
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Man-eating monsters

"Oh! My God! What's going on here?" Just then, Charles' panicked voice came from ahead.

Helen hurried over and saw Charles trying to help a man covered in blood.

A huge wound was pierced through his chest, and he was no longer breathing.

"He's dead." Helen drew out her sword and carefully guarded her surroundings.

She saw the bodies of many villagers in front of her, and they had all been killed.

"His name is Tom, and he is the captain of the village's garrison." Charles picked up a spear next to Tom's body, and said to Helen.

"Some kind of beast must have attacked them." Helen inspected the wounds on the villagers' bodies, and the sharp claws tore through their bodies like butter.

Charles gritted his teeth fiercely, "It must be those damned wolves, they attacked the village and killed everyone."

Although Helen was a little curious why Charles used them to describe evil wolves, when she saw a mother and daughter lying in a pool of blood at the door of the house, a surge of anger still surged in her heart.

At this time, a strange sound came from not far away.

Helen and Charles glanced at each other and walked towards where the voice came from.

There were many corpses of villagers along the way. They were all killed in the panic of fleeing. There were also some villagers with simple weapons, but they were brutally killed by some kind of force without exception.

The smell of blood and corpses filled the air. Helen, who had never seen such a scene, held her breath. She told herself to be brave, just a pack of hungry wolves, she said to herself.

Helen leaned carefully behind a dirt wall, poking her head out in the direction of the sound.

She saw a strange creature covered in smoke, eating the corpses of the villagers.

The monster was estimated to be four feet tall and seven feet long, and with its back to Helen, it was impossible to see what it looked like from the front.

The sound of gnawing on the corpse mixed with the strong smell of blood made Helen feel nauseous. She let out a breath, then walked forward silently, came to the back of the monster who was buried in the food, and suddenly rushed out, holding the knight in her hand. The sword stabbed fiercely at the monster's neck!

The sword directly pierced the monster's neck, and a stream of black blood splashed out. Helen resisted the strange touch of the long sword piercing into the living body, and slashed horizontally with both hands.

When it was attacked suddenly, the monster let out a huge roar, the smoke on its body shook violently, and its ugly head tried to turn to the attacker, but this only made the wound on its neck more severe.

More black blood poured out frantically, Helen stepped on the monster's body and drew out the sword, then raised both hands high and chopped down again, cutting off the monster's head completely.

"Is this the wolf you were talking about?"

After a long time, Helen flipped the monster's head with the blade of the sword, and after the smoke on its body dissipated, it revealed its original appearance.

The monster's head is not big, with human-like facial features, pointed ears, black pupils, turned nostrils, fangs in the mouth, and only sparse hair on the head.

Its claws are ferocious and terrifying, it has limbs like thick tree trunks, and its body looks like it has been peeled off to reveal the blood-red muscles and fat inside, which looks very disgusting.

Charles looked at the terrifying monster hesitantly, "It doesn't look like it, maybe it's the minion of a wolf."

"It seems that the wolves here are really different." Helen shrugged, at least the wolves on Earth would not have such ugly subordinates.

At this time, there was a sound of low footsteps, accompanied by a strong stench. When the two turned their heads, they saw a monster that was even bigger than before walking upright with the corpses of two villagers in its hands. The body of the monster came to the two of them.

"Ho Ho!"

The monster raised its head and let out a huge roar. Helen seemed to hear some kind of extreme sadness and hatred from it. It was hard to imagine that such a man-eating monster would have such complicated emotions.

The monster raised its two sharp claws and tore the villager's corpse into pieces above its head. Blood mixed with internal organs poured all over its body, and the smoke on its surface billowed violently.

"Get out of the way!" Helen yelled at Charles, her body suddenly jumped to the side, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a huge black shadow rushing towards the place where the two were standing just now.

"I won't be afraid of you! Just come on!" Charles shouted, picked up the spear in his hand and stabbed forward, but was grabbed by the monster and slapped it on the ground.

The spear was broken in two by the powerful slap, and Charles let go in time in the air, so that he was not slapped to death together, but he was also thrown four or five meters away by this blow, lying on the ground moaning in pain.

The monster was about to move forward to kill Charles when a stone slab smashed its head into several pieces, stopping its progress.

"Come on! Your opponent is me!" Helen tied up her blond hair at some point, holding the knight sword tightly in both hands and challenged the terrifying monster.

"Your kind was killed by me, now it's your turn, you man-eating monster!"

These words really enraged the monster completely, it ran towards Helen on all fours, with a strong smell.

Helen felt her heart beating hard. Unlike the sneak attack just now, this was her first life-and-death fight.

But her heart fell into a strange calm, watching the monster that rushed.

"You are a born swordsman, Helen." David once said to Helen.