
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The dinner party begins

The girl in the mirror is extremely beautiful, like an elf who descended into this world. She is wearing a yellow dress, showing a bright and lively feeling. The style of the dress is simple and elegant, showing her graceful figure like a close-fitting tailoring, exuding a mysterious charm through the see-through mesh gauze.

The hem of the long skirt gradually expands downward from the waist, showing a fluid layering. The yellow fabric is as light as gauze and flutters in the wind, adding a luxurious temperament to her.

When Helen put on her gown and came outside, Charles, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't help but whistled, "Helen, you are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen."

"Thank you!" Helen smiled lightly, and went to the banquet hall under the guidance of the maid.

Under the dim sunlight, bright roses grew on both sides of the corridor. Helen couldn't help but ask, "Lord, do you like roses?"

Catherine shook her head, "It's because Madam likes roses very much, and the lord planted these flowers in the manor to please her."

"The lord must love his wife very much."

"Yes, of course I love you very much." Catherine's words seemed to have other meanings, but Helen didn't care at all at this time.

Not long after, Helen came to the door of the banquet hall, and the captain of the defense, James, was waiting at the door. When he saw Helen, he showed a look of astonishment, and he pushed the door open for Helen in a gentlemanly manner.

"Thank you." Helen nodded slightly towards James. When she stepped into the banquet hall, there was a momentary pause in the clinking of cups and saucers and the sound of conversation.

"Oh! Let us welcome this beautiful lady, the heroine who brought us important news, Miss Helen!" William, who was seated at the top, cheered loudly and raised his glass to Helen in front of him.

The other guests invited by William, the guests in the territory also raised their glasses to show their kindness to Helen.

For William's warm hospitality, Helen slightly bowed her knees and saluted with her skirts in both hands. Before coming, she had specially consulted the maid Catherine about etiquette.

William seemed very happy, he arranged Helen in the first position below him, and began to introduce everyone on the field to her one by one.

"This is Stonepeak's garrison captain, James, you've already met."

Even at the banquet, James maintained a serious attitude in full armor, standing upright beside Lord William.

Helen saluted James again, and James nodded in return.

"This is Linna, my dear housekeeper, who is in charge of everything in this manor." William pointed to a woman with a serious expression. She looked to be in her forties, with short clean hair, and a serious expression. Seriously, he was directing a group of attendants to place food.

When she was introduced, Linna personally presented Helen with a fragrant barbecue, but still remained expressionless.

Helen quickly thanked her. Fortunately, the tableware in this world is not much different from Helen's before, allowing her to adapt easily.

"Oh! You should smile more, dear Linna." William said, and introduced a person sitting opposite Helen, "Knight Christopher, my loyal and reliable guard, the commander of the territorial army."

The knight, bearded and strong as a bear, was sweeping the food on the table without saying a word, like a rough man better than a knight.

William also didn't care about Christopher's rudeness, pointing to a tall and thin man at the end of the seat, "He is Robert the tax officer, a guy who is good at calculating, and he always recovers the taxes of the territory in time."

Helen noticed this man, she remembered Charles said that the tax collector had just left the village the day before Helm was attacked by monsters.

Her eyes stayed on this man for a while, then moved away naturally.

In addition to Lord William's direct subordinates, there were also businessmen and some residents who traveled to and from the town, and they were also treated with courtesy by the Lord for various reasons.

The lord William was obviously very loved by the people of the territory, they kept toasting William and saying some compliments.

To Helen's surprise, most of the town's important people attended the banquet, but Lord William's wife did not show up.

Moreover, the lord seems to have no heirs.

As all the distinguished guests arrived, everyone toasted each other and exchanged congratulatory messages, and the dinner officially began.

The joyful music kept going, and the specially invited band began to play intense dance music. After eating and drinking, people also walked down from the dining table and began to dance around the central hall.

Even Charles was invited by a beautiful girl, and happily rushed into the arena and danced.

Helen rejected several inviters in a row. While sipping wine, she secretly followed the movements of the tax officer Robert.

She found that the tax official was a very sociable person, and he kept wandering among the crowd throughout the banquet. The coincidence made everyone laugh, and even Helen had a drink with him.

However, other than that, Helen didn't exchange a word with him, she knew that this place was not suitable for investigating anything, there were too many eyes staring at each other.

Although Helen is still very young, she undoubtedly has a very smart brain. She has also been admitted to one of the best universities in her country, and she knows the rules of human society.

No matter which world it is, the same rules are followed.

No matter which world it is, the same rules are followed. The world is not as gentle and gentle as it appears on the surface, full of class and struggle, William's courtesy is not without reason, and Helen knows this well.

Moreover, what happened in Heim Village not long ago still appeared before Helen's eyes from time to time, making her seem to smell a bloody smell in the air. It was the smell of conspiracy and killing, which made her soul scream.