
Gura Gura in MHA[HIATUS]

Extremely Lucky random civilian gets chosen by Truck-Kun to be sent to the God of Reincarnation with 2 wishes how will their journey unfold.

Bored_Immortal · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Coming to an Understanding


Currently Nemuri and Shiro were sitting in the principals office as Nemuri let lose in Shiro. Looking up at Nemuri with a very unapologetic look Shiro replied.

"Should I not defend myself if others try ganging up on me"?

This caused Nemuri to be taken aback, after a slight hesitation Nemuri then said.

"E-even so you have to realize that you are a lot stronger then most kids your age, you have to go easier on them".

Hearing this Shiro scoffed.

"That's real funny coming from a sadist like you". He thought himself.

Shiro then looked Nemuri straight in her eye, before asking.

"What do you think would have happened if I was the weaker one? Do you think they would just let me go after a bit of ruff housing?"

"You know what I think. I think if it was reversed I'd be the one who was seriously injured". He said a bit aggressively.

After that silence fell upon the room and a tens atmosphere made it self known. After a bit of time the silence was finally broken.

"Ahemm!" Grunted the principal letting himself be known.

"If I may Mrs.Kayama even though Shiro may of gone a bit overboard it is as he had stated self defense."

"Of course he still has to be punished as, I said before he did go little overboard so in order to please the parents of the injured children. I'll say 2 weeks worth of detention should be a reasonable punishment."

Hearing this both Shiro and Nemuri stopped they're glaring contest to look towards the principal and nod in understanding and agreement.

After a bit more discussion with the principal Nemuri and Shiro finally left his office and made they're way home.

The car ride home was silent and awkward as they were still in the middle of their argument. After 5 minutes of silence had passed it was Nemuri who broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's just... I don't want you to fall on the wrong path, violence won't solve everything you know." She said with deep care.

Seeing that she was trying to make an effort to patch things up between them. Shiro decided that he should say something.

"I know that violence won't solve everything, but for due to how our society is today. It's hard not to get into it with others. People will hurt you just because they can and they want too."

"Even though it's sugar coated and hard to see thanks to hero's like All Might, we still live in a dog eat dog world and only the strong will thrive. I don't intend on finding trouble for myself or other's I'm simply to lazy for that, but I won't allow others to step all over me, not anymore."

After his words were spoken the car once again fell into silence. It stayed like that even after they pulled up to their home.

Once inside Shiro and Nemuri went into they're rooms. Shiro began to work on gaining better control over his quirk, while Nemuri digested and went over hers conversation with Shiro.

The Next Day

Coming out of his room Shiro was surprised to see Nemuri in her usual cheerful mood, seeing how they didn't speak to each other after they're conversation in the car. After Seating himself at the table as he awaited breakfast he observed her.

Once Set his plate I front of him and sat herself in the seat across from his she then said.

"I thought about what you said the other day, and though I personally can't agree with it. I can under how and why you do. Just promise me that you will try to keep out of trouble as much as you can ok." She said with her usual warm smile.

Listening to her Shiro gave a small smile before nodding his head and saying.

"I promise, that as long as trouble doesn't find me I won't go looking for it."

And with to that the two just smiled at each other, as they felt like much closer than before.