hell.. for answers?"

"They were very important questions, you wouldn't understand." I simply say, staring at her to show that I will most definitely not elaborate.

"And why did you kill them? Why take their Magic?" The Sorcerer Supreme asks, raising her voice a bit.

I look at her, more than a bit annoyed at the raised voice, and say, "I didn't want to warn Hell of my actions, obviously, nor any Magicals keeping an eye on the Creatures of Hell being summoned topside, like yourself. So, I knew that I had to kill the Creatures while at the same time making sure their Magic does not cause damage to the world." Not before I had my answers anyway. "And so, I took their Magic and crystallized it."

Taking a pause, I notice that she's listening carefully, no doubt to see if I'm lying.

At her nod, I continue and say, "When it came to killing Alastair, however, I had no other option. My Magic, strong as it is for my age, would not have been able to kill him, and I did not want to let him go back to Hell. So, I did to him what I did to the others. I took his Magic as well."

The Sorcerer Supreme sighs, leaning back, and asks, "And did you get your answers from Alastair?"

I shake my head, and say, "Not all of them, no. But if you're asking if I'll be summoning any more demons, then you do not have to worry. I won't be summoning any more Demons."

I'll instead be going to Hell myself, some day.

"Are you sure about that?" She asks, sounding dubious.

I nod, completely serious, and say, "As of now, and maybe for the next few centuries as well, the Lord of Hell will be keeping an eye on all the Demons summoned to Earth. If I even try to make contact with Hell, he will know it was me, and I'll either end up in Hell myself, or I'll end up summoning him here. Which I want just as much as you do. So yes, I won't be dabbling in Demons for the foreseeable future."

The Sorcerer Supreme accepts the answer with a nod, and says, "You're.. surprisingly mature for your age."

"Perks of being raised in an abusive household. You know how it is." I simply say, not at all blind to her change in topic.

She hums, and says, "That's not all, though, is it? Your maturity is more than a consequence of your situation growing up. In fact, from what I've observed, you've been mature ever since you were left at your Aunt's house. Tell me.. are you actually Harry Potter or are you someone else?"

I look at her in disbelief, and ask, "Shouldn't you have asked this before we even spoke about Demons and all?" Shaking my head, I make eye contact, and without hesitation I say, "I am Harry Potter. I am not someone else masquerading as Harry Potter, or someone using his Body."

Harry Potter. Doom. I'm both one and the same. I am Harry Potter, Harry Potter is me. I used to be Victor Von Doom, but that's besides the point.

The Sorcerer Supreme hums, and says, "I'm afraid I find that a bit hard to believe. I think.. that while you do possess Harry Potter's body, and his Magic, that you're someone else. I believe.. you're Tom Marvolo Riddle."

I stare at her, wondering.. Did she seriously just say that?

"You.. you actually believe that. You actually believe that I'm Tom Riddle. You believe that this tiny little Soul Fragment took over my body? Hah!" Gods, I needed this laugh. I've been serious for far too long.

Shaking my head while still chuckling, I say, "My mind, my Spirit.. is a Sanctuary. God, Demon, Wizard, Sorcerer, it matters not. No one goes inside my mind without my express permission, and I will never give such a permission to anyone. Let alone the parasite living in my head without paying rent."

"So you do know about it." The Sorcerer Supreme says, softly.

Nodding at her unasked question, I explain, "Alastair was.. really interested in it. I didn't know of it before, but he generously explained everything to me, hoping that I would grant it to him."

She just nods, and stays silent for a while. After a few seconds of blissful silence of the Mirror Realm, she sighs, and says, "Unfortunately, Mr Potter, I am going to need some more proof regarding your identity. And no, you cannot refuse. Not unless you mean to fight me, which.. will not go well for you. There's just a simple spell that will allow you to prove my identity to me. It will take barely a minute, and it won't hurt at all."

I raise my eyebrow at her, and say, "I have to say, if your goal is to turn me into an enemy of yourself, then you're doing a wonderful job so far."

"I have no intention of making enemies out of children, Mr Potter." She frowns.

I shake my head and say, "From where I'm standing, that's exactly what you're doing. You kidnapped me while I was emotionally vulnerable, maybe to catch me off guard. You're interrogating me about things you already know about. And now you want to forcefully cast a spell on me. How is that not making me an enemy?"

The woman sighs, and says, "Try to look at this from my side, why don't you? You're a Wizard child, with knowledge of Witchcraft that only one woman in the entire history of humanity has been known to possess, your own great-grandmother, with no hints as to how that knowledge came to be in your possession. Not just that, but you've already made contact with Hell, and almost definitely declared war upon it, endangering the entire Universe. If you were an adult, we wouldn't be having this conversation, Mr Potter. You would have been killed without a question."

Scoffing, I say, "If I was an adult, you would never have caught me off guard. Besides, you're one to talk about declaring making contact with Demons a crime. After all, haven't you done something far worse than just make contact?"

At that, I pointedly look at her forehead, which is where the connection is focused. And I can feel it clearly. Despite the countless methods she may have used in hiding it, I can feel it. I can feel him.

Because how could I not? I have spent my last moments as Doom in the presence of that Magic, it would be very hard to hide him from me.

The Dread Lord, Dormammu.

The woman snaps her eyes up at me, no emotion on her face, and slowly says, "Choose your next words wisely, Mr Potter."

Fuck it.

Scoffing, I stand up, and say, "I have nothing left to say. You've been reassured that I won't be dabbling in the Demonic for the foreseeable future. My identity is my own concern, and not yours. And if you still want to condemn me for making contact with Demons, I expect you to condemn yourself as well."

Pausing, I lean down on the table to stare in her eyes, and say, "As both of us have said, we don't want to make an enemy out of one another. Because as of now if we fight, yes, you will win. But if you force this on me, if you do make me your enemy, I assure you, Ancient One, you will not like the consequences."

She'll win if a fight happens. Maybe she'll even kill me. But Hell or Heaven, Wizarding version or the ones I already knew of, I will find a way to come back. Just so I can have my vengeance. Even if she manages to trap me, I will come back just so I can have my vengeance.

The Sorcerer Supreme keeps her eyes on mine for a long while, after which she nods, and says, "I'll take your warning to heart and give you one in return. You're already in my sights for what you've been doing, Mr Potter. And my Sight transcends Time itself. So if you do something else like this.. you will not like the consequences either."

Saying that, the woman raises her left hand, a strange two fingered ring adorned in her index and middle finger, and moves her right hand in a circle repeatedly. It conjures sparks in the air, which then spin around with her hand, forming into a stable portal, still with sparks spinning from it.

Convenient, but there's a lot of energy wasted as compared to my Teleportation. Although, I suppose traveling through different Realms is not something my Teleportation can achieve. 

For now.

As I start walking towards the portal, the Sorcerer Supreme says, "Stay out of trouble, Mr Potter. And we won't see each other again."

Waving my hand without even stopping, I step through the portal and say, "Send me a list of things I shouldn't do to keep out of trouble, and we'll be set. May we never meet again."

"Oh but we will, Mr Potter. We most definitely will." The Sorcerer Supreme says with a strange look on her face, as she closes the portal back up.

Strange. Despite me defying her, why does it feel as if this conversation went exactly how she wanted it to go?

Shaking my head, I look around the house, finding it exactly how I had left it, and start looking for anything else my parents had left behind, hidden in the walls.

Finding a way to block Scrying beyond what I can block right now, has just jumped at the top of the list. Although.. I doubt I can do it with the knowledge and Skill level I'm at right now. Hopefully, something works, because like Hell I'm being observed by these Sorcerers for dangerous Magics that I'm definitely going to practice.

I should also find a way to learn more about this Great-grandmother of mine. My mother's journal should provide me with the answers I'm looking for.

After gathering all the stuff I find hidden in the house, I step outside, and just stare at the house. This.. is my house. This is where my parents were hoping to raise me. It's not grand, but it's mine.

And I am not letting the Wizarding Government treat something of mine as their own.

Raising my hand, I focus on the house, and send a beam of my magic towards the corner that was destroyed that night, all the while focusing on just one action, "Fix."

The broken walls glow with my green magic, and within moments, so does a spot on the front yard.

Slowly, bit by bit, the dirt from the ground flies up towards the hole in the wall, and fills it up, while at the same time getting transformed into the brick and mortar that the rest of the house is made out of. 

Within around 20 seconds, the wall and roof that had been blown out on the Halloween night of 1981, is nowhere to be seen, and instead, the house is completely fixed. Taking a breath, I let my magic flow once more, this time to cover the entire house, and Fix all the cracks and chips that had plagued it.

Nodding in satisfaction once that's done, I leave the house and teleport away, back to Number Four Privet Drive. I have a home now, my own home. Not the Dursley's.

They will definitely be happy. I have found a place of my own, and as promised, it is time for me to leave their house. It is time for me to move out of Number Four Privet Drive. For good.

(The Ancient One)

Seeing the boy known as Harry Potter walk away from her, the most powerful Sorcerer in the world sighed in frustration. Variables, she did not like those much.

They may sometimes make her life a bit more fun, but in this case, the only thing it gave her was headaches. The headache being the entire Life of Harry James Potter.

The boy was dangerous, there was no doubt in this. He has knowledge of Runes that she can find no hints of, with the only other user being his own great-grandmother. He has used said Runes to great effect, keeping even herself blind to his deeds before she was forced to use the Eye of Agamotto.

Summoning and killing Demons was just the riskiest of things he had done, which she wouldn't have even blinked at in previous years. But when the culprit in question is just 9 years old, even the Ancient One has to take a step back and observe. And observe she did.

For over 600 years she had lived her life, considering one set of paths for herself, where Dr Stephen Strange, a boy of just 13 as of today, will succeed her as Sorcerer Supreme, and she'll die after some Demon or the other manages to destroy the three Sanctums and tries to enter the Mortal world. In most cases, it is Dormammu.

But now, those possibilities are still there, but in some of them, Dr Stephen Strange does not become the next Sorcerer Supreme, but Harry Potter does. Hell, in some of them, he challenges her for the title before she can die, and wins it from her. 

And in a frightening majority of the other possibilities, Harry Potter becomes either the savior of the world, or its destructor.

And all of these changes began with one single event. 

The Halloween night of 1981.

Something happened when Tom Riddle attacked the baby named Harry Potter, which was not supposed to. At least, it was not something that the Eye of Agamotto could foresee. That something.. left Harry Potter with impossible knowledge of the world of Magic, and created so many new problems for her. Something which allows him to sense her connection to the Dark Dimension, despite her having gone through tremendous efforts to hide it.

Did Dormammu have a hand in saving Harry that night? But no, she would have sensed it. Lily Potter did not contact any Demon that night, but she did Ritualistically Sacrifice herself on Samhein, a night where the lines between the Realms are a bit more.. blurred.

If it was a side effect of Lily Potter's sacrifice, or if it was something this new Runic Language of theirs managed to do, she did not know. Nor could she confirm it. Everyone who used that language, save for Harry Potter himself, is now dead.

Sighing, she creates a portal back to Kamar Taj, to inform Master Mary of the London Sanctum about this development. Someone will have to keep a constant eye on Harry Potter, and it cannot be herself.

But first, she approaches the pedestal that holds the Eye of Agamotto, and puts it around her neck. She will have to observe that Halloween night many more times, till she's satisfied about the cause of all this.

No matter what fate Harry Potter leads them towards, she just hoped that the world is ready for it.

A/N: Sorry for the late upload. The chapter just would not satisfy me. I wrote one with Harry fighting the Sorcerer Supreme, with her just testing him and him observing her Magic use, ending with TAO binding him with Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, and then forcing his Astral form out to confirm his identity.

But no matter how I tried, it made Harry a confirmed enemy to Kamar Taj, and I don't want that. So, I rewrote it, twice. And this is the final product.

How is it? Keep the comments, replies, and reviews coming!

Thank you!
