
Harem of hundreds (Rewritten)

A hero... A weapon of humanity, finally reached the near end of his life by battling countless Gods to protect mankind. It was a sight to behold, a memory to cherish... But none of mankind even celebrate for his near victory nor grieve for him. Full of resentment, what will he do? Take revenge against them? Or simply forgive them? This is a reworked version of Harem of Hundreds because I failed to realize that I uploaded the old version I wrote last year.

One_Man_Army · Action
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - New era

After a while, a cracked open in a strange world, it is indeed my world but it seems different especially since I'm brought here naked and openly in a vast ocean.

It seems that my appearance has changed quite a bit since I have a different hair color now, my hair color was green before and now my hair color changed to black which is quite strange. Nonetheless, I changed myself using magic with a noble's clothes, it's a simple noble cloth that has no traces of gold or any riches.

I am quite baffled as to why I was transported into the vast ocean with no one in sight and not the land which is bountiful of living beings. "It's not important for now, what's necessary is to find a land to descend in".

I searched the vast ocean with my 'Keril eyes' and I found a land just about 20,000 miles away from me. (Keril eyes is a technique developed by the Devi De Lux which his eyes will turn into a globe that can search everything in this world, invisible beings are not exempted. It also has a function in which you can pinpoint a place and you will be transported there immediately.)

With my Keril eyes, I pinpointed in the land which is 20,000 miles away from me. "That was nice, it seems that my strength did not diminish even a bit." I murmured while descending into the land.

After descending, I was greeted with broken boat parts, "It seems that someone might have been stranded here, oh well, not my problem, they've probably died already."

I explored deeper into the island and found a jungle, volcano and a tons of perhaps weird animals. It seems that this island is much larger than what my Keril eyes have displayed.

Oh, I just have noticed one thing but it seems that my lust have grown wild since I have not any contact with women ever since I decided to become the Devi De Lux. This is bad, if my lust take over me, I will be no more than a raging beast causing havoc on everything I see.

It was a nice decision for me to have many wives since I doubt one woman could satisfy my never ending lust.

Nonetheless, I kept exploring the island and found no humans on sight, I wanted to use my Keril eyes to locate humans but I do not want to since it really makes me dizzy after using it. After some explorations, I decided to stay here for a while.

I used a magic called 'Espotos de lerita', which instantly build a simple house that has a full set of interior and exterior designs and also some furniture inside. Sadly, my profession isn't a mage otherwise I would have build a damn mansion already because my profession is something else.

My profession is actually a "Harem Overlord" but I haven't used my own profession because this requires woman to assist you. This profession is so damn strict that you need to have a love for the woman first and if you ever lay hands on a woman by force, you'll die.

So that's why I didn't even use this profession and just keep on inventing magics that will temporarily assist me. This must be also the reason why I lost to that God tortoise. Damn, if only I have used that profession back then I would have been the victor by leaps.

Anyways, I set up the house and sleep on the bed immediately because I'm extremely tired after crossing the rift that the God tortoise created. Is it because I'm a new God that I still have to get used to the surroundings of the Gods or could I have been drained of energy? Either way is reasonable.

"I'm quite tired but I'm not sleepy, what the heck is this phenomenon? Damn, maybe I should spend some time outside, it might help me fall sleep quicker." And with that, I've gone outside and it was... Quite mesmerizing to be precise.

Here I stand on the shore surrounded by a large body of water that is making noise each time a wave comes. I'm also covered in shining yet dark skies, the wind was strong and cold but I'm not affected by it. In short it was a peaceful feeling, a sense of calmness flows into me, I never had this kind of feeling before. I should head back now, that seems enough for the view.

Just as I was about to head back into the house, I saw a cave that is quite peculiar as if someone was in it. I might be wrong because maybe it's an animal or was it my senses have gone wild? Either way, curiosity gets the better of me and I entered the cave.

Surprisingly, it was not an animal nor my sense that have gone wrong, it was a human. A woman to be exact. She has a perfect body figure, a long and black hair and a it seems she is a noble? Her dress seems to be quite elegant. It seems she's injured.

I took her back into my house and put her into my bed and treated her wounds with time magic which returns her skin back into its normal state. After I'm done treating her, I was about to leave and get some mana potion because it seems she's suffering from insufficient mana but she woke up.

"Are you guys alright!?" She quickly gets up the bed and screamed.

"Hey, miss, are you alright?" I looked at her with a straight face.

"W-who are you? Where am I?" She continues to panic and is currently in a defensive position, probably to fend me off.

"I'm Sef, as for where you are, you're at my house, I saw you injured on the cave a few miles away from here that's why I took you in and healed your wounds."

"A few miles? I-I remember there was no house here before, I explored the island here for any other survivors but there wasn't any."

"Yeah, I just built this house a few hours ago. Anyways, what do you mean survivor, miss?"

"Ah, pardon my rudeness, I'm Velvet. I'm a student and me and my classmates decided to have a party on a yacht that one of my classmate had. It was fun and all until we noticed that there were terrorists that already put many bombs on the yacht and in order to survive, I jumped down the yacht. It's quite unfortunate that some or maybe all of my classmate might is missing right now."

"Miss...no- Velvet, I didn't quite notice this but you're a noble, right?"

"What do you mean noble?"

"Your dress is that of a noble after all, I must ask why you didn't have any bodyguards."

"Ah, no, you misunderstood, I'm not that rich, I'm also not so poor, this dress is my mother's dress that she passed down to me after she died."

"Ah... Sorry."

"No, it's okay, it's been a long time since she passed away so I already moved on from that."

"I see... But you're quite poor for a noble, are you?"

-This man... Is he playing with me? He speaks as if he is in the medieval era. No matter, I should clarify my identity to him.-

"N-no... As I said, I'm not a noble, Mr. Sef."

"I see... If you're not a noble then why didn't you save yourself with magic? That's literally the basic thing any people would do."

-Magic? Is this guy kidding? Is this guy really roleplaying?-

"Uhmm... Mr. Sef, you see, magic is a fantasy that the humans created to entertain the same humans. There's no way you would seriously recommend to cast some magic in a life and death situation would you?"

"What do you mean by that? I'm not joking nor lying, you should have magic, right?"

-This man... He really isn't busting his roleplaying.-

"Sir Sef, please stop roleplaying anymore, I'm quite tired, there's no room for jokes here."

"Jokes? Look at this, Ms. Velvet, this is magic."

I showed her a lump of fire that is the very basic of magic, this might be enough for her to recover her baffled memories, right?

"W-what is that?! Why is the fire floating in your hand?"

"What do you mean what is this? This is magic, Ms. Velvet, even a commoner has a magic to destroy boulders."

"W-wait, I'm quite shocked, does magic exist in this world?"

"Magic exist in this world way back its creation."

"W-wow, I didn't think that the fantasy novels I've read are all true."

"You don't have magic, Ms. Velvet?"

"No... We humans don't have magic but we do have science."

Wait... I just checked her brain and it didn't contain any form of magic. Did I teleported to the wrong world?