
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Lucky Me

" Where am I? " asked a confused soul.

" The last thing I remember was walking down the side walk when suddenly I was ..... " flashes back .

" I WAS HIT BY A FUCKING TUCK. " yelled the soul.

" Am I dead I must be I can't even see my feet, wait hold. . . Please don't tell me. . . It is. . . It's gone, my dick is gone Nooooooooooo. " wailed the grieving soul.

" Will you shut up. " demanded a powerful voice.

" Wha- is someone there? " asked the previous wailing soul.

Suddenly the originally dark space was suddenly flooded with light as a figure of a person could be seen slowly descending towards the soul. After figure finally descended the soul could finally get a good look at what seemed to be an old bald man.

" Who are you ? " asked the soul curiously.

Looking at the floating orb with both disdain and curiosity, the bald old man simply replied. " That's of nun of your concern all you need to know that today is your lucky day, as you get to be reincarnated by the great me. "

If the the soul still had a face the expression that he would be wearing would be one of doubt, and disbelief. As if sensing the souls doubt and disbelief the old man felt as it was a hit to his pride.

" Looking down on me huh, well maybe instead of reincarnation you'd prefer hell. " said the old man after snapping his fingers.

Suddenly the scenery around them changed instead of a pure light space, there was huge thorns everywhere, a sea of flames as far as the eye could see. Demons roaming the skies and torturing the souls of the damn.

Looking back at the old man the now terrified soul said. " I'm sorry for ever doubting you O Great One. Please don't leave me here. "

Hearing the sincerity in his words the old man snapped his fingers and once again the where surrounded by pure light.

" Now back to what I was saying I'm here yo reincarnate you into the world of your choosing but in exchange you must offer me entertainment. If you fail to entertain me, I will personally interfere with the fate of the world just to kill you understand. " said the old man quite sternly.

Agreeing to the term of the old man the souls spherical body seemed to grow brighter at the thought of a second chance at life.

" Good now you pick the world of your choosing and seeing as I'm in a good mood I'll allow you to have two wishes. " said the old man graciously.

" This is him in a good mood. " thought the soul a little frightened by the thought of catching him in a bad mood.

Quickly thinking of the world and wishes he wanted the soul the looked towards the old man and said. " I would like to be reborn in the world MHA, and my first wish is to have Gura Gura no mi as my quirk, and my last wish is to have a minor Zenkai boost. "

Hearing and going over the wishes of the soul, the old could find nothing wrong with them.

" Alright then there seems to be nothing wrong with does wishes I'll allow them. " said the old man.

Thankful that he would be able to get all his wishes the couldn't help but glow in excitement.

Seeing the that the soul was quite happy the old man wanted shit on his parade just for the fuck of it.

" I should probably tell you the first 6 years of your life are going to be hell all so that I can find some entertainment in childhood years. " said the old man evilly.

" Wait wha- . " we're the last words the soul said before he was pushed in the cycle of reincarnation hearing the evil laughter of the old man.

~ In the MHA World ~

It was a stormy night, it was as if the heavens themselves were furious, lightning cracked all throughout the sky. Inside the a hospital the screams of a women in agony could be heard.

" Your almost there sweets just one more push ok. " said a moderately handsome man with eyes as blue as the sky and hair as black as night.

" YOU BASTARD YOUR THE ONE WHO DID THIS TO ME. " screamed the beautiful women with hair as white as snow and gold as the sun.

She wanted to curse the man more but due to the pain of giving birth she could only keep her thoughts to herself. After one last push the women and man were greeted by the sound a baby screaming.

" Waaaaaah Waaaaah. " wailed the new born.

Taking the child into his arms the man smiled as he looked at the new born.

" Look Fuyu it's a boy, and he has your hair. " said the man happily.

" Give me my baby. " said the women weakly.

Handing the baby over to her as gently as possible the man smiled at the sight of his wife holding his child. Looking at the baby in her arms the women know as Fuyu smiled affectionately at the boy.

" He has your eyes Yoru. " said the women sweetly.

Still looking at the boy Shiro, his name will be Shiro Kyojin. Said Fuyu a weak smile.

" You have to be strong ok, make many friends, always be a happy boy. " ok said a crying Fuyu.

Looking at his wife with confusion Yoru said. " Stop speaking as if your dying Fuyu you'll be there to set him on the right path.

Smiling weakly Fuyu motioned for Yoro to take Shiro. As soon as he was secured in Yoru's arms, Fuyu's body went limp. Seeing his wife body go lifeless Yoru panicked.

" Fuyu... Fuyu what's wrong with you. Help somebody please help. My wife she isn't moving. "

Doctors started rushing into the room they started taking emergency procedures in order to save Fuyu's. Watching from the side lines Yoru was feeling desperate and useless. As if sensing the negative emotions coming from Yoru Shiro started crying as if he to was worried for his mother. Trying his best to comfort his son Yoru song to him in a gentle voice which proved to be effective.

After a while a doctor came to Yoru but the expression on his face had already given him his answer.

" There wasn't much we could do she had already lost to much blood in the process of giving birth, and due to her weakly constitution it was already to late. " said the doctor.

After hearing the doctors words Yoru nearly dropped Shiro in grief, collecting himself as much as he could he handed Shiro to the doctor.

" His name is Shiro Kyojin. " said Yoru walking toward the room of his now deceased wife. After kissing her for the last time. Yoru went to the nearest window opened it and said. " Wait for me Fuyu. "

And jumped to his death leaving the boy named Shiro Kyojin an orphan and alone.