
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


A/N: Before anyone brings it to attention yes I do know that quirks usually manifest around age 4 but due to Gura Gura being a power that scales with the user physical strength I made it so that his power wouldn't awaken until his body reached a certain point.

3yrs later: Shiro could be seen huddled up in a corner hugging his knees as he prepares himself for the next experiment. During the last 3yrs many kids have died or gone insane from daily testing or experiments. Now their was only a handful left. And do this strange body that seemed to only get stronger and more adaptable with each experiment. Shiro had become the scientist favorite subject, as the were curious to the reason why someone who " seemingly " had no quirk was able to survive so long.

Shiro had been cut open, beaten, and broken so many times he's lost count. He would have gone insane a long time ago, but his hope and thirst for revenge wouldn't allow for him to give or just roll over and die. No he wanted to live he wanted to experience life to its fullest he couldn't allow himself to die before he even had a chance to start.

Shiro was suddenly cut from his thoughts when, familiar sound of the door opening, and the loud footsteps of the scientist coming in, was brought to his attention. The scientists immediately grabbed him by the arms and dragged him back into one of the dimly lit rooms. As he was again strapped to table and left alone, Shiro could only feel sorry for himself.

" Again, am I going to have to go through this pain again. " thought Shiro to himself.

" Why is this happening to me. What did I do to deserve this, It's all that bastards fault. I'm sure of it, he is using my life for his entertainment after all. " thought Shiro as he remembered the face of the evil god in his past life.

" No, it's not all his fault it's also mine. If only I wasn't so weak how could I be put in my current situation. If I wasn't so weak why would I need even cater that evil bastard. " Shiro thought angrily.

" Power, I need power but no matter how hard I try it want awaken even all the physical trauma my body's endured and strengthened against it is enough to awaken even the weakest version of Gura Gura. " thought Shiro.

He was then cut from his thoughts as the familiar sadistic face of Dr. Aku appeared in front of him.

" My My Shiro-kun you look rather depressed maybe a little time with me will make you feel better. " said Aku crazily.

" What should it be today poison, burning, bone breaking. Oh, I know isn't today the anniversary of our first meeting together. So shouldn't we celebrate it with a classic. " said Aku as he grabbed the scalpel.

As he wasted no time and began to cut away, the scalpel pierced Shiro's skin but stopped at muscle.

" Silly me how could I forget normal tools no longer work on you do to that strange and interesting body of yours. Give me a moment as I go get the " special " tools just for you. Said Aku as he left the room.

After awhile he came back proceeded where he left off. For the next hour, the room was filled with the sounds of screams and laughter as Dr. Aku continued to cut Shiro open and inject him with drugs to prevent him from passing out and even increasing the amount of pain he felt.

But as the this continued on Shiro's body was continuously being strengthened to a whole new level under the effects of his zenkai boost. And that's when he felt it, the feeling of being complete, as if a part of himself was no longer being restrained.

As Dr. Aku finished his session for the day he was about to leave when he saw something strange going on with Shiro. His hands were beginning to glow a clear white color. Wanting to observe this new phenomenon Dr. Aku just watched out of curiosity.

But he would to regret this, because with one tap of his fingers on the table he was being strapped too. Broke as the air around seem to break like a mirror. Seeing this happen Dr. Aku was first shocked, but he soon snapped out of it, as he was about to call for back up. But it was already to late because Shiro had already appeared in front of him. Even though his body was still weak from torture upon the awakening of his quirk his body was filled with temporary strength.

Knocking Dr. Aku down to the ground Shiro looked down coldly at the man who made his life hell for the last 3yrs.

" You know you took such good care of me these last few years I think it's time I return the favor. " said Shiro as he lifter his glowing white fist.

And bring it down with a might not belonging to that of a normal 6yr old. Cracks appeared in the air as his fist landed on the face of Aku who was completely obliterated upon impact, and the building shock as if it was being affected by a miniature earthquake.

During this time a blonde haired man with a powerful looking physique could be seen outside an abandoned looking building.

" I'm going in " said the blonde man as he took a powerful stomp and shot toward the building in blinding speed.