
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Investigation and discovery

"Are you awake? Helen." The first thing Helen saw was Charles' distinctive face.

"We... didn't die?" Helen remembered that her heart had been pierced, and she finally fell into a sea of roses.

And she clearly saw Charles being killed, why are they still alive now.

"What are you talking about, Helen, of course we're still alive, and we're going to Stonepeak soon." Charles said, pointing to a town not far away.

Helen found herself lying under a big tree, beside her was a scrawny horse laden with packs, and they were about to head into town.

Helen's brain was still stuck in the memory not long ago. She followed Charles all the way to the city gate in a daze, and accepted the soldiers' questioning as usual. When Charles said that he wanted to see the city lord, he also received a lot of ridicule.

Everything was exactly the same, and the tide of countless memories poured into Helen's brain, making her beautiful blue eyes bewildered for a moment.

It seems that everything is back to the day before.

Not knowing exactly what happened, Helen stopped Charles, who was trying to say something, and said, "We're here to look for job opportunities, my lord."

After mocking the countrymen for a while, the soldiers also felt bored and waved them into the city.

"Helen, why didn't you tell them what happened in Heim Village?" Charles didn't understand Helen's behavior, and expressed his hope to tell the city lord what happened in Heim Village as soon as possible.

"Say all this if you want to die." Helen whispered to Charles, and then she saw a patrol passing by, and at the head of the line was James.

Yet James walked past her like he didn't know her at all.

"Really... back to the past." Helen whispered to herself, all of this is true, so does it mean that she has died once?

"I suspect that the two ghouls may have an extraordinary relationship with this town. We must find out who is behind the scenes, and only the two of us know about it."

Helen explained something to the nagging Charles. Although the other party looked confused, he expressed that he would trust Helen unconditionally.

"Thank you very much for your trust." Helen pushed open the door of the tavern while speaking.

The hustle and bustle in the tavern did not weaken in the slightest because of the arrival of the newcomers, and most people just glanced at them and continued to drink.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Helen also covered her body and appearance with a wide cloak, as well as the knight sword on her back.

"Welcome to Starscream Tavern, do you need something?" A freckled maid came over.

Charles took the initiative to say: "Wine and food, if there is meat, give us some."

"Have some barbecue, want?"

"Of course, we've been walking all day, but we're hungry."

Helen sat at a table, watching all kinds of people in the tavern, where she could tell at a glance who was an aborigine and who was an outsider.

"What are you going to do?" Charles asked carefully, leaning closer to her.

Helen replied in a low voice: "I need to find out something from these people."

"whats the matter?"

"Anything, but preferably about recent events in this territory, such as someone being killed or missing, or other strange things."

Helen thought about what happened that night. If someone was raising ghouls in the territory, there must be clues left, and she would follow this clue to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

And... that person... that guy who pierced her heart from behind! She will never let it go!

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!" Charles showed a understanding expression, then he held up a wine glass and staggered towards a table next to him.

Throughout the evening, Charles ran from table to table, and the fellow had a quick tongue, and he had no shortage of coins, and soon gained the friendship of the whole tavern, who called him "Charles the Generous." .

"Maybe you shouldn't be a thief, you have a great talent for negotiating." When Charles came back, Helen joked.

Charles shrugged his shoulders and said, "Maybe! But who made me the farmer's son, and he died when I was five years old."

"Sorry," Helen said.

"You don't have to be sorry, at least I am no longer a thief, maybe in the future I will really become a big man like you said." Charles looked very optimistic, "According to your orders, I collected a lot of information , need me to tell you one by one?"

"Of course, it's just in my room." Helen got up and walked upstairs to the tavern. Charles looked around and hurriedly picked up his luggage and followed.

The downstairs of this tavern is the restaurant, and the upper floor is the rented room, which is a combination of the tavern and the hotel. Just when Charles was busy inquiring about the news, Helen had already booked the room for tonight.

The room was very simple, with only a bed and a table, and there were a few lighted candles on the table. Charles talked for an entire hour before finishing all the information he had heard.

"You mean... there have been more than a dozen disappearances in the city recently, and no trace of the missing person has been found." Helen confirmed this message again.

Charles nodded, "Yes, people say that there is a man-eating monster in the town, and someone saw the monster taking the missing person."

"The monsters... are indeed ghouls. They have been hiding in the town." Helen connected everything together. Maybe what happened in Heim Village was not an accident. Someone was raising this man-eating monster.

She informed Charles of this conjecture, and Charles' expression was very angry, expressing that he would definitely find out who was behind all of this.

The next day, Helen and Charles visited the residences of the missing persons one by one. Most of these people were civilians and homeless people. The time concentrated in the past year. The first missing persons were the James and his wife in Anglebone Lane.

Because of the copper coins, the neighbor next to him was very happy to tell the two of them what he knew. According to an old woman who lived nearby, the James and his wife were a pair of horsemen who raised horses for the lord. They have been missing for several months, and no one cares about their movements, because they have neither children nor relatives and friends. They came to Stonepeak three years ago.

Most of the other missing people have similar situations. Even the city's garrison will stop paying attention after a little inquiry. There are a lot of outsiders coming and going in this town every day, and security problems have always existed.

"James and his wife, what is the name of that wife?" Helen suddenly asked a question.

The old woman thought for a while, and then said uncertainly: "It seems to be Jenny. Oh! They are really a loving couple. I have never seen a couple who take care of each other like this. It is a pity that fate does not seem to favor them."

When the two left the James and his wife's residence, Helen silently took out a pair of silver rings. On the inside of the ring, two lines of short words were engraved in English: "For my beloved James (Jenny)."

Charles also saw these two sentences, and when he learned the contents above, he said, "Could it be that monster killed the couple and took it?"

This pair of rings was obtained by Helen from the corpse of a female monster in Heim Village. She felt it was strange at the time, and now it is even more verified.

She thought of what was projected from the pupils of the monster before it died. It was no longer the bloodthirsty brutality of the cannibal monster, but some kind of human emotion.

Helen suddenly had a terrible conjecture that maybe the truth was crueler than she imagined.

"It's them!" At this moment, a voice interrupted Helen's thinking, and a group of guys with malicious intentions surrounded them, all holding daggers or other weapons in their hands.

"Hi! Dude, we're just new here, have you got the wrong guy?" Charles tried to explain.

"That's right, I'm looking for you, outsiders, and you asked something you shouldn't ask." The scar-faced man in the lead said, his eyes resting on Helen's face, showing a lewd smile, "Really beautiful Beauty, I will love you well later on."

The helpers behind him let out wretched laughter.

"Oh? Then I'm really looking forward to it." Helen sneered and pulled out the knight sword behind her back. In fact, there was a flame burning in her heart, and she wanted to have a good fight.