
Hades King Girl

Because of a mysterious statue, Helen traveled to another world, and she embarked on an adventure with a special mission. Because of the ability to go back to death, the girl discovered the truth and saved others in death after death. During the trip, she met a series of companions and friends. After Caesar, who really loves werewolves, got involved in the disputes between humans, werewolves, and vampires, in order to save her lover and those who love her, she can only use her death retrospective ability again and again, trying to change the fate of everything...

j_q · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Thief charles

Helen wakes up in a pile of leaves.

As far as the eye can see, there are criss-crossing branches and lush crowns. The golden sunlight passes through the gaps to form conspicuous beams of light, which are warm and bright. sleep.

I remember I was at home, where is this?

Helen tried to find her way back, but all she could find was the training knight sword she brought home from school, and a path leading out of the woods.

Helen didn't know how long she walked, two hours or longer, she didn't leave the forest until the sun gradually set and came to a small river.

Helen washed her cheeks with river water. She didn't feel thirsty. For some reason, she found that she didn't feel tired or hungry after coming here, even though she had walked for a long time.

Maybe this is a dream! But the extremely clear senses told Helen that all this was real.

To figure out where this was, Helen walked up the river until she heard some familiar words.

It's English!

Helen felt joyful, and she ran towards the sound, and saw a man tied to a tree, singing with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Oh! What a beautiful girl, I'm Charles, can I know your name?" The man on the tree also saw Helen, and said frivolously in English.

"Where is this place? Who are you? Why were you tied to a tree?" Helen came under the tree and looked at the other person.

This is a thin and short man with messy hair, wearing sackcloth woven clothes, chapped lips, obviously hasn't drank water for a long time, but has a pair of bright and cheerful eyes.

"You have so many questions, Miss Traveler, but lucky Charles is honored to answer them all for you." In Charles' eyes, Helen's dress was also very peculiar, and she was even more beautiful than the noble ladies in the town.

"This is the village of Helm, and I'm the happy Charles of the village, tied to a tree just because I took something that didn't belong to me."

Helen looked at the talking man, "So you're a thief?"

"Oh no! I just borrowed it temporarily. I didn't expect everyone to react so strongly. They tied me to a tree since yesterday, but forgot to let me down. Can you free me?"

Helen said: "But I don't know if what you said is true, so I'm sorry I can't put you down."

Charles immediately yelled: "Don't do this, miss! Only you can save me now, I haven't had a sip of water for a whole day, and my throat is as thirsty as it was torn."

Helen has some sympathy for him, but she also needs to make sure she doesn't save another villain.

"Tell me where your village is? I will intercede with the villagers for you."

"That group of selfish and xenophobic guys? Hey! Miss, I want to remind you that it is not a good habit for a beautiful lady like you to walk outside. Where is your attendant?"

It seems that this is a dangerous place, Helen thought to herself, she already guessed that she came to a strange place, otherwise it would be hard to explain why she suddenly came here from the bedroom.

"I can protect myself." She raised the knight sword in her hand and said.

"Well, a sword, a sword held in a lady's hand, maybe it can bring you some sense of security."

Charles shrugged nonchalantly, "I know you're worried about Miss, but rest assured I'm not a bad person, otherwise they should have sent me to the gallows instead of being tied here."

Helen felt that what Charles said made sense, and she felt that the punishment for just stealing was too heavy, "Okay then! I'll put you down, and in return, you'll take me into the village."

"Then I will definitely be the most watched person in the village." Charles agreed with a smile.

When Helen came to the tree where Charles was bound, she pulled out the knight sword in her hand, which looked shiny because of the sharp edge.

She couldn't help but think of Professor David at the school, whether he expected what happened today.

How can it be! Helen shook her head, and slashed the sword in her hand towards the rope, cutting the rope with one stroke.

Charles broke free from the rope and fell to the ground. He took a deep breath and stood up after a long time. "Thank you miss, you saved my life."

Helen put the sword back into its scabbard, "I'm glad you didn't choose to attack me, can you take me to your village now, it's getting dark."

"Of course!" Charles led the way, and he said as he led the way, "Are you from the city? Only there are beautiful ladies like you."

Helen also wanted news of this land, and she asked Charles, "Do you know America?"

Charles shook his head, "I've never heard of this name, it must be a very good place, after all, there are beautiful people like Miss."

"Call me Helen." Helen said, she already guessed that she might come to another world, because on that planet, no one would know America.

"Okay, Helen, then you must have been to many places, which is really enviable. The farthest place I have been to is Stonepeak, which is the closest to Heim Village."

Stonepeak, Helen remembers another name. She wants to find clues to go home, first of all to find the strange statue.

She had scoured the place where she woke up, and found no sign of any statues.

Helen believes that she came to this world for no reason at all, and she must complete the task predetermined by her fate, maybe in this way she can find her way back home.

She remembered what her father often said in her ears: Everyone has their own mission, and how to accomplish this mission, whether to achieve it passively or take the initiative to meet the challenge, all of this requires you to make your own choices.