
Greytest Desires:A Mafia’s Contract Marriage

A mafia war was coming. The Cosa Nostra(Italians) vs The Bratva(Russians) The odds were not in the favor of the latter. Mirabella Minsky the privileged daughter of the most hated Russian man must do everything to survive.The odds were not in her families favor so what happens when she’s thrust into a contract marriage with a Made Man who detests her guts with ever fiber of his being all for her family’s protection? Grey eyes regarded me with fury and a heated gaze I couldn’t explain.My fists clenched beside me as he got closer backing me to a wall. “Stay away from me”I gritted out,the wall cold against my back,he cocked his head that mischievous smirk appearing “Stay away?That’s not what you were saying last night”His thumb grazed my arm slowly trailing upwards “It was the alcohol”I stuttered,i hated the way my body heated up with his close proximity. His eyes darkened and in record speed he grabbed the back of my neck drawing me closer to him,my back arched under his other grip on my waist”So if I reached down,beneath this red dress of yours,you won’t be wet for me?” “No”Even my lie didn’t sound convincing to me “Waste my money all you want Mirabelle but one thing I won’t let you do is lie to me”His dark voice fanned my face the scent of whiskey and chocolate enveloping my senses. He wasn’t wrong and I hated myself for that,for being attracted to the enemy.

Angel_Bakare · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

VIII.Mirrored Warnings

Anytime someone mentions the word grump,just think of Luca Vitelli on the large plush hot pink couch as he waited for me to change out of different outfits and sashay to ask for his approval.

Not ask per-say,all I did was just stride out of the changing room and check out my outfit in front of the mirror while he thought himself worthy of having an opinion on what I get to wear.

The secret language was simple,if I looked too hot and sexy he'd grunt and glare meaning i should put it back,if it looked too bland he would look away and if it was just mid he'd shrug so i the lovely Mirabella Minsky that oh so cared about the opinion of her darling husband chose only the clothes he hated,the sexy ones that earned grunts.

I pitied his bodyguards though,stoic men in black that had to face the blunt of his rage when I didn't listen to him but I really loved prancing around the strip with numerous shops on each side buying anything and everything I did not need with his black Amex card.

He did not seem to care,privileges of being stinking rich,i rolled my eyes when he looked at the receipt of the one shoe I bought costing $4000 dollars nonchalantly.

His guards walked behind us with my numerous shopping bags and him beside me while I acted like the cool evening streets of Vegas was my personal walk strip.The rain had stopped,letting little bits of sun rays poke out of the now dark blue clouds,I had changed during my shopping spree in a white long dress with slits enough to make a nun collapse and gold strapped heels.

As mighty and mean as he may act,Luca was attracted to me,it was in the lingering gazes,the parted lips or the way he stared and rubbed his jaw anytime he thought I wasn't looking.

I wanted to see how patient he was,what would finally make him snap,he didn't seem to mind the money and then the opportunity came.He excused himself to take a phone call and we all stilled on the the sidewalk with shops lining the long cobblestone strip.

I sighed taking in my surroundings and my eyes paused on the lingerie store,with a sultry smile i beckoned to the only bodyguard without my shopping guards.He appeared younger and happier even under the stoic mask he put on for the job.He had this bright blond hair that sparkled under the sun and his big blue eyes were enchanting enough to match Cinderella's dress.

His hands were clasped in front of him in a pose.

"Hey,let's go in there"I pointed at the lingerie shop.It was like magic,the way he turned beet red and i full out grinned"oh my god you're so cute"

My compliment made his condition worse and he tucked his chin into his neck to hide a shy smile"I can't go in there with you,Mrs Vitelli"

"Nonsense and it's Mirabella but my friends call me Mira"I latched unto his arm which startled him and dragged him in,the glass doors felt cool under my palm,the soft scent of vanilla welcomed me making my smile glow.

"Welcome to Lace and Thrills!"A staff immediately rushed to us with a beaming smile that almost blinded me"How can I help you?"

"Pink,black and red lingeries please"

"Lace or cotton ma'am?"

"Hmm"I hummed pretending to think while I tapped my stiletto tip nail on my chin then looked up at my companion "Lace or cotton?"


"Lace it is!"

The lady chuckled"Coming right up ma'am,you both make a lovely couple"

"Oh he's no-"

"May I lead you to the changing rooms?"She stretched out her arm to the left and we followed,well more like I dragged my new best friend with me.

"Have a seat sir"And she left ,quick on her feet to get me my options.

Blond guy looked out of place and frisky and he looked around a frustrated look on his pretty face"Mr Vitelli would kill me"

"You're my bodyguard no?Didn't he order y'all to watch me?"He actually did,the moment we stepped out of the plane,guards that transported a range over to pick us up were immediately instructed to keep their eyes on me.

"Not like.."

"What's your name?"

"Bullseye"My brows furrowed,confusion clearly plastered on my face,he didn't look like a bullseye to me,he looked like a boyfriend.A sweet one that charmed his lady"It's a nickname,everyone in the familia calls me it,I'm a good sniper"

My heart dropped,a good sniper called bullseye,meaning he never lost a target.This was proof that all that glittered definitely wasn't gold and a sharp reminder that I was around men in the mafia,men that killed and lived for the illegal thrill no matter how good looking and innocent they might appear.

"Oh…"I stepped back a little

He frowned,plump pink lips pulled down so quick and stepped forward latching my arm like i was his lifesaver "I'm not going to harm you,Mrs Vitelli"

"Don't call me that…It's-"

"Mira"He chuckled with a smile,oh my god he had dimples on his cheeks"Yeah I heard you the first time"

and i blushed,i fucking blushed like a school girl and even covered my face.

"Mirabelle"That dark icy voice popped whatever bubble we were both in and like lovers caught cheating i scrambled away from Bullseye,his grip on my arm dropping to his sides.

Luca watched us both with a spark in his eye I've never seen his arms folded,and a vein on his eyebrow twitching rapidly"What the fuck are you doing with my wife?"

His wife?!That was the first time he called me that and curse my horny self for getting turned on by that

"Boss I-"Bullseye scrambled for an answer

"Get out now!"He thundered and bullseye scrambled away with obvious fear.

And then there were two,I thought he would walk towards me but instead he turned to storm after bullseye.I gulped feeling like a bitch for dragging the cool guy into this,Luca's anger was meant to be directed at me and me only at least that way I was sure he wouldn't kill anyone.

I was about to follow them when the staff walked in,her arms full and dumped the contents on the chair,I declined her help and took a frilly pink lace inside to get changed.

Luca can handle his men anyhow he wants,I didn't give a damn anymore.They were all cut out of the same cloth anyway.

The air conditioning prickled my skin the moment I stripped down completely,I slipped into the lingerie and gasped at the sultry sight.

The girl staring at me looked bolder than I considered myself to be,curves clinging to the baby pink lace panties and bra that could clearly show my hardened nipples,I bent over to slip on the garter and the curtain shielding me from the changing room was dragged open.

"Get out of-"Luca pushed me against the mirror softly cutting me off,my face and body pressed against the mirror as he flattened me with his body.

"One annoying word.Just one more annoying word from you Mirabelle and I will kill him"He gritted out,his lips crushing my ears as he delivered the threat,i panted against him trying to slip out but that only made him slam me with his body for extra measures.

"Luca…"My butt was pressed against his fly,the growing budge an indication that I wasn't the only one affected by the close proximity.

"Where you happy?Provoking me at the expense of the life of another man?"


"Answer me"I noticed Luca never raised his face or yelled,when he was mad at me he spoke in harsh fierce tones that made me tremble.

"Yes"I murmured closing my eyes,waiting for his next action,the cold air whipped against my back the moment he let go of me and i whirled around immediately to see him heading for the exit while retracting his gun.

I yanked him back to his surprise and gripped his arm"He didn't do anything wrong!I just wanted to piss you off like you did to me in the plane!"

"Don't toy with me"His poker face warned me

"I'm the one that did it okay?!Not him,he doesn't deserved to be killed"

"I'm not going to kill him"He stated,I perked up staring up at him with hope then it crushed when he said"I'm going to punish him,maybe a shot in his palm"

"You're sick"

He smirked with a head tilt and the way his grey eyes glinted made me let go of him and take a step back while he took another forward"What are…"

"I should punish you instead"Came his crisp statement"After all you're the one that used him,weren't you?"

I gulped and nodded,his height looming over me like a hurricane ready to whisk me away.

"Turn around,Mirabelle"

That order me stiffen,the fluorescent light shone on his face highlighting his straight dark furrowed brows and lashes that cast a shadow on his Greek god face.

Yes,that was the word,Greek god.

Luca's features were dauntingly handsome and out of this world that he reminded me of gods that conquered the world

"Don't make me repeat myself"He warned crisply,he sounded bored and the complete opposite of me who was panicked and sexually affected.

I let out a choppy exhale and turned around,from the mirror i could see him towering over me,closer,closer till I could feel the sharp lines of his shirt brush against my back.

He wrapped an arm around my waist his hands slowly inching upwards,every brush of his finger pads leaving a trail of fire in its wake.I pressed my hands flat on the mirror for stability,he was staring at me,intensely,like he wanted to memorize every expression on my face.

My nipples hardened and I blamed the air conditioner even though I was heated in his warm embrace it was definitely not arousal it was the cold!I let out a gasp when he flicked a hardened bud my eyes darted up to meet his cold ones, i snapped them shut avoiding his stare and he flicked it again,wetness pooled between my weakened legs.

A cold metal ruined my daze and my eyes flung open to see his gun pressed against my temple,black and cold,just like him.

"Be Careful with me,Farfallina"His deep timbre vibrated through my body as he turned the safety off,the click echoing in the now silent room"I'm not a good man"

And he silently left me edged up again!but this time racked with fear.

How many times was this man going to warn me before my body stopped betraying me with its response to him?