
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Stonepeak Town

Charles was packing his bags.

Helen found an old horse that was lucky enough to escape the monster's hunting in a stable, and led it out.

Not long after, Charles came out of a room and threw Helen a money bag. Helen opened it and saw several silver coins and more copper plates inside.

"Hey! Maybe we can use these things when we get to Stonepeak," Charles said.

Helen silently accepted the money bags, which were the savings of the villagers, but after their death, the money became ownerless, and it was her reward for revenge for them.

Helen cut off the heads of the two monsters and put them in a sack and hung them beside the horse. Charles couldn't help swallowing at this scene, and the way he looked at Helen changed a little.

Helen noticed this, she didn't speak, but was doing all the preparations silently.

After a little refreshment, the two embarked on the road to Stonepeak facing the rising sun.

Unlike when he came here, Helen silently looked at the completely strange world in front of him. The vast wilderness stretched to the end of his field of vision, with uncut forests and rivers flowing. This land was undoubtedly cold and desolate.

Across this wilderness, you can see scattered villages and farmlands, the villages are made up of rough stone buildings and huts made of hay and timber. The farmland surrounds the village, the golden wheat fields are rippling in the wind, and the endless green vegetables and fruit trees are shining in the eyes.

The villagers work in the farmland with simple tools, and they cast curious and vigilant eyes on the travelers.

A chaotic and disorderly world, Helen told herself.

The two of them worked from early morning until sunset, and then they came to a low castle with armored guards at the gate, and they carefully questioned everyone who entered the city.

Charles took the initiative to accept interrogation. When he said that he was a villager in Heim Village and hoped to be received by the lord, the guards laughed loudly.

"A whimsical farmer who wants to meet the lord in person..." The soldiers guarding the city obviously didn't take Charles seriously, and slapped him on the cheek contemptuously.

"Go back to where you should be, this is not the place for mud legs like you."

Suddenly a ferocious head fell into his arms. The ugly shape and sharp teeth made the soldier scream in panic.

"Then this monster's head! Is it enough for us to meet the city lord?" Helen held up the other monster's head so that everyone present could see it.

She shouted towards the surroundings: "Not long ago, these two terrifying monsters attacked the village and killed all the villagers. We killed the monsters. We came here this time to inform the lord of the matter."

Helen's words caused commotion in the surrounding area. There were many villagers living nearby near the city gate. Obviously, the monster rushed into the village and killed the villagers, which made them very disturbed.

The noise at the city gate attracted the attention of the patrolling guards, and a group of soldiers in armor painted with red and gold stepped forward.

At the head was a black-haired knight with a handsome moustache and a resolute face, tall and strong with a majestic and powerful voice.

"What happened here?"

"Master James..."

The guarding soldiers with different expressions immediately stood up and saluted, punching their chests with their right fists. In this era of strict hierarchy, any knight is a member of the statistical class.

James walked over with a group of guards, and the crowd automatically dispersed towards both sides, allowing the knight to come in front of Helen, and the guards quickly whispered something in his ear.

After listening to the guard's words, Knight James carefully inspected the monster's head on the ground. He even pulled out his sword and stabbed the head, then stood up frowning.

"You killed this monster?" His gaze circled around Helen and Charles, and then he focused on Helen, especially the long sword behind her.

Charles was about to speak when Helen suddenly stopped him, "We killed the monsters together and cut off their heads, just to prove our words to the lord."

Knight James took two steps. He waved his hand. Immediately, some of his subordinates began to drive away the nearby crowd. He didn't continue to ask until all the irrelevant people were gone, "You mean, these two monsters killed the Heim Village?" villagers?"

Helen replied: "Yes, a total of seventy-eight corpses, if I'm not mistaken."

"The two-headed monster...killed seventy-eight people..." Knight James looked at Helen carefully, "Miss, you are responsible for what you said."

"Of course." Helen said affirmatively.

"I will send someone to investigate." Knight James said with serious eyes, "Now, you have to meet with me, Lord Lord, and he will decide whether to accept your words."

After James Knight finished speaking, he waved his hand, and immediately a group of guards surrounded them and walked towards the inner city.

With these guard soldiers leading the way, the road was unimpeded. They walked through the muddy streets outside the market and came to a manor full of roses.

A group of people walked into the manor full of rose fragrance. In the garden, many peasant women were planting roses. Their movements were gentle, as if they were treating some kind of fragile treasure.

"Your Excellency Lord William will meet you soon." Through the long corridor, Knight James led the two into a spacious living room, and then quickly left with the heads of two monsters.

"It's unbelievable! We actually came to the lord's villa, and we still want to meet His Excellency the Baron." Charles looked very excited, walking up and down the room.

Helen glanced at the two guards standing at the door, it seemed that it was impossible for them to leave the room before the lord came.

And at least they didn't ask to confiscate the weapons Helen was carrying, which was obviously good news.

At least come to this strange world, only this knight sword that followed her to the other world can give Helen a sense of security.