
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Back again

That day would forever be remembered in the world of wizards and witches as the day that death struck personally and ended the war. The death in the 'arena' where an important secret meeting was supposed to take place, would never be forgotten.

During the torture of Grindelwald and the resulting death of his mind and personality, Hades takes care of the other attendees. There was no playing around. He was not here to test himself. He did not seek glory or recognition of any kind.

After the death of Grindelwald Hades looked around for a moment. He took a deep breath and then exhaled very slowly.

It was done. His revenge that he had sworn the day Rose died, had been fulfilled. It was now time to move on. Hades looked to the ground and saw a special wand lying there. The Elder Wand. It was a powerful tool, he could feel it. He could feel the influence that a certain someone had over it. And he knew that he had actually fulfilled one of the conditions to wield the wand.

After a moment ... he turned around and left. He was not interested in the wand. He thought about dealing with the 'death' situation and the worm that planned all of this and wanted to return to the world. He first thought about simply eradicating him and then leaving it at that ... but that would create problems as the 'guy' had settled into his position.

Now he was not truly 'conscious' anymore. He was now an aspect of death, with the little authority that he held over it, but still. But he was not able to influence anyone anymore and that was perfect. The solution to the problem was simple. Hades had killed the last wielder of the Elder Wand and earned the right to wield it. He had become the master of the Elder Wand and no one that wields it otherwise, without defeating him, could become the master of it.

So by simply leaving and not taking the Elder Wand, he had essentially taken away the possibility of anyone EVER becoming the master of death OR 'death' taking over the body of someone. The best solution in his opinion.

He did have some errands to run though, before leaving this world for a while. He wanted to take as much flora and fauna with him as he could. That way he would be able to cultivate the necessary resources to create potions and mess around some in his free time.

Money was not something he needed per se, but having some special goods from this magical world would be fun and cool to have. He guessed it would be a while until he returned, at least for him. In this world, he was probably returning in a few decades. A new threat was approaching and good ol' Riddle was already born.


Hades had gathered all the things that he wanted and was now ready to return home. The disgusting stomach that he and his sister reside in for the moment was not truly his home but it was better than anything else.

He had matured a lot since he left. He had gotten more powerful and using the small amount of divinity that he did, he was able to improve his control immensely. He had a lot of plans for his home. The Underworld was not going to be the sad, scary, and disgusting place it was described in mythology.

While he would make it dangerous as you can't even imagine, he would also add interesting and modern things that will be open to those he chooses and make the Underworld a banger place to be in. He had the power of boundaries and was immortal, there was nothing he could not achieve with sufficient time. He had so many plans. He felt like a Minecraft player right now.


Concentrating, Hades managed to find the boundaries that separated this reality from the one he came from. It was rather hard. Normally it should not be so hard with all the training he had. But he realized that he was climbing up the ladder. He went from a rather weak world, in the grand scheme of things, to a rather powerful world and that was harder to do than the other way around.

Nevertheless, he managed to do it and found himself back the second after he left. It was time to right some wrongs and he would start with Hestia. Should his prediction prove correct, then she would forgive him in no time. She was the goddess of family and the hearth. It was in her nature to love all her siblings and family. So after he asks for an apology, she will gladly grant it.

(Hades POV)

I found myself back in the stomach of Daddy dearest and took a moment to get used to the change of air. It was just as bad as I remembered it. I looked around and saw my sister curled up with a sad expression. She was truly a sad sight to look at. My goodness, she would have to tough up with the family we would have in the future.

I made my way over to her and sat down next to her.

"How are you, Hestia?"


"I understand that you're mad at me. I would be as well. But I want you to know that I am sorry, truly sorry. It was an immature thing to do and I was afraid of something that was ridiculous. I promise that from this day ... night? I don't know. But I promise that from now on, I will not abandon you and you are welcome to come to me with your problems, OK?"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.


"Absolutely. While there will be boundaries between us, I will always try to find time for you as long as you stay the way you are."

Hestia got so happy after I said that. She started to smile and the room seemed to lighten up a bit. She jumped into my arms and embraced me like a koala. Hah, family ... am I right?


Things changed after that talk. I started to spend a lot of time with Hestia. I told her about myself and how I spent many years in another world. I told her that it was not possible to take her with me. I did not want to take someone from my family with me on my travels... Well maybe should I find a wife and the love of my life I might change my mind. But for now ... no way am I going to entertain the fantasy of her by taking her with me.

I began to teach Hestia about our divinities and started to teach her how to wield them. My ability to teach was something I trained in the Harry Potter world. I trained a lot of kids in Hogwarts actually. I became a teacher for a very short time because shortly after, Rose got killed and I planned my revenge.

Nevertheless, it was a success. Hestia toughened up a bit, while not a lot, and got the hang of her divinity of fire. I told her to let her imagination run free.

"Remember Hestia, logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will get you everywhere. Therefore it is much more important for you to use your imagination as much as possible than to try to advance your divinity with logic. After all, imagination is the highest form of research."

Yes, he had stolen this quote. But it was indeed useful and Hades was a firm believer of that as well. He would think of new and interesting ways to use power with his imagination, no matter how ridiculous it sounded. Logic and science only help him to make the moves more powerful or make them easier to handle in the beginning.

Finally, after a few years, it was time to welcome our new family member. It was time for Demeter to arrive and join our party.

It will get interesting soon. But now it is time for him to try and educate his siblings a bit. Otherwise they will become the pricks they were in mythology.

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