
Greytest Desires:A Mafia’s Contract Marriage

A mafia war was coming. The Cosa Nostra(Italians) vs The Bratva(Russians) The odds were not in the favor of the latter. Mirabella Minsky the privileged daughter of the most hated Russian man must do everything to survive.The odds were not in her families favor so what happens when she’s thrust into a contract marriage with a Made Man who detests her guts with ever fiber of his being all for her family’s protection? Grey eyes regarded me with fury and a heated gaze I couldn’t explain.My fists clenched beside me as he got closer backing me to a wall. “Stay away from me”I gritted out,the wall cold against my back,he cocked his head that mischievous smirk appearing “Stay away?That’s not what you were saying last night”His thumb grazed my arm slowly trailing upwards “It was the alcohol”I stuttered,i hated the way my body heated up with his close proximity. His eyes darkened and in record speed he grabbed the back of my neck drawing me closer to him,my back arched under his other grip on my waist”So if I reached down,beneath this red dress of yours,you won’t be wet for me?” “No”Even my lie didn’t sound convincing to me “Waste my money all you want Mirabelle but one thing I won’t let you do is lie to me”His dark voice fanned my face the scent of whiskey and chocolate enveloping my senses. He wasn’t wrong and I hated myself for that,for being attracted to the enemy.

Angel_Bakare · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

IX.Glock In Pants

If indecisiveness was a person it'll be me in all my five-foot five glory,whimpering and sneezing as I struggled to get my makeup done after changing into multiple dresses.

Downside about a shopping spree is that everything ends up looking good and you find it hard to pick just one outfit.

My room assigned to me in the penthouse Luca had us stay was now a mess,not a chaotic mess but more of a fashionable one,with overpriced designers strewn everywhere.

I smiled as i gazed at my reflection,the black Erakab Legna Dress wrapped my body like a second skin it's glossy material sparkling and glistening with every movement,it was handless but with thin straps wound around my two arms on each side.Long and brushing the floor with a slit long enough to make the devil blush.

Fuck modesty,I was sexy.

"Hey"I mumbled to Luca when i strode out to the main area,it was dark except from the moonlight that shone through the glass wall.He beside it staring at the bird view of the city's night life with a tortured look in his face,an unlit cigarette in his fingers,a glass of whiskey in the other.

He lifted his gaze to me and I could swear he froze,his lips parted.

I wrapped my arm around myself at his intense stare,the way he stared at me like a predator ready to pounce ignited fear and desire in me and there did not exist a woman on earth who wouldn't be affected.

I mean,why would she?

He was breathtaking in every way.

A man in a suit shouldn't look as good as he did.His lean but muscular body fitting into the perfectly tailored crisp white long sleeve and fitted waistcoat that matched the suit jacket placed on the dark blue sofa.

Luca Vitelli oozed of sensual promises,shuddered breaths,pain and pleasure and they were all directed to me.

He crooked a tattooed finger beckoning on me,my normal self would have scoffed and walked away but this unknown new me walked towards him,her spine stiffened,heart beating in trepidation and tingling fingers,heck she would have crawled to him if he asked politely.

"Closer"He ordered when i stopped centimeters away from him,I listened and stepped closer till the tip of my YSL shoes touched the tip of his shiny leather shoes,obviously Italian and pricy.

He smelt different tonight,not just the usual mahogany,spice,chocolate an whiskey scent but there was a hint of something I couldn't place my finger on.

His grey eyes pierced into mine,his lips curled into a smirk and right before me i noticed how his pupils dilated,eyes darkening as he lifted his glass cup to my lips his attention on my glossy pout.I parted them and let him pour it into me,whiskey burning my throat and spreading heat in my insides while I kept my eyes locked on him.

"You want me don't you?"I whispered into the little space between us"You want your enemy's daughter"

"Correction"He gripped the back of my neck firmly,our lips inches away from each other"I want my wife"

It was like he knew I'd try to pull away when he said that last sentence,anytime I tried to tease him he always had the upper hand,pushing me to the edge.

"We'll too bad,cause that's never gonna happen"

He chuckled and let go of me"You'll come begging for my touch one day,Mirabelle."He said from behind me,i whipped around to see his suit jacket on his arm as he walked to the kitchen island and slid the black case towards him.

I followed him and he opened the case,I let out a gasp at the large diamond necklace in the velvet black case

"Do you like it?"He asked averting his gaze like he was…like he was shy…

"Yeah,it's beautiful Luca"It wasn't just beautiful,it was mesmerizing and when he went behind me and placed the cold jewelry on my neck I shivered and turned around,my fingers trailed the gift "Thanks"

He nodded,shoved his hands into his pocket and brought out a little black case,I knew what it was,my ring.Was he going to slip it into my finger or…"We'll,won't you take it?"

His hard voice went ahead and bursted my bubble

"Such charming personality,this how you plan on making me fall in love with you?"I took the case and refused to open it,I'd rather wait till we got in the car so he won't fix me with that scrutinizing stare of his.

"I'm a man of many charms,Farfallina"His finger was already glistening with a simple wedding band and I wondered how I didn't notice it earlier

I scoffed and sniffed"Nice ring"

He didn't reply but instead placed his jacket over my shoulder

"oh I don't-"I was cut off by my own sneeze and sheepishly smiled at his I know it all look

"You've been shivering since you stepped in here"He headed to the elevator and I followed suit,stepping in when it opened.

If only he knew the shivers weren't due to my cold.

The silence wasn't awkward as we made our way downstairs,i helped myself into the black car opened by one of his guards that was waiting for us beside it.Luca must have noticed me looking for bullseye in particular because his calm face hardened.

The car ride was quiet,his guards in cars behind and in front of us,i couldn't get a look at the driver not with the partition and i chewed my cheek worriedly.

I sighed and leaned my head on the side of the window and opened the jewelry case,the ring literally took my breath away,the princess cut gem bright and sparkly.

"It's a nice ring"I mumbled

"I know,i got it while you were hitting on my guard"

My head swiveled to him,gosh who knew he was this prissy"Let it go,Luca"

"I noticed you looking for him,Mirabelle."His fists clenched,was he jealous?or was he just reacting based on his man pride

"I was just worried"I muttered and slipped it on.I never imagined I'll be slipping on my own wedding ring.It should be at my wedding with the man I love,except our wedding wasn't going to happen till they took over the city so that my parents could attend.

He didn't bother saying another word to me,instead he focused on slipping the cigarette between his fingers in fast repeated movements

"So are you going to light it up?"I asked.

"I don't smoke"

That raised my eyebrow

"I rarely smoke ever since I quit but i toy with the stick when I'm stressed"

"Stressed about what?"

He pursed his lips and crushed the cigarette in a fist,my eyes followed his hardened stare to the imprint of the gun in his trousers pocket.
