
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 18

The rest of the tournament went exactly as I predicted. We won the tournament but there was no challenges at all. Highschool needs to come faster. I really want to face stronger oppentents.

When the tournament ended I decided to try and find a job. Why? To earn money. This will be useful in life later on. Having extra cash is always a plus.

So here I am in the living room looking through job advirtesments for shops near my house. I narrowed my search to working at a grocery store or at a restaurant named Day in Day out .

" Alright I think the restaurant is better. I'll be able to cook and get experience while doing it. Learning new things will be helpful. They also make foods from other places as well and don't follow just one topic.

Yeah the restaurant is the better job. "I mutter to myself.

" Nii san what are you doing. " Natsu asks when she came over to me.

" Just choosing where to work at. "

" You're trying to get a job. Why? " She asks with a confused look on her face.

" To earn money. "

" Oh okay. But why do you need money now? "

" You see Natsu. In order to by something we need money. How to earn money? We get jobs and get paid. For me I don't need get a job now but I want to because I want extra money when I graduate in case something goes wrong. "

" But you won't fail. "

" Yes I know but this is me being cautious. I'm preparing for the worst. If nothing happens I have extra money I can use. However you dont need to worry about it until you get older"

' Its best that I don't tell her. Let her keep her childhood until she reaches this point. Then she will realise that we buy things to fill the gaping holes in our hearts. '

" Oh okay."

" Now then how about we watch something.You can choose."

" Really yes. Let's watch Avatar the last airbender. "

" Hmm a good choice. "


The next day I decided to go to the restaurant to sign up for the job.I walk in and saw the inside. It was a good place. It had a cost feel to it. There were multiple booths and tables. The lighting was good and so was the music. It was calming and soothing.

I spot someone at the counter so I went up to her.

" Hello. My name is Hinata Daiki. I'm here for the job interview. "

" Oh your him. I see, well the manager will come to test you but you will have to wait for a bit. In the mean time I'll introduce you to the others. Also my name is Yami Kaguya.

Everyone come here. This is the applicant for the job. "

" Really. He looks young. Do you think he could handle it? "

" Don't know we will have to wait and see. "

" Alright. Starting from left to right we have Oki Gaia, Heko Manaba, Lika Kiko, and finally Hanta Lelouch. "

" So he's the one applying. Well let's see what you got. " Lika says with a smile.

" Yes it's about time we did so. " We heard a force coming from the side. It was a man with black hair came down the stairs.

" Hello sir. Daiki this is the manager. Uchiha Tobi. "

" Hmm so your the applicant. You might be able to keep up but first I need to see your skill. Come with me. " Tobi says. After looking at me he turns around goes to the kitchen. I followed him.

" Alright your test for me will be to make a wrap. You can add whatever you want inside it. You have 30 minutes starting now. "

" Yes sir. " I then start to get to work.

I decided to make my chicken and tofu wraps along with my sauces. I managed to complete them in 30 minutes and made one of each wrap to everyone.

The aroma from the food made the others have drool running down the sides of their mouths. Everyone took one of the wraps and took a bite.Their eyes widen in shock.

" This is so good. "

" Delicous!!"

Comments came out of their mouths while their faces were having content smiles across their faces.

Tobi was no exception.

" It tastes just as good as when I first tried it."

Daiki was feeling happy that they liked his food but the comment from Tobi made him confused.

' When I first tried it. ' " Wait Tobi san did you come to Teikos school festival? "

" Ahh so you figured it out. Yes I did come. I went their with my kids. We went there to have fun. It was at that time I smelled the aroma of your dish. When I saw you I decided to make this test to taste this again. "

" Wait this is that same dish that sir was talking about. " Oki eays

" It would seem so. " Yami says.

" Well then I believe you have passed. Congratulations you got the job. "

" Thank you. " ' This is great I can get money from working and have an excuse to avoid Ms Yama training. I'll probably be trained here to but I don't think it will be as bad as hers. ' Daiki thought.

Tobi nods at me before saying, " Now then it's time for training. With the store closed we can get you up to speed. "

" Hmm okay. "Daiki say.

" Okay so first off each of us will train you in different techniques from different cooking styles. Your goal will be to master them by them by the time your first day at work will begin." Tobi says.

" Okay when is my first day. "

" On Tuesday. "

" Oh okay. " Daiki say before realisation hit me in the face. ' Its sunday. I have to learn and master all of their teaching in 2 days.'

Tobi as if he could read Daikis thoughts says with a devil smile, " Yes you have 2 days. So let's get started. "

Daiki had a fearful look on his face. He turned to the others and saw each of them with a devil smile on each of their faces as well.

It was at this moment that he knew, he fucked up.