
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Nion called the number and the other side picked it up.

"Nion, are you okay?!"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be? Did something happen?" he asked Clark in confusion.

"That's good. No, Everything is fine."

Nion's confusion grew...

"Why did you call me 25 times then?!"

"Well... You said you needed to do something urgently and left the island. Then you didn't show up for a month so I called to see if all was well; You didn't answer..."

'A Month? Time passed so fast. He was worried about me?!!!' Nion was a little touched.


"By the way, are you well-versed in technology? I am trying to repair the ship; There was a message sent to another world through the ship it seems. I want to see what it was. It could be the work of Luthor..."

Nion frowned, 'I didn't see the last movie since my friends said it was not good... Could this be related to that? Darkseid?! If Luthor has truly alerted the new gods... I will kill him; I see now, mercy is a weakness.'.

"I will be there, where are you?"

"Well, it is kinda hard to explain the location, I will pick you up above Metropolis."

"See you there." Nion hanged up.

He began fiddling with his watch as he said, "Ava, scan any and all activity within the solar system, notify me if you detect anything unusual.".

'I am not strong enough to fight the likes of Darkseid... Could I survive the Omega beams? I don't want to find out...'

He felt a sense of nervousness and expectation at the same time thinking of fighting Darkseid. He felt a need to grow stronger, a feeling that he had not experienced in this world since arriving.

'I have recently perfected my Ki control, it's time to train and make complex techniques... Also...'

"Ava, Scan my cells and search for unique and unusual ones, they should be located somewhere on my back. If you find any, simulate what would happen if we increase them..."

'If I can increase the S cells and become a legendary Super Saiyan... It will be a great trump card...'

'Wait a moment, why should I face Darkseid?! I am finished here, I can go on Dimension and leave this planet, no this galaxy. I should be able to travel to a different universe soon...'

He felt a variety of emotions when he thought about it. He felt it was wrong, this world had given him shelter, food, resources, and everything to be able to reach where he was. It gave him knowledge and science and the reason he got his hands on Alien science was also this world indirectly since it provided the opportunity.

If he left now, he would be an ungrateful being. Leaving billions to die. It didn't sit well with his conscience.

'I am not a hero, I will never be a hero because I cannot sacrifice myself for a stranger without reason. That moment when one chooses between their own life and another's, I would choose myself unless the other person is my family...'

'However, I have my own beliefs and ideals and I would fight for them. I would fight for my family, for my friends, for my home, for my dignity, for my soul, for what I believe in.'

He teleported out of the ship and appeared in space above the planet. He looked at it with complicated emotions swirling in his eyes. The planet was breathtakingly beautiful like a brilliant gem between the stars.

'This little blue orb has become like a home to me, The Earth I lived in before cannot accept me anymore, my previous friends and family are now strangers, and it's for the best of all if I leave them to be no matter how much I miss them... I will visit and see what the entity that began all this is doing on Earth, one day.'

'This world is my home now, it accepted me and thus I will protect it. The mansion, that restaurant that makes good pizza, flying through the skies of this planet is what appears in my mind when I think of home. I won't give my life for it but If I can help it in the passing, I will.'

He focused and realized he could barely see his mansion and smiled.

'That's right, no matter how many universes I travel in the future, this world will have a special place in my heart. I am not a hero... However, How can I call myself a man if the world I think of as home is destroyed by some evil space god?'

'I will never be a hero but I will become the greatest Warrior.' he thought with determination as he flew toward Metropolis.

As he entered the atmosphere, He contacted Ava.

"Ava, dispatch Nanobots and kill Lex Luthor. Make it appear as a heart attack."

"Are you sure?"

He thought about the length Luthor would go to achieve his goal of eliminating him and grew more determined. Luthor saw him as an enemy and Nion knew that.

'He is too much of a threat to not only me but the entire world. It is a bit hypocritical but I have the power and I will show no mercy to my enemies.'



The reason he was so hasitant on killing Luthor was becuase he didn't know the future. Maybe Luthor would change and go have a hand at saving the universe or something in the future. He did not know so he wasn't sure. It was DC where anything could happen but then from another perspective, He was his enemy so he did it.

The difference between a warrior and a hero within Nion's mind was unique.

He saw a hero as a selfless being. Someone who would sacrifice himself for the greater good and go out of their way to help those in need without caring about anything else. A good being. He saw a superhero as someone like that with superpowers.

A warrior, on the other hand, he saw as someone with their own beliefs and wants. Someone who would fight for what he wanted, fighting for his own goals; A Warrior could perform heroic acts or evil ones based on what he wanted and what he fought for while a hero would do it for good and a Villian for evil. A Warrior could become a Hero, a Villain, a Protector, a Destroyer, a god, or a devil. It all depended on the warrior's reason for fighting, Whether they be his goals or beliefs, And the perspective of the beings around that warrior. A warrior was a hero to his allies and a Villian to his enemies.

Nion saw himself as such a being. He didn't believe in all good because the world was not black and white, it was mostly grey; He was a genius so he could easily see through such things and he concluded one thing...

Power and knowledge were what mattered since one with both could turn the world into a paradise or into hell. Good, Evil, and the Morals defined by humans were illusions, what mattered was one's conscience. The greatest judge was not an almighty God in the sky nor the opinions of masses; It was the person's heart and conscience. That's what he believed.

He saw Superman waiting for him in the sky of Metropolis. He flew toward him.

"Where is the ship?"

"Follow me." Said the man of steel.

Nion nodded and they both flew off.

A while later, two beings flew at supersonic speeds and entered Antarctica. They went deep into the icy continent and eventually, a ship appeared in front of them.

The ship was the Kryptonian one that Doomsday was born in. It was in poor condition.

They silently entered it and Nion shook his head looking at the damages. 'It will take a while to fix this...'

They arrived in the main chamber. It was a mess.

Superman gestured at the control center, "The ship didn't turn on when I added the key. So I tried to repair it and managed to fix some parts I was familiar with. It activated for a few minutes and I conversed with it, it seems a message was sent but as I asked what it was and where; it shut down again and didn't turn on again.".

Nion checked the ship and realized the problems, "I can fix it... However, why didn't you bring Bruce here? He would have been able to do it too since I was missing.".

Superman frowned, "I don't trust him. He tried to kill us.".

Nion nodded with a sigh, "I see...".

Superman suddenly said with a smile, "Right, I almost forgot. Can you do me a favor? Lois has been bugging me to ask you for an interview...".

Nion chuckled, "Sure, but I will just write a few things and give her. Let's fix the ship first and see what was sent...".

He looked at the ship and sighed, 'This is gonna take a while since I don't want to reveal my tech by using Ava and nanobots... It's been years since I did anything with my own hands. Good practice, I guess.'.

"How long have you been in that suit? It's been a month... Where is your Tail? I don't see it." Superman said out of the blue. He had seen his Tail with his eye's X-ray ability when they had first met.

Nion ignored him and concentrated, he then began barking orders, "Clark, take that part and throw it out, bring me that wire. I will vaporize the liquid...".

They began fixing the ship.