
Harry "Doom" Potter

STORY DROPPED! Summary: Harry Potter gets hit in the face with the Killing Curse, and is saved by his Mother's sacrifice. What happens when the failed curse brings something forward in Harry's Soul, that was supposed to have been forgotten? What happens when Harry remembers his old life of being Victor Von Doom? Will include: Demons, Time Travel, Magic, Kinda OP Character(Seriously, it's Doom!)

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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14 Chs


Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my fic, except for the completely OC characters I introduce.

This is a work of fanfiction, not made for earning money, but just to satisfy my hobby of writing. There is also no guarantee that I will finish this work of fanfiction, so keep that in mind before taking a look inside.

Also while I do have a Pat-reon account, it is completely open for the public, with no paywall for any post on it.


Yours faithfully, HelloDarkness07.

Vernon Dursley smiled in satisfaction, as he drove the car back home. Looking into the rearview mirror, he asks, "Son, how did you like the movie, then?"

Dudley had an excited smile on his face, as he exclaimed, "It was amazing! How Indi just whooshed his whip! And wham! I wish I had a whip like him!"

Vernon chuckled at the excitement on Dursley's face, while Petunia just smiled indulgently. They had just seen the newly released movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and sure enough, both father and son loved it.

Petunia didn't enjoy the movie too much, but she did enjoy spending time with her husband and son. Just her husband and son.

"We'll get you one, don't you worry son." Vernon reassured him, not able to say no to his son. Besides, what harm would a toy whip do? Maybe it'll even keep their Freak of a nephew in line.

Soon enough, the car parked in front of their house and Dudley immediately ran off towards the door, only to be stopped by the lock, as well as his limited height.

"Come on! I'm hungry!" Dudley whined, forcing Petunia to hurry up with unlocking the door, and allowing all three of the Dursley family to walk back into the house.

Vernon took a deep breath, as he always does as soon as he gets home, and surprisingly smells something aromatic.

Sniffing a few more times, he calls out, "Pet? Did you leave the stove on before leaving?"

Petunia, who was busy taking her coat off, immediately frowns, and sniffs as well. She immediately notices the smell and as she starts walking towards the kitchen, she says, "No. I made sure to turn the gas off before I even left the kitchen."

"Mum! I smell bacon, can I have some?" Dudley whined, and sure enough, Vernon then recognised the smell as that of cooked bacon.

He followed Petunia to the kitchen and finds her looking around the stove, which sure enough, was turned off.

"The stove's off. Where's the smell coming from then?" Petunia asks, standing up.

Immediately, both their eyes widen as Vernon's face turns red in anger. "BOYYY!!" He yells, and turns around.

Walking to the hallway in front of their front door, Vernon slams his fist on the door to the cupboard under the stairs a few times, and calls out, "Boy, you come out of there right this minute, or I swear to God, you're getting lashed!"

Surprisingly, even the threat doesn't make said boy come out of the Cupboard under the stairs. Getting angrier, Vernon grabs the handle and pulls the door open. His words of anger stop right at his tongue, however, when he sees inside the cupboard under the stairs.

"What's wrong, Vernon?" Petunia asks from behind him, already holding a cooking spatula, no doubt so she could punish the boy herself.

Vernon shakes his head, and as he starts looking around the cupboard, he says, "The Boy's not here, Pet. Where the hell is he?!"

Immediately, Petunia and Vernon start going through all the rooms on the ground floor, finding nothing. The door to the backyard was locked, but even opening it and looking for the boy finds no results.

It is only when Vernon starts looking upstairs that he finally finds something. There were four rooms upstairs, not counting the single bathroom. One bedroom for the couple, one for their loving son Dudley, one for guests, and one as an extra bedroom, which they used to throw broken stuff in.

Dudley's broken toys, the old TV, the useless books that Dudley got for his birthdays, old clothes, and a lot of other stuff was thrown in the room, and mostly forgotten.

And right now, Vernon could see light coming out from underneath the door to that room.

His anger immediately comes to the forefront of his mind, and stomping forward Vernon slams the door open.

Immediately his eyes land on the subject of his anger. His wife's nephew, the Freak, the boy, Harry Potter, sat on the spare bed, the toys and broken stuff shifted to one side of the room, while the old cutting board just.. floated in front of him. And on that cutting board, was what he had smelled immediately upon entering.

Two dishes, one with two slices of toasted bread, while the other had a single sunny side up egg, and two strips of bacon. And one glass, full of warm milk.

The boy in question had a knife and a fork in his hands, as he calmly cut at the egg and bread, and put it into his mouth, giving no heed to his imminent punishment, all the while staring outside the window at the night sky.


Before he could take a second step, however, he saw something that immediately stopped him. A second knife, this one he recognised as one Petunia used for cutting onions or the like, was now floating between the boy and him, its tip barely an inch away from his right eye.

The boy turned away from the window, and as he calmly cut another piece from the egg, he softly said, "I heard you, Uncle Vernon. I just didn't care."

For not the first time in his life, the boy's eyes made Vernon wary. It had always been like this, although he had tried to ignore the feeling most of the time. It made him feel as if he wasn't.. enough. He wasn't significant as compared to the four year old child in front of him.

But still, Vernon had ignored it once he realised the boy wouldn't do anything to him and braved on. Now, however, those eyes promised that he wouldn't just sit back and let Vernon throw his weight around.

Gulping at the look, Vernon took a step back to get away from the knife, but the knife followed him all the same, until his back was right at the wall next to the door.

"It is good that you came here, uncle. A talk has been long overdue, don't you think?" The boy said, once again cutting another piece of the egg to eat, all the while staring up at him.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing footsteps as Petunia appeared in front of the open door. She immediately stopped, once she saw the knife floating right in front of Vernon's face, which had an expression of a man confused whether to be afraid, or angry.

She turned her head towards her nephew, who had obviously noticed her appearance, and with a scream of fear, she immediately turned back the way she came to run away. Before she could do that, however, the boy's eyes glowed with an eerie green light and Petunia found the door slamming shut, having missed her nose by barely an inch.

Shaking with fear, Petunia slowly turned around, while noticing all the proof of Magic that was openly being used.

The knife floating threateningly in front of Vernon. The cutting board floating in the air, that the boy was using as a dining table. The door slamming shut.

Her lips quivering, Petunia asked, "What- what are you doing? How are you doing this?"

The boy swallowed the morsel already in his mouth, and looking at her drily, he said, "Using my Freakishness, of course. But you already knew that, Aunt Petunia. You've always known I was different from your.. disgustingly normal self."

The boy had always been far too well spoken for his age, so his words did not catch her off guard, at all. It was how he knew that he was different, and that too because of her own behaviour, that did.

Shaking her head, she tried to deny, "I know nothing about your freakishness." But her voice betrayed her nervousness about lying.

The boy frowned, and waved the knife in his hand, which caused the knife floating in the air to come even closer to Vernon's eyes, and said with barely a whisper, "Do not lie, Aunt. You've known I was different since the moment you first laid eyes on me. I still remember the argument you had with Vernon about it, when you found me outside your door. You WILL tell me all you know about my.. Freakishness.. or.."

And then, the knife in front of Vernon's terrified frozen face dropped down to Vernon's neck, forcing him to lean further back into the wall to avoid being cut.

"Wait! WAIT! PET! TELL THE FREAK! FOR FUCK'S SAKE, TELL HIM!" Vernon yelled, as he pushed himself up the wall to avoid the knife.


The flat side of the knife landed on Vernon's cheek, leaving a small cut where it met the blade, before taking its position on his neck once again.

Looking at him in disapproval, the boy said, "Keep your voice down, uncle. You don't want Dudley to come investigating.. Do you?"

Petunia widened her eyes, fearful, and immediately dropped down to her knees and said, "NO! Wait! I'll.. I'll tell you! What.. what do you want to know?"

The boy smiled, his evil nature showing for once, and said, "Tell me, how did you know I was.. Freakish.. even when I was a baby? And remember.. don't lie. I can tell when you lie."

Petunia gulped, and said, "How could I not know?! When my own sister was a freak!"

Try as she might, she could not keep the bitterness out of her voice.

Raising his eyes, the boy ordered, "Go on," and she had no misconceptions about exactly what he was doing.

Taking a deep breath, Petunia began speaking. She told him about her sister, about that dirty little friend of hers, and how the two used their freakishness over and over to mess with her. She told him about the letter her sister got when she was 11, inviting her to a School for other Freaks like her. She told him about how she went and studied there for 7 years, before marrying another Freak and disappearing from her life for good.

Before one day, HE came upon their doorstep, left there by Lily's old headmaster for her to take care of, because Lily and her Freak of a husband had gotten themselves blown up by another Freak.

"Interesting." The boy mumbled to himself. "Ignoring your obvious jealousy over my mother's Freakishness, you spoke the truth. And what do these Freaks call themselves? What am I?"

Petunia dropped to her knees, her lips quivering as tears flowed out of her eyes. Glaring at him all the while, she whispered, "Wizards. They call themselves Wizards. That's what you are, you freak. There's a whole World out there, hidden in the normal world, full of freaks like you."

The boy hummed, ignoring the insult with practice. With a wave of his hand, the tray floating in front of him moved to the side and the boy stepped down from the bed.

Taking a couple steps, he walked towards the window, his hands behind his back, and said, "Now that that's over with, there is something else we need to talk about."

"What now?" Petunia asked harshly, wiping her eyes.

The boy's hand twitched before a broken toy from the back of the room flew towards Petunia and hit her right in the back of her head.

"Aagh!" Petunia yelped, holding her head.

Vernon startled in his place, and yelled, "PET!" as she cried. Glaring at the boy, Vernon's face turned red as he yelled, "We took you in, boy! We fed you!"

("Not nearly enough." The boy interjected.)

"We gave you a roof over your head!" Vernon continued, ignoring the interruption.

("In the cupboard usually used for shoes.")

"We clothed you!"

("Using Dudley's throwaways.")

"And you hit her? You threaten us?!" Vernon finished, spittle flying out of his mouth.

Rolling his eyes, the boy said, "That was hardly a hit. She hit me with a hot off-the-stove frying pan last month, when I couldn't cook the bacon for her little Diddykins perfectly. She should be able to handle a little plastic."

Petunia just whimpered while Vernon grit his teeth. He barely stopped himself from yelling some more, however, when the knife that he had ignored for a short while dug closer to his neck, leaving a small cut as a warning.

Ignoring them, the boy said, "Now, no interruptions please. We need to discuss your behaviour from here on out. Obviously, I will not be allowing you two, or your son, to beat me around anymore, nor am I allowing you to yell at me unjustly."

He took a pause then, to let it all sink into their minds, and then said, "Let's be honest, you want me here in your house just as much as I want to be here. Not at all. But unfortunately for us, I have nowhere else to go. Until I find some place else, we will have to tolerate one another."

Turning back, he smiled that nasty smile of his, before saying, "So, I offer you a deal. I will be staying in this room from now on. You can still throw in all the broken stuff here, I might just find a use for it or throw it out myself. I will cook my own food, using your rations of course. I will still use Dudley's old clothes, since I don't really care for new ones. And you.. will leave me alone."

"And in return? What do we get? What do you even have to offer?" Vernon asked, with false bravado.

The boy looked at him with a single raised eyebrow, and asked, "Your life in your own hands isn't enough, Vernon? Do not assume for one moment that I've forgotten all the scorn you gave me for no reason at all. All the smacking around, frying pan on my head, curses and the like. And let's not forget the words you said against not just me, but my parents as well. Be grateful that I am leaving you alive at all, Vernon. Because trust me.. I would lose no sleep at all after killing the three of you."

Vernon and Petunia widen their eyes in fear, as Petunia shouts, "NO! Don't kill us! If you do then- then- those freaks will come after you!"

The boy paused to think and said, "Yes, I suppose that is a factor to be considered. Be grateful then, you will remain in the mortal world at least until I have no reason to make it change."

Turning towards Vernon, he said, "As for your demand. In return, Vernon Dursley, I will not use my Magic on you. How's that? You two do your bare minimum of the duties as my guardian by providing me a good enough room, food, and clothes, and other than that? Nothing. You leave me alone, and I leave you alone. Capiche?"

Afraid for their lives, Vernon and Petunia had no option but to agree. Despite him saying that he would not kill them, neither of the pair totally believed him. Especially after the cut he had left on Vernon's neck.

"Good. Now that we're all in agreement, get out. It is 5 minutes past my bedtime, and I find myself terribly annoyed for having missed those 5 minutes." The boy said with a smile.

Petunia hastily got up from the floor, and both Vernon and her scrambled out of the door which slammed shut as soon as they were out.

Heart beating quickly, she looked at Vernon and whispered, "Vernon..? What will we do?"

Vernon shook his head rapidly, while his reddened face slowly lost its colour, and said, "Nothing, Pet. I would rather leave him alone and ignore his entire existence than have him spoil our good family. Bloody freak!"

Petunia couldn't help but nod in agreement. She just wished she had just dropped him off at the Church like Vernon originally planned. Maybe then she wouldn't have been threatened in her own house!

Not knowing how their life would change, or if it will at all, Petunia and Vernon stepped down the stairs to find Dudley already asleep on the sofa, having done so while watching the TV. Petunia took Dudley to bed with them that night, not wanting to be away from him after the debacle from earlier.

Before sleeping, she couldn't help but wonder, 'Shall I ask Vernon to go up there while the boy's asleep and put him in his place? No.. he'll just do this all again another day, then. And he might even be angrier if that happens. Forget it! I'll just focus on our little family, and hope the boy doesn't mess everything up for us!'

It is said that memory does not form in a child until they are past their earliest years. But this has never been true for Harry.

No.. Harry James Potter remembers it all. Even his past life, as Victor Von Doom!

The only thing he does not remember, is the first 15 months of his life, from before he regained his old memories and not from a lack of trying.

The oldest memory Harry can remember was from when he was 15 months old. He was woken up by loud noises, only to hear Vernon and Petunia Dursley arguing loudly about what to do with him, the apparent nephew of Petunia.

After the confusion of his situation had worn off, he had first thought that this was a dream after death. Or maybe even his personal Hell for the Sins he had committed, and there were many, at least according to the usual Morals that people naively believed in.

The first on the list was his abandonment of Latveria, which he had done to fulfil his ambitions of learning more about Physics and Engineering. When the General from the United States offered him money, the finest school to teach him and finest labs to experiment in, he gladly accepted. He was even happy to be away from Latveria.

He had left Latveria to the tender mercies of the Baron for three whole years. How many people had died then? How many children had slept cold at night? Starved?

He had believed that his room inside the cupboard under the stairs, which was always cold, and the fact that Petunia fed him so little, was a direct result of that Sin of his.

His arrogance had then led to his classmate, Reed Richards, and himself, being injured, despite the boy genuinely wanting to help fix his calculations.

Another Sin, he thought. Arrogance.

'But at least I had finally seen proof that my Mother was actually trapped in Hell.' He amended, as he always did when he was debating with himself.

And then, instead of returning to Latveria to continue his War against the Baron, Doom had then decided he wanted to bring his Mother from the clutches of Hell first. And so, Doom abandoned Latveria once again, to go East.

To Kamar Taj.

There, he somehow managed to convince the Sorcerer Supreme, Yao, to not just train him in using Magic, but also make him his successor to the post of Sorcerer Supreme.

And once both Master and Pupil felt they were ready, they went to Hell, to rescue Cynthia Von Doom, his mother.

Little did Doom know then, that Master Yao was so sure of leaving the Earth Dimension in better hands, that he went to Hell fully prepared to die. And so, when Mephisto, the ruler of Hell, attacked them, Yao sacrificed himself, allowing Doom to free his mother and escape.

His mother went to Heaven, as she deserved to after the torment she had suffered, while Master Yao.. got stuck in Hell, under Mephisto's tender mercies.

A third Sin.

His then current predicament, being stuck in the body of a baby being raised by relatives that were negligent at best, and abusive at worst, was most likely the corresponding punishment for that Sin.

And as if that wasn't enough, when another Evil Demon, Dormammu, took the opportunity that Yao's death presented and attacked Earth, and Doom was fatally wounded while sending Dormammu packing, Doom decided to commit another Sin. His final Sin, in that life.

He ordered his Doom Bots to upload his memories into the mind of the Doctor caring for him. Doctor Stephen Strange. A promising man with talents in Sorcery rivalling his own, who had once come to Yao for help, himself.

The final Sin's punishment.. he didn't know. His memories being inside the mind of a baby? Unable to do anything but cry when his diapers got wet? Or when hunger struck him? A genius unable to say more than a few words, those few being Mama, Dada, and No.

The only other Punishment possible would be if there was a third set of memories in his mind somewhere and he just didn't know it yet. But that would be pretty unlikely.. wouldn't it?

And so, believing that this is his Hell, he had just.. gone with the flow. Petunia wanted him to sleep inside the cupboard? Sure. Go hungry because he cried a bit louder this afternoon? Yup, got it. Cook for Dudley? At least he'll get to smell good food that way.

He was obviously biding his time, because deserved or not, there was no way in Hell, pun intended, that Victor Von Doom, the Sorcerer Supreme, was staying trapped in a Hell dimension. He would suffer the punishment until he felt it was sufficient, and then he would leave.

That was the original plan.

Of course, like always, no plan stays that way while actually implementing it.

The changes in his plan happened when he first used his Magic, completely accidentally too, funnily enough. And that too without any training in this body whatsoever.

It happened barely two months ago, in fact. Harry had gone hungry that night, like a lot of nights, and couldn't sleep. His mind kept on repeating to itself, 'I want food! I want food! I want food!!'

And suddenly, with a burst of Magic that he barely even felt coming from himself, the door to the cupboard under the stairs snapped open, without anyone even touching it. At first he was startled, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Harry immediately ran to the fridge, and stole two slices of bread, one slice of cheese, and a whole glass of water.

That was plenty enough for 4 year old Harry, especially since he was in the habit of eating less.

Eating it slowly, and silently so as to not wake the Dursleys up, Harry then gulped down the water, kept the glass back in its spot, and returned to his cupboard.

Only then did he focus on what had just happened. And it was also then that he knew.. he wasn't in any Hell. There was a specific flavour to Hell's magic, and whatever he used just now wasn't it.

This was just a new life. A normal, regular, reincarnation of a new life.

As for his Magic? There were two possibilities.

First, Harry had kept the Magic from his previous life.

And Second.. his mother in this life had also dabbled in the Dark Arts, like Cynthia had done in the previous one, allowing their sons to be born with a natural talent in Magic.

Of course, he had never even considered a Third option. Even Doom could not have foreseen a subspecies of Humanity born with the ability to use Magic. Magic that did not come from any Demon, nor any Book of Witchcraft.

A subspecies that had their own Schools, Governments, and who were hidden from the other.. mundane population in the so-called Wizarding World. Petunia may have hidden a lot of details about these Wizards, but Doom was smart enough to read between the lines, sometimes even when the Lines didn't exist.

But.. this still did not mean that his mother, Lily, and his father, were at Peace. They died protecting him from a Dark Wizard.

And if Dark Magic was involved.. It is possible that his parents' souls are still tormenting in Hell, to this day. Harry hoped it wasn't so, but he could not deny the possibility. Which means that just like Victor Von Doom, Harry would most likely have someone to retrieve from Hell.

The next two months were spent using his old memories as guides to manipulate the magic in and around him, and master it enough that he could force Petunia to explain his Magic, and force Vernon to just leave him alone.

For now, he could just move things around, create and manipulate fire, and with mixed results, influence someone's minds. But he knew now that once he turned 11, there would be a whole new School of Magic to learn.

Mastering his Sorcery once again would come after mastering his inherent Magic, if he didn't do so before turning 11 that is. And after that?

There was a whole new World for the taking, and a whole list of tasks to complete. After all.. the souls of his Parents, as well as Master Yao, did not deserve to stay inside Hell for Doom's mistakes. Nor did Latveria deserve to stay under the control of the evil Baron.

Doom had barely managed to do it when he was with the Sorcerer Supreme. But Harry.. Harry will do it by himself, and make Doom proud. No.. he will surpass Doom.

Harry will succeed wherever Doom had failed, of that he had no doubt. He will make sure of it.