
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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The perloined letter plan

There was not too much needed to prepare to leave Coruscant, the Queens handmaidens went back to the Naboo ambassadorial section of 500 Republica, the luxurious area would show one of the handmaidens playing body double for the Queen so no one would pick up on the fact that she was not on the capital planet until it was too late. Palpatine might have noticed something wrong, but with the senate in the midst of voting in a new chancellor, the elder politician was in full campaign mode and every waking second was put towards the goal of reaching the now empty pinnacle of republic power. A few of the Naboo pilots were still injured from the frantic escape, so they volunteered to stay behind and fix the ship to help sell the idea that the queen was still on the capital planet. Captain Aphab had used his contacts to get a hold of a truly staggering variety of small arms and ground forces equipment, while there was not too much in the way of matching equipment, the condition and functionality was in surprising good order. Aphab's ship was a bit of an odd one, as if someone took one of the old Quartermaster supply carriers, but scaled it up till it rivaled a Hardcell transport, The ship itself had more then enough space to transport a fair amount of goods, but it was easy to see why Aphab did not like landing the ship on a planetary surface, as a ship that size would need to land with its main engines facing down like the Hardcell, or specialized landing areas. In a pinch a large enough body of water would suffice, but the number of planets that had such bodies that were both calm and unused were few and far between. As Naboo was one such planet Aphab knew the greed of the Trade federation would force them down on the planet, where they could do a full inspection.

The flight out was smooth and it seemed that no one noticed their departure, one did, though it was easy for them to miss as while the cloaking crystals were now gone, the ship itself was still very hard to find on the scanners as Maul quietly stalked his targets as he felt them move in the force.

The flight to Naboo as quick and uneventful, just another freighter traveling the space lanes. When they arrived there was only one of the trade Federations massive ships, but that one ship had cause to believe that it was enough on its own. The Trade federation saw the transport and ordered it to set down on the surface, this was part of Aphab's plan, as the ships off design would force it to land outside the city and give them time to unload its passengers and equipment using the mismatched repulsor vehicles that the Gammorian had gotten his hands on at short notice. The Captain spun his story of how he was hired to transport a winning pod racer by a rebellious scion from one of Naboo's noble houses, who had payed the down payment on a transport fee, and if the house would not relinquish the rest of the fee then he would be taking the pod as recompense. The communications technician on the Trade Federation ship had heard of many such events before, they had caught several transports that had come in while the blockade was still up, though the amount had slowed to a trickling stop, this transport captain must have been in the boonies not to hear of the events. The odd shape and design of the ship needing a water landing was unusual, but ships that could transport the spindly dangerous vehicles whole and land on a planet were not to common out on the rim ether. With Naboo being a planet with open waterways to land ships the deluded noble youth must have had only one choice if they were out in the unlawful areas where the dangerous and lethal sport was still popular. The communications technician sent a landing path for the transport and made sent a message for sensors to keep a track of it.

They ship landed on Naboo in the waters that were praised by tour companies throughout the galaxy, the liquid cooling the hull from the fast tracked entry given from the Trade Federation. The extra passengers had already had the repulsor vehicles loaded up and ready to go the moment the doors opened and they were out and long gone before the thrown together inspector team showed up none the wiser that anything had exited the hefty transport ship. The inspection team was mostly comprised of spindly droids, and a few of the technicians that the Trade Federation had landed to make sure all the machines were working, while they were not trained in ship inspections, they would be able to spot any glaring holes in a fake story. The Captain and his crew met them in the main cargo hold, their person la weapons in open display.

"Whats going on here, why do you have all those guns?" The lead technician forced to play inspector nervously asked.

"Were Gammorians, if we didn't have weapons you would think we were smuggling something, just making your job easier having them all out in the open eh? Wouldn't want any misunderstandings, I just want my pay check, or if they will not pay up, then to get on with my next job, savvy?" The Captain gestured with his hat to his crew of tough, rough, and no nonsense looking Gammorians. The lead inspector taking a moment thinking it over before turning to one of the droids that had a different paint marking to identify it as a commander.

"That sounds... almost logical... does that makes sense to you?" The lead sounding a bit nervous.

"Calculating... chance of truth due to profit minded objectives... 90%... error of 10% due to crew species outside of normal perimeters... ...I feel something is not quite right here, permission to investigate." The droid had to send a few moments to try and calculate all the different probabilities, as its records indicated that a crew full of Gammorians was anomalous.

"True, but that's why they sent us out, perhaps the Captain would be kind enough to show us his ship so we cam make a better determination" The lead inspector also felt this was something fishy, though he was also fishing for a bribe, if they were not entirely on the level but not doing anything dangerous to the Trade federation then a little bit of persuasive grease to get the stereo-typically stubborn wheels of red tape mysteriously working right... well... that was how the Trade federation worked wasn't it?

"Indeed, if you would walk this way." The Captain put on his hat and with a swaggering stride lead the inspection team, the technicians assigned the duty by the Trade Federation trying to imitate the powerful steps and only succeeding in looking somewhat ridiculous.

While Captain Aphab was keeping the eyes of the Trade Federation focused on one area, the Queen and everyone following her idea sped across the surface of the occupied planet, Jar Jar in the lead vehicle acting as navigator to try and find the Gungans, for they would need their help for the next part of the plan if they were to take down the orbiting Trade Federation ship and break the blockade once and for all.