
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Welcome Home

The room was silent, everyone was surprised by the request.

"My apologies sir Nezu, but this request it's just a bit much don't you think." Said Nighteye.

Turning his head towards Nighteye while giving him a slight nod.

"I realize this request is a bit much but after having a look at the boy's quirk, it's clear that after maturing and gaining better control over it he could definitely become something great and we can't risk having him go down the wrong path." Said Nezu self righteously.

Hearing everyone in the room nodded their head in understanding.

"Now the question is who among you is willing to be the guardian of the?" Asked Nezu.

Immediately after he said that.

"I pass." said Endeavor coldly.

Nobody was surprised by his immediate refusal.

Soon after Nighteye spoke up.

"I'll have to pass as well kids aren't really my thing and, I'm not sure if I'd be the best role model for the boy." Said Nighteye.

All Might and Nezu wanted to refute his word but looking into his gaze they could tell nothing would change his mind.

Now only it was up too both Midnight or All Might to decide who would take custody over Shiro.

All Might wanted to take custody over Shiro l especially after hearing about his past. But he new he'd have very little time for him as he was the symbol of peace his priority is the safety of all citizens. But biggest reason he couldn't take care of Shiro is due to his injury from fighting against his archenemy 2 years ago, that led him to be in powerless state, also he had to protect the secret of his quirk.

All Might couldn't help but sigh at his predicament and inability to take the boy under his wing.

"I also have to decline." Said All Might surprising everyone except Nighteye and Nezu.

"Well I guess that only leaves you Midnight." Said Nezu with a small smile.

"Eehhhh. " shouted Nemuri

"But are you sure, I not exactly the best person to raise a child." Said Nemuri self doubting.

Nezu then spoke up

"Out of everyone here you have the biggest impression on the boy, and aside from your special "tendencies" you are a gentle and warm person." Said Nezu encouragingly.

Wanting to persuade him otherwise, Nemuri could only sigh after seeing the unquestionable gaze in Nezu's eyes.

"I understand sir." Said Nemuri defeatedly.

Hearing that Nezu smiled.

"Good, and with that the meeting had ended. Everyone get home safely and do your best" Said Nezu high spiritedly.

As everyone else cleared out of the room Nezu stayed behind. Looking at some recovered footage from the mission. Nezu looked both disgusted but also intrigued. He wasn't intrigued due to the experiments itself as he too suffered a similar fate, no he was interested in the boy who was being experimented on as he the boy's body seemed to adapt and become more resisted to each experiments of course the boy was Shiro.

" What a strange boy, is the reason for his body high adaptability due to his quirk or does he have another quirk. Thought Nezu to himself.

Back at the hospital Shiro once again woke up but this time he wasn't as uncomfortable being in the hospital as before.

Looking around and making sure he was alone, Shiro activated his quirk his hands started glowing with powerful white energy. Focusing on that energy Shiro tried his best to see if he could manipulate move it throughout his entire body.

3 hours of trying to move to energy Shiro was able to move it a little pass his elbows. After doing that Shiro was to tired to continue, as trying to manipulate the Shock or Tremor energy had drained him both mentally and physically.

Sighing Shiro thought to himself . "It seems this is my limit for now."

He was suddenly cut from his thoughts when the door to his room suddenly opened. Shiro immediately got on guard.

"Good your awake this makes things a little bit easier." Said a familiar voice.

Looking at the owner of the voice Shiro let his guard down a bit as he stared at the smiling face of Nemuri.

"How you doing." She asked caringly.

"Fine." Responded Shiro bluntly.

"That's good, where you scared without me?" Aske Nemuri teasingly.

All she got in repose was a snort and a eye roll.

"How rude." Said Nemuri poutingly.

After a couple of minutes of basically Nemuri having to force a conversation out him. She finally sighed in defeat.

Getting a little serious Nemuri looked Shiro in the eyes.

"Shiro-chan I have come to inform you that from today onwards I will be your guardian alright." Said Nemuri as she observed him.

Surprised at her words looked at Nemuri with an shock expression.

"Your my guardian?" Asked Shiro suspiciously.

A tick mark appeared on her head.

"That right is there a problem with me being your guardian?" Asked Nemuri feeling that Shiro was looking down on her.

Shacking his head Shiro replied

" No! I was just surprised is all I thought I would have been sent to another orphanage." Said Shiro bluntly.

Hearing his words Nemuri calmed down before smiling at him again.

"Well see that you have no objection as soon as you are cleared from the hospital you'll be coming home with me, and I'll be sure to visit you every day ok." Said Nemuri excitedly.

Nodding his head to her words Shiro once again was assaulted by the need to sleep.

Seeing his tired expression, Nemuri smiled as she got up and prepared to leave.

"I visit you tomorrow." Said Nemuri as she smiled at the nodding Shiro.

After Nemuri closed the door behind her Shiro found himself in a deep sleep. But as he slept he was plagued with the memories of being tested on and abused.

A few days latter Shiro could be seen in the back of a car with Nemuri driving.

They soon came to their destination. After they both got out of the car Shiro saw a beautiful above average house with a big gate blocking the entrance.

Nemuri then turned to him and him her signature smile.

"Welcome home Shiro-Chan." She said warmly.