
Greytest Desires:A Mafia’s Contract Marriage

A mafia war was coming. The Cosa Nostra(Italians) vs The Bratva(Russians) The odds were not in the favor of the latter. Mirabella Minsky the privileged daughter of the most hated Russian man must do everything to survive.The odds were not in her families favor so what happens when she’s thrust into a contract marriage with a Made Man who detests her guts with ever fiber of his being all for her family’s protection? Grey eyes regarded me with fury and a heated gaze I couldn’t explain.My fists clenched beside me as he got closer backing me to a wall. “Stay away from me”I gritted out,the wall cold against my back,he cocked his head that mischievous smirk appearing “Stay away?That’s not what you were saying last night”His thumb grazed my arm slowly trailing upwards “It was the alcohol”I stuttered,i hated the way my body heated up with his close proximity. His eyes darkened and in record speed he grabbed the back of my neck drawing me closer to him,my back arched under his other grip on my waist”So if I reached down,beneath this red dress of yours,you won’t be wet for me?” “No”Even my lie didn’t sound convincing to me “Waste my money all you want Mirabelle but one thing I won’t let you do is lie to me”His dark voice fanned my face the scent of whiskey and chocolate enveloping my senses. He wasn’t wrong and I hated myself for that,for being attracted to the enemy.

Angel_Bakare · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

VII.The Love Threat

Ofcourse he had a private plane.

I should have known,I mean no one just ups and decides to go ring shopping to Las Vegas at the last moment without having a private jet.Actually,he had planned to go to the city the next day but since I oh so begged for a ring-in his words-a day earlier won't hurt.

Luca's private jet was beautiful,the seats a plush cream with maroon wooden accents,the downside of it was the stink eye the flight attendant kept giving me even while I innocently flipped through the magazine.

"Your flight attendant hates me"I noted,coyly peeking up at him from the top of my magazine

The brooding mafia man shrugged typing away on his laptop "Maybe she could sense your horrible charisma.Gelda is usually a nice person"

The audacity!Its how he boldly threw jabs at me without a care in the world

"Oh I bet she's such a sweetheart to you.I bet she sucks your dick during long rides too"Because explain why she kept eye fucking him while she eyed me like I was the other woman.Okay maybe I was the other woman but only on paper!I wouldn't touch Luca even if I was ovulating on molly.

I did not care how good looking he was or how he filled his seat exuding male confidence,those long legs in a casual man spread his laptop balanced on one muscled thigh as he ran as his hand through his dark brown curls.

"Contrary to what you think of me,I don't go around sticking my dick in every welcoming holes"

"Yeah sure"

He finally looked up"I know you detest me,for no apparent reason but refrain from insinuating I'm a manwhore"

"For no apparent reason?You killed my boyfriend!"

"It's not like you loved him"He dropped,his eyes glued back to his laptop as his slender fingers typed like he had a deadline.

"You don't know that"

"Actually I do and don't act holier than thou here,Mirabelle.I warned you,i told you to end things with him"

"Bastardo! That doesn't change the fact that you killed him for no reason!"

This got his full attention,he tossed his laptop to the side and strode towards me,he looked ready to devour me in whole.

Ah fuck I shouldn't have called him a bastard.

I scrambled to my feet and dashed to the private section of the jet separated by a flimsy white curtain.

His heavy footsteps followed my scamper through the private room and when I reached for the door knob of the bathroom,large hands gripped my arm,swirled me around and slammed me on the door.

To my surprise,he wasn't fuming,wasn't angry,instead he looked frustrated and fed up.

Luca bent his full height to my level,his lips brushed the shell of my ear as he gripped my arm tighter.

It was the first time he touched me.

Tingles spread through me at the close proximity,every inch of him invaded my privacy in ways that shouldn't.

"No reason?I killed him because of the way you clung to him,poured your every self into being with him even though you didn't like him,just to distract yourself from me."

"What?"I hoarsely whispered"What do you mean?"My heart pounded against my ribs ferociously,it was out of fear,fear that he knew what he was saying,fear that he knew about my feelings for him before Darren's death.

He hummed in my ear,his muscled thigh separated my legs,my trench coat parted,my dress rolled up to accommodate his size as he pressed his thigh against my core covered in only underwear.

I let out a sharp gasp at the sensation,my core pooling with heat.

"Luca..."I whispered fisting his sides to push him away,he didn't budge instead he pressed his warm chest to mine nudging me up till I balanced on only my tippy toes.

"Don't think I don't know about your feelings for me.I always felt your stare,how you glared at every girl i even spoke to"His bourbon and chocolate breath tickled my ear causing to to shiver

"I-I don't know what you're talking about"

Yes girl,lie till it becomes reality!

"Don't lie to me"He warned me sharply then rolled his thigh against my cunt directly on my clit,I gasped as i bit my lips to hold back a moan.

"Th-that was a long time ago"I choked out panting"I was a kid,it was a harmless crush and you didn't need to kill Darren because I moved on"

"See that was the problem,Mirabelle"He hissed as he wrapped his hands around my neck,quickening his movements on my throbbing clit"You don't get to move on from me,not after what you did.Not now,not ever"

What I did?

Questions fought to remain fixed in my mind but the euphoria from his movement clouded my senses.I looked down to where our bodies met and whimpered,i was close,i was very very close and he hadn't even touched me down there,wasn't even in me.

"I thought you hated me..."I panted clawing at his chest as I could feel my release build up,he continued,unrelenting in his friction,my breaths came out choppy.

"That's why I want to break you and what greater way to break a woman than to break her heart?"He asked gripping my jaw to face him,his grey eyes were like fog on a narrow road,blurring my vision and muddling my sense of direction.

He wasn't bluffing,that clenched jaw conveyed his determination.

"I'll be damned if I ever fall in love with you"My eyes watered at the overwhelming feeling coursing through me,my body shuddering against his

"We'll see about that,Farfallina"Luca Vitelli promised as he let go of me,cold welcomed me at his departure,he straightened his shirt and walked away.

If glares could kill,Luca Vitelli would be a dead man.

I had strut back to my seat,shoulders back and hips swayed.If he thought I was gonna cower and shy away just because of what he did then he didn't know the femme fatale that was me,Mirabella Minsky!

He didn't even glance at me,not even a peek as he went back to work on his laptop,I wondered what he was working on,what money laundering scheme he was into that made the illegal money he made from the crime world appear legit.

The dumb flight attendant came in again and asked him if he wanted anything in Italian,I bet that bitch knew I wasn't fluent,he shook his head and she smiled,threw me a side eye without asking me for what I want by the way and left!

The pilot then announced our arrival to Las Vegas,I perked up happy the ride was over,i hours had to wait for twenty more minutes for him to land.

The news brought a smile to my face,I really did not want to spend a moment on this plane.My panties were soaked with my arousal,my mood had turned sour due to the cruel edging and I was really hungry,vodka as breakfast and nothing else wasn't ideal.

I sighed for the umpteenth time and took off my trench coat,the baby pink sleeveless dress underneath was beyond pretty,it gloved my curves like a second skin and stopped mid thigh,it matched the silver ribbon I had in my ponytail.

My mini stripping caught his attention,his dark eyes flicking up to access me,starting from the strapped heels on my manicured feet to my revealed thighs that made his jaw clench then straight to my face like a bullet with precise direction.

"Put on your trench coat"Like hell I will

My skin prickled under his gaze but I didn't budge,I didn't even bother looking at him as I pretended to be obsessed with my nails.

"Don't ignore me"

Yeah sure



"Put on your trench coat"

"No,you can't control me"

"I'm not trying to control you"He huffed like I was a burden. He huffed?! Like he wasn't the one being a pain in the ass "It's raining""

"I know"The pelting rain pouring from the sky was enough indication to the weather.As I peaked through the window of the plane the stormy sky even looked like his eyes!Damn bastard was everywhere

"I know about your pneumonia,Mirabelle.I'm not going to let you get sick under my supervision"He deadpanned,the voice over the PA announced our landing as he straightened up and stretched out his hands to me.

My brows flew to my hairline at that,only family knew of that and I doubt they would tell him considering the fact that it's personal"How do you know about that?"

"Like I said,I know everything about you"

"No you don't.Stop saying that,it makes me mad"

"You're always mad"

"At you!Whatever fate had me end up with you really hates my guts"

He chuckled,the sound dark and foreboding"Fate?Ive been called many things but not fate"


He tilted his head,those broad shoulders of his set in their confident structure as he leaned down and yanked me up,i slammed against him almost tripping on my heels,the scent of mahogany and rich spice cloaking me.

"You really don't know do you?"He searched my face like I was a puzzle to be solved"It should have been your sister.Daddy Dearest wanted it to be her while he planned to smuggle you away,apparently the man loves you that much that he put up a bit of a fight when I insisted it be you"

My jaw dropped in surprise,my family did not tell me much,they always kept me in the dark like a porcelain doll that could be broken by mere information.

"But why?You hate me,you even threatened to kill me"

His pink lips curved and at this close range i noticed the cupids bow he had,Luca was truly blessed by the gods of beauty.He had this dangerously good looks about him that screamed masculine elegance,not too rough on the edges but also slightly in touch with a feminine side that he almost pretty.

His dark brows,dark eyes,chiseled jaw and a strong nose really complimented his soft lips,fluttering lashes and clear skin.

He ignored my question,his fingers twirling the stray curl brushing my face"We'll be going to a private casino tonight.You'll go shopping with my men to protect you"


His face darkened,his grip leaving my arm to wrap around my waist,our faces were inches apart from each other,my hands gripped his biceps my nails digging into them to purposely inflict pain.

"I'm not going with anyone I don't know,you'll follow me"

"I don't do well with orders"

"Neither do I"I tilted my chin defiantly

He looked amused,like my anger was not worthy of notice.

"Very well then,I'll accompany you,Farfallina"

"What does that mean?"


I scowled