
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

First Day

A week had past since Shiro had moved in with Nemuri. His relationship with her improved just a bit. He was no longer as guarded around as he used to be.

In fact he spent as much time as he could with Nemuri. Of course that didn't mean he neglected his own personal time. If he wasn't with her he was either trying his control over his quirk or creating his own techniques.

His control over Gura Gura had was strong enough that, from his upper torso he could produce a shock just about anywhere. He also created moves like Quaking Fist, or a weak Counter Vibration.

Quaking Fist was just a more refined and controlled version of his previous Gura Gura infused punches.

And Counter Vibration was a defensive move that he had been developing in order to nullify or block attacks by disrupting the vibrations or frequency of the attack. He wasn't to sure how suited for battle it was since he had no way to test it in actual battle.

As Shiro was going over everything he'd experienced for the last week of living with Nemuri. He was cut from when he felt gentle and slende fingers poke his cheek.

Pouting Shiro looked towards the person who poked his cheek.

"Nemuri-anne can you stop that it's really annoying." Said Shiro annoyed.

Smiling in teasingly way Nemuri replied.

"Sorry Shi-kun I just couldn't help myself your just so cute and easy to tease." Said Nemuri teasingly.

After having a minor argument with Nemuri about teasing him, Shiro just sighed in defeat knowing that no matter what he said she'd continue to do as she wished.

After having her little bit of fun with him Nemuri looked at Shiro with a bit seriousness in her playful eyes.

"I have registered you for your first day of school tomorrow, I've already laid your uniform in your room. So be sure to get up early tomorrow." Said Nemuri with a smile on her face.

Hearing her words Shiro felt as if his soul was suddenly yanked from his body.

"Why! There's not much does teacher's can teach that I haven't learned from those scientists,it just be a huge waste my time." Complained Shiro.

Sighing before looking at Shiro with gentle eyes Nemuri replied.

"I know this will be a big change for, I also understand that you feel like they're will be nothing for to learn in school. But I want to provide a normal childhood, I want you to make friends, and I want you to be happy." Said Nemuri.

"If you won't go for yourself, go for me."

Once she said that Shiro just sighed before reluctantly nodding his head.

Seeing that he had agreed Nemuri smiled.

"Good now go to bed you have a big day tomorrow." Nemuri said cheerfully.

Nemuri then kissed him on the forehead before sending him off to bed. Once he was in his room he saw his school uniform laying neatly on his bed.

Looking at it Shiro could shake his head.

"What a drag." Said Shiro as he went to bed.

The next morning a dressed up Shiro with his white hair combed back was forced take pictures for his first day of school.

"Kyaa Shi-kun your so cute I can't wait to show all my friends." Said Nemuri with excitement.

Doing his best in order to keep himself calm Shiro looked at Nemuri with a bit of annoyance.

"Can we go now I just want to get this over with." Said a frustrated Shiro.

Seeing his frustration Nemuri couldn't help but smile just a it.

"Fine! Get in the car."

Quickly making his way to the car in order get the day over with. Nemuri just shook her head with a small as she also made her way in the car.

After a short drive to his school Nemuri and Shiro parked in front of the school. They both got out the car and made their way into the building.

Nemuri then asked directions to the principals office, so she could get Shiro's new school schedule.

Once they found the principals office and got everything settled. Nemuri wished Shiro good luck before giving him a quick hug and leaving him to start his first day at school.

After getting escorted to his classroom Shiro was asked to introduce himself in front of the class. Looking at all the curious faces Shiro just sighed.

"My name is Shiro Kyojin please take care of me." Said Shiro as he bowed towards the class.

The class was filled with whispers as everyone began talking about Shiro.

"Look at his hair it's white as snow." Whispered a girl to her friend

"He looks pretty weak I bet he has a trash quirk." Whispered a boy to his classmate.

Hearing a couple of the conversations that where going on Shiro couldn't help but sigh once again.

"How troublesome." thought Shiro to himself as he made his way to his seat.

After getting seated Shiro just tunes out everything and everyone. He didn't speak unless the teacher called on him to answer a question which he would give the correct answer.

The teacher was truly impressed by the knowledge he had shown and decided unless he was distracting the class or causing a disruption he'd allow him do as he pleased.

Soon it was time for recess and Shiro's boredom hadn't lessened even a bit. He was going to go sit under a shaded tree and relax when he saw a green haired boy getting bullied by blonde haired boy and his gang.