
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Fight and win

Helen dodged the first attack with a roll. She got up quickly, bent her body, swung the knight sword and slashed at the monster's left belly.

The knight's sword sliced through the monster's body, and black blood spurted out. The pain of the wound made it even more angry, and its right paw slammed towards Helen.

Feeling the threat of the monster, Helen took a deep breath, her muscles tensed, she keenly captured the moment of the monster's attack, turned her body, and flashed past the monster's giant claws like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Immediately, Helen's blade sliced through the air without hesitation, and let out a sharp whistling sound. The blade collided with the monster's skin, making a piercing metal impact sound.

More black blood splashed, and the fishy smell filled the air.

The monster let out a painful roar and retreated towards the rear. It lowered its body and slowly circled around Helen. Its muscular steel-like body burst out with unparalleled strength, and its voice was full of vicious and violent breath.

Helen held the knight's sword tightly in front of her body, and she remembered Professor David's teaching: "At every moment of the battle, integrate your heartbeat with the vibration of the blade."

The monster rushed up quickly, waving the two huge sharp claws in front of it, like a meat grinder, destroying everything in front of it.

However, Helen's pace was like a free wind. She flexibly avoided the monster's attack and kept looking for the opportunity to attack.

"Be firm in your heart, and don't have any hesitation when you swing your sword." The swordsmanship essentials of the past flowed through the heart one by one, allowing Helen to have more understanding.

The monster opened its huge mouth and tried to bite Helen, but she dodged it swiftly. Using her superb sword skills, she unleashes fierce attacks on monsters with incredible speed.

The interlaced impact of swords and claws echoed in the air, and the lights and shadows of swords intertwined into a fierce battle scene.

Helen's steps became more determined, and there was no trace of fear in her eyes. She quickly swung the knight sword, leaving a silver light across the air.

She aimed at the monster's weak point, and the tip of the sword pierced through the black mist on its surface, stabbing at its body like lightning. Every attack was precise and powerful, with firm and victorious determination.

The monster roared again and again, its huge body was continuously pierced by the sword, and blood spattered out. However, it still struggled desperately, trying to fight back.

Undaunted, Helen steadfastly continued to fight the monster. Sometimes she dodges, sometimes attacks, and her swordsmanship is flexible and impeccable.

In the end, Helen pierced the knight's sword through the skin into the heart of the monster with a sharp slash. The monster let out a mournful howl and finally fell to the ground.

Helen stood triumphantly next to the monster's corpse, panting heavily, but her eyes were full of pride and triumph.

She did it! Take on this fearsome monster head-on.

This was the first time Helen defeated a terrible enemy. She raised the knight sword in her hand, and the blade reflected her image, and she saw a brand new self.

"I believe it now, you are a powerful female swordsman." Charles walked over with a limp, leaning on a wooden stick. He looked at the corpse of the monster in front of him with unconcealable shock in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Helen looked at Charles.

"Thanks to you, ma'am, you saved me again." Charles poked the monster under his feet with the stick in his hand, "It seems that these two monsters attacked the village and killed all the villagers. Maybe I should Inform the lord of everything that happened here."


Charles shrugged his shoulders, "It's the owner of this land, His Excellency the Baron of Stonepeak. Damn it! Why did this happen just after the tax collector left?"

Helen shook her head. She knelt down to check the monster's body. Just now she felt that this monster was different from the first one. Sure enough, she found female features on the monster's chest.

Charles also saw this scene, and couldn't help whistling, "Maybe this monster is the wife of the previous monster, so it's so angry."

Helen showed a thoughtful expression, and suddenly she found something wrapped in black hair on the monster's neck, and took it off.

A pair of rings cast in sterling silver.

Charles also saw this scene, and he said puzzledly: "Silver? Bad wolves hate this kind of thing the most, why do they carry silver with them."

"Maybe the truth is not what you say it is."

Helen thought for a while, and put the ring away. She suddenly had a wonderful premonition that there would be an answer to all this in Stonepeak.

The two then searched the entire village and found that all the villagers in Heim Village were killed in the attack not long ago. Helen and Charles demolished the damaged houses and built a huge wooden frame in the center of the village with the collected wood. Put a lot of hay, and then gather all the corpses of the villagers.

They worked until night, Helen silently handed a torch to Charles, Charles looked at these once familiar faces, and said in a low voice: "According to tradition, all corpses killed by monsters must be burned. How ridiculous! Not long ago They also tied me to a tree, and now I send them to their resting place."

Helen patted Charles on the shoulder. She didn't know what to say to persuade her. This happened when she first came to this world, and it also made her understand the cruelty here.

"At least they and we avenge them," Helen said.

Charles shrugged, "You're right."

He threw the torch into the air, and the flames ignited the dry grass and began to burn, taking the unfortunate villagers with them.

Helen looked at the huge blood-colored moon in the sky, and vaguely saw countless dead souls rising to the sky with the smoke, and finally disappeared.

She sang the songs of the dead.

"In the realm beyond the night, the undead arises,

With quiet steps, they wander through the misty skies.

From graves they awake, their spirits set free,

Decayed and hollow, but forever they'll be.

Their blood runs cold, their bodies devoid of breath,

Yet they dance with darkness, defying mortal death.

With eyes that gleam, devoid of life's spark,

They traverse the darkness, in the realm of the dark.

They yearn for the light, but are shrouded in night,

Whispering their sorrows, in the pale moonlight.

With each step they take, echoes of the past,

Through forgotten realms, their memories will last.

They seek solace in shadows, where they find their peace,

Their silent lament, a symphony that won't cease.

In this realm of darkness, they forever remain,

A testament to life's mysteries, an eternal refrain."