
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Dear Diary I

Diary: 1. Entry

Year: 1920

Month: September

It was the year 1920, September first. Today was finally the day I entered Hogwarts. McGonagall gave me the train ticked and rented a room in the Leaky Cauldron for me. Two days later it was finally time to go.

I found platform 9 3/4 easy enough and boarded the train. It was an amazing experience. All the people walking around with their luggage. The freshmen with some of their parents have nervous expressions on their faces, carrying their trunks.

On the train, I at first looked for an empty booth. I was bad with social interactions and had noticed that already. It was bound to get better though ... it had to improve.

I was excited when some children entered my booth and wished to sit with me. It was two girls and eventually, another boy entered our apartment as well.

Bianca Gronsburg and Evelyn Gainsbury were the girls' names. Both were of noble descent. Two pure-blood beautiful witches in the making. The boy was also a pureblood. His name was Jon Constantine...

No joke that was his name. And funny enough, he was similar to John from the DC comics. He was a laid-back, Scotsman that probably would smoke and drink as soon as he could.

He liked to joke and knew how to take insults as well. We became quick friends because, unlike the two 'pureblood' ladies, Jon was not a fan of blood purists. He liked to have some fun, play around and maybe drink something ... even though he was too young for that right now.


Dinner was so cool I tell you. The way food just appeared from nowhere and you could decide what you wanted to eat. And then the empty platter just vanished.

Amazing. The sorting was nothing special really. I got sorted into Slytherin together with Jon. Jon was obvious as his family was a pureblood family with powerful members.

I on the other hand just had this dark and dangerous air around me. Something that the Hat commented on. It was not what I expected but I'll take it. The house is of no concern to mine. I would deal with the idiots that try to bully me.


Diary: 3. Entry

Year: 1920

Month: October

One month has passed. A full month of getting used to my new life and school. I was a human in my last life. Died and then became Hades, a Greek god and spend years alone in the stomach of my father. The only thing I did was train my powers and make plans.

It was a lonely existence. But now things had changed. I loved almost all my classes and couldn't care less about the fanatics that roamed the wizarding world.

Some Slytherin tried to make trouble for me but I didn't take them seriously. How can I take 11-year-olds seriously? I was already multiple decades old and had lived another life before that. I smiled and was friendly with everyone ... not because I liked everyone, but because I just looked at things differently than the humans of this world.

I saw them for what they were, weak mortal humans. They would live a fulfilling life (maybe), find a family (maybe) and then die. While I was just so very different. I would not die any time soon and finding a family was hard for me under these circumstances.

It got known that Hades didn't care about politics and was a cheerful and talented individual. Yes ... I was talented. My magic quantity was beyond anything this world had ever seen. Therefore it was almost impossible for me to exhaust my magic.

I still did it, to train my mana capacity and regeneration rate.

Over the course of this first month, I devoured everything that had to do with magic. Whether it was magic theory, practice or the history of magic. I found a way for me to practice my magic without having others see me or do damage to the school.

I thought about finding the Room or Requirements and practising there. But after visiting the room and finding out how it worked with my powers, I decided that I was able to create something far better than this.

Though I would return and take all the goodies with me. I was not called the wealthy one for no reason.


Diary: 13. Entry

Year: 1921

Month: September

A new year is starting. The last year I managed to accomplish so much and I am proud of myself. It was not particularly hard to do what I liked, because I liked to do it all.

After the winter holidays, I started to spend more time with my friends. Jon was my best friend and I made many others from different houses. Normally that would be strange for Slytherin to make friends in other houses, but I was special. I was here to have fun, learn and make some friends. All the politics don't matter to me.

I want to get more proficient in DADA and use this as a way to get closer to Dumbledore. He was not an admirer of the man, but he did think it was cool to see how he fought against Grindelwald in the movie. He was going to suck him dry of all his knowledge.

The dimension I had created for myself worked wonderfully. I used all the spells we had already learned and the ones I learned myself in there. It was a marvellous creation of mine. I took inspiration from the Instant Dungeons from the Gamer.

Those were amazing and I loved the Gamer system. I would have wished for one, had I not thought of the divinity of boundaries. Theoretically, I should be able to create something similar to the Gamer system, should I want that.

Although I was more interested in having an interface such as the one the Gamer had. Not to do some power levelling or gaining his skills, but to have something that shows me my progress. I might create it in the future when I get stronger and more proficient with the finetuning of my divinity.


Diary: 29. Entry

Year: 1921

Month: April

I finally managed to get a private lesson from Professor Dumbledore. I devoured every bit of information he gave me. In my excitement, I forgot to tone down my talent and mental capacity and was able to grasp everything he explained ... almost instantly.

I had to remind myself to restrict myself. The only time when I was able to let loose was inside my dimension. Only then did I go all out and play with my magic and the spells I had learned. But outside ... I always made sure to appear extraordinary but not out of this world... It was a very narrow line to walk.

That was why I showed beyond genius capabilities with all theoretical knowledge and just slight - normal genius with everything practical.

Dumbledore was very happy and intrigued by my understanding and progress. I was sure that he was already making plans on whether to subdue me or pull me to his side and make me one of his devotees.

Nevertheless, I made sure to not be interested in any dark magic as of yet. I made sure to start from the bottom and not just go for the most powerful spells and that was what helped me.

I appeared as a wizard that was just extremely enthusiastic and smart as well as talented, but not as one that was overly ambitious for power. That was the reason he promised to give me more lessons.

Apart from my usual practice in spells and charms, I also practised transfiguration, potions, herbology, arithmacy and ancient runes.

Arithmacy was my way to a greater understanding of maths. I knew the power of math and understood that it could be used to manipulate an unfathomable amount of things.

Physics was made up of maths. Those two were closely connected. And it was just fun to play around with harder and more complex equations and formulas. I could feel that it was possible to rewrite certain axioms or rules of reality. For example change Newton's third axiom of action = reaction in an attack or defence.

Of course, I understood that with my power over boundaries that was but a minor thing. It was fun nonetheless.

Ancient Runes was also cool. I wanted to go so far until I could use runes as Odin did. Just by saying them. There was a lot of potential in runes and also a good pastime.

Potions and herbology were things I did, just to do them. I was not really sure how helpful they would be in the future but they might come in handy when I start to do some science experiments in the future to pass the time.

The real killer though and one of my favourites was transfiguration. Goodness, I practised it in my dimension against enemies and just for fun whenever I had the time. It was so much fun to do. I could play like he would as a small child.

No matter what I thought of he could create it, as long as I was proficient enough. I combined training and playing around with my magic and it was a blast.

I had created different 'Dungeons' like the Gamer could. The Zombie dungeon and the Orc dungeon and more. To train my transfiguration, I created golems that looked quite similar to those of Jehan the Gamer and attacked the Zombies.

I love it here.


Diary: 42

Year: 1923

Month: July

My third year is just about to end. I am still as happy here as I was in the beginning. I noticed something though.

Over the last three years of me learning magic theory and then applying it and training it in my dimension, I noticed how ... weak it truly was in the grand scheme of things. I of course knew that before coming here but it was still remarkable seeing it whilst doing my own research.

Why do I say this? Well during my research I usually just filled in blanks of magic theory that already existed or added some things or corrected some mistakes. But in the last month or so ... I started to realise that I had advanced a lot further than the current knowledge in the world.

I was getting far deeper into the true nature of magic in the world of Harry Potter than wizards in this world probably ever would or had. The only person that might come close to my level of understanding might be Rowena Ravenclaw and maybe also Merlin.

Currently, it was not that big of a deal, but in the future, I might reveal things that could make wizards far too greedy and start a war. Should some wizards get their hands on some of my notes, they might start the apocalypse in the future. I had to be extra careful and store my notes inside another special barrier of my own creation.


Diary: 50. Entry

Year: 1924

Month: May

I just managed to make a remarkable breakthrough in my studies about death. I just started this a few weeks ago. One week ago to be honest. And it only took so long because I took a break for six days in between.

Death in this universe was different than it was in other universes. In the DC universe, there is Death of the Endless, in Marvel, there is Mistress Death and in other universes, there are other entities that govern death. In this universe though ... there is no one.

There are also no entities that govern other fundamental aspects of reality. There is only magic. And strangely enough, magic is not alive like in other universes, for example, my own. It's just energy with special properties that can be used by a group of people and those people are called wizards.

This energy though is dwindling and the reason for that is that there are fewer and fewer wizards. Had magic had a will of its own or had there been an entity that governed magic, this would not have happened.

Now coming back to death in this Universe. Death is an aspect of magic, so to speak in this world. And this allows for something very dangerous. This allows someone, let us take a wizard for example, to 'take' the place of the one who governs death.

This is a very hard process and almost impossible though as the wizard would have to shed his mortal skin by dying and would then have to stay conscious enough to direct his personal magic from fusing fully with the ambient magic and then take up the position of power that is death.

A very complicated and nigh impossible task that would only work with an unholy amount of luck. Now after I arrived in this world/universe, I could of course take up the mantle of death and become the entity that governs it.

I say ... I COULD because imagine my surprise when I found out that there is someone who already fills that position. I was surprised when I found that out.

Theoretically, I could force this 'person' out of the position VERY easily but it intrigued me. If my suspicions are correct then this person is quite known in the world of Harry Potter.