
Groundhog Binks ( Star Wars \ Time Loop )

All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Draqx] Author!!! This is the story of our famous guffaws, who managed to live through Clone Wars and up to the fall of the Empire. Come and witness how he returns back in time and tries to survive. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/groundhog-binks-star-wars-time-loop.424270/reader/ Story is old and was written when Author just begun stepping on his writers path. Please keep in mind that I am not the creator and your comments can't influence this work that was finished in 2016.

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The stage is set, the actors gathered

Jar Jar stood slightly out of breath as he looked out onto the lines of battle, the last minute additions and tricks worked out over the multiple times of reset with this battle meant that the odd ideas and plans that worked, that could be done quickly, were put into effect. The result was nothing as professional looking as in some of the times he had tried it, in fact it looked downright hodgepodge with an irregular line of barricades and bits and bobs taken from Gungan craft to hide behind. The areas most enforced were around the large creatures carrying the massive shield generators, there the positions had the most barricades with vehicle parts to reinforce the makeshift walls, with the cockpit bubble shields set on top to protect the defenders, the energy packs from the vehicles they were from sat on the ground nearby each cockpit section with loose wires leading to the fiddly bits that ran them. These strong positions had what heavy weapons that the Gungans had access to and that were brought by the Gammorians. For a moment looking at the ramshackle defense Binks could almost imagine the inconsistent structure being defended by odd looking green creatures with large teeth and loud voices yelling about war, but a shake of his head cleared that image, perhaps he was getting a bit stressed from so much time repeating... no time to worry about that, the battle was about to begin.

Binks did not need to look into the trees where the Gammorians had set up specialized hunting blinds in the trees, power and cooling lines trailed down the backside of the trees to where the battle would take place, so that the blinds would be effectively invisible to the droids sensors as long as they did not fire anything visible, they would be acting as spotters and co-coordinators to the indirect heavy ordinance, as well as the Big Booma Flingers. The main part of the line though looked fairly familiar, there were more of the traditional energy shields taken from the scattered caches, and more and better hand flingers for boomas. The line as a whole looked a lot more uniform as the addition of the repulsor vehicles to go gather farther flung caches meant that there was enough armour and equipment to go around for everyone, not to mention the sheer number of boomas that had been stock piled meant that they could hold the line for far longer then usual. Binks took his spot with the other generals, the sight of the Gungan army making the other generals proud, though Binks knew that things were more likely then not to go wrong, as they as a people had not trained hard for a war like thing in a long time, and lessons on the battlefield were expensive in blood and lives.

As The Gungans set up their army taunting the Trade Federation, the various resistance cells got ready, and the infiltration team waited at the secret entrance, the team waiting for the signal that the battle had started, the hopes of the Gungans holding out were thin as they did not know much about the Gungans abilities in battle, the whole diversion aiming for a very slim chance that they could take out the orbiting ship, and catch the Viceroy off guard. The Viceroy had set up operations in the palace as a show of power over the population, turning the elegant architecture that was meant to defend the leader of the people of the planet, into a symbol of how powerless those people were. However Viceroy Nute Gunray did not know the secret passageways and tricks of the Theed Royal Palace, making this covert strike possible, if they could capture the Viceroy and clear the orbit of the the remaining Lucrehulk class droid control ship, Nute Gunrays own vessel the Saak'ak, then they could force the signing of the invasion failing and the other Trade Federation ships scheduled to be back would be legally blocked from re-introducing the blockade.

As the last of the droid transport ships flew overhead leaving Theed to go and try and stop the Gungans, the infiltration team gave the green light signal to go, and for the resistance cells to start their tasks, hopefully for everything that the Trade Federation had to focus on, the less it could afford on keeping a close eye on their defenses of the palace and their ship. There was a resistance cell ready to take out the droids guarding the entrance to the palace hangers, the addition of the pulse munitions supplied by the Gammorian Captain would allow them to strike the defensive positions and fade away, hopefully giving enough time for the fighters to get underway without issue. All over the city there were similar cells equipped with a handful of pulse grenades that would strike as checkpoints, and clusters of droids, especially the tanks, so that the resistance could travel around the city with some ease. This would force the trade Federation to deploy and rearrange their troops to try and contain the resistance outbreak, a task doubly hard from them as they had just sent out their reserves to fight the Gungan army.

As the infiltration team went in though the hidden entrance the resistance cells focused on the countdown timers, the delay would give the queen and her group enough time to make it close to where they needed to be to start the first part of the plan before the ball went up and the shooting started that would raise the alert levels across the city.

While all this was happening, a stealthy ship landed in a private bay near the palace, its presence masked by all the movement of droid ships, and its passenger angrily stepped out, his target was here... and thins time... nothing would stop him from taking his revenge.

Meanwhile on Coruscant, the Senate had finally decided on a new Chancellor, it was a close race between the Senators from Alderaan, and from Naboo, but the current invasion was enough to sway enough of the swing vote to ensure Palpatine's win. The new Chancellor made an impassioned speech full of fluff and political bombastic nonsense, the Senate just ate it up. Inside his own mind while making that speech Palpatine made a promise to himself that one day he would make Alderaan pay for almost ruining his plan. After the Senate finished the inaugural session Palpatine checked in the Queens chambers via sensors, and smiled as they group was still there. Good, that gave him time to wrap up... loose ends.

Darth Plagueis frowned as he watched the news, it seemed that his apprentice was making his move, and just as things were getting interesting. As the data from the Jedi Temple had no new developments about his experiments from the desert world, he decided it was time to put some plans of his own into motion. If Plagueis knew his apprentice well, he would be by soon to ensure that his now politically superfluous master could not get in his way, the fool not knowing that he was more interested in learning new things then the political arena. Still, if his apprentice did come with ill intent, it was possible to make any treachery a hollow victory. With that Plagueis started gathering up all his data, and removing the copies he could not take with him, he also activated one of his contingencies, one he had made when he was messing around with the force and an attempt to make a new body for himself, it had not turned out properly, but with a bit of tweaking, it would make it seem like it was him just sleeping on his bed. If his apprentice passed this test and was still loyal, then he would impart new wisdom that his student would need in the coming years... however, if his apprentice had decided to spurn his wisdom... then so be it, he would reap the consequences of his actions.