
Harlequin(Harry) Potter and the Velvet Butterfly

I AM PLANNING TO WRITE A FANFIC ON ONE OF THESE 3 NOVELS. PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ONE WOULD YOU LIKE. 1. DOULUO DALU(SOUL LAND) 2. HARRY POTTER (Though I don't have much interest in writing an HP fanfic because there are plenty of fanfics of HP on the internet still if you agree then I can write.) 3. "MARTIAL PEAK" Read the first chapter to know more about the fanfic and giving your opinion. ========================================= *This Fan-Fic does not belong to me* *If the original writer has any issue then please inform me. I will remove this* A Harry Potter Fanfic written beautifully with a lot of smut scenes. I am posting this because if few of the readers are expecting my original novel FIGHT for Supremacy chapters. Then I am sorry to say I am still making the plots and the cultivation ranks and all. As I already informed I don't want just to write a Hentai Story with harebrained and horny characters. So please enjoy this story while I do my work in the novel. *Warning Harry is a Futanari * Read at your own risk I Have Already corrected some grammatical mistakes so if there are some more mistakes then forgive your bro...

NoName2021 · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Harlequin woke up to a soft knocking on her door, she pulled the covers up the her and a still sleeping Juliet's necks and called out to the person or elf knocking.

The door opened and Lily poked her head around it to see Harlequin and Juliet cuddled up under the covers of Harlequin's bed.

"Oh, has Juliet been here the entire night?" She asked.

Harlequin raised a brow slightly, noticing that her mother never asked why she saw Juliet in the same bed as her sister, but nodded her head.

"Well breakfast is ready, come down and get it."

With that Lily walked out and closed the door after her leaving Harlequin feeling confused with Juliet waking up next to her.

"Morning Mistress." Juliet yawned, snuggling deeper into the side of Harlequin's chest and a finger coming up to gently play with the small ring that was pierced in her nipple. "I'd love to get some of these if it would please you Mistress."

"You want to get pierced Juliet?" Harlequin asked with a shocked expression on her face.

Juliet blushed and pressed her face deeper into Harlequin's side.

"Only if you want me to Mistress, I just want to know if it feels good."

"You get off on pain so you'd like getting pierced, the piercings feel pretty good to, what ones would you want?"

"Which ever ones you want me to get Mistress, but can I get some in my nipples like you do? They look like fun to tug at."

Harlequin got up out of bed and started to get some loose, everyday clothes to throw on.

"How about, each nipple, one through your clit, you'll like that, your pussy lips? Maybe we'll see what it looks like, a few more as well but they can wait to be planned out. Hows your ass felling slave?"

Juliet was still laying on the bed on her side, and now she started to rub her ass gently.

"Sore, I really am bruised and I can feel your cum inside my ass still."

"Well plug it up with your panties and head back to your room to get dressed, keep some cum in your ass though, I want you to walk around with it inside of you for a while."

Juliet gingerly got off the bed and stood up, she grabbed her shirt and tugged it on over her head and tits, then she felt hands on her ass.

Harlequin was running her hands over the heavily bruised ass of her slave, she gave a few light smacks on each cheek then picked up Juliet's panties, balled them up and pushed them inside her gaping ass hole to stop large amounts of cum from dripping out.

"There you go, go get dressed, rest for the day so that your ready for when you go to the Weasleys home."

Harlequin pulled Juliet in for one last kiss and then shooed her away with one more hard poked her head out the door, and when she saw the coast was clear, she ran to her room and ducked inside, closing the door behind her.

Harlequin walked out of her room in her boots, socks, loose slacks and a loose button up shirt and headed down for breakfast.

When she got there she saw James reading the Daily Prophet and refused to even look at her, Lily was also reading her own copy, but looked up and smiled a bit before going back to it.

Harlequin grabbed some fruit from the table and put it in her pocket, then grabbed some toast and headed for the door.

"I'm going out." was all she said.


Harlequin turned back to look at James, who was still reading the paper.

"Diagon Ally if you must know Father, there are still things I need to do before I head off for Hogwarts."

Harlequin quickly made her way from the room and headed for the floo. She finished her toast and used the floo to travel to Diagon Ally.

One more stop at Grinngots and she could focus on getting herself a Manager for when she wasn't there.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin was once again standing in line to see Raggold, the Goblin she had come to see as the one best to help with any building related needs.

Soon she was brought to the front of the line and she had shown the Goblin teller the card Raggold had given her and told him what it was she was wanting.

Wasting no time she was asked to stand to the side and a few minutes later Griphook had come out and started to guide her into the back hallways, towards Raggold's office.

"You seem to be coming here quite a bit lately, Miss Potter." Griphook observed as they walked along

the hallways, surprisingly busy with Goblins and humans alike.

"This will be the last time for a short while I think." Harlequin commented, looking at the different humans that were around her and noticing the tell tale signs of the Weasleys red hair. "But I hope to continue my business with Grinngots for a long time after this, no doubt."

Griphook nodded and stopped in front of the large oak doors that lead into Raggold's office.

"He is expecting you."

Harlequin nodded her thanks and watched Griphook walk away for a second before she went inside.

Ten minutes later she had traded pleasantries with Raggold and explained to him what it was she wanted.

"So the Goblin builders haven't don't that much yet, It wouldn't be much of a problem to them?" Harlequin spoke, a bit worried that she was too late with her thoughts.

"No, they didn't have much time yesterday because of the late start so they just removed what was unusable in the building and put the salvaged things out of the way, setting up for the build, you could say. If you are looking to expand the building then the next few hours would be the most ideal time."

Harlequin nodded at Raggold's words and then leant over the blueprints in front of her with a marker.

"Out the back of the building it a large portion of out door space, I see no use in it so I want to extend the building out, leaving a large balcony area beside the already renovated room." Harlequin used the marker she had in her hand to draw on the blueprint. "That way I can extend the restaurant and its kitchen, as well as the Casino and Bar areas over the other side. More rooms can then be added to the other two floors."

Raggold had leaned over the blueprints with Harlequin and was looking down at all the changes she had made through small, gold wire frame glasses.

"Possible, but I know the amount of money you have in your accounts from the last time you purchased services through me, this is not just fixing up a building, we would need to tear down walls, bring in specialists to point out support walls that might be in danger and reinforce them while we work, building more portions and keeping them up with magic until they themselves are supported enough, adding extra walls for rooms. This list of additions you want added, as well as a list of furniture will add not only to the cost of acquiring them, but also for installation and the services of purchasing them for you as well. All up your total would be 200,000 Galleons, mayhaps more. I'm sorry Miss Potter, you don't have the funds for all of this."

"I know, that's why I want to see if I can acquire a loan of 500,00 Galleons through the bank. That will allow me the funds to afford this and pay workers that I hire before I start to make a profit."

Harlequin sat in front of Raggold as he stared at her, sharp teeth shown as he chewed, thoughtfully, on the end of his glasses.

"Apart from small deposits you have no valid income to which you can pay us back such a large loan. What makes you think we would allow you to take one out in the first place?" He asked slowly, Harlequin knew he was thinking of ways he could get money from her bold gesture.

"I have no doubt that my business would be successful due to the fact that it caters to many different types of customers. This is basic set up so far and I also wish to acquire more expensive services from you in the future, by then I have not a single doubt that I will have paid the loan to Grinngots back with whatever interest might occur between now and then."

Raggold kept staring at her for a while, still chewing his glasses, before he pulled several sheets and documents, from around him and form drawers, towards himself before starting to write fast over them all.

"I will hold you to the fact that you will not purchase any more services from us until the debt is paid." He passed Harlequin about ten sheets he had been writing on and placed the rest in various trays behind him, making them disappear. "Take those to a Loan Goblin, they will organise it for you, you have a letter for me there make sure he reads it first, the funds for your renovations will be personally handled by me when I see that the loan has gone through. I however, strongly suggest that you hire an Account Manager for your vault and move all the contents from your trust vault over to the other one. That much money can attract attention when left unmanaged, and though it will cost you a fee each week, you will be glad you hired an Account Manager."

"Would Mr Griphook be a good option? He told me he was fired from being the Potter Account Manager until my father fired him."

"Griphook was the Account Manager and served for 150 years before James Potter saw that a few Goblins that Handled some smaller vaults were better at managing the Potter vault. He fired Griphook's quality for the other Goblins quantity. Griphook felt most sad over his sudden loss of responsibility and has never been the same since."

"Please contact him and offer him the position of Account Manager for me will you? I think that soon I will need a bigger vault and would love for him to transfer over to that one as well to continue his duties if he accepts."

Raggold nodded and said his farewells.

"I'm going to lunch, I will be back in two hours, at 1:12pm, we will continue this meeting then."

Raggold lead Harlequin out of his office and pointed her back towards the lobby of the bank.

When she arrived in the lobby she quickly moved over towards the line that lead towards the Loan Tellers.

The line was longer then any of the others and Harlequin could see the back of Molly Weasley's head near the front of the line.

Harlequin felt a tingle down her spine, something was coming, something she really didn't want to be here for. She had a sudden thought but before she could cast a glance around her thoughts were made correct when she heard the voice next to her.

"We always seem to be meeting each other here Harlequin. It must be fate."

Harlequin turned her head with grated force as she gazed up at her Hogwarts Headmaster. His magenta robes glittering in the lobby lights.

"Yes, well hopefully this will be the last time for a while." She spoke and saw no change on Dumbledore's face. He's good. "After my last appointments here today I will not be coming back for a while."

Dumbledore was nodding his head before looking up at the line for the teller.

"A loan Harlequin? Surely Hogwarts can help with any financial needs that you may have for your schooling."

"This isn't for school Headmaster, this is for, a small project of mine."

The two of them stood in silence for a few minutes, Dumbledore had stood in line behind her and Harlequin hoped he wasn't starting at her ass or something like that.

"Your father tells me you are having dinner with Narcissa Malfoy tonight." And here was the part Harlequin was just dying to listen to. "I must strongly suggest against the idea, she has shown strong loyalty towards her husband and I do not wish to see you hurt."

Harlequin was ready to snap at the aged man before a cool voice stopped her.

"If I wanted to harm Harlequin Headmaster I could have done it years ago when we first became friends. Now it just seems pointless to waste such a caring person."

The two in line turned around to see Narcissa Malfoy standing next to them, arms crossed and her face a frown towards the Headmaster.

Before Dumbledore could speak Narcissa shifted her attention towards Harlequin and smiled warmly at her.

"Harlequin, cant wait to see you tonight, but." Narcissa cast a slightly worried look towards the teller that she was waiting for. "Are you in trouble Harlequin? You don't have to worry about asking for help if you are."

Harlequin gave a small giggle when asked that, she knew that Narcissa was being half sincere and half over the top because of the Headmaster.

"It's okay Narcissa, this is for a little something that will soon be finished and then I'll be able to pay off what I hope to acquire here today easily. I'll tell you all about it tonight."

Narcissa gave a nod and walked off towards one of the other lines in the lobby, Harlequin's eyes following her swaying rear until she stopped walking, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled when she saw Harlequin still watching her.

Harlequin blushed slightly and looked back towards the front.

"What is it your are working on that requires you to get a loan Harlequin?" Dumbledore asked, he looked down at Harlequin serenely as she turned her head to regard him.

"No, I don't think I will." She said bluntly, praying that the three people now in front of her would hurry up.

"And why is that? You would tell Narcissa Malfoy."

"That's because I trust Narcissa."

Dumbledore blinked and it took him a second to process the fact that there was someone who didn't fully trust him and want his advice for every little thing they did.

The only person left in front of her was now at the teller, most of the others in line when she had joined had been turned away, Dumbledore still stood next to her, waiting with her so he could most likely listen in on how much money she was getting and what it was for.

The person before the teller was turned away as well and Harlequin moved forward when she heard the Goblin call, 'next'.

Before she got to the teller she turned to Dumbledore.

"Wonderful chat as usual Headmastere but I must be getting on with my Business here, good bye." harlequin spoke loudly so that the teller could hear her ans strode forward, Dumbledore still following behind.

When Harlequin reached the teller's desk, both she and the Goblin turned to regard Dumbledore with expecting eyes.

"Please Harlequin I am just trying to help." He pleaded, looking into her eyes and trying to use legilimency to at least see what she was doing here so often, only to meet a wall again. Dumbledore looked between the girl and the Goblin one last time before giving a sigh, as if he was disappointed with Harlequin.

"Very well then, I shall see you at Hogwarts harlequin." Dumbledore turned on his heel and left Grinngots quickly.

Harlequin sighed with relief and turned back to the Goblin teller, and handed him the papers she had.

"I am here for a loan, Mr Raggold said to give these to you, there is a letter in there from him."

Harlequin stood and waited. The Goblin read a page that Harlequin though must have the letter, then shuffled through the others, reading them all. He continued to look through the papers while going over

various things on his desk, making notes on spare parchment and reading others.

Finally he spoke.

"500,000 galleons was it? The Architectural Director seems to wish for me to grant you your loan request and has provided reasons, both yours and his own. However I will need you to explain yourself and give details to help finalise the entire ordeal."

Harlequin breathed a sigh of relief again and explain all she could to the Goblin teller and then answered all of his questions while he wrote notes and filled out forms. Half an hour of standing in one spot and talking nearly non-stop, Harlequin was given a stack of papers, at least 30 of them, and told to fill them out.

"Shit, sorry, all of them?" She asked in disbelief.

"Loans are only given to a maximum of 10,000 galleons, for such a significantly larger loan much more must be filled out and processed, your sponsorship by the Architectural Director helped you quite a bit." The Goblin finished his explanation and waved her over to one of the seats and a small floating table top appeared in front of it.

Harlequin moved over to the seat and table set and sat down, getting to work with another sigh.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin put down her pen and stretched.

"Thank god that's over." She muttered and looked at the clock on the wall, she had twenty minutes before her meeting with Raggold resumed.

As Harlequin stood up and gathered her papers and pen she looked around at all the witches and wizards around her using quills and remembered some of the disgusted looks from purebloods when she was using her pen. Really, just because she wanted to use something easier doesn't mean they had to give her some of the looks she got.

Harlequin quickly moved over to the line for the loan teller again, now smaller with only 2 people, lots of others liked to get their loans out of the way early in the morning when there weren't too many people around.

It was only 5 minutes before she was talking to the teller again.

"Excellent, everything seems to be in order. It will take a few hours to have the loan officially updated in our books and the funds transferred over to the specified account. That should be all you need to do now, you have a period of 15 years to pay off your loan, every year that it takes will add a total of two percent interest to the total amount owed to Grinngots. Please keep up to date with your payments, 34,000 galleons a year would be enough to pay off the original loan, not regarding the two percent increase over each year. Good Day, Miss Potter."

Harlequin nodded her thanks and quickly made her way over to the hallway that lead to Raggolds office.

"Early, Miss Potter?"

Raggold's words cut through her thoughts and after looking at the small humanoid creature, Harlequin glanced at the clock and saw that there was still five minutes before the meeting was supposed to resume.

"Sorry, Mr Raggold." She said.

"No need." Her thoughts were waved off as she was pushed aside gently and Raggold opened the office door with a tap of his finger. "We can start early and finish early."

The two situated themselves in their respective seats and got down to business rather quickly.

"Your loan was a success then? Good, when the money goes into your Vault I shall have the funds necessary for the additional renovations taken from it. You should be also pleased to know that I gave orders to have your other wishes done, Griphook is now a very happy employee, now that he is A Vault Manager again, and the items and monies within your trust vault have been transferred over to your new vault. Any other problems regarding your vault or loan payments can be handled by a teller. Until you pay your loan I do not expect you to come to me regarding your property, this is what you told me yourself and it is what I expect."

"Yes, thank you Mr Raggold, your help has been most appreciated. Once I finish paying off my loan I shall be making good use of Grinngots's warding and rune based services quite a bit. Thank you for your time."

"Thank you for your business."

Harlequin slightly bowed to Raggold to show her thanks again and left the office, then headed for her building to see how it was going.

Soon she was standing, looking up at a much cleaner, but very basic looking form of her building.

"We got started stripping away the outside an hour ago to make way for the expansion and the new work. Other then that we started to knock out and and roughly plan out the first floor." A voice cut in from her left.

Harlequin turned and saw a burly looking Goblin walking towards her, he stopped next to her and stared up at the building with her.

"Gunna to take about two weeks to finish, that includes getting and placing the furni where you want it to go, after that you should be fine to do what 'chu want widdit. Names Grublog, I'm in charge of this here whole build and shit like that, not much magic in me but winit comes to building and planning, there ain't no one like ol' Grublog. You Harlequin Potter?"

Harlequin was a bit taken a back by his way of speaking but soon nodded to Grublog.

"Yes, sorry about the last minute change Mr Grublog, I,m sorry if it caused any problems."

"No worries, more work means more pay, and no 'Mr' for me lass, that's me pa's name. Sorry lass I gotta get these slackers moving." Grublog nodded his head and moved off towards four Goblins who had started to chat near a corner of the building, picking up a large sledge hammer as he went.

"Oi, you fucking wanks! Get back to it before I fucking slap yer faces around with this here big fucker! Go on, git in to it!"

He followed the Goblins back around the building but Harlequin could still hear his voice booming back towards her.

Harlequin shook her head and headed home.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin had gotten home at 2:30, after browsing the stores and having lunch, and it was now 6:30 and Harlequin was finishing up in the shower.

"Ughh, you feel so good around me." One of Harlequin's hands was holding a handful of Juliet's hair, tugging her head back and making her moan. The other was holding her waist tightly as she slammed her cock in and out of her pussy, making Juliet scream from the pain coming from her bruised and abused ass.

"Please Mistress, I want to feel you in me the whole night! I want to think only of you tonight and your beautiful cock!"

Harlequin gave a groan and a sharp slap to Juliet's rear as she filled her sister slave's cunt with her hot cum, over half of the load spilling out and getting washed away by the water from the shower head.

"Ahhhh, Mistress feels so good in my slutty pussy."

Harlequin pulled her cock out of Juliet and dropped to her knees, then started to suck the cum from Juliet's leaking pussy.

"Mistress, no! Please let me have your warm cum in me please!"

Harlequin ignored Juliet and kept sucking, her own salty cum flowing into her mouth and she glupped it down hungrily. Harlequin licked Juliet's clit and bit her pussy lips, loving how she twitched and jerked when she did.

Harlequin couldn't taste any more cum coming out of Juliet so she made a fist and started to push it in, forcing her hand and arm inside Juliet.

Harlequin sawed her arm in and out of Juliet's cunt several times before violently ripping it out, leaving the hole gaping before it slowly fluttered shut.

"I wanted to feel your cum in me tonight Mistress." Juliet whined as Harlequin turned the water off.

Harlequin gave another smack to Juliet's ass.

"No whining, that was your punishment for not calling me Mistress. Be glad for it and thank me and give my cock a kiss."

Juliet and Harlequin were out of the shower now, and Juliet dropped quickly to her knees, while keeping her ass off the floor. Harlequin put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her down, firmly pressing her ass on the cold tiles, making Juliet hiss in pain.

Juliet reached forward and held Harlequin's cock gently, then gave it a kiss on the head.

"Thank you for my punishment Mistress, I'll try not to be a bad girl from now on."

Harlequin helped Juliet up and ran her hands over her shoulders.

"We both know you wont be good, you love being punished."

"I'm sorry Mistress."

The two girls got dressed and after checking to make sure that the coast was clear, left the bathroom and went to Harlequin's room.

Harlequin was dressed in black slacks and a black dress shirt, she wanted to look good when she meet Narcissa and asked her something.

Juliet was dressed in a summer dress and had a sheer thong underneath it.

"I cant believe I have to sit down to dinner and suffer through Ronald Weasley's eating habits and Ginny Weasley constantly talking about all sorts of ridiculous things." Juliet whined as she laid on Harlequin's bed on her front, a hand idly rubbing her pussy through her thong.

"At least you can see what Dumbledore tries to do." Harlequin stated as she rummaged around for any thing she might need for tonight, but settled on just her wand.

"Juliet, we're leaving now!" Lily cried out from the bottom of the stairs.

"Better get going." Harlequin could hear the small tone of sadness in Juliet's voice at the prospect of being with out her sister after what they had been through.

Harlequin walked over and hugged her sister, kissing her hard.

"You be good tonight, or the next punishment will be worse then getting the cum eaten out of your pussy, okay?"

Juliet nodded and the two sisters headed for the floo.

Lily and James were standing by the fireplace talking when Harlequin and Juliet came down the stairs.

Harlequin ignored James as Lily checked over Juliet.

"You be good at Narcissa's Harlequin, I don't want to hear about the aurors being called."

"Yes Mother."

The three of them left in the floo and Harlequin checked her watch, 6:52.

Harlequin went around the manor and looked at all the little things out, from the paintings to the busts of previous heads of house, until it was time to go and she used the floo herself.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

"Welcome Harlequin!" Narcissa said as Harlequin stumbled out of the Malfoy fireplace and into the arms of the older woman who hugged her tight.

Narcissa let go and used her wand to clean away the ash now on them both.

Narcissa was wearing a tight white dress that had a waist corset that held her firm breasts up even higher. On her feet she had white heels that were over white lace stockings.

"Just in time, dinner is ready. We can talk while we eat, do you like eating clams Harlequin?" Narcissa asked kindly, leading the teen into the dining room.

"I love the taste of clams Narcissa." Harlequin replied, smirking at the raunchy thought that popped up into her head.

The two of them entered the dining room and sat opposite each other near one end, close to the kitchen door. The elves came out, 3 in total and started to place soup in front of them and soon they were sipping it and talking happily.

"Thank you for letting me come over on such short notice, Dumbledore said that my family had been invited to the Weasleys for dinner and that he would be there, I just didn't want to have to deal with that, he's been so annoying lately."

Narcissa nodded as she sipped her soup.

"Yes, I noticed the way you were acting today as the Headmaster was talking to you. Did my appearance help in any way?"

"He was thrown off a bit when I said that I trusted you and not him."

"Thank you Harlequin, knowing Dumbledore and the people that follow him for longer then you, you don't know how much that would mean to little old me." Narcissa gave a wink and finished her soup.

Harlequin finished hers off as well and soon the elves were taking away their bowls and placed plates in front of them along with platters of various seafood, including clams.

"This looks so good Narcissa. I kind of feel bad about eating it and meesing up the way it all looks together." Harlequin spoke and she put a few different types of food onto her plate.

"It's all meant to be eaten, the rest can be stored for leftovers, or used in other meals, god knows that this is the only time I get to tell the elves to save food, Lucius always tells them to cook more then we all need to eat and then tells them to throw about almost half of it! Really. What were you going for a loan anyway Harlequin, you've never shown any need for financial assistance before."

Narcissa's sudden change in topic made Harlequin chock on her piece of fish, and after cough for a few seconds she looked up at her.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about Narcissa. I sort of have a business proposition for you."

"Oh? Do tell."

Harlequin looked into Narcissa's eyes and saw how serious she was.

"I needed the loan because I needed the money to expand a three story building I now own." Harlequin put down her fork and put on her most serious face. "I can leave school whenever I want now, as longs as I get my OWL's. Until then and even after I want to offer you a chance to be the Manager of my new business, doing the same jobs that I would be doing, and teaching me how to do them myself. After I get my OWL's and leave school I plan on being tutored and getting my NEWT's while running the business with you as my right-hand."

Narcissa put a clam in her mouth and chewed it thoughtfully as she regarded Harlequin through her half closed eyes, looking lazy but also paying close attention on what had been said.

"I would love the idea of being a Manager, but what type of business is it that you cant tell me from the beginning?"

"It's, a brothel."

Narcissa's eyes went wide and she stared at Harlequin, eyes locked and shocked before they went serious.

"Harlequin while the idea may sound tempting, law states that-"

"Some one under the adult legal age cant run a business that lies solely within the sexual industry, I know but there's the good part, its not 'solely within the sexual industry' it's going to have a restaurant on the bottom floor. I went through the Goblins so far and it wouldn't be legal then they wouldn't have let me do it because they wouldn't be making money, they would have had to give it to the Ministry in the end. I understand if you wouldn't want to do it, but your the only one with the skills and intelligence to do it that I trust."

Narcissa looked weary as she sat and regarded Harlequin. Not too long after she sighed.

"How much of your new business have you gotten completed so far?"

"The building is being renovated now, should be done in two weeks. During those two weeks, probably the last week, I plan on getting it registered with the Ministry. After that I just need to organise staff and goods to get it all started."

"A good plan, missing a few points but I can take care of those. A Ministry registration would need the owners or managers signature, the signature of the person doing the paper work for you on the day, and getting another signature from a high ranking Ministry official wouldn't help either, might speed it along a bit. Getting it registered should take about four days, better pay them a bit to keep it quiet though."

"You mean your going to be my manager?" Harlequin asked happily and Narcissa looked at her again.

"Yes, I suppose I am."

Harlequin yelled out happily and rushed around the table to hug Narcissa who cried out in surprise.

"Thank you Narcissa!"

"It's okay Harlequin."

The two still held each other and smiled.

Narcissa was slapping herself, hard, when she was like this, even harder when she started to kiss the 14 year old in her arms. The got pleasantly surprised when Harlequin wasted no time kissing her back. Narcissa broke apart and looked at Harlequin.

"I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't-"

She was cut off as Harlequin kissed her again more forcefully and grabbed her waist, holding her close.

They broke off once more.

"I always thought you were beautiful Narcissa, your wasted on someone like Lucius Malfoy." She spoke in a low tone and held tighter as Narcissa tried to pull away.

"Your a cute girl Harlequin, I really shouldn't be feeling like this. You should go home." Narcissa spoke with her lips, but her mind screamed no.

"Or you could show me your bedroom, I would love to show you a real fucking Nracissa."

Harlequin's rough words had Narcissa weak in the knees and she swatted her inhibitions aside quickly, pulling her hand towards the doors and yelling at the elves to respect their privacy.

The door to the Malfoy Manor master bedroom opened with a bang against the wall and Harlequin pushed Narcissa inside with their mouths connected in a hungry kiss.

Narcissa spun them around and kicked the door closed with her foot, only to be spun around again and pushed onto the bed, Harlequin's mouth now kissing her neck and nibbling the soft flesh.


Harlequin stopped what she was doing and watched as Narcissa got her breath back.

Harlequin reached up and started to untie Narcissa's corset, then peeled it off her body and tossed it to the side

The dress was next, reaching behind Narcissa Harlequin pulled a string and the front became loose. Harlequin ran her hands along Narcissa's feet up to her chest, taking the dress with her, then pulled it over her head and tossing it with the corset.

Harlequin leaned back from her position over Narcissa and took in her form.

Narcissa laid with her legs together, knees slightly bent, and arms spread at her sides. White stockings went to her thighs and attached to a garter belt. Her white heels, and a matching set of white, lacy bra and thong.

Harlequin reached down and felt the front of Narcissa's thong. "Rather large wet spot here, Lucius not treating you right?" At Narcissa's slight shake of her head Harlequin let her hands roam up her sides and to gently cup her breasts. "And these, so large and firm, what I wouldn't give to suck them. I think I will."

Harlequin unsnapped the front clasp and slowly parted the bra, revealing the pale mounds of bent over and kissed the underside of one tit, her hand rubbing the other. She kissed and licked all around her lover's flesh, shifting from breast to breast, before finally kissing Narcissa again.

"I'm not going to fuck you Narcissa." Harlequin whispered in her ear. Narcissa immediately started to moan and buck her hips up. "I'm going to make love to you, and you'll never be able to look at poor 'little' Lucius again."

With that Harlequin started to pull the thong down Narcissa's legs and threw it with the rest of the discarded clothes, she did the same with her bra

Then Harlequin pushed Narcissa's legs apart and laid down between them, her face gently nuzzled on the soft, sticky mound.

"Smells so sweet, I'm going to enjoy eating this clam, was that what you wanted when you asked if I liked to eat clams? Wanted to make sure I swung that way before seducing me. Naughty Cissy, planning to seduce a 14 year old."

Harlequin ran her nose through her lips and gave the pussy a light smack before kissing it and pushing her tongue in.

"Aghhh! It's been years since anyone's done this! Please don't stop!" Narcissa pleaded.

"I don't plan on stopping until this pussy is ready for me." Harlequin said back.

Harlequin kept one hand on Narcissa's thigh, to keep her from closing her legs, and used the other to

thrust two fingers into her pussy, her mouth now sucking and biting on Narcissa's clit, before pulling it gently with her teeth until it slipped through.

"A married woman so young shouldn't have such a tight pussy. It's like you've never been fucked."

"L-Lucius was only about four-OH GOD!-f-four inches! Draco seemed smaller."

"With all the times he said otherwise it was obvious he was lying. After I'm done with you that four inches just wont do."

Harlequin went back to fingering the MILF, forcing a third finger inside and deciding that was as far as she would go, give Narcissa a real ride so she knew just how unlucky she was to be stuck with her husband.

When Narcissa came she came hard. Her body arching and her hands clutched the sheets hard, her toes curling in their heels and her pussy squirting juice out and all over Harlequin's hand.

Narcissa collapsed on the bed and her breathing was heavy after her orgasm and she didn't notice Harlequin licking her juice from her hand, or taking off her own clothes.

She did notice when something long hot and hard was pressing against her cheek.

Narcissa turned her head and gazed, shocked, at the underside of the monster cock pressing against her face heavily.

"Wha- How?" Narcissa mumbled her hand coming up on its own accord to wrap around the thick shaft and pump it to see if it was too good to be true.

"Spell gone wrong. But I'm glad it did because now I get to make love to you Cissy, do you want me to use this on your pussy Cissy?" Harlequin reached down and started to run her finger up and down the gushing slit and earned a shiver from Narcissa.

"I don't care, just put this in me, please!" She begged.

"I don't want to hurt you by accident, get it nice and wet for me."

Narcissa turned her head fully and brought her head back to get the tip in her mouth, then she started to suck and bob her head like it was the last thing she could do.

Harlequin moaned in pleasure as Narcissa easily sucked 7 thick inches of her cock and was trying her best to get more in but was having trouble.

"How do you do that so well Cissy?" She asked as Narcissa came off her cock for air.

Instead of saying anything she kept stroking her length with one hand while she opened and dug in the bedside drawer with the other, and pulled out an 8 inch vibrator.

"Small and basic enough that the wards don't break it. I need this most of the time because Lucius just doesn't do the job right."

Harlequin took the vibrator from Narcissa with one hand and guided her head with the other.

"I'll make sure you get off Cissy, don't you worry."

Harlequin pulled Narcissa off her cock and put her back on her back. "I need you to hold this for me Cissy, but not with your hands."

Harlequin knelt between Narcissa's spread legs again and ran the tip of the vibrator over her slit, then she moved it down to the tight rosebud of her ass.

"Have you ever put this in your ass Cissy?"

Narcissa nodded and groaned as Harlequin slowly pushed the vibrator into her ass until only the end was visible. The Harlequin switched it on the max and watched as Narcissa moaned louder and started to buck her hips, holding the sheets.

Harlequin moved her body over Narcissa's and stared into her eyes after she had gotten used to the feeling in her ass.

"I love you Narcissa." She said and captured the older woman's mouth with her own, holding her hands and pressing them above her head.

Harlequin broke away from the kiss and nudged Narcissa's pussy lips with the head of her cock, feeling vibrations when ever she did.

"Are you ready?"

Narcissa nodded and Harlequin let go of her hands, letting her own rest on those wide, sexy hips as Narcissa held her shoulders.

Harlequin gripped hard and slid 8 inches of cock into Narcissa swiftly. Narcissa groaned at the feeling of real cock piercing her and dug her nails into Harlequin's shoulders.

Harlequin moaned, still surprised at how tight Narcissa was, and started to push more of her cock into the willing woman.

Soon she had her cock buried in Narcissa's womb and was slowly fucking her, loving the feel of her velvety walls hugging her tight.

"Ohh, you feel so good Cissy, so good."

Narcissa had her face pressed into Harlequin's neck and gave it a small lick before laying back and gazing up at her.

"Please, don't ever take this from me, please."

"I wont."

Harlequin and Narcissa shared a kiss as the both felt the thick cock swell and pump cum into the mature woman.

"Ohhhhhh." Moaned Narcissa, pushing her hips forward, as hard as she could against Harlequin's. "That feels nice."

Harlequin reached down and turned the vibrator in Narcissa's ass off, then pulled it out and set it on the table. She then gently laid down next to her so her cock didn't leave the warm vice and pulled Nracissa close.

The two snuggled close together and basked in the afterglow of their slow love making.

"I've fucked my friends before, but not like this. I'm sure I love them just like I love you though."

Narcissa's pussy fluttered around Harlequin's cock as the older woman moved on top of her slightly.

"You show your love differently to different people. How did you fuck your sister?"

Harlequin looked up at Narcissa's face in surprise and gaped.

"It wasn't that hard to piece it together just before. So submissive, I bet she really likes it in the ass. I'm not freaked out or grossed out, it's quite sexy actually, I just wanted to know."

The two of them just laid there, Narcissa called one of the elves and told him that tonight was meant to be kept a secret from all and soon both of them had fallen asleep in each others arms

-The Velvet Butterfly-

A wonderful feeling woke Harlequin the next morning. It felt like a soft vice had been clamped all around her stiff cock.

Harlequin opened her bleary eyes and looked down, said eyes snapping open with her mouth.

Narcissa had Harlequin's entire cock in her mouth and down her throat, licking the underside with her tongue and humming.

Narcissa heard Harlequin moan and looked up with her eyes, she kept eye contact even when she started to bob her head over 2 inches and start sucking what she could, choking noises came from the back of her throat and spit ran down onto Harlequin's balls.

Harlequin put her head back, closed her eyes and groaned as she felt the cum being sucked from her cock. She heard gulping from Narcissa for a minute and when she stopped blasting jizz she looked back down at the platinum blonde.

Narcissa slowly slid her head up and off the cock, making it pop out of her mouth. Only a softening, spit slick cock and a single dribble of cock sauce from the corner of Narcissa's mouth showed what had

taken place.

Narcissa brought a delicate finger up to her mouth and used it to wipe the cum up, then put it in her mouth and cleaned it off.

"Delicious. You cant stay for too long or your father might break down the door looking for you." Narcissa stated. She slid over to Harlequin's side and presented her with a tray of breakfast foods from the side table. "I've already had my breakfast, though I wont mind some more."

Harlequin quickly ate the food as Narcissa went back to her cock and brought her to orgasm again. The kissed Narcissa deeply.

"Thank you Narcissa, I cant wait to do this again. Wont your husband realise that your pussy isn't as tight as it used to be though?" Harlequin asked, concerned for the housewife.

"It was like trying to fuck a pin in the first place. He wont notice, you take care of getting your business registered and I'll take care of a few other things, as soon as you know tell me when you plan on opening and I'll set up advertisement. Are you going to the World Cup?"

"Yeah, we always go, every year. Are you going this year?"

Narcissa gave a smirk.

"I may not look it but I am quite the Quiddich fan. Besides, a little bathroom fun never hurt anyone, right?"

Harlequin groaned as Narcissa withdrew from the bed and started getting dressed.

"I suppose I should go, James and Lily would freak out, I am at a Death eaters house after all."

Narcissa giggled as she slipped on a loose robe, then she stopped and turned to Harlequin with a serious expression, forgetting that her robe was still open and she was naked underneath.

"I've been moving money from the Malfoy vault into my own. As soon as Lucius gets back, I'm divorcing him."

Harlequin moved quickly and embraced Narcissa, feeling the woman's arms close around her as well.

"That's wonderful! As soon as the building is done I can have a room for you!"

"Thank you Harlequin, I should be out of her as soon as he gets back."

At the fireplace Harlequin and Narcissa shared one last passionate kiss.

"You be good Harlequin, keep that cock warm for me okay?"

"I will Narcissa, I love you."

"I love you to."

Harlequin stepped away and into the fireplace, tossed down some floo powder and called out.

"Potter Manor!"

-The Velvet Butterfly-

As soon as Harlequin stepped out of the floo and out of the fireplace her father was in front of her.

"Did you see anything dark? Why did you stay all night? What did you?"

Nice to see you value your job more then me. I was fine nothing dark relating to Cissy. We had dinner an I stayed the night, happy?"

"You don't talk to me that way! Were there ANY dark objects at Malfoy manor?"

"Not that I saw." Harlequin said with finality. "When is Madam Bones in the Auror office next?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Private girl matters."

James stared hard at Harlequin for a few moments before answering.

"Tomorrow, all day."

"Thank you."

Harlequin stepped around her father and went up to her room.

She hadn't meant to be such a smart ass to her father, she wanted to be as far away from her parents until she left the house and moved into her new property in two weeks time, but that man, damn it all.

The next day Harlequin was in the floo and out at Diagon Ally with out even having breakfast, as to avoid James, and had her morning meal at the Leaky Cauldron.

After that she took the floo to the Ministry at 9 and headed straight for floor four, that had the offices of Business Management, with a sack full of gold, and walked up to one of the desks that had no one at it and dropped about ten galleons on it in front of the working woman.

"I want to register a business in a discreet fashion." Harlequin spoke low and kept the woman's gaze as she looked at the galleons and who had thrown them down. The money disappeared in a flash and a stack of parchment was placed in front of Harlequin with a self-inking quill.

"Please fill out these forms. If you have any trouble, feel free to come back and ask me for help." She spoke kindly but Harlequin could here the lust for gold underlying in her tone of voice, Harlequin just smiled and moved off to one of the chairs by the wall and started.

Harlequin didn't get a chance to see Juliet last night or this morning because Lily had taken her shopping in the muggle world in the morning and was planning on staying for a couple of days, that meant Harlequin would be stuck with just her father for dinner until they got back, it wouldn't be so bad, just very quiet.

After an hour Harlequin had finished most of the paperwork and just needed some signatures. Narcissa and Madam Bones were the people she wanted to sign.

Harlequin went to the woman's desk and dropped a few more gold coins on the table and asked to use a fireplace. The coins were gone by the time the question was out of her mouth.

"Of course, just over there is a fireplace for floo calls and transferring forms and parchment."

Harlequin thank the woman and walked over, throwing some floo powder in and sticking her head into the fire.

"Malfoy Manor!"

The spinning stopped and Harlequin was face to face with the same elf that greeted her head in the fire last time.

"Hello, is Narcissa there?"

"I is sorry Missy Harly, Miss Cissy is at Grinngots today."

"Thank you, I'll see if I can catch her there, good bye."

Harlequin withdrew her head and quickly made her way back to the Ministry lobby with a folder full of the paperwork.

When she stepped out of the lift on the ground floor she brushed past her father, who was getting in to the lift, and pretended not to hear his calls after her, quickly making her way to the floo lines.

Shortly after Harlequin was in Grinngots, after she had told the Goblin guards she was waiting for Narcissa Malfoy, they let her wait in the lobby.

"Harlequin, I thought you had finished here."

Harlequin looked over and saw Narcissa next to her.

"Cissy, I came to see you and ask if you could sign something." She handed over the parchment and showed Narcissa where she wanted her to sign.

"Sure thing let me sit here."

Minutes later Narcissa had finished and was passing the forms back.

"I'll see you at the World Cup Harlequin, things with the business and my divorce are taking some time

and I don't think we could see each other for a while until then."

"That's too bad Cissy, I'll see you then and show you how much I've missed you."

Harlequin and Narcissa shared a smile and went their own ways, Narcissa home and Harlequin back to the Ministry.

Harlequin was stepping out of the lift and into the large room filled with cubicles for the Aurors next, walking around and asking for directions towards Madam Bones's office.


Harlequin turned a bit to see Sirius waving frantically towards her from where he was standing in front of a desk. Next to him was Remus Lupin.

A huge smile curved its way onto her face and she ran, dodging Aurors and making them curse, as fast as she could towards her Godfather.

"Sirius, Remus its good to see you both." Harlequin said, but her smile wavered somewhat when she saw that they were in front of James desk. "Why are you both here?"

"Well I work here." Sirius said with a laugh and earned a slap on the head from Remus.

"Sirius and James called me in to help with something, friend helping friend so theesteemed Madam Umbridge cant force me out of the office for what I am."

Harlequin looked stricken at what Remus had said.

"I'm so sorry, I guess I never really thought about how bad people like you could be treated by some of societies dregs."

Remus waved a hand and hugged Harlequin.

"No problem. Happy birthday Harlequin."

Harlequin hugged back as hard as she could.

"Thanks Remus."

"What are you doing here cub?" Sirius asked after getting a look from James.

Harlequin didn't miss it and slapped Sirius mentally for bending so easily under her fathers gaze, and so extracted herself from Remus's arms.

"Just visiting your girlfriend. Need her to help with something." Harlequin smirked when Sirius got a shocked look on his ducked face and started to look around nervously.

"She's not my- She's just not! Stop that!"

"Well I better find Madam Bones, know where I could try?"

"Her office is filled with cabinets for files, she took a cubicle near the doors over there so she could be in here with the rest of us." Sirius spoke quickly.

"Thanks for the quick answer Sirius, been spying have we?" harlequin replied cheekily.

"N- No! I just have to go there all the time, I know my way around just as well as anyone else who works here!"

Harlequin waved and started to walk away, heading for where Sirius had pointed her to and away from her father's glare.

"Madam Bones?"

Amelia Bones, Head Of the Auror Office, looked up from the paper work she was doing and gazed at Harlequin Potter.

"Miss Potter, I wondered when I would meet you. My niece is quite taken with her friends."

Amelia's comment made Harlequin suck in a breath.

"You don't like me?" She asked tentatively.

"You seem like a kind girl from what Susan has told me, you look like you could do with some more conservative clothes though."

Harlequin looked down in confusion at her tight shirt that showed off her pierced nipples through the shirt and baggy cargo pants.

"What's wrong with this?" She asked even more confused, causing Amelia to sigh.

"I was 14 once to Harlequin." She spoke low so that others couldn't hear. "Just pray she doesn't come crying to me."

Harlequin gulped and nodded fearfully. If there was one person in the world that could make her look over her shoulder every few seconds it was the woman in front of her.

"What can I help you with today Miss Potter." Amelia said, going back to her work.

"I need you to sign something for me, if you would." Harlequin placed the two sheets that needed an optional extra signing on Amelia's desk and prayed she didn't-

"What are these for?"

"Fuck." Harlequin cursed softly.

Amelia looked up at Harlequin with a raised eyebrow.

"Something serious by your choice of words." She held out a hand, waiting for the rest of the parchment.

Harlequin handed it all over and as Amelia went through it she saw the Head's eyes get wider and wider with each passing page.

Amelia stood up and beckoned Harlequin.

"Follow me."

Harlequin followed the stiffly walking woman to the double doors and went inside after her. She had to walk carefully now to avoid all the parchment and folders, files and cabinets all over the room and floors.

Amelia closed the doors with a wave of her wand and regarded Harlequin, expecting.

"It's legal." She offered weakly.

"I know its legal, but what I'm more concerned about about is how it immoralis. Explain."

Harlequin took a breath and let it out in a long explanation of how her idea came to be what it was now, minus the explicit details.

After she looked at the stern woman.

"And why, should I condone this? Why should I wilfully sign something like this?" She asked, somewhat angry. At least Harlequin hoped it was somewhat.

"Because I want to do this. That's really the main reason behind it."

"That is a very selfish reason Miss Potter."

"I know."

Amelia looked hard at Harlequin and looked down at the forms in front of her.

"Doing this would bring many different types of customers into your business, did you know that?" Harlequin nodded her head. "Some of them may even be high ranking officials in the Ministry."

Harlequin's head snapped up and she stared at Amelia, shocked at what she just heard.

"Now don't think this is for such a selfish reason that you just told me Miss Potter." Amelia spoke while she signed her name on the two forms that needed it. "I want you to promise me that you will use the power that this gives you to further the gains of the good of the people. I'm not talking about the pureblood agenda, that slowly withers away the rights of any muggleborn or halfblood in our society, but

helps people like your friend, Remus Lupin. You could use the sway over some people to get laws past that would allow free access to wolfsbane, or allows them to get jobs. More rights to goblins, or even centaurs. Allows halfbloods and muggleborns to have seats in the Wizengamot."

Amelia got a steely glint in her eye as she pushed the stack of forms over the table in the room towards Harlequin.

"And I suggest you have a look at the amount of times any woman has gotten high positions in any job in Britten, are we clear, Miss Potter?"

Harlequin clutched the parchment to her chest and nodded at Amelia as if her words were the only thing that meant to her.

"Good, I'm sure Narcissa told you already but here's a bit of an update: It would take a fair amount of Galleons to keep these names out of the papers and I would surely hope for it, understand?"

Harlequin nodded again.

Amelia walked over to the door and held the handle, then turned to look at Harlequin one last time.

"This conversation was about my niece and your relationship." With that, Amelia opened the door and walked out. Harlequin dumbly making her way to the lifts so she could get from floor two to floor four.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

A stack of papers with a folded note was pushed over the desk and into Emma Thurnit's looked up at the young Potter who had given her galleons before to keep her business here private beforehand, and then opened the note gaping at what was written inside.

'Your vault number on a slip of paper will ensure your silence in all matters regarding these forms and my visit, as well as 10,000 galleons in said vault.'

Emma looked back up and the young Potter nodded at her, she quickly worked through the parchment, making notes and signing what needed to be signed, then she made copies of anything that mattered and wrote that the signatures were valid. After that she presented the forms back to the young Potter in a folder, with a slip of paper with her vault number on it.

"Thank you for your business." She called out as the young Potter walked away.

-The Velvet Butterfly-

Harlequin went through lists and lists of all the positions of the Ministry that held females. Most were low ranking and they got paid less then they should, only four were in any real high up position, like Amelia.

She also had a list of laws by her side with paper and a pen, writing down ones she wanted to change.

More pages had goals that she silently promised Amelia she would try and accomplish.

Harlequin moaned loud as her sister greedily sucked, kissed and licked her cock.

It was Saturday, and on Tuesday her building would be completed, Narcissa was already arranging interviews that afternoon to hire staff.

Juliet had been dropped off by Su Li last night, after Lily and James turned in early, and to say her sister was horny was an understatement.

Su Li just said that she kept Juliet and Tracy close to orgasm all the way from Tuesday afternoon to Friday night.

James and Lily were out for the day and Juliet wasted no time in coming into her Mistress room and begging for a fucking.

It was around Noon and Harlequin had her sucking on her cock with out touching herself since eight that morning.

Juliet felt her Mistress was about to cum and speared the entire length all the way down her throat, feeling the hot cock throb and swell before bursting and sending cum directly into her stomach.

"Please Mistress, I need it so bad!"

Harlequin put her papers down and stood up on the bed, pulling Juliet up with her. Harlequin pushed her sister against the wall and lifted her legs up so that Juliet was just held against the wall by Harlequin's arms and body weight, then she slid her cock into Juliet's tight fuck sleeve.

Inch after delicious inch of her Mistress's thick cock slowly sank into her whore cunt and Juliet cried out when she pushed steadily into her womb and pressed hard at its back wall.

But the torture began when her Mistress started to fuck her long cock in and out of her soaking wet snatch slowly.

Juliet wrapped her legs around Harlequin's waist and grabbed her shoulders.

"No, please hard, fuck me hard! I need it rough, please I'll just be on edge, please Mistress, please! Rape me! Use me!" Juliet begged as she tried to get Harlequin to fuck her harder and rougher.

"No slut, I'm going to take my time with this hole, I'm going to use you slowly, and cum in this tight cunt, then I'm going to rape your ass like I did the first time we really fucked!"

Harlequin's words made Juliet moan in happiness, then groan in disappointment as her Mistress continued to saw herself in and out slowly.

"Ughhh, please, please." Juliet moaned as she held onto harlequin as hard as she could, the wonderful torture of her cock slowly filling and withdrawing from her pussy bringing her to the edge of orgasm, but never letting her pass over.

Harlequin was holding back, trying to make her sister suffer as long as she could, but it wasn't for much longer, she growled in Juliet's ear and let forth a torrent of cum, blasting it deep into her womb. Juliet

thought that her Mistress's cum might bruise her womb when it shot inside of her, but the thought of being hurt like that from her Mistress still wasn't enough to make her cum, and the sister slut was left panting as she felt rope after rope of thick, hot cum splash inside of her vice like pussy and spill out of the sealed hole.

Harlequin was still hard as she pulled her cock out and dropped a sobbing and begging Juliet on the bed. Harlequin flipped her sister over, making her lay on the bed with the side of her face pressed up against the wall, and violently shoved her whole cock in her ass.

Juliet screamed from the pain as her ass was forced to quickly stretch around the huge member and she came instantly, a mix of her own cum and Harlequin's spilling down her thighs as Harlequin gripped her hips and drove her cock in and out of her abused ass rough and fast.

Harlequin brought a hand up and slapped Juliet's ass, she loved the way the flesh moved as she slammed her hips against it and as she slapped it. Juliet let out screams of pain and pleasure as she fucked and slapped her ass.

Juliet was in heaven. She didn't know how many times she had cum but she knew that she loved the feel of the pain from her ass and the feel of the wall against her face as her Mistress took her with out a care in the world.

Juliet squealed as clear fluid squirted from her pussy and more of her Mistress's cum dribbled down her legs.

Harlequin pushed her cock as far up Juliet's ass as she could and brought both her hands up, then down, to deliver a sharp smack to each ass cheek as her cock filled Juliet's ass as the slut screamed out her final orgasm.

Harlequin laid down on the bed to catch her breath. Juliet slid down the wall so her face was on the bed.


"Y-yes, Mistress?" Juliet replied, short of her own breath.

Harlequin reached over, grabbed her by the hair and brought her mouth to her cock and forced it down Juliet's throat.

"I want you to spit clean my cock while I choke you with it."

All she got back was a moan as Juliet tiredly tried to help her Mistress get as much cock down her throat as she could.

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