
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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finding a nail when in need

Jar Jar was stumped, he was facing his hardest challenge yet. Escaping from Naboo, child's play, enduring the harsh climate of Tatooine was a minor inconvenience compared to this, even going though battle after battle was akin to a vacation to surmounting this task. What was this task one might ask, it was none other then trying to convince Shmi Skywalker to let young Anikin to go with the infiltration team to take one of the fighter craft up to the battle in orbit. After the recent events the mother had seen, with the dangerous pod race pitting her son against cheating racers being a minor danger comparatively, and finally getting free of slavery for her and her son, she was not wanting to put her nine year old boy in any more danger then necessary. Time after time, repeat after repeat, Binks tried and tried against the unyielding wall of the elder Skywalker's determination. Even getting the Jedi to help explain the need for as many good pilots as needed did not work. What finally tipped the scale was help from an unlikely source, due to Binks forgetting to follow the usual procedures as he was too busy trying to convince Shmi to include Anikin with the pilots.

Captain Aphab had shown the inspectors around, and with them not finding anything, and enjoying a bottle of better stuff then they ever hoped to get a hold of themselves, ironically one of the bottles that but a few days ago had its home in the Naboo ship that had run the blockade they had helped enforce, the inspectors left happy at not finding anything that would inconvenience their new found friends. Once they were gone Aphab checked the cockpit to see if they had received the all clear signal from the Gungan. Flynn Landers had been monitoring the channels, and though the group had sent the signal that they had found the Gungans, there had been no follow up signals as agreed. Aphab left a few of his crew on the ship and had them batten down the hatches and took the rest of the crew and his pilot in one of the cargo landers and piled up with their personal weapons sent out to find out what happened to the group.

Flynn deftly piloted the craft among the trees and landed in the spot where all the repulsor craft were parked, their arrival had caused a slight commotion that was quickly calmed down once they were identified as friendlies. Aphab was quickly introduced to the planners putting together the plan for the coming battle, the addition of the Gammorians and their weapons gave a few more possibilities in integrating some long range fire to the defense. The Correlian pilot was the one to take Shmi aside for a while and talk to the mother, Binks did not know what the smooth talking pilot said, but Shmi came back and grudgingly accepted that Anikin might be needed in the battle, but he was not going up there without help. Flynn calmly volunteered himself to fly as Anikin's wing man to watch his back, Aphab not wanting to loose his pilot was quick to join the infiltration team to make sure they got to the hanger.

Quickly after that everything seemed to come together in a mind spinning pace that left Binks feeling as confused as the first time around, barely able to think as Boss Nass took him aside to speak to him.

"Yousa doen grand. Jar Jar bringen usen an da Naboo together." Boss Nass was actually a bit impressed at the Gungan that had once crashed his water craft.

"Oh, no, no, no..." Jar Jar tried to brush off the compliment as nothing.

"So, wesa make yous Bombad General." Even if Boss Nass was impressed, he still owed the clumsy Gungan for the damage he did, a position on the front line should be enough to wipe that bit of the slate clean in the Boss's mind.

"General??! Oh, no.." Jar Jar started panicking, as with his time spent trying to convince the elder Skywalker, he had not had a chance to put in any additions to the battle plan, so with an almost trip he ran to the planning area. Boss Nass laughed at the reaction and went to discuss things with the Queen and the Jedi, even if things did not go well, at least he was able to enjoy the face that was on Jar Jar, it was the funniest thing the Boss had seen since they had evacuated the city.