
Half breed

In a world just like ours, Demon and Angels can live among us without hiding. A young Demon, banished from his Hell home with no explanation has to make a new life for himself on the surface. Three years later we follow his story. Full of betrayal, anguish, gore, trauma. What was Zemar to do with all these new experiences?

tatiana_ekren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 6

The illumined gleam of the afternoon sunlight casted its golden rays through olive-green leaves of birch trees. Ruffling Zemar's dark fur as he felt the warmth kiss on his skin, calming his rampant thoughts. The fresh air was light and breezy as a hint of pine circulated around them with lush greenery surrounding as far as the eye could see. Underfoot, moss made the hard-packed dirt soft to walk on as they followed the only trail as years of foot traffic made rivets in the earth to form an even walkway through the beautiful scenery. Tree branches stretched up high towards the light to gather as much vitamin D as they could, soaking in the rays while robins sung their sweet chime as they flew through the thicket. They were following a small bubbling river; the water was crystal clear as he observes trout swimming around in search for food while occasionally breaching the surface.

"Zemar, I know you're not from around here so, where are you from? Other than the obvious," Rick fell back to match pace with Zemar, who averted his gaze for he didn't want to answer. It was like he was ashamed to live in San Francisco, or it was something else.

"I'm not ready to share yet..." he bit his tongue as sharp teeth caused blood to fill his mouth, tasting the metallic flavor of copper.

Rick rubbed his chin in thought,

"Did these people abuse you? Are you afraid they'll find you?" Rick stared intently at him with dark brown eyes. He kept his eyes focused on the ground, how did he figure it out? he thought.

"You won't understand what I've fucking been through. You'll never understand the feeling of betrayal," he whispered, saying it out loud gave a sense of realism he didn't like. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were, back to his younger years when he was learning the ropes of gang life. It was a point in which Antonio took the time to train and be around him like a father teaching their child to ride a bike. Rick patted his solid bicep softly and felt the muscles move underneath the fur when he tended. Zemar felt like Rick actually cared and it was the first time a mortal took the time to try understand his pain.

"Try me," Rick smirked a daring grin,

"I-I don't get you fucking people. Why are you trying to figure me out? I'm fucked and there is nothing you can ever do to fix me!" he snapped. Feeling the glow inside slowly flicker from a smoldering flame to nothing bigger than a spark and letting the darkness consume him. His problems were far beyond a simple pat on the back and a kind ear to vent to. This was messing with his mind too much.

Rick squeezed his arm tighter and he finally turned to face Rick,

"You're right. We can't fix you but, we can give you something you'll never have on your own,"

"What's that?" he inquired, Rick took a small breath and smiled kindly up at him,

"A caring family. Whatever you ran away from, rest assure it'll never follow you here. We're here to help you find your footing," Rick grinned softly as he spoke on behalf of everyone. He pushed Rick away as anxiety creeped up his spine, feeling the trees close in around him and his lungs tighten like they were filling up with blood again.

"No! You barely fucking know me! Why are you people doing this?" he cried out and held his head tightly to try stop the world from spinning, too many soft emotions filled his head. Emotions he had suppressed for years are now leaking back into his life.

"Zemar, listen, It's not like we went out of our way to find you. You came here. To me it feels like you want a place to call home. Even if it's only temporary," Rick pulled Zemar's trembling arms down and away from his head. Andy and his mother stood behind Rick to show their support on the matter. He stared at them with big eyes, his breathing slowed down when he saw how calm they were; it was like he had always been a part of their family. A family? Is this what a family does? Is this what it's like to be cared for? he thought. He never got this kind of feeling when he was around Antonio, it was always orders, not requests. He felt loved.

The spark came back and turned into a strong blaze as tears formed in his icy blue eyes,

"I'm... I'm sorry," his voice cracked when he apologized and wiped away the dampness.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't know asking about your life would cause you such grief. Let's continue our walk and you can tell us whatever you want when you're ready," Rick smiled and gave his lower back a quick pat. He nodded softly with a sniffle and they stroll down the pathway in silence, listening to the lull of wildlife. It didn't take long to reach the end of the trail which brought them to a clearing that overlooked a cliff and out into the desert beyond. The only thing that kept them with the bright greenery was a ragged looking, weathered wooden fence. No paint protected it from splintering or termites breaking it down to form a home for their queen.

"Wow! This view looks more and more beautiful each time we visit," Andy hopped onto the old, rickety fence and peacefully stared off into the distance. Dirt hills separated them from the large city of Sacramento that glistened in the far distance. Patches of dried up shrubs dot the hillsides and gave little to no shade from the blazing heat which had made this state a desert.

"We can't stay long. We have stuff to do in town today," Liz beckoned them to leave,

"Liz, what's so important that makes you want to leave a view like this?" Rick teased while taking his wife's slender hand.

Liz giggled as Rick gave her a twirl, her brightly flowered sundress wrapped around her legs.

"Richard, you know we have a dentist appointment today. Stop procrastinating,"

"Uggggh... You know I hate my teeth being worked on," Rick complained and was in the process of kissing Liz on the forehead when a loud crash came from the trees behind them. Zemar turned quickly to scan the shade of the forest just as a large red shape bursted out from the undergrowth and towards the married couple. Its huge body knocked them apart, Zemar took Andy off the fence and tossed him to safety. Liz roughly fell to the ground, scraping both knees and she looked up just in time to see her husband disappear over the cliff's edge with the beast.

"Rick!!" Liz cried out and in that instant, Zemar leapt towards them and grabbed Rick's arm just as he went over. Laying on his stomach he stared down at the assailant, its large, red muzzle drooled as its 6 inch dagger like teeth were just centimeters away from Rick's hiking boot.

"Must eat... Must kill... Humans... Humans are tasty," he heard the beast mumble while it clutched Rick's leg tightly and was about to bite, as its long canines were revealed behind chapped lips.

"Oh no you don't!" Zemar easily stood up and quickly yanked them both up, he nearly ripped the fragile human's arm off. Rick grunted in pain of his shoulder dislocating as Zemar kicked the beast in the head a few times before it fell down the cliff, causing minor scratches to Rick's leg. He set the human down to glance over the edge to see if it was gone, but he knew better. That rabid Demon wasn't going to give up that easily,

"Oh Rick!" Liz ran to give her husband a tight hug, Andy joined as they tremble. Huddled together like it was the end of days for them.

"Ow ow... I'm alright, I'm alright," Rick reassured them while he held his shoulder in place,

"Time to go. That was another Demon, and that fall will only delay it," he ushered the family back the way they came.

The family didn't understand,

"Another Demon? Why would it risk attacking humans knowing the punishment?" Liz asked as she clutched Rick and Andy's hand tightly while they ran.

"Demons sometimes go into these withdrawals, where they'll kill anything to fix their cravings. Satan is good at catching the signs in time but, he's still only one Demon and a portion pass under the radar," he explained while he followed them closely. Guarding them as they sprint down the pathway, once they arrive at the small river he couldn't shake the feeling they were being stalked.

"We're almost home," Andy breathed,

"Wait, stay very still and don't say a word. Something's off," he cautioned as he stopped their jog to listen, the loud forest from earlier is completely silent. All the wildlife had disappeared.

Birds flee the scene in a panic and squirrels dash for the safety of their nests. Waiting, he listened carefully for the smallest of sounds, hoping for a snap of a twig just so he could pinpoint the other Demon.

"We can make it. We're not that far from the parking lot," Liz whispered and risked a step,

"Sssh," he hushed, but it was too late as the Demon bursts out of hiding. Zemar acted quickly and clashed hands with the attacker just above Liz's head, protecting her from black deadly claws. It was now a battle of brute strength as the eleven foot Demon made even him seem small although he was eight feet. The family cowered underneath his furry chest as the two Demons battled. Zemar was winning and the assailant knew it, and it used its long slinky tail to slither underneath them and threw Liz into the river. Her scream caused him to look away and the large, leather skinned demon knocked him down before lunging for Liz.

"Man meat too tough... Human female on other hand..." it drooled as Liz resurfaced to take a breath only to be plunged under again, holding the woman's throat with the intention of drowning her.

"Woman much softer, leaner meat to devour," it licked its lips clean as it salivates, its tail wagging from the successful catch. Large, twisted brown horns, grew high and branch off, resembling moose antlers. Tiny, crazed looking, golden yellow eyes seem to glow against flame red skin. Sharp canines protrude from its lower jaw as it forms the snout of a wild dog,

"Get the fuck away from her!" Zemar growled and trudges into the strong current after he got his baring.

The Demon turned with a hiss,

"My catch! It's mine!" the Demon barked and held out a threatening hand that had huge black talons for nails. He kept walking closer, ignoring the threat and agitating the Demon more, even though the fight will be bloody, he needed to save Liz. He needed the Demon to focus on him and only him.

"Stay away! Mine, mine, mine!" it leaped at him and sunk its talons deep into his chest, forcing him to take a step back. It was a good thing his fur had grown back during the walk, without it, the Demon would've used his scars to its advantage. Zemar struggled to hold it still as the major size difference made it difficult to keep his grip. It was a terrifying sight to see as he heard Andy whimper from the riverbank,

"Funny," he chuckled at the pain and seized the Demon's thin throat. He pulled the Demon off his chest and threw it down river, he barely broke a sweat as blood trickled down his fur once more. Anger roared through his veins and he was about to charge after when splashing sounds caught his attention. He kept one eye on where he threw the Demon as he went over to help the struggling mortal,

"Hey, are you alright?" he picked the woman up as Liz coughed liquid out of her lungs, her arms and legs flailing till she got her footing.

"Yes, I'm alright," Liz coughed as she stood on shaky legs, they wadded their way back towards the muddy riverbank before a splash came from behind as the Demon leapt out of the water and attached itself to Zemar's back. He fell forwards from the surprise attack and into the mud, catching himself as his hands sunk deep into the cold dirt and up to his elbows.

"You steal my food! You die!" it hissed and sliced his back wide open, it stretched from his shoulder blades and all the way down to his lower back. A clean, straight cut and his muscles were exposed with part of his spine. Blood gushed from the major injury and stained the river red as it oozed from between the white muscle lining. Black feathers float atop the water in bundles.

Zemar stood despite the extra weight, and with a smile his eyes changed color,

"Was that supposed to kill me?" he sniggered and seized the Demon's horn with one hand. The Demon didn't have a chance to retaliate as he hucked it across the river and onto the other side. He noticed that when his eyes were glowing red, he had so much more strength, so much more that he could beat Satan's son without breaking a sweat. Zemar shook the mud off like a dog before he glared at the assailant, a threatening growl in his throat to claim the frightened family as his. A smile was accompanied with a chuckle before he spoke,

"You think just because you have claws and are a upper ranked Demon, that you can kill me?" he scoffed in a sarcastic manner and with a crack of his knuckles.

"I've been fucking beaten. I've been fucking shot multiple times, including the fucking head. Fucking stabbed with 9-inch blades and starved past the brink of death for most demons, and I survived it all. I stole nothing and gave everything to them. You think a Demon like you can kill me when others had failed? I think the fuck not!" he snarled while he walked towards the Demon with a menacing posture. The fur on the back of his neck was raised high with his crimson eyes glowing brighter from the thought of what he'll do once he grabbed its throat again. The large Demon paced the riverbank like a wild animal trapped in a cage, wanting to attack and kill its prey but, too afraid to strike. Wild, yellow eyes stare off against cold red. The only sound came from the gurgling of the river swirling around his legs but, he himself made no noise, like the perfect hunter he was honed into. The hidden power behind his gaze broke the Demon's confidence as it cowered away, searching for an escape.

The stare off gave an unsettling aura to the surrounding area as the forest held its breath. Andy and his parents held each other tightly with fear, debating whether to flee or hide from the fighting Demons. Zemar was now only inches away from the trembling coward,

"Go on, kill me," he dared in a heavy voice. A voice that was only used to kill. A voice very different from his normal tone that it sent shivers of terror down anyone's spine, including the family. The Demon's eyes widen, and the tremble became uncontrollable, it couldn't even stop its teeth from chattering.

"Y-Y-You one of us... No k-kill other Demons," it faltered in an attempt to save itself. Zemar sniggered with a toothy grin of lined daggers, as a steamy breath escaped the deadly row. While he laughed, two large objects rose from his back and stretched out wide to block the Demon's escape route. Obstructing any sunlight to create a void of complete darkness with the only glow coming from his crimson eyes. He didn't speak, the only answer he gave was a throated laugh as the demon panicked from standing in the presence of the Dark Prince.

In a last-ditched attempt to live, the Demon fled downriver only to be caught in the grasp of death itself. The deep rumbling in Zemar's chest caused the Demon's skin to crawl. His laughter was distorted as he stretched his mouth wide, it almost made his eyes close and nearly hid the glint of enjoyment inside the empty glow.

"I'm not one of you," he whispered in the Demon's ear before he plunged its head underwater and a bigger grin arose from watching the Demon struggle. Still laughing he blocked out all other noise as he focused on the flailing of limbs that splash in terror. Feeling the life slip away under his one hand, its rapid pulse gradually slowed to a stop. He licked his bottom lip at a successful kill, this was what came naturally to him. Killing something evil gave him such a rush that he wanted more, but then a sudden pressure on his right rib put his instincts into action. He thought it was another Demon, but a scream was heard as he clutched the tiny, frail neck of a human boy and a familiar scent. What was in his grasp? he thought.

He took a deep breath of the scent, he turned his head and saw who he was holding. His heart dropped instantly and felt the urge to vomit,

"Andy?... Oh god..." he dropped the teenager in horror of what he was about to do. The idea of snapping Andy's neck, to feel thin bones crumble under his grip, it was sickening as he backed away. He held his head tightly, squeezing out any murderous thoughts from his mind as he fell backwards onto his ass. The water the level only reached above his hips.

"No, no, no, no... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Please don't hurt me. Please don't chain me up, I-I didn't mean to... I don't wanna go to the basement," he cried as shivers of fear crawled on his skin like tiny ants, imagining what they'll do to him down there.

"Easy there Zemar. It's going to be alright," Andy coughed and held up a cautious hand while he rubbed his sore throat where a bright red mark began to show. Zemar glanced up to see the annoying teen instead of his gang members,

"Don't touch me!" he snapped and quickly backed away from Andy's outstretched hand. He felt his heart race, he didn't want to hurt Andy. He didn't want to hurt anyone. The swift current still threatened to pull him under as it lifted the corpse from the riverbed, guiding it downriver and out of sight for it to resurface elsewhere. Allowing carnivores to eat its flesh and clean up the aftermath.

Zemar sunk deeper into despair, he just wanted to vanish, why did he even exist? His mother and father obviously didn't want him? he thought. His chest was heavy and could barely breathe as the wounds from earlier squirt blood with each breath. He looked up to watch Rick clutch his right arm and Liz tremble by what he had done. They'd never accept him now. He should just stay out here; nobody can hurt him, and he can't hurt anybody. Thinking Andy had left him behind made him feel more alone than he had ever felt before, he was always alone but, not like this. Tears swelled in his eyes like he hadn't cried enough as is in the past few days. The sting was barely noticeable as the song of the forest came back to life. Birds chirp above, squirrels scamper through the trees behind him. The sunlight glistened on the ripples of the river as a single splash was heard. What was this?

Tiny arms had wrapped around his broad chest, the warmth of Andy's embrace sunk deep. What was this strange new feeling? Why hasn't he ever felt this before? Happiness? Is this what it's like to have a family and to be happy? he thought. His hands twitch, inching them slowly around the tiny human. Was it okay? Was he doing it right? He felt cold, wet clothes under his furry fingertips and it caused him to flinch away, he didn't want to hurt Andy again. He hesitated and Andy squeezed harder at this point Zemar needed the comfort, so he threw all his fear aside and gently hugged Andy. Everything seemed to melt away. Fear, anxiety, stress, everything became so calm and the hug felt good, it felt nice, and he didn't want to let go. He was able to close his eyes and take the moment of peace all in, slurping it up like the last sip of his favorite drink. He didn't even hear Rick and Liz waddle over and rub his shoulders,

"Come on, time to go. We can't have you guys catching a cold now, can we?" Rick joked in a way to try alleviate the scary and stressful situation.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, ashamed to even speak,

"We'll talk about it later. Let's just get home first, okay?" Liz patted Andy's back, motioning him to let go. Liz's tone was neutral, no fear but no happiness either. Her voice was cold and empty as she slowly but forcefully pulled Andy away, those were the last words exchanged as he got up out of the cold water and they trekked home.