
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Growing up


So there were two people who got the next world right. Congrats to those. I did make it quite easy this time.

Another one will be this: The person who can guess from which world his love interest will be from, I will name one of his children after you. Hahahaha, that sounds so stupid.


(Hades POV)

I must say it is a nice change of pace to relive life this way. The reality of curses existing and the political bull crap creates pressure on young clan children. You have to make sure to be promising and that you may become powerful, otherwise no one will care for you that much.

And I made sure to impress everyone. But more on that later.

The first year of my new life was not as boring as I would have thought it would be. Of course, it was still me being a baby and not having much to do. But come on! Do you know who you're talking to? I am Hades, the oldest of the Olympians. I spent over 7 million years inside the stomach of my father and 6 of those 7 million years were spent with my sisters and brother. There is nothing as bad as that.

So one year of shitting and pissing my pants and not being able to talk and walk? That's lightweight. While I travelled down the oesophagus there was no one cleaning me when I pissed and shat myself. Now I have ... well not my mother, as she is the clan leader's wife, but maids to do that. I can actually feel the love my mother has for me.

My father is the classical stern and demanding parent who expects his children to outperform everyone. If I were not who I was and was a normal child in the Gojo clan with a brother who had the Six Eyes while I didn't ... that would have been a lot of burden to carry.

However, I am me. So that much is nothing for me. Besides, I was just as much of a genius as Satoru was. Don't underestimate a godly mind whose limits have been removed a couple of times already. Though I could not see a moment like it was one minute long, I will get there soon.

My mother showered me with as much love as she could. She was not able to show that much of it, because she had to keep appearances in front of the entire clan and whatnot. But at night, when no one was watching she took me into her arms and spoke soothing words to me.

Truly a wonderful feeling this was.

My brother was a quiet child. It seemed that he understood how important he was and those eyes already gave him unparalleled perception. He was smart. I was close to my brother and wanted to have a good relationship with him. Unlike my other brothers, I know that Satoru is very loyal to those he likes.

I will make sure we are close.

Hmm ... I just realised that I see him as my true brother. Interesting. I did not know how much I wished for one. Eh, never mind.

Now after one year of being a baby in the Gojo clan in the Jujutsu world, you might ask: what have you done this whole time? The answer is simple once again. I trained. I could feel the cursed energy that flowed through me and many others. It was very small at the moment compared to my father. But compared to my brother, I had monstrous cursed energy.

It was already becoming apparent that I was different and my father had also noticed. I tried to get a feel for this new energy and try to move it around. I had some experience with energy control after my stay in the Wizarding world. But magic energy or mana, worked differently than cursed energy.

But now after almost two years of lying around and some crawling, I believe it is time to begin walking.

Over these years I made sure to observe my brother and do the things he would be able to do a bit before he does. So when felt his intention of crawling, I did it first. This led to me being acknowledged by my father and mother.

And now it is time for me to start walking and talking can come a few months after that. It is important to keep appearances. Being too much of a genius will only make me an even bigger target. So patience is key. Thankfully I had tonnes of that.


Training has begun. Hard to imagine a five-year-old toddler starting to train and study. But things work differently here. Hadesu and Satoru Gojo are twin geniuses and need proper training and study to be ready for anything.

Studying was easy for me. It was mostly the history of the Jujutsu world, the clan's history, some politics, other important clans and of course curses and cursed energy.

The training was mainly building a foundation for ourselves. This involved basic cardio and a few push-ups and sit-ups. But not too many as that would stunt our growth. Satoru was quite a character. He was already on a high horse and I understood that his fooling around in canon was just his way to have some fun as he saw everyone beneath him. That is not truly arrogant as it is the truth.

This time though, there is me and I am just as good as he is in all things. My hair is lighter than it was before coming here. It seems the Gojo clan's cursed energy that flowed through me during 9 months of pregnancy influenced my hair colour quite a bit. Other than that nothing changed.

I started walking and talking before Satoru did and secured my place next to my brother that way. But I was never arrogant about it. I made sure to spend as much time with my brother to play and talk to show him that he is not alone. Being at the top makes you lonely and I understood that being goofy and making fun of everyone was his way of coping with it.

I managed to make Satoru smile. A genuine smile and not one of ridicule when he pranked you. We got very close even if he would never admit it.


The time spent training and learning about cursed energy control has progressed enough for our father to teach us the Gojo clan technique: Limitless. I am very excited about this. I feel like a little kid ... well I am a little kid.

Our father stood in front of Satoru and me. We were currently inside the personal Dojo that the clan leader could use.

"Listen up. Today I will show you the technique of our Gojo clan: The Limitless. You already know about it from your studies, but today you will see it and get my explanation and experiences with it.

Limitless is an inherited technique passed down in our Gojo clan. It allows us to bring the concept of "Infinity" into reality, allowing us to manipulate and distort space at will.

Normally any member of the Gojo clan can hereditarily gain this technique, only those who also possess the Six Eyes can truly master the power of the Limitless. Meaning that you Hadesu will probably have a very hard time mastering it and showcasing its true power and potential.

The reason I am still teaching you with Satoru is just that you have shown that you are smart and talented not unlike Satoru. I therefore give you this one chance after your mother asked me to. Should I see that you are not getting any result though, you will be excluded from training with Satoru and we will find someone else to train you.

Now onto the details of the technique that you will have to know.

There are three parts of Limitless. The first part is the neutral limitless, called: Infinity. Infinity is the base state of Limitless. From your studies, you know that you had to learn a lot of mathematics and for a good reason.

The reason is that the Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. For example, 1/x is convergent to 0. It will never reach the x-, or the y-axis but it will come closer and closer.

The same applies to Infinity. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down more and more and never reaches the user. This is because the technique takes a finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times.

Take 1/x again. No matter how high x gets, the 1/x will never reach 0. Instead, it will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye. Infinity brings this concept into reality, so anything that attempts to penetrate this infinitely divided space will slow down to the point of appearing to stop completely.

The next part of Limitless is called: Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.

Blue is the Cursed Technique Lapse of the Limitless, which increases the cursed energy output of the technique and generates the power to attract. This is achieved by amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality. A negative distance is not possible. There always has to be space and therefore this forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect.

Offensively, you can use Blue to constrict the space around a target and crush its appendages. It's also commonly used to destroy buildings or clear entire areas of any structures. But that takes a lot of cursed energy or marvellous cursed energy control.

The last part of Limitless is called: Cursed Technique Reversal: Red.

Red is the Cursed Technique Reversal of the Limitless, which reverses the effect of the strengthened technique and brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel.

This is achieved by flowing reverse cursed energy into the power of the Limitless, creating a repelling effect rather than a magnetic one. This technique manifests as a small red orb that can unleash immense explosive force in an instant. The energy output of Red is at least twice as much as the output of Blue

Generating the reverse cursed energy needed for Red is extremely difficult. It requires an even more complex manipulation of cursed energy than usual, making pulling off Cursed Technique Reversal even more sophisticated than using Cursed Technique Lapse.

You must multiply your negative energy by negative energy to create positive energy, a simple concept that proves to be extremely difficult in practice. But if you manage it, it explains the output being twice as high as Blue."

Our father stopped for a moment to let us take all of this information in. It was a lot but not really much for me or Satoru. For me, it was old news and I was eager to start practising and for Satoru, it was easy to follow and take everything in due to his Six Eyes.

Our father nodded and then started to explain how our training would change from now on. Red was much harder to do than Blue. We would start with the neutral version of Limitless, Infinity and try to keep it up for as long as possible.

After that we would continue with Blue and Red would be something we had to figure out for ourselves as we might not manage to do it before going to Jujutsu High.

Bit of an info dumb this chapter. But it was necessary to explain Limitless to those that don't know and also for me to explain Hades' journey to gaining more and more understanding of the concept infinity and also maths.

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