
GUARDIAN : Where we fall

Angel Monarchious, Angel of guidance is sent by the heavens on a mission and is sent to Earth in a human body to complete it.Everything seems to be going to plan until he meets Victoria Steinfield,a 23-year-old woman who is trying to find herself and deal with her past.Things start to take a turn and he finds himself going on a journey completely out of his boarders.Will he manage to complete the mission or will meeting Victoria change everything?

liz_sung · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The man looked at her and she was speechless.His features were unlike anything she had ever seen before."He-He looks like an angel." She thought.The man got up and held his back."Are you ok sir?" She asked getting out of her trance.The man looked to the sky."They could have at least given me a softer place to land." The man looked at Victoria with a questionable look."Who might you be?" He asked."I-I am Victoria." She replied."What is your descendants?" "My what?" "Your descendants.Ah I forgot this is Earth.What is your surname?" He corrected himself."Steinfield." Victoria replied."Victoria Steinfield.Interesting combination of names." "Uh thanks?" "I am Monarchious." "Mo- what?" "Monarchious.Angel of guidance." "Oh no.I met a weirdo." Victoria thought."Hmm ok then."She said and walked to her door.

"You do not believe me." Monarchious called out.She turned to him."Not at all." He walked up to her making her surprised."I fell from the sky.Do you not think that is a bit suspicious?" He asked."Look mister, for all I know you could have been thrown out of a window.Just go home and pretend that this never happened ok." "Humans and their lack of belief." Victoria smiled a little at him."Get use to it.Good night." She opened her door and went inside closing the door in his face."So rude." Monarchious said.He turned around and began to walk.

He was amazed at the surroundings."Earth is so different from Heaven." He thought.He took in as much as he could observing the behaviour and infrastructure."This is impressive but I have to focus on the task at hand.I will rest up for the night and begin tomorrow." He thought.That is when he stopped in his tracks."Home.I don't have a place to rest." He said.He looked up to the sky."You could have at least send me to a place of shelter!!" He yelled at the sky causing people to stare at him.He looked at some of the people."What?!Were you never angered before?!" He yelled at them.The people immediately turned their attention away from him.He ran his hand through his head."Where am I going to go?" He asked.After a while of thinking he found a solution."That's it!" And with that he began to walk.

Victoria was sleeping soundly until loud, continuous knocking was heard on the door.She groaned and lifted her head to see the time."02:30 AM.Who the heck is outside this time of day?" The knocking continued.She got up and walked to the door."All right, all right!" She yelled.She opened the door only to see the man she encountered earlier."Hello Victoria." Monarchious said with a smile on his face."Please tell me this is a dream.I am dreaming right?" He shook his head."I am sorry to disappoint you Ms.Steinfield but this is reality." "What do you want?" She asked bluntly."I would just like a place to rest up for a few hours." "No." She closed the door but he stopped it."Please.I will not be a bother.I just need a few hours rest then I will leave." She looked at him.She was contemplating whether or not to let this stranger into her home."Fine." She said."Thank you." "But only for a few hours.After that you must leave." She added."I will keep to my promise Ms.Steinfield." She opened the door wider and let him in.

He looked around her house."It is very minimal." He commented."I am a minimalist." She replied."You will sleep on the sofa." She said.He looked at her."Sofa?" He questioned."Yeah." She pointed to it."Sofa." He looked at it."But that does not look comfortable." "Either you sleep on the sofa or you sleep outside.The choice is yours Monarchy." "It is Monarchious." He corrected her."Same difference.I will get you a pillow and blankets." She walked away.Soon she came back with the items and placed it on the sofa."There you go." "My back will not hurt after my rest on this...sofa?" He asked."Not really.It is soft so your back won't hurt that much." "I will take your word." Victoria frowned."Uh anyways good night." "Good night Ms.Steinfield." He bowed a little.Victoria just walked away.

It was morning and Victoria woke up.She sat up.She looked to the curtains and sighed."Another day." She looked to the bedroom door."Is he still here?" She thought.She got up and went to the living room where the sofa was.When she got there she saw that the blankets were neatly folded on top of one another on the sofa with the pillow next to it and no sign of him."Guess he left." She was about to go to the kitchen when she saw a note on the pillow.She picked it up and read it.

"Ms.Steinfield, thank you for your kind gesture in letting me rest up at your home.To show my gratitude and thankfulness for your action I have made you a simple breakfast.I will forever remember your kindness towards me.From, Monarchious."

She put the note down and went to the kitchen.There was a plate of food on the table.She looked at it and snickered."He didn't have to do this just for a couple of hours rest." She took cutlery out and ate the breakfast."Wait, so you are telling me that a random guy fell from the sky, he claims to be an angel and you still let him stay over?" Samantha asked.Victoria nodded as she took a sip of her coffee at the café."You must be lonely." Samantha said."Oh come on.He just need to rest up a bit." Victoria defended."You could've told him to go to those shelter places where the homeless go." "It was 02:30 AM and he was already by my house.What else was I supposed to do?" "Is he cute?" Samantha asked."Really Samantha?" "What?I am just curious." "Too curious sometimes." "So?Is he cute or not?" "He isn't cute.He is handsome." Samantha gasped as she put her hands in front of her mouth."Ask him for his number." Victoria looked at her with wide eyes."What?No." "Come on.This is the perfect opportunity to get back in the game." "I am not going to ask a stranger for his number.Besides, I don't even know if I will see him again."

"Oh Vic." Samantha held her hand.Victoria sighed and looked out the window."I am not ready for that yet." Victoria said to herself.Samantha and Victoria parted ways at the café.Victoria was at the robot waiting for the green light to cross the street.She took out her phone to check what's happening in the world.The light went green for pedestrians to cross and the flooded like a flock of sheep onto the street.Victoria crossed the street while still being focused on her phone.Without seeing the light went red and the light for cars to drive went green.She could hear a loud hoot come from a close distance."What the?" She looked up and froze as she saw a car coming towards her at full speed whilst still hooting for her to move out of the way.She closed her eyes bracing herself for the impact when she felt herself being pushed onto the ground.She opened her eyes and found herself looking into the eyes of Monarchious.