
Harem of hundreds (Rewritten)

Author: One_Man_Army
Martial Arts
Ongoing · 12K Views
  • 3 Chs
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What is Harem of hundreds (Rewritten)

Read Harem of hundreds (Rewritten) novel written by the author One_Man_Army on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Martial Arts stories, covering action, romance, adventure, harem, overpowered. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


A hero... A weapon of humanity, finally reached the near end of his life by battling countless Gods to protect mankind. It was a sight to behold, a memory to cherish... But none of mankind even celebrate for his near victory nor grieve for him. Full of resentment, what will he do? Take revenge against them? Or simply forgive them? This is a reworked version of Harem of Hundreds because I failed to realize that I uploaded the old version I wrote last year.

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klan·des·tin adv secara rahasia; secara gelap; secara diam-diam ••• ‘Witing tresno jalaran soko kulino’ merupakan ungkapan dalam bahasa jawa yang artinya ‘Cinta tumbuh karena terbiasa’, dan Solana Arunika Syam, seorang siswi SMA yang merupakan anggota pengurus OSIS dan aktif dalam ekskul dance, mengamini hal tersebut. Solana mengaku bahwa ia tengah menyukai seseorang yang telah menjalin hubungan persahabatan dengannya sedari kelas satu SD, Chandra Badar Purnama. Chandra tadinya hanyalah siswa SMA biasa yang memiliki bakat bermusik. Akan tetapi, semua berubah kala sebuah video ia bernyanyi tersebar di sosial media dan menjadi viral. Di saat dulu suara emasnya hanya dapat dinikmati oleh Solana seorang, kini beribu-ribu orang rela membayar tiket pensi sekolah Solana hanya untuk mendengar Chandra bernyanyi. Anak laki-laki pemalu yang tadinya selalu menempel dengan Solana semakin hari, semakin sulit diraih. Popularitas Chandra mendatangkan banyak sekali rival Solana untuk mendapatkan hati sahabat kecilnya itu. Kekhawatiran Solana akan hancurnya persahabatan mereka bila ia mengatakan perasaannya kepada Chandra pun mempersulit keadaan. Mampukah Solana menyimpan rahasianya rapat-rapat? ••• Mataku bersibobrok dangan mata Chandra. Aku dapat melihat bayanganku yang tengah melafalkan dialog pidato Rosie Dunne di film Love, Rosie. Di saat aku hendak menolehkan kepala ke arah TV, tangan besar Chandra menyentuh pipiku, membuatku tak berkutik. "...But that's fine too..." lanjutku. Aku tanpa sadar melanjutkan dialog film tersebut. Kepalaku kosong, otakku terpaku ke pada indahnya mata Chandra saat itu. "...Because I've realized that no matter where you are..." jantungku berdebar sangat keras. Suatu hal terlintas di otakku. Aku hanya punya satu kesempatan. "...or what you're doing..." perlahan, wajahku mendekati wajahnya. "...or who you're with..." setelah ini, semua hal pasti akan berubah. Aku ingin menangis bila teringat akan kemungkinan tak mengenakan yang mungkin akan terjadi. "...I will always...” bisikku. Entah apa yang tengah merasuki aku kini, tapi semua ini terasa sangag benar. "...honestly..." jarak di antara kami sedikit demi sedikit terkikis. Ujung hidung kami pun kini telah bersentuhan. "...truly..." mataku perlahan terpejam, seraya berdoa, Ya Tuhan, tolong jangan menghancurkan anganku ini. "...completely..." aku tahu konsekuensi apa yang akan aku terima setelah ini. Setelah ini, semua tidak akan pernah sama di antara kami berdua dan aku adalah penyebabnya. Tapi aku tidak peduli. "...love you." Malam itu, untuk pertama kalinya, aku melanggar batas sakral persahabatan kami. Malam itu, dengan segala jenis perasaan abu-abu yang menampakkan diri dan bersatu padu dalam satu titik pertemuan. Aku mencium Chandra, sahabatku.

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Sewaktu Bos Mencuci Lima Saudaranya

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In Search Of You

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Bekaabo ( A Tale of Bleeding Hearts )

"Do you know how badly I have waited for this moment from the past fucking years .. His dark voice made shiver to run down her spine . Who was lying beneath him like a lifeless body . Completely naked and froze , her Amber eyes just started into those dark brown orbs which once used to get filled with extreme amount of love whoever they fell on her , but today, they were staring  at her with nothing but hate, anger and lust. "You beneath me completely helpless. She just gazed at him and her skin crowled . When she felt his finger to start trailing  on her exposed right bosom and then he cluteched it harshly making her eyes to fill with tears in pain. "Am I hurting you , sweatheart ?. Does it hurt ?" He growled and digged his nials deep in her bossom making a year to roll down from her eyes . Which made a cunning and dark grin to crept in his face  . "It should be and get used to it because that's the only thing I am going to give you till the last breath of your life.". He smirked , digging his nails more Deeper making her to hisses an pain.  But her eyes never left his and she never opened her mouth which made him to clench his jaw  as he got more closer to her face , pressing his naked chest against her exposed one. "I has loved you with my everything every inch of my existence only to get played in return, only to get used in return. ".  He whispered against her lips and she could feel the extreme amount of pain flashing in his eyes , which he immediately recovered with his dark warthful one. "That's what you had said  right you never loved me ,you were playing with me so that you could get a good fuck from me ? You just wanted to me to fuck you and that was the only thing you wanted from me because you could never love someone like me. This was exactly what you had said to me that day when you left me after giving me promise for eternity "His black.orbs penetrated deeper into her light Amber ones, which were shimmering and teard. "And after breaking every Barrie's between us that night , you left me saying , now you nothing to do with me because that's the only thing you wanted do with me." More tears rolled down from her eyes processing those exact words which she has said to him 7 years ago. "And you know what , how I am going to fulfill that wish of yours in every possible way , I am going to give you pain over and over that pain will agonize you  for what you have done to me,   "he growled  "Remembered  when 7 years ago. That night we did this . I had told you , you"re my heart , Ridhima sareen. He muttered with his husky eyes , which continued to shed more tears abruptly , realising how badly she was going to get ruined by the only person she had forever loved and desire to have. "Now we are going to this again but .." He whispered and leaned more closed to her and spoke. "The only difference is that..."" "He breath".... "Now you have made that heart to bleed , ridhima vansh Rai singhania. Happy reading

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