
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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For the lack of a nail

Jar Jar first checked the city, and as he expected it to be, it was deserted. Then he tried following any tracks, but all he found were Trade federation droid patrols that shot the lead vehicle of the convoy. As Binks was in the lead vehicle he would at that point reset at the point of leaving the cargo ship. The times after that he tried following several trails, and encountering more patrols. This continued till Jar Jar remembered that if the Gungans left the city, then they would go to the secret caches and sacred places scattered around the wilderness. The closest ones to the ship were not occupied, and the supplies in them dated back to when most of the gungan wars were fought with tools that used the amphibians mussels to fling weapons or smash foes. The smaller caches likewise were empty of people or modern items, some of the larger caches showed signs of recent activity, but the more modern equipment was missing. Binks eventually remembered where the large meeting places were, and so guided the convoy to the sacred places, the first time they came upon them though the convoy ran into traps that smashed the hovering vehicles without warning. Eventually Binks found out a good distance and spot to park the repulsor vehicles so they could walk and have a chance to talk. The first few times the defending Gungan force did not react ... nicely... to the influx of people, and twitchy trigger fingers caused Jar Jar to take more then his fair share of weapons hits as the defenders saw him as the cause of the intrusion. Eventually Binks found a way that they could manage to speak more then two words without getting blasted apart.

"Ah, ello dare, you honor big Boss Nass. Dissa Queen Amidala of da Naboo." Jar Jar tried introducing the two, the large Gungans eyes narrowing.

"Ah, Naboo biggen. Yousa bringen da Mackineeks... Yousa all bombad." The Boss shook his head, his heavy jowls flapping slightly in the air. "Issa thought youse in Repuublic Captital talksing to da senate, why youse here?"

"I left my Handmaidens, my body doubles, there to confound those that were watching me. I am sorry for my deception, but it was necessary to protect myself. Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever... I ask you to help us." Padme dropped to her knees before the Gungan Boss "No, I beg you to help us. We are your humble servants. Our Fate is in your hands."

"Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans. Dat is wise witha da Mackineeks out there... Maybe wesa bein friends." Bos Nass mused over the opportunity before him. "But forst, weesa be making da plans eh?"

The tense atmosphere now broken, the Gungans allowed the new group in and plans started being made. Which side were diversions, what people would be sneaking in, who would be contacting the leaders of the local rebellion against the occupying army. These and a thousand other details were discussed as the vehicles in the convoy were used to travel to different caches and to the city where the local resistance could get in on the plan. Jar Jar would spend many hours over then next resets here trying to think of ways to refine the plans, and at first had many ideas to try, but after a while learned to step back and let the others do most of the suggestions, a helpful word here, a seemingly random sentence there, with each reset once he dialed it back he got more and more subtle, as each and every action in that planning session would have massive changes in the eventual battle deployment later. Though whatever he did or said, Boss Nass would nominate Binks to be a front line General, standing with the first line of troops. Jar Jar quickly learned to just go with the being "volunteered" in such a position, as otherwise he would not be able to effect the battle to run long enough to give the fighter pilots a chance to take out the orbiting ship. What Bink was really glad for was the time between the battle and restarting from the cargo ship, because it seemed that on the battle field there were a massive amount of ways to die.

Shot by a droid, common, the most numerous for the first few hundred tries.

Shot by a tank, likewise common.

To close to a Booma, that was more common as Binks learned to dodge the droids, especially for the bog Boomas, for the small ones, after a quick refresher of a few resets with an ancient trowing staff that looked kinda like a carved Lacrosse stick the former hazard became a combat boon as he could catch the thrown or tossed ammunition and redirect it to targets of opportunity. Though Jar Jar did wonder in some loops if suggesting aiming the small Boomas at him once he got into the thick of things really was a good idea...

Getting hit my flying pieces of driods and being taken out that way happened now and again, but after learning to take a hit and keep going that danger was rare.

Getting hit by larger bits of tanks was less rare then being taken out by bits of droids after he could take a hit, but only because those bits were significantly larger.

Once the large shields went down there was usually a big upswing in being taken out by area bombardment, by ether tanks or flying droids, though Binks had only made it to that point only if he was doing really well, or the rest of the Gungans were doing really poorly.

Once he even got hit by a crashing flying droid, that one surprised him and threw off his groove for the battle as he had to keep an eye on falling things.

All in all, the battle field was a chaotic place that Binks was slowly coming to terms with, and hoping that eventually the infiltrating team would get its job done and take out the ship, I mean it was not that hard to take out the ship the first time was it?... Then with a seeming rush it came back to him, Anikin was the one to take out the ship with a fluke shot from inside when he was stuck in a fighter when the infiltration team split up. But how was he going to get him to go with that team, as the elder Skywalker was not one to just leave her child in a random ship in the middle of a stealth mission. He would need to think about it... he would need a plan...