
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Dinner invitation

Helen looked around, everything here is the same as in the film and television drama, aristocratic manors and castles, full of Gothic decorations, and beautiful oil paintings on the walls.

Suddenly, an oil painting attracted Helen's attention. This is a very beautiful young woman.

Her face is as delicate as a work of art, as perfect as a sculpture, her skin is as white as snow, smooth and delicate, as if there is no trace of blemish. The hair is as smooth as silk, like the starlight in the dark night, gently falling on her shoulders, each strand of hair is so meticulous and orderly, like a work carefully crafted by an artist, it is an irresistible temptation.

She is dressed in a gorgeous gown that gently hugs her curvaceous figure, showing off her proud curves and graceful figure. Her slender and elegant fingers are adorned with delicate jewels that shimmer and add a touch of glamor to her overall look.

The most striking thing is her pair of bright and deep blue eyes, which seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts and understand everyone's inner world. The long and thick eyelashes caressed her eyes gently, like the wings of a butterfly.

This was undoubtedly a beautiful and alluring woman, and Helen was also very surprised.

"Isn't she beautiful? She is my wife Livy." At this moment, a sudden voice came from behind, causing Helen to turn her head abruptly.

She saw an aristocratic man in gorgeous clothes, with thick hair and a neat beard, wearing a golden ring that symbolized power, and he was showing an elegant and gentle attitude towards Helen.

When Helen saw the knight captain James standing behind the man, she already guessed the man's identity. She hit her chest with her right fist and saluted and said, "I salute you, Your Excellency William."

William was taken aback for a moment, and looked at James behind him. James shook his head and said, "This is a soldier's special gesture to his superiors, miss."

Only then did Helen realize her mistake, and she felt very embarrassed.

William smiled and took the initiative to say: "I should be honored, miss, I want to thank you for sending me precious information."

Helen breathed a sigh of relief, and she said, "I just do what I have to do."

"What should be done is really well said." William applauded softly, "A young girl has such wisdom and courage, it is amazing. Please don't rush to leave, let me entertain you, Stonepeak does not Will forget friends."

"It's my honor." Helen continued to ask, "My lord, would you send someone to Heim Village to verify this matter?"

"Of course," said the baron.

After the baron saw Helen, he left in a hurry.

"Oh! I was so nervous that I could hardly speak. This is the first time I have seen such a big man."

After William left, Charles had been in a state of rambling and muttering to himself.

"He also said that he would entertain us, which is really exciting. The best meal I had was when I was nine years old. I remember that it was the day of the lord's wedding. He rewarded the people of all the territories with rich The food, I was given a whole loaf of white bread and a small piece of bacon, it was a memorable day."

Helen noticed the words, "Nine, how old are you, Charles?"

"Twenty-five years old, civilians like us rarely calculate our own age."

"That was sixteen years ago, was his wife at that time this beautiful lady?"

Charles shook his head vigorously, "Oh! No, no, no! The lord's wife at that time was the daughter of a certain nobleman, but the nobleman's daughter died of illness not long after, so she married the current lady. This is the status of the entire territory. know things."

Helen nodded slightly, "Your Excellency William must love his current wife very much?"

Charles looked around for a moment, then approached Helen mysteriously and said, "It is said that this new lady is not a nobleman, not even a commoner. She is just a refugee that the lord accidentally encountered in the wild while hunting one day. She was captured by her beauty, and brought it home regardless of other people's objections, and at that time, the first wife of the lord was still alive..."

Helen frowned. As a lady, she instinctively disliked such behavior, which instantly dissipated her little favor for Lord William.

Just as she was about to continue asking for other information, a maid knocked on the door and walked in.

"Miss, sir, these are the clothes sent by the lord. He invited you to attend the banquet in the Rose Hall in half an hour."

Charles excitedly picked up the clothes handed by the maid and gesticulated on his body. He shouted that he had never worn such a good dress.

Helen looked at Charles keenly, until he realized something himself, put one hand on his chest, the other behind his back, made a strange gesture of etiquette and said: "Of course, this is your place. My miss ."

After finishing speaking, he took his clothes and strode out of the room.

Helen watched Charles leave, picked up the gown she had set aside, and began to worry about how to put on the yellow gown.

"If you need, I can help you miss." The maid who brought the clothes said proactively.

Helen nodded, she took off her coat, which was her school uniform from Harvard University, neatly folded aside, and then began to put on this complicated dress with the help of the maid.

"What's your name?" During the period, she asked the maid.

"Catherine, miss, your skin is really smooth, are you a nobleman?" Catherine whispered.

Helen shook her head: "No! I'm just like you, a commoner."

"You don't look like rude people like us, you are so beautiful and elegant, unlike..."

Saline's words stopped suddenly, and Helen didn't notice the problem, she just looked at herself in the mirror absentmindedly.