
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Murder and resurrection

In the middle of the night, Helen was lying on the soft velvet mattress, with the knight sword leaning against her bed, and the scenes that happened during the day kept flashing in her mind.

"That kind of monster is called a ghoul. The upper echelons of this world really know something. Have they verified what happened in Heim Village? You can ask the lord face to face about this tomorrow."

Since there is still order in this world and it is dominated by humans, they must know how to deal with such monsters. If Helen wants to find the way back, he must figure out all this.

She believed that since fate sent her here, there must be a connection.

Gradually, Helen fell into a deep sleep. After an unknown period of time, she was suddenly awakened by some slight movements. She sat up from the bed and grabbed the knight sword placed by the bed.

The window was shattered by a huge force, and a huge black shadow rushed towards the head of the bed with a gust of wind.

Helen rolled over and fell off the bed, picked up the sword in her hand and stabbed at the black shadow that was attacking. With the help of the faint starlight, she saw that this black shadow turned out to be the kind of ghoul she met in Heim Village not long ago.

The ghoul was stabbed by Helen's sword and let out a piercing roar, and Helen had already rushed out of the room when it happened and didn't kill the ghoul in the first place, fighting the monster while running.

She couldn't figure out why a creature like a ghoul appeared in the lord's manor, and she was even more wary of being attacked late at night.

The movement caused by the battle woke up the entire manor, and the voices of the crowd approached here.

Helen was finally able to concentrate on fighting, and with the help of the moonlight in the garden, she finally saw the whole picture of the ghoul.

This ghoul's body was larger than the two heads in Heim Village, and its bone claws were sharper. Helen's sword with all his strength just split a long and narrow wound in its chest.

The stinky blood gushed out from the wound and flowed wantonly on the ground, accumulating a pool of black blood on the ground. The pain on his body made the ghoul extremely angry, and rushed towards Helen with a loud roar.

This was already the end of the road, Helen raised the knight sword, her eyes became extremely firm, and then resolutely charged towards the monster.

Her movements were nimble and nimble, as fast as lightning, she nimbly flashed her claws and swept across, leaning forward and slashing open the monster's abdomen, causing more blood to spurt out.

The monster howled and stretched out its claws, and was blocked by the knight sword in Helen's hand again and again. This long sword made of fine steel was strong enough to resist the monster's claw attack.

Compared with the first time, Helen has more experience fighting this monster. It is only powerful and rough-skinned, but in terms of dexterity, even the big-bellied knight Christopher is more flexible than it.

The weaknesses of human beings are also effective in ghouls. The heart and throat are its fatal points, but this ghoul obviously has wisdom and will consciously protect these two places.

So it's best not to think about killing with one blow, it's very dangerous, once touched by the sharp claws of a ghoul, the fragile body of a human being can easily be torn to pieces.

Helen calmed down the nervous mood, kept moving and left wounds on the ghoul, and bled the monster little by little until the ghoul's movements became slower and slower, and then he could no longer bear the injury and was thrust into the throat by Helen's sword , fell to the ground and died.

The battle finally ended, and the people who heard the movement arrived.

Bright torches lit up in front of him. Helen, who had just pulled out the sword from the monster's corpse after the battle, was dazzled by the flames. She raised a hand to cover her forehead.

However, at the next moment, a cold arrow shot from the tower above pierced her thigh, causing her to stagger and fall to the ground.

Instinctively, Helen rolled on the ground continuously and quickly. She kept dodging the cold arrows shot from a high place, and finally hid in a rosebush behind a long pillar. The thorns cut her delicate skin, but her thigh was shot The pain pierced by the arrow made her forehead sweat even more.

For a long time in her peaceful life, she had never experienced such pain, which made her almost unable to hold the sword in her hand.

It made her ignore the danger from behind.

Until she felt a strong chill attack, but it was too late to resist, a cold sword pierced through her chest from the back, and pierced out from the front chest.

Blood gushed to her throat, and Helen tried to fight back with her sword unwillingly, but she didn't have any strength at all.

Until Helen heard a voice that he hadn't heard not long ago, he said contemptuously: "Bitch, you should have died a long time ago..."

The opponent suddenly pulled out the long sword, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the chest. Helen couldn't bear the injury anymore and fell heavily into the mud. The petals of the flowers flowed like blood under the light of the fire, along the cloth The rhizomes full of thorns have been poured into the soil.

Helen finally remembered where the strange smell of blood came from. This land was like a horrible blood-sucking monster, drinking human blood.

And more terrifying monsters will be hatched soon.

But it was too late, Helen's beautiful pupils turned gray, and the last thing she saw was the corpse of Charles lying on the other side of the flowers, his head was separated, and he opened his mouth soundlessly, as if he wanted to say something to her : Helen is in danger! run!

The next moment, the world turned gray...

Then, Helen opened her eyes suddenly!