
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Minor Annoyance

Shiro watched as a blonde haired boy and some other kids continued you to beat up on the green haired boy.

"That's what you get for trying to play hero Deku." Said the blonde as he continued to beat on the boy named Deku.

Deku just curled into a ball as he cried out.

"Stop it Kaachan you're hurting me." Cried out Deku.

Looking at them Shiro just sighed before he continued on his way. Shiro saw no reason to step in he neither knew the boy getting beaten up, nor had a grudge with the blonde haired kid so in order to avoid an annoying situation he just decided to ignore it.

But it seems fate had a different idea as one of the boys spotted him looking at them.

"Hey aren't you that new kid who ignores everyone around him." Said one of the boys.

This caught the attention of everyone in the group as they stopped beating on Deku to look at Shiro. Annoyed that so much attention was on him Shiro just as he continued on his way.

Seeing that Shiro just ignored him the boy that called out to him felt that he had lost his face.

"Hey don't ignore me answer me when I talk to you." Said the boy angrily.

Shiro payed him no mind as he continued on. Feeling like he was being looked down on, the boy suddenly sprouted red devil like wings.

"I said don't ignore me." Shouted the boy as he charged towards Shiro.

Shiro didn't even pay the boy any mind until he 6 feet of distance away. Shiro then lifted up his arm before swing towards the red winged boy.

"Quaking Fist." Said Shiro in a bored tone.

Without even making contact with Shiro's white glowing fist the red wing boy was sent flying back by the weak shock waves before he landed and passed out on the ground.

The blonde and green haired kids plus the blonde haired kids two lackeys were shocked at what they just witnessed. They just stared in awe as they watched Shiro's back as he walked away and disappeared into the school building.

The blonde haired boy was the first to snap out of his stupor, once he realized what happened he immediately exploded.


He then turned to his other two lackeys.

"YOU TWO GRABE HIM AND LETS GO." Said the blonde haired boy loudly.

The two other boy immediately snapped into action as they said in unison.

"Yes sir boss Bakugo." 2x

Picking up their fallen friend the two of them followed the boy know as Bakugo as they went towards a school building different from the one Shiro went in.

Left behind by both Shiro and his bullies the green haired boy picked up his battered and bruised body, and wiped the tears in his eyes as stared in the direction Shiro went as he thought to himself.

"He's Strong." Said the green haired boy in awe.

Back with Shiro who could be seen walking back to his class a bit absent minded as he thought about earlier.

"How troublesome even when I'm minding my own business somehow I get pulled into trouble."

When Shiro finally came from his thoughts he had already made it back to class. After getting back in his seat Shiro resumed his nap as he waited for the day to go by.

After a hour long nap Shiro finally woke up after the dismissal bell rang. He gathered all his things and made his way to the pick up area. He didn't even wait a minute before Nemuri pulled honking her horn signaling for him to come on.

Making his way to the car Shiro opened up the back door and quickly buckled up as Nemuri began to pull off and drive away.

"So how was your first day? What did you do? Did you make any new friends?" Asked Nemuri question after question.

When he finally got his chance to speak Shiro just replied.

"My day was ok. I didn't do anything in particular. And I didn't meet any friends, Instead I just met some minor annoyances."

Hearing what he said Nemuri frowned a bit.

"What kind of minor annoyances." She asked suspiciously.

Shiro just sighed before answering.

"Oh you know the annoying bratty kind." Said Shiro in a dismissive manor.

The rest of the ride was just Nemuri asking for more specific information about his day and him always giving her the bear minimum, all the way until they arrived back at their house.