
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Bitch and Bitches

It had been a month since Shiro had started attending school. Nothing much had change in his school life he passed every test or assignment without much difficulty. He still kept to himself and hadn't made much of an effort to make friends, and because of this many of the kids believed that he was stuck up and looked down on them.

And this caused Shiro to be very unpopular with the boy students, which led to him getting into small bouts with a handful of them. But this quickly ended after Shiro took down a group of 10 boys.

After that feat of strength many of the students became afraid of him, and others began to admire him but where to shy to speak to him.

But today something unexpected happened during recess. As Shiro found his normal spot under the tree to lay down he suddenly felt a presence near him. Opening his eyes Shiro cane face to face with the skinny, green haired kid named Deku.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a slightly irritated tone thinking he was another brat trying to start a fight with him.

Deku suddenly took a deep breath before yelling out in his high pitch voice.


Clutching his ears in pain due to his heightened senses, Shiro looked up at Deku with eyes full of irritation and annoyance.

"What the fuck is wrong with you i'm literally right in front of you so why in gods name would you yell. Are you just dumb, stupid, or dumb." He said with coldness in his voice.

Deku who was both flustered and embarrassed, got teary eyed after hearing what Shiro said.

"I-I'm sorry." Deku apologized.

Shiro was taken aback when he saw Deku's face.

"Are you about to cry." He asked.

Deku then replied with a couple of sniffles.

"N-No sniff I-I'm sniff not." He said unconvincingly.

Normally after making a person cry the person would try their best to make them feel better, but Shiro was different, after experience all that he had Shiro felt as if it was an insult for a person to shed tears over something so small one could he even felt disgusted by it.

Looking at the crying Deku, Shiro really felt like punching in the face and telling him to man up. But shaking his head and composing himself he just got up from his spot under the tree and walked right pass him not wanting to be bothered by someone so pathetic.

Seeing how Shiro just got up and began leaving him behind Deku immediately chased after him.

"W-wait for me." He called out as he wiped away the tears in his eyes.

Shiro just ignored him as he continued on his way, hoping that Deku would catch on and finally leave him alone. Unfortunately for him it didn't turn out as he hoped.

Instead Deku relentlessly followed behind as kept trying to strike up conversation with him.

"Hi my name is Izuku Midoriya but a lot of people call me Deku. I heard a lot about especially about how strong you are. Hey can you tell me about your quirk? Like what are it's special traits and it's weaknesses? Do you want to be a hero when you grow up? Being a hero is my dream, especially being the #1 hero like All Might. Sadly I can't because I'm quirk less.

After 20 minutes of him going on and on about being a hero or because he didn't have a quirk that he had the give up his dream. Shiro could no longer take it. He swiftly turned around then grabbed Deku by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up in the air, a head above him.

Staring at Deku with cold and irritated eyes Shiro spoke in a harsh tone.

"Look I don't care about your dreams, I don't care about you being quirkless, and I sure as hell don't care about how you took an interest in me and my quirk." He practically growled.

"But I do care about how you're irritating me and driving me insane. People like you disgust me the most claiming that because your weak that there's nothing you can do or that you'll never be acknowledged."

"Let me tell you something, there's nothing wrong with being weak or being quirkless, but there is something wrong with staying weak and doing nothing to better yourself. Just because a person tells you can't do something or that you'll never amount to anything doesn't mean you have to listen."

"Don't blame being quirkless for your inability to be a hero, blame this pathetic personality of your that practically cry I'm a bitch bully me. If you want to prove to others that you can be a hero go and do it don't go around and push your whole life story and problems on to another person especially me got it? Good, now get out of my face and never bother me again." He spat out as he dropped Deku to the ground and left him teary eyed and with a lot on his mind.

Shiro who was making his way back to class was still a bit heated from his encounter with Deku, was trying to calm himself down. When out of no where the blonde haired kid and his goonies jumped in front of him.

"We finally found you. We've been looking all over for you. You have to choices bow down before me the great Bakugo and apologize to my guy you sent flying the other day. Or we can all jump you right here and now and you can apologize anyway. He said arrogantly.

And with that he Shiro snapped he could no longer hold back his pent up anger and unleashed it on Bakugo. Without the use of his quirk Shiro threw a punch at Bakugo with all his strength, slamming right into Bakugo's face sending him flying right into a wall. Bakugo's goonies were all shocked at what just happened and didn't react when Shiro proceeded to knock them out as well. Once he had dealt with all of them Shiro felt like all the anger he had vanished as if it was never there in the first place.

Looking at all the unconscious bodies around Shiro sighed.

"This will be troublesome later."

And with that he continued in with class leaving behind all the injured kids for someone else to take are of.