
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Fighting swords


Suddenly, a loud noise woke up the joyful crowd.

Everyone was taken aback. Knight Christopher slammed the wooden wine glass on the table and stood up drunkenly.

Christopher wobbled up to Helen, the smell of alcohol on his body made Helen frown, and he sarcastically said to her: "A beautiful woman, and a thin guy, you said you killed the monster, but I I think you are lying."

His words were very rude, which caused a lot of discussion among the people present. Of course, many people turned their attention to Helen, who was the other party's target.

"Shut up! Christopher, you are doubting my judgment." Above, Lord William said displeasedly.

"I just don't want you to be deceived, my lord." Christopher saluted William, who was in the first place, "I have seen the heads of those two monsters. The kind of reminding ghouls are not just a woman and a man who doesn't even hold a sword. The waste of the past can kill."

"Ghoul." Helen was intrigued by his words, "You said that monster is a ghoul, have you seen it before?"

"Ha! How could a woman who had never even heard of a ghoul kill such an undead monster?" Christopher laughed.

People began to discuss that although they didn't know what a ghoul was, it didn't prevent them from approving what the knight said.

Helen narrowed her eyes, "In this case..." She stood up and bowed to William on the stage, "My lord, please allow me to challenge Knight Christopher. Compared with meaningless arguments, it is more meaningful to use a sword to solve the problem." persuasive."

William hesitated for a moment, and finally expressed his approval for the sword competition, "After half an hour, Christopher and Ms. Helen will have a sword competition here. Remember, it's just a competition."

Half an hour later, Helen, who had changed back into her original clothes, returned to the banquet hall with a sword.

When she arrived, Christopher was already ready, and like Helen, he was also not wearing armor.

After all, this is just an ordinary competition, not a battle on the battlefield.

Holding long swords in their hands, the two of them slowly circled around the banquet hall, and neither of them made a rash move.

Christopher said: "Woman, I will let you know the price of cheating."

Helen retorted, "Arrogance is the biggest reason you lose."

When they made the third round, the two contestants chose to draw their swords at the same time at the same time. The blades clashed quickly in the air, and the sound of dense metal collisions filled the entire banquet hall.

Christopher is undoubtedly a seasoned warrior. His swordsmanship is proficient and sophisticated, and his strength is even more amazing. The only shortcoming is that his steps are not fast enough, and alcohol has affected his brain and movements.

If it was before coming to another world, Helen would definitely not be the opponent of this experienced knight, she lacked enough skills.

However, after coming to this world, Helen found that her physical fitness had greatly improved. Not only had her strength and speed increased a lot, but even now, this improvement still shows no sign of stopping.

Her strong physical fitness made up for her shortcomings in actual combat. As the battle progressed, Helen swung her sword more lightly and became more confident. Every time she swung her sword, she was resolute and courageous, forcing Christopher to keep returning to the sword to defend.

Helen suddenly felt that if he was still on Earth, he would not have lost so thoroughly in the face of the former Professor David.

No! She even has a high probability of defeating the opponent, and then proudly tells this stubborn old gentleman that she can graduate from Harvard smoothly.

There was another fierce collision, and the flames of the swords shone with dazzling light. The two swords thrust into each other at the same time, and began to compete in strength.

In the eyes of others, Christopher, who was obviously three laps larger than Helen, not only failed to gain the slightest advantage in the frontal battle, even the most intuitive power contest was evenly matched with Helen, a seemingly weak lady, and there were all kinds of boos for a while one slice.

"Enough! Stop!" The lord William suddenly shouted to stop the two people who were in a stalemate. The two people who were fighting looked at each other, and at the same time withdrew their swords and jumped out of the battle circle.

William said seriously: "Miss Helen has already proved her superb swordsmanship, Sir Christopher, your previous accusation was very rude, immediately apologize to Miss Helen."

Photographed by the majesty of the lord, Christopher apologized to Helen in a rough voice, but Helen could see his obvious dissatisfaction and suppressed anger, and he might think that if he continued to fight, he would definitely win.

However, the one who continues to lose will definitely be this Christopher knight. After experiencing the fierce battle just now, Helen didn't feel tired at all. She was full of energy from top to bottom, at least she could fight for a longer time.

Compared to her, Christopher seemed out of breath. Obviously, the battle just now was not as easy as he showed.

The lord William may have seen this, so he stopped in time to save face for Christopher.

The second half of the banquet ended with laughter and laughter. Helen found Charles who was bragging about his heroic deeds with a group of maids, and bid farewell to Lord William.

"I have arranged a room for you in the manor. You can stay overnight before leaving." After William finished speaking, he rang the bell that was set aside, and a maid immediately stepped forward.

"Take the two of you to the guest room, remember that it's a room reserved for distinguished guests."

Helen didn't refuse the lord's kindness. All the hotels in the town were closed so late. After another salute, the two came to a beautifully decorated room.