
GUARDIAN : Where we fall

Angel Monarchious, Angel of guidance is sent by the heavens on a mission and is sent to Earth in a human body to complete it.Everything seems to be going to plan until he meets Victoria Steinfield,a 23-year-old woman who is trying to find herself and deal with her past.Things start to take a turn and he finds himself going on a journey completely out of his boarders.Will he manage to complete the mission or will meeting Victoria change everything?

liz_sung · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Up in the Heaven Realm the Gods were seated around the table of Rulious.Here they discuss matters of the afterlife as well as missions for their angels."This is outrageous!" Lord Anicus exclaimed."Calm down Anicus." Lord Parcible commanded."We all need to be focused and make a decision on how to solve the matter." Lord Parcible insisted.Lord Anicus let out an annoyed sigh."We can't let Timothy win this battle." Lord Amortious commented."And he won't." Lord Parcible said."We need a plan Parcible." Lord Anicus said.There was brief silence before Lord Parcible spoke up.He turned to a guard."Bring me Angel Monarchious." The guard nodded his head and left the room."Angel Monarchious?" Lord Amortious questioned."We know that Timothy will most likely go to the Earth realm to complete his mission so we need to send someone to delay the process while we figure out a stable plan." Lord Parcible answered."But why him?There are other angels we can call upon." Amortious asked."I trust Monarchious and he is the angel of guidance.He might not be the most skilled but I know he will do as told."

At that moment the doors opened and a young man entered."My Lords." He bowed."Monarchious.It's great to see you." Lord Parcible said with delight.Monarchious looked at him with a little smile."Why is it that you called for me My Lord?" He asked.Lord Parcible stood up and walked closer to him."I have a mission for you." Lord Parcible said.Monarchious frowned in confusion."A mission?" Lord Parcible nodded."I want you to go into the Earth realm and see what is happening there." "But, why me My Lord?I have not a lot of experience in going to other realms.I am sure another angel would be more suited for this task." "I do not want another angel to do this.I want you to do it." "But My Lord-" "Monarchious," Lord Parcible interrupted, "take this as a learning experience.I know how much you want to be more reliable in the Heavens and this is your opportunity to prove yourself to us."

Monarchious took some time to think about the proposal.A chance to prove himself to the Heavens.He knew that he couldn't let such an opportunity pass by him.He looked at Lord Parcible."So what is your answer?" Lord Parcible asked, raising an eyebrow while waiting for his answer."I accept the mission." Lord Parcible smiled."That is wonderful.I can't wait for you to start." "Besides looking over things, is there anything else I should do?" Monarchious asked."Well you can analyse the human behaviour and if anything is out of the ordinary report it to us immediately." Monarchious nodded."Good.You will leave at nightfall." Lord Parcible added."Yes My Lord." "You are excused Monarchious." He bowed and left."What if he encounters Timothy?" Lord Anicus asked."He won't.I will make sure of that." "And how will you do that?" Anicus asked."I will send in reinforcements if Timothy gets out of hand." Lord Parcible explained."But what if-" "Just have a little faith Lord Anicus." Lord Parcible said in a stern tone."Yes Lord Parcible." The Lords looked at each other before commencing with the meeting.

It was nightfall and Monarchious was preparing to go to the Earth realm."I wonder what it would be like." He said to himself.He put on a long white coat and headed to the Gates of Wonders."Remember Monarchious, if you see anything out of the ordinary go to the nearest mountain and call for us." he recalled Lord Parcible's words before he went to get ready.He arrived at the Gates of Wonders and saw the gate keeper."Hello gate keeper." Monarchious greeted.The man was rather tiny but had a face that told many tall stories."Surprising seeing you here Monarchious." The gate keeper replied.Monarchoius let out a slight chuckle."I am just as surprised as you are." "So where are you going?" The gate keeper asked."The Earth realm." The gate keeper raised a brow."Earth realm?" Monarchious nodded."Lord Parcible instructed me to go there to carry out a simple mission however I have a feeling that there is more to it." "Then why didn't you ask for more detail?" "You know very well that you should never question the Lords." The gate keeper let out a sigh."All right then.Earth realm it is." The gate keeper walked to the gates and turned a leaver a couple of times.While turning the leaver the gates started to glow and soon enough the gates opened with a bright white light creating a path."Enjoy your trip." The gate keeper wished."I will try." Monarchious replied with a slight smile before walking into the light.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Victoria was busy at the office finishing her last bit of work.She let out a groan."Why do I have to work on a Saturday?There is so many other things I could be doing right now." She said quietly as she massaged the sides of her head.A bang on her desk caused Victoria jump in her seat."Oh sorry." She looked to the voice and let out a sigh."Really Samantha?" Samantha, her co-worker and friend, shrugged a little.Victoria looked to what caused the sound and her eyes widened in disbelief."More work?!" She yelled slightly."Boss's orders Vic." "Ugh, screw my life." She rested her head on her arms.Samantha patted her back."Oh Vic.Just endure a little longer ok." Victoria lifted her head.She looked at the stack of paperwork laying on her table."Does he hate me or something?" She asked."I have an idea." Samantha spoke up making Victoria look at her."How about we forget about work today and have a couple of drinks?You can finish this tomorrow." "What would I be without you?" Victoria smiled."Let's go." Samantha replied.

After a couple of drinks Samantha was completely drunk and Victoria called a cab for her."H-hey Vic." Samantha said holding onto Victoria."What is it?" She asked with a slight smile."Are you gonna ever date again?" Samantha asked in a drunk tone.The smile vanished from Victoria's face."We spoke about this." She said sternly."I know, I know but come on Vic.It has been like what, 2 years since that jerk left.You need to move on." At that moment the cab arrived.Victoria was thankful that the cab had arrived at that time.She went to open the door.She helped Samantha inside."Please drop her off at house 312 at Ellen Street." Victoria commanded."Yes ma'am." The driver replied."Come with me." Samantha pleaded."I have work to do remember?" Samantha pouted.Victoria smiled a little and closed the door.She watched as the cab drove away.She let out a sigh and began to walk home.

While walking home she began to think about what Samantha said."Are you ever gonna date again?It has been 3 years since that jerk left." She let out a sigh."If only you knew how much of a scar that jerk left." She spoke out loud.She looked to the sky.She saw how the stars were twinkling."Pretty." She thought.She was almost by her house when thunder was heard.She looked to the sky.The skies were clear."That's weird." She shook her head and continued to walk.Suddenly a body fell from the sky causing Victoria to scream."AHHHHH!" She took a few steps back and stared at the body.She looked up at the sky then back at the body."What the hell?" She heard a groan and looked at the body.She saw the body move slightly."Uh, are-are you ok?" She moved closer to the body.She saw that is was a male."Um sir?" She tapped his shoulder.The man looked at her and she was speechless.