
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


In a broken down looking orphanage many dirty and depressed looking kids could be seen sulking, crying, or numb to the point that they don't even notice the others around them. But one boy amongst them stood out, the boy was about 3-4yrs old and had hair white as snow, and eyes blue as the sky. But sadly, like the many other children the boys eyes were devoid of any happiness or hope ruining the beauty of his sky blue eyes. Of course this boy was the

" Alright you mongrels you know the drill. " said a cruel voice.

Hearing the voice the boy like many other stood in line and awaited whatever terrible thing that awaited them today. But unlike previous days there was a unfamiliar man that walked ahead of the abusive caretaker. The man was of short stature, he was completely bald, yet he had an extremely bushy mustache. And he wore peculiar goggles over his eyes.

The man started observing the children as if he were observing objects that he unsure of buying. Suddenly the man stopped in front of the boy with white hair and blue eyes.

" Hmmm " said the man thoughtfully.

" What's the name of this one? " asked the man

Looking at the child the man was referring to the woman scowled before replying. " His name is Kyojin Shiro. "

Hearing his name Shiro seemed to have reacted for just a second and his eyes seemed to have flashed with light. This went by many people, many except the man with goggles.

" How interesting. " said the man in interested tone.

Looking at the boy more observant than before the man notice that unlike all the other children Shiro wasn't as skinny, and brittle looking as the other children. Although much frailer looking then average children he looked far better off than all his fellow orphans.

" Did you take a liking to him or something, is that why he's much better looking than the others? " asked the man curiously.

Confused by the question at first but then looking at Shiro then looking to the other children, the care taker understood what the man was asking.

" Actually I treated this one much worse than the others but it's like the more his body is pushed the more resistant to the previous trauma it becomes. " said the caretaker.

Hearing this the man eyes glowed in a mysterious light.

" How interesting. " spoke the man absentmindedly.

Thinking for a moment the man finally came to a decision.

" I'll take him. " said the man.

He then took out a wad of cash then handed it to the caretaker before grabbing Shiro by the arm and dragging him into his car. After a while of driving the man stopped in front of a abandoned looking building. Stepping out of the car and once again grabbing Shiro by the arm and dragging him the man stepped inside the building and made his way near a flight of stairs before stepping on specific steps a couple of times before the stair case suddenly revealed an elevator.

After a long ride down the elevator the man dropped Shiro off in a room full of other kids his age before leaving. After observing his new surroundings Shiro found a nice corner to sit in before thinking to himself.

" So it seems my situation has proven to have gotten worse huh."

Shiro was well aware of his situation he could tell from the moment he met the man that something bad would happen and the feeling only grew with the events following. Shiro knew he wasn't like other children, he didn't know the full story but he had pieces of memories of a past life but nothing to clear. The only clear memory he had was of his afterlife meeting some old man who he was sure to be some evil god.

Suddenly cut from his thoughts Shiro opened his eyes after hearing the sound of a screen turning on.

" Greetings children, my name is Kyudai Garaki and I will be your new guardian from now on. From this moment on you will undergo test and experiments so that I can weed out the best among you. " said Kyudai.

" After today will be the beginning of your new lives as my test subjects. I hope that you use this time to properly prepare yourselves, because your lives will become hell. Kyudai said cynically.

After saying that the screen once again went black. And then there was silence all the kids were silent taking the information they just received. The the silence was by the crying of a rando child screaming for their mommy then there was another, and another until the room was filled with the sounds of crying.

Blocking out the sounds of crying Shiro started looking for any signs of an exit or escape route but finding nun he decided conserve his energy and do as Kyudai said and prepare himself as much as he could.

The next day came around fast and Shiro was forced out his sleep by strong hands as he was dragged away by two men in lab coats. After reaching dimly lit room Shiro was suddenly strapped to a table he put up little resistance knowing it would only make things worse.

The two doctors in lab coat then left the room and Shiro was left to alone in the room with nothing but his thoughts. After what felt like hours of being alone a man wearing a surgery mask and hair net appeared bringing along with him many surgical tools.

" Hello there my name is doctor Aku and starting today you'll be in my care. " said Aku maniacally.

Turning towards his tool Dr. Aku looked towards his tools wondering which one he wanted to start off with. Stoping his hand on a scalpel Dr. Aku turned back towards Shiro.

" I know it's rather basic but it gets the job done. " said Aku a little weirdly

" Now then Smile " said Aku before cutting into Shiro without any anesthesia.