
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Hades' past

This is an important chapter. I know that some will not like it because it is redundant or whatever, but it is actually important.

Not only does it give insight into some of Hades' decisions, but it also allows Senjumaru and him to grow closer as he shows his trust. It also tells us her standpoint on the things he experienced and we see some of her character.


(3rd Person POV)

"You became powerful. I can see all the work you put into it. I am surprised you pushed yourself that hard.", Hades said.

"Well I wanted to become as powerful as you but ... now I see that is a pipe dream.", Senjumaru said.

"Haha. Don't worry about it. I can make you powerful if you wish.", Hades said.


A few weeks had passed since Hades met Senjumaru for the 'second' time. They had spent every moment with each other since then. Senjumaru told Hades about her past and told him how important he was in it. He was responsible to a degree for what she had become.

Hades remembered Senjumaru but he didn't know what his little act of kindness did to this girl. He was surprised that the spark he had ignited in her heart could generate such heat, that it even bypassed his wish to be immune to all negative things. 

They talked a lot and got to know each other better. Hades was very close to telling her about who he truly was. Not a Shinigami, Hollow or Quincy ... although he was all of those things if he wished. No, he was talking about telling her that he was Hades, the God of the Underworld and that he was only a guest in this Universe.

He wasn't afraid to tell her. It seemed he had already fallen quite deeply for the woman. It was just that telling her meant committing fully. There would be no going back after that. Hades was in love before. He used to love the witch Rose when he was in the Wizarding world. But this was different. 

It was so much deeper and profound almost. He felt that ... this might be the one thing that could bypass his second wish he had made. So if he committed to this relationship fully ... he would allow himself to be vulnerable in all things concerning Senjumaru.

It was just like Alan Watts said. We call it 'Falling in love' and not 'Rising in love'. There is the idea of the fall. Hades would give himself to Senjumaru and he would be vulnerable there. He couldn't forget her anymore. Alan Watts was truly correct.

There lay madness in sanity. And Hades had already fallen, so there was not really much that held him back here, but his own fear of having ONE Achilles heel. 



Time passed and the two grew closer and closer. Hades had come out and told Senjumaru everything about himself. He told her about his birth and his immediate descent down his father's throat. The years spent in his stomach as well as the training he did to escape his situation.

Hades told her about the day his sister came and how he messed up.

"So you were scared?", Senjumaru asked. 

"Yes. I could feel Hestia's power taking hold of me or trying to and I freaked out. I completely forgot that I was immune to everything that I considered bad for me. I don't know why that happened, but it just goes to show you how immature I truly was."

"And then what did you do?"

"I left..."

"You left? How so? I thought you were in your father's stomach."

"I was. But my divinity of boundaries allowed me to feel other words and universes. It took me a while to train that but I used it for the first time back then and off I went."

"Where did you go?"

"I went to a world where there were humans and a special type of humans that could use energy called magic energy. They were called wizards and witches. Using this energy was similar to the use of Kido in this world."

"Interesting. Tell me more"

Hades told Senjumaru a lot about the Wizarding world, but he left one part out. A very essential part if you think about it, but he didn't want to tell her ... for obvious reasons. 

However ... she was too smart.

"Wait wait wait... Why were you even in Paris then? What were you doing there? And how did you find the secret meeting place?"

"Well, I interrogated some wizards who I knew were a part of Grindelwald's faction."

"But why did you even want to finish the war so suddenly then? You never cared about it until that point?"

"Well you're right ..."

"And how did you get information out of the wizards anyway? I thought that they could hide their thoughts... or did you force it out of them?"

"I indeed did force them to tell me all they knew.", Hades said.

"Why would you do that?"

"Well, I was ... a bit angry at the time."

"... there is something you're not telling me. I can feel it. You are trying to fill the plotholes your story has and it is not working right now. So you better tell me the truth or I will have to get physical with you."

"Yare Yare ... alright. The truth is that I was ABSOLUTELY LIVID, back then. Someone very dear to me died in the war and that made me ... snap in a sense. I understood that the war had gone on for long enough. I learned the value of life and the cold harsh reality of death. In the years later I would come to value this experience ..."

"And why were you so angry? Who died? ... What was her name? ...", Senjumaru pressed.

"*Sigh* ... her name was Rose ... Rose Wynn. "

"... what was she like?"

"She was a very happy and positive girl. I have never seen her cry or be depressed even in the end when she died in my arms. She was brave, proud and loyal. Her best quality though was her smile that seemingly captivated everyone. 

Magic energy vibrated whenever she smiled and that captivated everyone."

"Hehe ... I bet she was the one to approach you and not the other way around.", Senjumaru said.

"That was indeed the case ... how did you know?"

"I just know you that well already."

"You are taking this quite well.", Hades said.

"Why wouldn't I? I know that she was the first one and if I guessed correctly, then she was also the only one. I don't like the topic but I don't feel threatened."

"That's good."



Hades continued his tale about his life and told her about the way he dealt with Grindelwald. How he grew up and matured through the experiences and how he tried to raise his siblings to be good people as well as strong. He told her how he ultimately failed in that task because they were more difficult to deal with than he had any interest in changing. 

Hades told her about each of his siblings and their positives as well as their negatives. And there were more negatives than there were positives, but there were still positive aspects to them ... at least some of them.

"Hera sounds like an arrogant and scared bi*ch. I don't think I'll like her. And Metis makes me angry.", Senjumaru said. She was fully engrossed in the tale of Hades and had already begun to see her as meeting them in the future. Hades smiled at her reaction. She was fully invested and he loved that. 

"She is very arrogant yes. The worst part is that her fear held her back when I wanted to teach her. She could have at least been ... less useless. But she was just far too scared of me and my power that she hid in her arrogance to mask it.", Hades said.

"I agree. However, no matter what I think of Hera and the little prick Poseidon, I am still the most disappointed in Hestia and Demeter whom you raised alone and spent a lot of time.", Senjumaru said.

"Haha. It doesn't matter now anyway. Hestia is a slave to her divinities and Demeter is just like the tides, changing all the time. I don't mind them anymore. But I am very interested and eager to introduce you to them.", Hades said. He was indeed looking forward to that moment. 


The story continued. Hades told Senjumaru about the moment that shaped Hades' relationship with his siblings the most. The time when Zeus blamed Hades for the fact that Oceanus found their hideout and wanted to sacrifice him. 

Hades told her how he knew what Zeus and Metis were planning and also his lack of patience to look past it. He told her how he had lost his cool and fed Zeus his own hand ... Hades was not sure how Senjumaru would react, but surprisingly ...

"That was not enough!!"


"You should have cut off his dick and castrated him and punished Metis as well! You are too lax in that regard. The punishment for Grindelwald was good but this ... this was not nearly enough.", Senjumaru said. 

"I love that you can get so mad for my sake but maybe you want to wait with the punishment for when I finish my whole story.", Hades said.

"There is more to this trash that you call a brother?"



Hades then told her about his second travel to the Jujutsu Kaisen world and how he found a brother in Satoru Gojo. 

"So then he is the reason for you using his last name? You truly see him as your brother don't you?"

"I do. More so than the other embarrassments. He saw himself as the 'big' brother and took care of me even though I didn't have the Six Eyes in the beginning. We are very close and I tried to use the time to understand the concept of infinity as well as the concept of force. 

The Limitless technique is overpowered especially in the Jujutsu world. It helped me greatly in growing more powerful and satisfying my inner child, hehe."

"I can see that. Is that the reason why you always wear the eyepatch? To hide it?"

"Well, it's one of the reasons. I don't want to walk around with a blindfold like Satoru."

"You know that we'll have to get him don't you."

"Get Satoru? I also planned to do that, but I'm not sure whether he'd accept."

"He will in the future for sure.", she said.

"Sure I'll do that then."

"What happened after that?", Senjumaru asked eagerly. 

"After that, I didn't go back to my home universe right away. I first went to another world..."


Hades told Senjumaru everything about the world of Solo Leveling and how he acquired the powers of the Shadow Monarch. He showed her his shadows and told her that he used them to stock up on her food all these years.

He then showed her the dead monarch he had made into his Shadows and told her about his fight with them. She hung on to his every word and was fascinated by all of it. Hades could see the interest she held to see such worlds that he told her about.

After the Solo Leveling world, he told her how he came back to the DC Universe, his home universe and made the Underworld his home. He was very excited when he told her about the Underworld. He was planning to create more biomes and now that she would be there, a clothing biome was definitely in the works.

Hades told Senjumaru about Nyx, Erebus and their children. How they became his new family and how Erebus turned into more of a fanboy of Hades than was ... healthy ... He also told her about Gaia and what he had planned for the old hag.

He told her how his siblings and Zeus specifically came to beg him for his help. How he defeated two Titans and then also the King of Titans, his father Kronos and how he just took his scythe as his trophy. 



As Hades told Senjumaru about his life, she understood that he had already experienced so much while she had been sewing and trying to chase after him. It made her sad but Hades told her that there was no reason to be sad, as they had eternity together.

"But I'm so weak. You should take a goddess as your wife."

"I will ... you."

"How cheesy. But seriously."

"I am serious. I will make you powerful don't worry."

"But ... I want to become powerful on my own as well. You worked on yourself and achieved so much on your own. I also want to do that.", Senjumaru said.

"And what did you have in mind?", Hades asked her.

"Well ... I got an invitation a few months ago ... A Shinigami came to me and asked me whether I would like to join the ... Royal Guard and become one of the protectors of the Soul King ..."

Hades narrowed his eyes. 

"This man ... his name wasn't Ichibe Hyosube per chance was it?"

"It was. Do you know him?"

"Haaa, yes I know him. I didn't tell you about my time in this world yet. There is more to-"

"I don't want you to spoil me Hades. I wish to become strong as well. How else will I ever stand next to you as an equal if you carry me everywhere? I think I ... should accept."


"If that is your wish then I have absolutely nothing against it. Just expect me to come visit you every day ... for most of the day as well..."

"No Hades I will do this on my own. If you are there then I will be distracted ..."

"Your wish to prove yourself is blinding you. I don't understand how this will help you get more powerful. I could help you and give you something that would not make you instantly powerful."

"And what would that be?", she asked.

"A tool. I call it a system. It helps you measure your strengths and attributes to see how powerful you are. You would still have to work but it would be smoother and a lot quicker. What do you say?"

"Alright. But you have to let me do this."

"As you wish."


Next Chapter on the 23.11