
Harlequin(Harry) Potter and the Velvet Butterfly

I AM PLANNING TO WRITE A FANFIC ON ONE OF THESE 3 NOVELS. PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ONE WOULD YOU LIKE. 1. DOULUO DALU(SOUL LAND) 2. HARRY POTTER (Though I don't have much interest in writing an HP fanfic because there are plenty of fanfics of HP on the internet still if you agree then I can write.) 3. "MARTIAL PEAK" Read the first chapter to know more about the fanfic and giving your opinion. ========================================= *This Fan-Fic does not belong to me* *If the original writer has any issue then please inform me. I will remove this* A Harry Potter Fanfic written beautifully with a lot of smut scenes. I am posting this because if few of the readers are expecting my original novel FIGHT for Supremacy chapters. Then I am sorry to say I am still making the plots and the cultivation ranks and all. As I already informed I don't want just to write a Hentai Story with harebrained and horny characters. So please enjoy this story while I do my work in the novel. *Warning Harry is a Futanari * Read at your own risk I Have Already corrected some grammatical mistakes so if there are some more mistakes then forgive your bro...

NoName2021 · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 7

"Oh my god."

That was the collective statement as the small group looked up at the finished design of the building in front of them.

It held a simple look but the sheer size of the building dominated the forefront when it was gazed upon. Just over the large double doors there was a stylised Swallowtail Butterfly, the fancy designs over the wings actually several small paintings of the silhouette of women, and a sign underneath it that read the name of the building. The Velvet Butterfly.

"What do you think?" Harlequin asked, she herself in awe of her renovated property.

"I think it looks just right." Narcissa said.

At the same time all of them broke out into a run for the front doors. It was Harlequin and Juliet in the lead who got there first, followed by Narcissa, then Daphne and Tracy, then finally Susan and Su Li brought up the rear.

Harlequin looked back at her friends, her hand on the door handles, and spoke.


At a single set of nods Harlequin pushed the doors forward and they swung open with out a noise to behold the greeting room.

It held a desk in front of the doors and on the left wall behind it there was a set of shelves with lots of small spaces and brass number plates underneath. Two doors just further in, one on each wall, and a spiral staircase at the back wall.

The room was covered in purple and black velvet, the floors a deep coloured wood and the ceiling stone with more velvet draping down.

Harlequin knew where everything went and what it was meant to do because she had planned it all, so she took them on a tour.

"So when a customer first comes in they have to sign in and pass over their wands and any other weapons they may have, to make sure that everyone in the building would be safe as well as any girls working the third floor if their customers get a little too rough. The wands and weapons get placed in the racks over here and then they cane either go up the staircase to one of the higher floors or enter the restaurant to the left, no rooms for rent, I couldn't fit them in, but there is a building behind this one that caught my eye for it, or the bar and casino area to the right."

Harlequin lead the procession through the right hand door way and into the Bar and Casino room.

The gambling area it self was set into the ground, with stairs and rails all around so people could get in and out as well as not fall down the small drop. On the other side of the room was a set of teller areas that had bars over the front. The bar was at the far wall, taking it all up and had seats set up at the bar with tables and chairs all around the room.

"The gambling floor is set lower so that people can stay out of it freely if they want, bar is over there and has a large area designated for it. The tellers over there will trade money for chips. Bars are there to stop any theft from happening. This room will offer small foods and snacks as well from the bar."

They made their way through the other door and looked upon a large amount of tables and chairs, the ones along the walls looked more cosy and private. A large bar was set up along the far wall and they could all see four sets of white double doors that lead to the kitchens. A small play area for varying ages stood out in one corner.

"This looks pretty self explanatory The play area is over there because I wanted this first floor to be family friendly, I want to have all kinds of people come here."

Harlequin lead them through a set of the white double doors and the shine of the kitchen almost blinded them for a second.

"Holy shit that's bright." Tracy mumbled, a hand in front of her eyes.

The kitchen had most of the back wall dominated by sinks and drying areas, large double doors on one end that lead to the hallway, that then lead outside at the back, two more large steel doors were on the other end. The middle of the room had several stations to cook food on and the left wall was covered in stations to prepare food on to be cooked. The right wall held counters for orders that were meant to go out to any customers.

"Food is prepared on the left, cooked in the middle and is ready for a waitress to send out on the right. Clean up is at the back and the doors on the left are for deliveries. The large doors on the right are two cool rooms, one for meat the other for other foods, like fruit and veg. I plan on getting food delivered at 6 every morning."

Harlequin lead them back out to the greeting room and up the stairs.

"What hours will this place be open for?" Susan asked, looking at the walls and ceiling as they went up the stairs.

"I hope to have it open at all times, closing for public holidays and such. Shifts will be handled by whoever leads each department."

They reached the top of the stairs and this time the desk was at the far wall. Two archways with velvet drapes either side and another spiral staircase next to the one they just walked up. A large window over looked the street which was in front of the entrance and off to the right was a very majestic scene of Grinngots standing proudly, taller then any other building in the Ally.

"It doesn't matter which way you walk here, they both meet up at the end in a larger room. To get in here it will be a ten galleon payment up front."

Walking through the left archway showed couches along the walls and tables between each they came out to the large room they passed by a large stage with three poles on it, the front one closer then the others, and into a large, open room that held several smaller stages, each with a pole. A bar sat at the far was a large archway on either side of the bar.

"Here is the strip club floor. The bar has a lift that lets whoever is working to send down orders to the kitchen and receive food. The archways lead to the hallways that have private rooms." Harlequin pointed out a small door that was hidden almost behind the bar. "That leads to the change rooms and lounge for the girls who work this floor."

Harlequin showed them what each private room looked like, small with a couch and two arm chairs, plus table. Then brought them up on more floor.

The third floor looked just like the last one, window and all, but when they walked through the archway there was just three small stages on wither side and lots of tables and chairs, as well as couches. Further up showed another archway and drapes, that lead to corridors holding many rooms. Next to the Hallway were four desks that had the same kind of spinning podium between them that were in Grinngots. The main hallway lead up to Harlequin's office, bathroom and bedroom.

"Lots of rooms, and some stages for girls to give more extreme shows. The couches and lounges will let customers chat with each other and the girls working. The desks over there will be for hiring girls, the podiums will have auto-updating papers on them that show which girls are working and which ones are free. Runes that muffled sound are in the floors of each floor, sound travels up but not down so if its very quiet on the second floor you could hear the first, but not the other way around."

Harlequin strode down the main hallway and into her office, now furnished with the same desk in the middle of the room, doors leading to a large open balcony that looked over the rear of the building, windows either side. Couches and armchairs along one wall and a personal bar along the other with stools, and doors leading to her bedroom and bathroom behind the desk.

Harlequin sat down on the large office chair behind her desk and gazed at her friends and lovers as they sat down across from her in several chairs in front of the desk.

"Well? What do you think?"

Narcissa was the first to speak after she looked at the clock that was over the bar.

"I think, you have your first of many staff interviews in ten minutes."

"No way, serious!" Su Li cried out. "I wanted to see Juliet and Tracy on one of those poles!"

"Yes, well, when everything here is taken care of then you can all have as much fun as you want, but Harly and I must finish as much of these as fast as possible if she wants the business open before the

last month of holidays."

Harlequin sighed but relented with a half mast cock after Su Li's comment, the four girls took hold of Juliet and dragged her out of the room saying how they were going to test out one of the rooms and Harlequin frowned when the head of her cock tented her pants and made an audible 'thump' on the underside of the desk when it did.

"Take care of that afterwards, it may come back strong in the interviews if I suck it soft now, and we may not have time." Narcissa spoke and pulled on of the chairs next to Harlequin's. "I organised it so that we're interviewing each floor first, you wanted bodyguards for each one, and many of them, so they're going to be mixed in with the others depending on where you wanted them as according to the layout you gave me. First up are Kitchen staff."

And so on it went, Narcissa had posted signs up after them when Harlequin had being giving a tour and the people who where looking for work followed them to the third floor and all the way to Harlequin's office. As per Harlequin's request all the people who came for jobs were female.

Harlequin spent 2 hours going through Kitchen staff, gathering 42 women who showed good skills and knowledge, assigning a hierarchy with the kitchen with a stern British woman as the Head. Her name was Emmaline and she didn't care what type of food you cooked, as long as it was that Narcissa pointed out that kitchen hands to wash dishes and help around the kitchen would be useful to keep the flow of food going so the cooks didn't have to stop and get what they needed and come back to what they were doing in a rush. They didn't need many kitchen hands, just 18, and Emmaline would manage them as well.

The Casino area had 40 women hired with an extra 12 for the tellers. Henna, a sharp-eyed woman was given the Head position in both areas.

Bar staff, easy. Only a handful were hired, at 21, but she still made sure she got the best. Bar staff was run by a loud, tomboyish woman named Ash.

Waitress were next and Harlequin paid a bit more attention to looks, knowing that if they could get a good look from any customer it really didn't matter if they had to go and fix an order, Harlequin didn't want it happening in the first place, making sure they still knew what they were doing, but also knew just how well a nice body could help. By the end 59 were hired.

By now Harlequin was looking at waitress's for the second floor. The first floor uniform would be a skirt and blouse with an apron over the front of the waist so that things could be kept in the pockets. The second floor would show more skin, so they only wore sheer veils over their busts and short skirts just like the one Juliet wore when Harlequin and he others gang banged her. Another apron for the pockets and the uniform was complete. 43 hired hands and that floor was done.

Waitress for the third floor would wear only a thong and transparent apron for the pockets. Caps for their nipples in the shape of butterflies being a choice. Another 40 girls for that floor and the eye candy to tempt customers into buying a girl was complete.

The first floor waitress would be Headed by a woman named Joanne, second floor was a woman named

Suzie, and third floor was Headed by a very flirtatious woman named Felli.

If a girl was told that she didn't get the job she was looking for they were encouraged to step back outside and wait for the chance to apply for any other job that would be going, buy the time all the kitchen, bar and wait staff were done Harlequin and Narcissa still had over 200 people lining up for jobs.

"How many people did you tell Narcissa?" Harlequin asked in disbelief as they looked out of one window at the women lining up. Harlequin had asked Susan and Daphne to pull their cocks out of Juliet and help organise the mass of bodies, they were now walking through and making sure every thing was alright, directing people where they needed to go to apply for which job.

"I told a few people and asked them to pass it along to anyone they might know. Put some ads out. I said we have an guessed approximate of about 200 positions to fill. No time to waste, Strippers next!"

Narcissa's called out statement made the women at the open door giggle as one of them was ushered in.

Harlequin really did get hard wood as Narcissa and her asked each of them questions that they had written down, as well as asked for a demonstration dance.

By the end of it Harlequin was sure she had blue balls from all the bare flesh, but 67 new strippers were going to be working for her come Friday, with a black woman with delicious curves called Yolanda Heading them.

The brothel girls were second last, the last of the guards they needed being last, and Harlequin was a bit afraid that if they were asked to show their talents and one of them saw her cock that they would all go running, but she was sure Narcissa wouldn't let them do that.

After a few woman had been interviewed and the next one was called in Harlequin had to do a double take at the tiny and timid girl. She had wild hair to her shoulders and slightly worn clothes. She looked like she could do with some sleep.

"Werewolf." Harlequin heard Narcissa whisper in her ear and the woman stiffened, Harlequin really wanted to put Narcissa over her lap and slap her ass red for forgetting a werewolf's keen hearing.

"So, what's your name?" She asked kindly, looking down at the resume the girl had placed in front of her.

"Remmi." She spoke low, as if she wanted to be turned away.

"Hmmmm. It says here that you have an aptitude for potions and history, yet I don't see any formal schooling." Narcissa asked.

"I was home schooled."

Harlequin leaned in and spoke softly.

"Was it because of your condition?"

Remmi just nodded her head sadly.

Harlequin looked over the resume again.

"What skill level are you at with your potion making, Remmi?" "I went for my Masters Degree in Potion making three times and every time they wouldn't let me take it because I was a werewolf." Harlequin could almost hear the tears behind the girls eyes. "Your not going to hire me, are you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm a werewolf, nobody wants me working for them."

"Nonsense, all we've determined so far is that your a werewolf and have a Masters skill in Potioneering. We haven't even interviewed you about your skills for the job yet, Cissy, what's the going rate for wolfsbane, or the ingredients to make them?"

Narcissa thought for a moment.

"The potion costs about 12 galleons a bottle, but a werewolf needs at least four to seven bottles to successfully keep their mind during the full moon or the amount they drink before is useless. Ingredients vary but a cruel man who Heads the creature department of the Ministry regulates how much is sold so that werewolfs go crazy and his employees have to kill them. No one has gathered enough solid evidence to put him away yet."

"You know how to get things Cissy, do what you can to have 2 years worth of wolfsbane sold to me. A year for Remmi and a year for Remus, if I cant get that man out of office in a year we do it all over again."

Remmi looked at Harlequin with hope.

"You would really do that?"

"Of course, and if you work for me then I'll make sure you have wolfsbane every month. Do you want to work as a prostitute?"

Remmi hesitated for second.

"I don't think I'll be very good at it."

"You can always learn on the job, can you be feral when not a werewolf?" Remmi nodded and Harlequin made a note. "What about when you take wolfsbane and keep your mind as a wolf, do you think you could have sex without killing or hurting your partner?"

"Who would want to have sex with a transformed werewolf?" Remmi asked confused.

"There are some weird people out there Remmi, I should know, I'm one of them." Harlequin held out her

hand. "What do you say? Want to work for me?"

Remmi wasted no time in shaking the offered hand.

"Excellent, write down your contact details on this form and we'll have the Head of the Room Girls tell you when you start, we are always open so you could be working in the day or at midnight. See you then Remmi!"

After Remmi left with a small skip in her step Harlequin and Narcissa organised to hire a few more guards when they interviewed for the last few at the end.

More time passed with more interviews and soon it was 3 in the afternoon when a tall woman in leather biker gear sat down in front of them.

"Are you here to look for work as a prostitute?" Harlequin asked as strongly as she could, looking down at the resume and getting shocked by how much it was filled with how the woman in front of her could cause pain.

"Da, I am Dominatrix in last job, left because job place closed down, I am here to humiliate sissy people when they do not know who is in charge of the whip."

"Matilda, was it?" Narcissa asked earning a nod. "Do you think you could make sure non of the people you take in your room come out broken and bleeding?"

"I am specialist in this by making men so shamed by the fact their wives don't know how much they like it in little ass." Matilda let out a chuckle.

Five minutes later Matilda was walking out happy.

At 5 Harlequin and Narcissa had finally hired a clean 80 girls to work in the third floor as prostitutes, being as it could hold the most., and was Headed by a motherly woman by the name of Gwen.

After that they finished up hiring guards, with an extra two so that they could post an extra one outside of Remmi's door in case anything went wrong.

Only about 40 women remained when Susan and Daphne told them that they had finished their interviews, but to keep an ear out because they may be hiring again in the future.

Harlequin flopped down on a couch and Narcissa laid on top of her.

"I'm beat." Harlequin moaned out, Narcissa groaned in agreement.

Susan and Daphne came in and sat in a love seat together, cuddling and rubbing each others feet, Su Li came in with a passed out Tracy and Juliet hovering by her magic and she deposited them on another love seat in a 69 position, be fore landing in an arm chair and giggling at how they twitched and their cunts kept squirting out cum and pussy juice.

"Did it all go well?" She asked when she had gotten over the two girls.

Narcissa nodded her head tiredly.

"Very, should be open by Friday just as the ads say."

"You put out ads already?" Harlequin asked in awe.

"No, but tomorrow there will be." Narcissa gave a yawn. "I just want to eat and go to bed, haven't done something this mentally taxing in a long time."

The others agreed and soon, after they had shaken off a bit of their sleepy stupor, left Diagon Ally for muggle London.

"Where should we go?" Asked Tracy, walking with a slight limp, Juliet was as well, but was being held up by Harlequin's hand around her waist.

"Chinese." Su Li stated with finality.

"I think Indian." Narcissa said after some thought, and Su Li stuck her tongue out at her, only to have Susan swoop in and suck it into her mouth, making them both moan and a passing by woman to snort in disgust.

They continued walking until they reached a restaurant that showed it cooked several different types of food, and they all just shrugged and walked in.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

"This is good."

"Have you tried this?"

"I know! She really-"

The chatter from both them and everyone else in the packed restaurant mingled together and the group soon had themselves having a good time and forgetting about everything else in the world.

Harlequin was eating when she felt a soft and small foot on her cock, rubbing and making it swell. The foot left and Harlequin looked over to see Su Li wink at her.

"Want to fuck me in the bathroom Harly?" Su Li got up and went over to the female toilets and walked in.

Harlequin looked at the others and Narcissa was the only one shocked and not giggling.

"Excuse me." Harlequin said in a civil and polite tone, ignoring the laughs from her friends as she made her way over to the women's toilets.

Harlequin stepped into the toilets and walked over to the only occupied stall quickly, knocking on the door. The door opened and Su Li's small arm shot out and dragged her in.

Within seconds of closing and locking the thin wooden door, Su Li had pulled Harlequin's head down for a kiss and had already unbuckled her leather belt and was tugging down her pants.

Su Li finally got Harlequin's pants and boy shorts off before using the toilet to hoist her pussy over the head of Harlequin's cock, then letting Harlequin hold her there when she wrapped her legs around her waist.

"We have to be quick, before anyone comes in and notices the top of my head bouncing up and down over the stall." Su Li giggled, then she felt Harlequin push her back up against the wall for support and let her slide down and impale 7 inches inside her tiny cunt.

"Oh god Su, your still so fucking tight!" Harlequin moaned into the Asian girls ear, using her hands to lift the light girl up and down her cock, sending a few more inches into her womb before Harlequin felt the back wall of Su Li's womb. "Shit Su, I cant get it in any more, your too tiny for my big cock."

Su Li just moaned and started to buck her hips as much as she could, Harlequin got the idea and moved her legs so that Harlequin was holding them up with her forearms, then braced her hands against the wall, either side of Su li's ass.

When she was in position Harlequin started to jack hammer her cock in and out of Su Li's clutching cunt, making her lover moan and groan at the feeling of being as full as she could ever could feel her end coming quicker then usual because of the sheer tightness of the pussy wrapping around her cock and buried her head into Su Li's neck, whispering into her ear.

"God I cant wait to get you all pregnant, everyone will see just how much I love you all when they see you walking down the street with big bellies, holding them so you can feel the little ones kicking around!"

Su Li moaned and gushed around Harlequin's cock as the dick girl let out a loud moan and sprayed a big helping of cum into Su Li, most of it not fitting in the slightly bulged stomach and spilling out in the toilet after Harlequin had shifted over so that their entwined genitals were over the bowl.

After Harlequin was done pumping Su Li full of hot jizz, she quickly pulled her semi hard cock out of the gooey hole and put Su Li on the toilet, her cunt already closing up and sealing the batter inside of her, leaving only a mess of cum on her pussy and a small bump on her stomach to show for their kinky bathroom play.

Harlequin pushed on Su Li's stomach making her moan and more cum to splash into the toilet until the bulge was gone.

"You still have cum inside you Su?" Harlequin asked.

"Yeah, lots." Was all Su Li managed to pant out. "Big mess here though."

Su Li started to rub her crotch, spreading the cum all around her pussy. Harlequin moved her hand away and aimed her cock.

"I need to go to the toilet, want me to wash the cum off while I'm at it?"

Su Li nodded her head happily and moved her ass down so that Harlequin had an easier target, she them moaned as Harlequin relieved herself on her cunt and washed the sticky cum in the toilet bowl.

Harlequin wiped her cock and Su li's pussy when she was done, the two of them dressed, and shared many hot kisses as they did so, before heading back out to their friends, only taking their hands off each others ass when they got to the door.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

The girls were laughing and chatting after Harlequin's and Su Li's quick fuck in the bathroom.

"So." Narcissa began, after casting a small bubble of privacy around them. "Dumbledore was just observing Juliet and trying to get inside her head during the Weasley dinner, that doesn't mean he'll give up though. Be careful, all of you, when you get back Hogwarts, you'll be inside his centre of power and under his watchful eye the entire time."

"We can safely assume he wanted you to be isolated from your family, but why?" Susan spoke, a hand on her chin as she thought.

"With the opening on Friday we can safely assume that Dumbledore will try to convince you to close down and come back over to his side of thinking." Daphne said. "He'll probably do this through mind manipulations, acting like a disappointed grandfather, and most importantly, turning his political power on you."

"He shouldn't try turning the Wizengamot or anything like that on us for a while though." Narcissa mused.

"The World Cup, a week before Hogwarts starts, would be a perfect place to try and enchant any of us with discretion." Julliet said, but then she saw the looks the others were giving her and she bowed her head. "I'm sorry for speaking out of line." She quickly said.

Harlequin reached over and patted her head softy.

"No, you did nothing wrong. That is a very good point that you bring up and we will need to prepare for it. Feel free to speak your mind Juliet, unless you think other wise is better."

Juliet looked up and smiled at Harlequin before continuing. "My occlumency is going well, how about everyone else?"

Every one nodded and shared that they were doing well before Narcissa spoke up.

"Occlumency is a good skill, but to use it to protect our minds against Dumbledore, you'll need to get

your skills up a fair bit, I've got a fairly decent intermediate skill set of it down, but a bit more wouldn't help. Though I do like the choker."

Daphne had gone back to Madam Malkin's and ordered another choker for Narcissa, after getting a few hours of pussy licking as payment of course.

Harlequin took a sip from the glass of wine Narcissa had been so kind to acquire for them, after charming them all so that anyone looking at them would think they were of legal age to drink, and laid out their plan for the rest of the holidays.

"So, we open on Friday and business will start at noon, the brothel will never close, open 24/7. Staff will work quarter and half day shifts most of the time, that gives us sex, sorry, six weeks until the World Cup. We're still sharing a tent for the World Cup? Nobody run into any trouble?" Harlequin looked around, getting nods from the others. "Good, after the World Cup we have 5 days until we board the train. Narcissa will handle the business until I get back from Hogwarts."

Narcissa perked up and cast around in her purse for a second before extracting a few pieces of parchment.

"I cant believe I forgot about this, here Harly, this will surly come in handy over your school years." Narcissa handed Harlequin the parchment and started to explain them as the others gathered around to read. "It's a free travel pass from the Ministry for school going business owners, cost quite a bit of gold and cleavage to get it to. With this, you'll be able to leave Hogwarts at any time to go to Diagon Ally, because that's were the Butterfly is, as long as it doesn't intrude upon allocated classes or tests. You can take Daphne, Tracy, Susan, Su Li and Juliet with you, as long as you are with them when they leave Hogwarts and get back. A portkey is attached at the bottom, the small butterfly broach, yes that one, it will take you from Hogwarts to the Butterfly, or vice versa, if you use it when you aren't at either place it will take you to the Butterfly."

"Thanks Cissy, this is great!" Harlequin said happily, and leaned over the table to give the older woman a kiss, earning disapproving looks from some of the other customers.

"Well lets hope the business runs well." Narcisss started to say after everyone got back in their own seats. "Bills, staff wages and other costs, as well as profit that goes towards you, Harly, will be handled by Grinngots every two weeks on a Friday, so every second Friday you can expect a letter from Grinngots."

Harlequin nodded and drained her half filled wine glass, the shock of the fact that she was now running her own business had finally sunk in and she wanted to for get about it until held up her own glass and smiled around at them.

"Lets forget about every thing for now girls right now, lets get wasted!"

The others filled their glasses and held them up to cheer with the hyper punk girl, happy to forget about every thing until tomorrow just as much as she was.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin's head hurt when she woke up due to the morning sun shining its light onto her closed eyes.

She groaned and tried to sit up only to feel her morning wood slide out of someone's cum drenched ass, and also let go of what ever the hell it was she was holding.

Harlequin rubbed her eyes and looked around the room, and after a few minutes of staring around like an idiot her eyes adjusted and she could make out the details.

It was Narcissa's ass she had pulled her cock out off, and she could see Juliet, Tracy laying on her back, cock buried balls deep in her pussy, and Susan sprawled out in front of her, also balls deep, but in her mouth. Juliet was blue faced so Harlequin groggily made her way over to her and found out she was breathing through her nose. Juliet had belt marks all over her body and a huge puddle of cum was around her legs.

Daphne and Su Li were passed out over the bar in a 69 position, a bottle was pushed deep into each others pussy and it looked like they had tried to drink what they could like that.

Harlequin looked more closely at Narcissa, now that she could. Her pussy and ass were leaking copious amounts of cum and she had belt marks over her ass, tits, thighs and pussy. The object Harlequin had been holding when she woke up had been a belt, probably the one used to hit Narcissa, which was wrapped around her neck, it looked like it had gotten loose during the night and Harlequin could see her chest rising and falling slowly.

Bottles and various amounts of clothes had been thrown all around the room, sex toys and batteries were in abundance as well.

Harlequin rubbed her eyes as she got flashes of the previous night, her hand bringing a belt down and leaving a red mark over Narcissa's cunt as she was held down, tears coming down her face but she was begging for more. Harlequin then had Narcissa on her knees as she kneeled behind her as she fucked her pussy hard and choked her with the same belt.

'Fuck, what a party.' Harlequin thought to herself, soon she had her office cleaned up and the others had woken up. Daphne and Su Li wasted no time in pulling the bottle that was in their faces out of the other's pussy and drinking the last of the booze inside before getting off the bar and licking the bottle clean.

Susan was woken up when Juliet woke up and started to choke on her cock, Tracy woke up when Susan accidentally kicked her when she jumped up and pulled her cock out of Juliet's throat.

Narcissa had pulled the belt from around her throat and laid on her back, scooping cum from her pussy and ass and licking her fingers clean.

Soon the room was clean, the girls had showered and dressed and now were sitting on the couches again.

"Well, that was fun." Tracy said as she had Juliet eat her out as they talked.

"So every one is going to sleep in the big bed in my bedroom here?" Harlequin asked, they had finally seen the bedroom after their shower and the bed inside was massive, able to fit a good 20 people comfortably, and still have some room to spare.

"Sounds like a plan, were going to be fucking ourselves along that big cock everyday now anyway, might as well sleep together." Su Li said. "Once I finish Hogwarts can you let me stay?"

"Of course, what about the rest of you?" The other Hogwarts girls nodded their heads and Harlequin looked down at Juliet who was still munching Tracy's rug. "What about you Juliet, do you want to stay with me?"

Juliet looked up at Harlequin with hopeful eyes and after seeing no lies in them, nodded her own head in happiness.

Tracy pulled Juliet face away from her pussy and pushed her over towards her Mistress.

"Don't you think you should be thanking your kind Mistress for the offer Juliet?"

Juliet nodded her head again and crawled over on her hands and knees, waving her ass 'goodbye' at the others.

When Juliet got to Harlequin she reached up and freed her Mistress's cock from inside her pants, and pulled the stiffening cock out into the open air.

Juliet looked up at Harlequin and rubbed the side of her face over the hot log.

"Thank you Mistress." She spoke low and let the words drift up to Harlequin before gently licking the underside and kissing all around the cock.

Harlequin put a hand on the side of Juliet's head, stroking her hair, and turned to Narcissa.

"What about you Cissy, do you want to stay with me once your ready to leave Malfoy Manor?"

"Once I get the elves to move my things from the Manor then I'm done there." Narcissa went through everything to do in her head. "Everything else has been taken care of except my sister." the last part was said sadly and Harlequin felt a bit ashamed that she had forgotten about poor Bellatrix all this time.

"When ever you get a chance you can work on getting your sister out." Harlequin said to Narcissa, wrapping a hand around her waist and pulling her close. "Use what ever you need from the Butterfly, try and get in contact with Daphne's dad to organise his placement as Bellatrix's lawyer as well."

"My father is quite upset that he doesn't get a chance to help get an innocent woman out of Azkaban. He was a firm supporter of what they did to her when she was captured, and has been kicking himself ever since new evidence came out that he didn't even bother asking about back then."

After discussing what they were doing until they meet up on Friday night, and Harlequin trying to drown her sister slut in cum, the group licked Juliet clean and all headed their own ways, Tracy and Su Li went back to their own homes, only having their mothers meant they were worried about more, Susan went with Daphne to her home, saying she was going to floo her Aunt from there, Narcissa stayed in the Ally to pick up some files about the Butterfly before heading back to the Manor and sorting through what she

wanted to keep and leave behind when she moved, and Harlequin and her whore went back to Potter Manor.

Harlequin and Juliet walked back down the Ally.

"Did you have fun Juliet?" Harlequin asked as they passed The ice cream shop.

"Yes Harly, I'm glad I can be friends with all of you now, I feel like I can be my self around you all." Juliet had been ordered to call her Mistress by her name or any variation she liked while in public, after a while people would know she was a loyal slave to her twin sister but until then there was no need to draw attention to them.

Harlequin looked over at the small side ally besides the ice cream shop and made her way over, pulling her sister along by the hand. Soon they were deep in the small passageway and hidden from the view of anyone making their way past the store.

"What are we doing in here Mistress?" Juliet's innocent tone didn't fool Harlequin for a second, especially when she was sliding her ass down the wall so that she could kneel in front of put a hand on one of Juliet's shoulders and held her there, the other hand went to her pants and unsnapped the button at the top before being placed on the other shoulder and drifting up to her hair.

"How about you give your Mistress some ideas." Harlequin purred and jerked her head forward slightly.

Juliet pressed her face into Harlequin's cock, rubbing her cheek over it through the fabric between them, then grasped the zipper with her teeth and pulled it down slowly, Harlequin's underwear bulging out of the new hole in the front of her pants now that it could.

Juliet reached up and after a bit of work had Harlequin's cock pressed up against the side of her face. She reached up with both hands and wrapped her small fingers around the base of her Mistress's can-thick cock and started to stroke it slowly, looking up into Harlequin's eyes as she did.

Juliet leaned in and started to lick the sides and kiss all around Harlequin, getting it as wet as she could.

Harlequin moaned and tilted her head back, Juliet worked her cock well, kiss up the base half way, then licking the other half until she got to the head and gave it a kiss. Her hands worked away, twisting as they stroked the base four inches.

When Juliet got to the head as she licked and sucked. She put her hands of Harlequin's ass and started to push her head down, slowly taking inch after inch of cock down her throat and Harlequin saw her mouth get wider and wider as she took more cock into her mouth, until she was giving a weird looking kiss to her pelvis and Juliet's tongue was licking at what it could reach of Harlequin's ball sack.

Harlequin leaned over Juliet and put her hands on the wall in front of her, letting her sweet slave take the lead.

Juliet gripped her Mistress's ass cheeks firmly and started to move her head back and forth, letting only a couple of inches of cock out of her stretched mouth, keeping most of her Mistress's cock snug tight in her throat, before going back down and swallowing what had been released out into the open.

15 minutes of slow sucking and Harlequin had Juliet's face pressed into her pelvis as she deposited her cum in her sister's gullet.

Harlequin sighed as she stroked Juliet's hair and slid her cock out of it's tight confines, spraying even more cum as she did.

Her cock popped free and Juliet closed her mouth, keeping the last help of her Mistress's cum inside.

Harlequin pulled Juliet up off the ground and gave her a deep kiss, tasting her own cum on her tongue.

The twins finished their kiss and broke apart staring at each other.

Juliet knelled down again and kissed the tip of Harlequin's cock before putting it back in her pants and doing them up.

"Thank you Mistress." Juliet said as she stood back up and received another kiss.

"Your such a good whore Juliet." Harlequin said as she ran her fingers through Juliet's hair. "Lets go back to the manor. I want to just lay in bed with you tonight."

Juliet shuddered at the loving words and followed her Mistress out of the small side ally and back into the main one.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

On Thursday night Harlequin was laying in her bed with Juliet on top of her, lazily pumping her pussy slowly up and down her cock, even though it was hard Harlequin just couldn't get into the mood.

"Are you worried about tomorrow Mistress?" Juliet asked as she ground her hips at the base.

Harlequin just nodded her head as she looked up at Juliet. Juliet started to pet Harlequin's hair just as she sometimes did to her.

"You'll be fine Mistress. You and Miss Narcissa are very good at this, and I think that the Butterfly will be very successful once people know its there. No matter what happens, I'll stay with you."

Harlequin looked up at her sister and leaned in for a soft kiss. Juliet stopped her movements and laid her head down with her Mistress's, both of them content to spend the night in each others embrace, and forget about any troubles.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin was going through the last of her things, deciding what she would take and what she would get rid of, for moving into her new premisses. The elves in the house had already moved most of it and were waiting to be called back for the final amount, just as Lily Potter knocked and entered.

For a few moments Harlequin looked at her mother, holding up a shirt, as her mother looked right back.

"Well. This is awkward." Harlequin said, the she shrugged and went back to her sorting.

Lily closed the door behind her with a snap and stared hard at her daughters profile.

"What are you doing Harlequin?" She asked evenly, afraid she knew the answer.

"Packing the last of my things, I'm moving and I need these things you see."

Lily slid down the door in shock and sat on the floor, surprised at the casual tone Harlequin was talking in when discussing leaving her home.

"You cant move! Your too young, you need permission! Where will you go?" As she fired off questions and reasons Harlequin had turned to look at her and Lily found herself getting fainter and fainter in her words. "Harlequin, why?" Lily finally choked out.

Harlequin got angry at her mothers words.

"Why? Why!? Father ignores me except when he needs to be angry at me for not doing every little thing he wants and the only time you pay attention to me as if I'm actually part of your family is on my birthday! Ever since that night Juliet got all the attention and I was tossed aside like trash! Juliet and I get along now, but I really don't see the point I have my own property and business that opens at noon tomorrow.

I don't expect to return here every. I don't recommend coming to visit, the place I'll be living and running isn't something you would want to see. If you every decided to try and patch things up then I am not above getting an owl from you and even going out. Good bye mother. Thank you for the birthday gifts."

After that it was a blur for Lily. She could only be picked up and laid on the bed by her daughter and hearing her open the bedroom door and then close it. Lily only then looked over and saw that the room was nearly bare. The desks were bare and the chair and the bed she was laying on were the only other things in the room.

Lily cried for a long time after that.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin was sitting at her large desk in her large office, in her large leather chair feeling fairly small and delicate as she sat there waiting for the heads of the Butterfly to arrive at Midnight for a report on how the first 12 hours had gone. She knew it was foolish to do it this early and she should wait a week to do this, but she wanted to just hear that people had walked through the doors and her Heads were more then happy to indulge her.

Harlequin jumped when the door opened and the Heads of the Butterfly walked in and took their seats in front of Harlequin's desk.

"So." She asked after a few moments of the others waiting for her to speak. "How did it go?"

Gwen opened her mouth but Harlequin cut her off with a cry.

"Oh god it's horrible isn't it? This was so stupid! Should never have done it!"

Gwen finally managed to get her voice loud enough for Harlequin to hear.

"A man bought three sessions with Remmi!"

Harlequin looked up in surprise.


"A young Mr Rogers came in and picked Remmi out of the lists, he knew what she was and was trying to get in quick before he lost his nerve. After his hour was up he came out looking worse for wear but happy and asked for another. Seeing as he had the money and Remmi was quite happy with her first customer we agreed and he went back in, after that he came out and went down the stairs-"

"He came into the restaurant." Emmaline cut in. "Was wondering why he looked so tatty."

"Yes, then I suppose after he had a meal he came straight back up and bought another hour with Remmi, that girl went on for a while after he left, never knew she would be so popular."

Harlequin was still a little shocked, that was a good start, right?

"How did you go on a whole Gwen?" Harlequin asked, she pulled out some paper and a pen to take notes.

"42 girls were hired in the last 12 hours, including Remmi. The first few hours were slow but then it picked up fairly quickly, having fetish rooms was a good idea, the other two brothels here in Magical Europe don't have them and I think one man came from France."

Harlequin gave a cough in shock as she wrote it all down.

"What about the second floor, how did that go?"

"We had 56 people pay to get in. The most surprising was the amount of tips we got, around 1000 Galleons."

Yolanda spoke as she read off her figures from a piece of paper.

Harlequin was getting her nerve back and cleared her throat, more confident then before the meeting had begun.

"Restaurant? How did that go, no problems?"

"It went well, if a bit slowly. Only a handful of people in the actual restaurant, most of the turnover was from the food ordered from the bars." Emmaline said. "It's to be expected, not many people will know this place for the food rather then the tits and asses."

Harlequin had to agree but turned to Henna and Ash any ways.

"All good boss." Ash spoke loudly. "No problems here and lotsa booze sold."

"They seem to always come back with more money then they lost last time. No problems at this end except one man decided loudly complaining about the amount he had lost and demanding it back. The guards took care of him quickly though." Henna said and they all laughed at what had happened.

"All in all everything is going well." Narcissa spoke from her spot behind Harlequin and placed her hands on her shoulders. "All you can do now is wait to see the results of all our labour in two weeks."

Harlequin could really do nothing more then nod her head and let the others leave.

"Now we both need some sleep. Come to bed Harly." Narcissa said as she tugged on Harlequin's hand. Harlequin suddenly felt so tired she could only let herself be lead into the bedroom and onto the bed where she snuggled up against Narcissa and was soon sleeping soundly with her.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

"Miss Potter, Albus Dumbledore, James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are here to see you again."

The soft voice floated through the muggle intercom and to Harlequin's ears as she sat at her desk and sorted through papers. The four of them had been coming back every day since the day after she had opened and she had told them the first time that she had them booked in for two weeks later. She had a few reasons for letting it wait that long, work being one of them and wanting to know how much she made in a fortnight being another.

Harlequin really didn't want to make Sirius and Remus wait but she wanted them there with her when she meet with her father and Dumbledore and if Dumbledore caught wind of them already meeting her then he would think they were on her side already and stop them from being there now.

Harlequin sighed and looked at the small clock on the desk and saw the time. 11:28. They were still early, the meeting was for 12, just as the letter from Grinngots arrived.

Harlequin put down her pen and pressed the button on the intercom.

"Please remind them that their meeting is at 12 Felicia. Tell them I'm having sex with Cissy or something."

Harlequin let go of the button and went back to work. It wasn't a complete lie, Narcissa was sleeping off their latest fucking in the bedroom now.

Harlequin already hated the amount of paperwork she had to do, Narcissa was more then happy to help but was also very happy with the fact that she could make Harlequin do most of it because even though Narcissa was the Head Manager Harlequin's signature held more weight as the owner.

Harlequin sighed and placed another page in the outbox and started to read the next one. Every so often she would check the clock, finding herself each time, actually hoping, that the meeting at 12 would get there sooner.




Harlequin finished off her page and started to pack everything up now.


Almost time.


Narcissa walked out of the bedroom, showered and dressed in a white suit with a knee length skirt and small wire frame glasses on her face, standing behind Harlequin chair.


Harlequin pressed on the intercom button.

"Felicia?" She called out to the current girl at the front desk.

"Yes Miss Potter?" Felicia spoke back.

"Send them up please."

"At once Miss Potter."

After that Harlequin and Narcissa waited for a minute until one of the guards outside the door opened both of the large double doors and stepped to the side to allow the four men to stride in. the guard left the room and closed the doors behind her.

Harlequin stood up and gestured to the four straight backed, but cushioned. Seats on the other side of her desk. The men walked over and sat down, Harlequin sitting as well.

"Sorry for the long wait for the meeting, work's been busy in these first two weeks, I'm just glad that now

the Butterfly is set up to continue it's business for a long time." Harlequin was happy to see a small

twitch in her father's eye when she spoke and smiled kindly at Sirius and Remus. "Long time no see you

guys. Remind me after this that I have a present for you Remus."

"What about me?" Sirius called out in surprise.

"Amelia Bones has agreed to go on a date with you if you continue with your plan of transferring into another department in the Ministry." Harlequin's words were greeted by a huge smile from her Godfather.

James looked sharply at Sirius.

"Transfer? What do you want a transfer for?"

Sirius just shrugged it off and offered a frown at Harlequin. "You know, I don't know whether to be happy or sad that your growing up so quickly cub."

James attention was back on Harlequin and he spoke quickly and viciously.

"Yes, stop this farce and come home, your mother has been crying her eyes out ever since you left."

Harlequin leaned back in her chair and waved her wand to the side, summoning one of the spare chairs over so that Narcissa could sit down, this caused the others to take notice of her and Dumbledore and James looked on with suspicion while Sirius and Remus gave nods in greeting that Narcissa returned with a smile.

"A farce? Oh no, this is my business and I plan on running it for a long time. The first letter from Grinngots regarding the fortnightly report should be here soon."

"Actually." Narcissa said in a silken and smug tone. "The first report has arrived. Would you like the brief assessment now Harly?"

"What are you doing here anyway?" James asked with venom in his voice. "Why are you speaking to my daughter that way? What are you planning?"

Narcissa gave a glare that James returned in full.

"I am the Head Manager here at The Velvet Butterfly and thus am more then meant to be here for meetings." Narcissa glared hard at James and after a few moments he scoffed and looked back at Harlequin. Narcissa smiled and looked down at the parchment she had brought with her and opened her mouth to speak, but Dumbledore beat her to it.

"Harlequin, this really is a bad idea. You aren't old enough to run such a place, your father and Godfather were kind enough to keep any Aurors away from investigating, please Harlequin, we're only looking out for you."

Harlequin gave a small sigh, not unlike Dumbledore would if someone disagreed with something he said, and looked at him. She could feel Dumbledore pressing against the wall that her choker provided, her occlumency had gotten far better over the last two weeks but it didn't hurt to have a bit of help against an enemy like Dumbledore.

"I don't plan on closing the Butterfly, and as for this being illegal, the business has facilities non-related to the sex industry on the bottom level so the issue of me being too young to own the business is irrelevant, but in the event that the law may be changed so that I cannot run it any more then I have several back-up plans so that it continues to run smoothly."

James jumped up and looked down at Harlequin angrily.

"I am your father and you will end this and come home!" he shouted at her.

Harlequin giggled and clapped happily. "I was hoping you would say something like that, makes it all the more better for us." Harlequin reached into one of her desk drawers and pulled out a sheet of parchment which she placed on the desk top between herself and the others. James, Dumbledore, Remus and Sirius leaned forward to read what was written.

"Let me sum it up for you father. This a copy of the document, which is locked away safe in my vault, that states that since the point of time in which I owned a property which is a certain size and a business is run out of that property then I am enapticated from being considered under age and once I finish my Year 5 schooling then I will no longer have to attend Hogwarts. So after my 5th year at Hogwarts I'm getting tutored for about a year before trying for my NEWT's."

"Do you have a good plan set up for your future? For the businesses future?" Remus asked, making everyone look at him in shock.

Harlequin stared back at Remus for a minute before she nodded her head. James slapped his hands down on the desk hard before he turned on his heels and stormed out of the office.

Dumbledore gave a sigh before he to stood up.

"I shall acquire tutors for you Harlequin, you will need some help after your 5th year."

"I already have several tutors lined up and many of them will be teaching me Headmaster, I do not require your help." Harlequin spoke back, she felt one more push against her mental wall before Dumbledore gave a sigh before walking out of the office at a more sedate pace.

Once the door had closed behind the old man Harlequin turned a huge smile towards Sirius and Remus.

"What can we do for you fine gentlemen today?" She asked happily towards them.

"You said you had a present for me?" Remus asked casually and Harlequin laughed.

"Your like a kid on Christmas Day Remus!" Remus blushed and looked down at his feet with a small smile. Narcissa chuckled and placed a piece of parchment in front of the two remaining men.

"This is a receipt." Narcissa said to them. "For 24 months worth of wolfsbane potion. We have a werewolf working for us, quite popular to, so she will be taking 12 months of it. The rest is a gift for you Remus, Harly wanted to help you for all the support you have given her over the years."

Remus and Sirius looked down at the parchment in shock before lifting their heads up to stare at the two females behind the desk.

"But Harlequin, this is too much, the cost, I cant accept this." Remus spoke low and in awe at his in all but blood niece, worried that she had spent so much money but also fearful that she may just as well

take the wolfsbane back, he hadn't been able to get enough for this month and the full moon was coming soon.

"Take it Remus, and thank you." Harlequin said as she took his hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Remus gave a smile before nodding and leaning back into his chair, slouching and sitting with a happy look.

Sirius regarded his friends happy face for a moment and then turned serious as he looked back at Harlequin.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, catching Remus's attention from la-la land as well.

Harlequin leaned back with a small smile. "Of course, I started it didn't I? I plan on keeping this place going as long as I can, no matter what anyone may say or do."

"Well I suppose we really cant do anything but support you as best we can then." Sirius said and leaned back as well.

Remus, however, leaned forward.

"I hope you know what your getting into cub, If it was up to me I would do my best to keep you as far away from things like this as much as possible, but your a mature young woman Harlequin, and I'm glad your taking this so seriously."

"Where am I being taken?" Sirius asked curiously, the others in the room groaned as Sirius grinned in triumph, he knew the joke wasn't funny any more, causing such reactions from those around him was the kick of it now.

Remus shook his head and turned his attention towards Narcissa now.

"Are you doing your best to help her Narcissa?"

"Of course." She replied with a huff of annoyance. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't care for her."

Sirius and Remus were slightly shocked at this and Harlequin took hold of Narcissa's hand and held it on the table.

"What? After all these years and you really think I'd want to go out with a man that acted like you Sirius?" Harlequin said with a grin.

"Hey!" Sirius cried out, and crossed his arms over his chest and slumped down in his chair with a frown.

Harlequin laughed with Narcissa and Remus before she spoke again.

"Of course you could always help with pest control."

Sirius got a confused look on his face and Narcissa pointed over to the side of the room. A cat with light

blue fur and a dark blue face mask and a white ninja star on its forehead. It had a collar on and was tied to a small stack in the ground, held just out of reach of some mice who were shaking in the corner in fear as the cat stretched out as far as it could and snapped its hidden mouth as much and as loudly as it could, trying so hard to reach the small white critters.

"Who-" Sirius started to ask, Harlequin answering quickly.




Sirius stared at Harlequin who stared right back, unsure if she was serious or not. Finally Harlequin broke the staring contest and turned to Remus.

"Remus, we have a werewolf working here on the third floor, I thought you may want to have a talk with her. Tell me at any time if you want to and I'll see what I can do."

Remus blinked a few times before he blushed and started to bluster and stutter over his words, which Harlequin couldn't make out.

"What did you make in your first fortnight cub?" Remus finally managed to piece together and deliver coherently.

"That's a good question, Cissy?" Harlequin asked her right hand woman.

Said Cissy opened up the sheets of parchment and scanned through them all, her eyebrows going further and further into her hairline with each passing figure.

"What?" Sirius asked with worry, wringing his hands as he took in his cousins expression. "What? What? WHAT!?"

Narcissa cleared her throat loudly and placed the parchment on the table.

"Each of these sheets is for an area each. So Restaurant and Casino on the first floor would be on the separate sheets." Narcissa pointed out the different parts of the parchment so that Harlequin could read them later without her help. "Here is the general information about what area the figures are coming from. Here is a list of all the items your Heads purchased for that area. Here at the bottom is the total figures, the restaurant as you can see took 29240 Galleons in this last fortnight, with 8130 Galleons being used to purchase goods and pay for wages for a total profit of 21110 Galleons."

"That's the first floor?" Remus asked in shock. "That's the left half of the first floor." Narcissa said and continued her report. "The two bars on the first floor took in 12268 Galleons, cost was 6900 Galleons for a total profit of 5368 Galleons. The casino was one of the two big earners at 34720 Galleons with a cost of 1303 Galleons, profit is 33417. The bar on the second floor took in 17730 Galleons but we had to spend 7840 Galleons on alcohol so the profit was 9890 Galleons. The dancers went well taking in 9080

Galleons in tips, which is really the only way they make money, cost in wages were 1200 Galleons so profit is 7880 Galleons."

Narcissa shuffled through the final couple of pages and smirked up at Harlequin.

"You'll like this floor Harlequin, for a couple of reasons. The bar took in 15470 Galleons, but cost was at 6690 Galleons, a total profit of 8780. Prostitutes brought in a large amount of money, at 56070 Galleons, wages were only 6690 Galleons, Remmi was a big favourite, she likes her new job quite a bit as well,"

Narcissa gazed up at the three shocked faces in front of her. Remus was opening and closing his mouth while her cousin was looking intently at Harlequin with awe and surprise.

"The total profit that you make from the last two weeks is 140205 Galleons. This is, of course, not including Sickles and Knuts due to the large amount of gold made." Narcissa finished with a smirk at the still shocked others. "Too much?"

Narcissa had to dash forward and catch Harlequin, she had passed out cold from shock.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

"Now that that's finished I think we're done here." Harlequin said with as much dignity as she could after passing out from hearing about money. She moved behind Narcissa and swiftly reached up and cupped her breasts, groping the soft mounds while she placed her chin on the older woman's shoulder. "If you two don't mind I have a pair of suspicious packages I need to unwrap and inspect,thoroughly inspect."

Narcissa shivered and reached around to place her hands between their bodies and grab Harlequin's cock as Sirius got a rather perverted look on his face, understanding instantly, and Remus jumped up worried, not understanding instantly.

"Harlequin, if your getting things like that then you should be getting help from experts!" Remus's gaze went from Harlequin's and Narcissa's amused looks to his best friends cousins chest, and then it clicked.

"Oh. Ohhhhhhhh!"

Sirius grabbed Remus by the back of his collar and started to drag him towards the door.

"Right, well. See you both at the World Cup!" Sirius called out over his shoulder as he pulled Remus out the door and it closed behind them.

As soon as the door closed Harlequin's head swooped down to Narcissa's neck, sucking and biting at the tender flesh there.

Narcissa moaned as Harlequin's teeth left small marks where they travelled and her hands that had started to unbutton her soft white jacket.

Narcissa let out a long moan as her jacket was opened and Harlequin's hands had better access to her breasts, rubbing them through the blouse she wore before it was ripped open at he 's

right hand went down Narcissa's body until she could hike up her skirt and rub the front of the MILF's thong, one so small it barely covered anything.

Narcissa finally managed to get her thoughts in enough order to speak.

"S-sit up in your chair." She gasped out as Harlequin pressed hard on her clit through her thong.

Harlequin stopped what she was doing and sat down in her high-backed leather chair, Narcissa stood up and straitened her clothes and fixed her glasses, before stepping in front of her.

"Even though I'm the Head Manager here, I am also your personal secretary while your here, and as your personal secretary it's my job to take care of you as much as I can."

With that Narcissa dropped to her knees and made short work of the pants that kept Harlequin's cock contained, letting the large member spring up, free.

Narcissa reached up and wrapped her small, soft delicate hand around the iron rod, stroking it slowly as she stared up into the 14 year olds eyes.

"In any way I can." Narcissa whispered up at Harlequin as she moved closer and kissed the underside of her cock. Narcissa listened to Harlequin's soft moans as she licked from the base to the tip then went on the nibbling on the large rod, giving it small nips as she licked and sucked.

Narcissa placed her mouth at the head of Harlequin's cock and pushed her head down taking six inches on her first suck. Harlequin ran her fingers through Narcissa's hair and tugged her further down her cock every now and then as Narcissa sucked and choked on it.

"Oh, come on Cissy, come up here and put this cock in your pussy before I do something I'm not going to regret." Harlequin said down to Narcissa as she tugged her hair upwards.

Narcissa came off Harlequin's pussy pleaser with a pop and stood up, putting a knee on either side of Harlequin's lap and teasing her pussy with the head.

Harlequin put her hands on Narcissa's slim waist and pulled her down, pushing her entire cock into the tight velvet of the older woman's pussy with a single, slow thrust.

Harlequin kept her hands on Narcissa's hips as she bounced up and down, moaning and letting out small screams of pleasure as the top 3 inches slipped out and pushed back into her womb and hit the back wall.

Narcissa leaned forward as she panted and Harlequin captured her lips in a searing kiss, pushing as much passion into it as she could. Narcissa kissed back until she gasped when Harlequin quickly stood up and she went backwards to fall on the desk, knocking the wind out of her.

Narcissa couldn't care less though as she gazed up at Harlequin who slowly fucked two inches in and out of her constricting snatch.

Harlequin shifted her hands down Narcissa's waist and ass, halfway down her thighs before she moved them back up and took the skirt up with her. Harlequin's hands held onto Narcissa's plump ass and she dug her fingers in, loving the feel of the soft flesh slipping between her fingers.

Harlequin pushed two of her fingers into Narcissa's ass, making her moan, and moved the other one up her leg to the ankle, kissing the stocking covered skin as she went.

Narcissa was a flexible woman, and she showed it as Harlequin pushed her straight leg up into the air and down so she was leaning over her with her hand still on Narcissa's ankle and that ankle past her head.

Harlequin leaned forward for another kiss as she slowly pulled more cock out and thrust it back in sharply. She continued this assault as she pulled out of the kiss and talked.

"Hows it going with getting your sister out of Azkaban?" Narcissa moaned out loud before she answered.

"G-good. Knocked off a week already, should only take a few months to get it down to 2 months left on her sentence- oh god. Then the Wizengamot either wait until the time runs its course, with me helping it along, or they let her out early with community service for what she's done. I think its going to be the latter of th- oh my fucking shit!"

Harlequin had nipped hard at her neck and roughly started to pound her pussy, send small squirts of pussy juice spraying out occasionally.

"That's good." Harlequin panted out. "Have her service spent here if you could and she can be your personal assistant. Until then."

Narcissa had one arm wrapped around her raised leg and the other around Harlequin's neck. The two kissed hard as Harlequin's fucking got more urgent and she pushed her slit splitter as far into Narcissa's pussy as she could go and unleashed a huge load of cum, the thick substance spilling out and landing on the floor, causing a puddle.

Harlequin laid herself on top of Narcissa and continued to lick and suck at her neck, Narcissa was happy to lay there and pat her hair.

Narcissa turned her head tirdly and her brow creased from her confused frown.



"The cats drooling."

And That's all ...

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(12000+ words in this chapter)

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