
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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Mother Box

Booms and echoes could be heard inside the alien ship as Nion blasted parts of it and thought, 'When I first received the Archives it looked so advanced and great but when I look at it now, it's just trash. What's wrong with this pod? Are they meant to keep you alive for long space travel?! How stupid...'.

He looked at a rotten Kryptonian corpse in a pod and shook his head, 'They should have made a temporal pod and slowed downed time inside. That way the person would have been awake for the entire time but experience a second or two passing... No chance of dying since they are awake and could leave it anytime.'.

He moved to the genetic chamber and nodded his head, 'This part is not bad, I don't want any Kryptonians born from here though so let's not repair it.'.

He inspected the other parts and write something on a piece of paper.

He returned to the main chamber of the ship and threw the paper at Clark. "Get me that equipment and I can repair it fully in 9 hours if you want..."

Clark nodded and looked at the main part. "How long till we can find out what the message was and where it was sent to..."

Nion looked at the clean chamber, he had vaporized the liquid inside with Ki and fixed certain parts.

"It should be able to function at 20% with a few fixes. It will be ok in an hour. Let me work..."

He began working on the ship again... Superman left...

An hour later...

Superman returned, he carried a giant box on his shoulders and put it down while saying, "I didn't know how to get these so I asked the government and they gave me...".

Nion uncaringly nodded and connected two wires. The ship came to life...

"Welcome, Analysis reveals the ship is operating at 19% efficiency. Would you like to assume command?"

It was still working with the key Luthor had inserted inside.

Nion said, "Yes. I would. Tell us if there has been any transmission in the ship data, the transmission should have been made to another world.".

"Scanning... Data found. A message was sent to the world known as Apokolips in the Archives. Would you like to view the content?"

Superman frowned, "Yes.".

Nion frowned too but at the same time, the thought of a coming battle made him happy...

"The message includes a few videos and a single sentence. Which one would you like to view first?"

Nion said, "The sentence .".

"The sentence is; 'The Mother boxes are here, Lex Luthor.'"

Nion had a pretty good idea of what it was. "Show us..."

The first part was sent with videos of a Mother box being used within a lab for experiments; Some data and coordinates for where it was.

The other video was of Nion's and Superman's battle with Zod. It would be enough to get Darkseid's attention. After this video ended, the hologram turned black with the word 'Threat?' appearing in white. This was the message the other side would receive.

Superman grew concerned, "What is this? Why send this information to that world? What is a mother box?".

The Ship answered, "You don't have the authority to access that information. Only members of Krypton's council are Authorized.".

Superman sighed, "What to do now?" he asked Nion.

The latter smiled, "Let's fix the ship first. We can then work on reprograming it and getting the data.".

Superman nodded and slowly floated, "I have to be somewhere... I will be back in a few hours.".

He flew away.

Nion waited for a little then he pressed a button on his watch.

"Ava, can you track the transmission sent?"

"Scanning... Yes. I found it. The Transmission is highly-advanced it will make it to the world listed as 'Darkseid's chicken den' by you in 10 months."

Nion chuckled, "Okay, can you intercept it and destroy it?".

"Calculating... Yes, but I have to take the ship with me. ET is 40 seconds? Shall I?"

"Yes, do it."

'Without the message, there will be no Darkseid coming to this place. That's better...Before I leaven DCEU, I will make a trip and face him to see how strong he is and get a satisfying fight out of it, then I will leave this universe.'

He looked at the ship and reprogrammed a few parts, it suddenly began giving the data...

"Based on the archive collected by the Krypton's council, The mother box is a living/sentient machine created on new genesis with female programming. Mother Boxes can access the energy of the Source for various effects; they can change the gravitational constant of an area, transfer energy from one place to another, sense danger, sense life, create force fields, rearrange the molecular structure of matter, absorb or project powerful shock blasts, create electro-webs, control the mental state of a host, communicate telepathically with a host or other life form, manipulate the life-force of a host to sustain it past fatal injuries, and take over and control non-sentient machines, evolve non-sentient machines, merge sentient beings into a single more powerful being, sustain a life form in a hostile environment such as space, and do many other things."

Nion knew it so he didn't care much but suddenly stopped. A strange thought crossed his head, 'Can I use it to increase the S cells after Ava finds them in my body? I can become a legendary super saiyan that way...'.

He smirked and waited for a while.

"Nion, the transmission is destroyed."

"Ava, dispatch a few Nanobots and fix this ship. Have you found the S Cells?"

"Nanobots dispatched. Yes, your body contains strange mutated cells that hold immense energy in a state of slumber. Based on my calculations, with a strong enough mental push, you should be able to awaken them and go through a transformation thus grow stronger exponentially."

"Good... Ava, Simulate a mother box's nurturing effect on the S cells."

"Simulating... The possibility of success is 89%. Due to differences in the Quantum realm of your cells and this universe, there is a chance of failure. Based on my calculations, I need a few months to find a way to fix this problem with my current database and abilities."

Nion smiled, "Good, do that alongside Simulating the suit.".

'Let me steal the mother box.' Nion thought.

"The ship is repaired."

Nion focused and saw it was indeed finished. He left a note and left the ship and left.

The note said, 'I have dealt with the transmission. I am leaving, Good luck.'. He took the equipment and teleported it inside Dimension. He had a use for them...

He knew he probably was not going to see Superman again. He had other plans... This world was safe at the moment and it was time to go but he had a few things left to do.

He teleported inside Dimension and stripped out of his torn suit and wore the normal clothing of a robber. He teleported inside the star labs right in front of a strange box. He took it and vanished, appearing inside Dimension with the mother box in hand.

He put it there, "Ava this should help the simulation. Store it.".


'No invasion so this place is safe at the moment. I have 20+ days left here, let's enjoy life and make Ki techniques; I am going to Train before I go looking for trouble with Darkseid. As for an interview... I will write a few things about myself and just drop them on Lois Lane's desk. Let's begin with Atlantis...'

He wasn't interested in fame and such things. The thought of fighting an entire world, the new gods and Darkseid made his body shiver in excitement. He had to train first thought.

The reason he was so daring was that he knew he was immortal. And he would have Dimension nearby to teleport and flee if things didn't go his way.

The reason he was so cautious was that he knew immortality didn't mean invincibility. Nion thought about it and realized if he had to deal with someone like himself, he would seal them in a prison for eternity and decided to be cautious in case he encountered such a thing.

Every being has a weakness and flaw. Every entity can be defeated somehow; Nion believed in that and knew that he was no exception even if it was very difficult to beat him, there was a method at the moment that he himself knew of.

'Let's not talk about what other ways and loopholes there might be.'

He was smart and he knew that arrogance and underestimating others were the gateways to hell.

But he had other plans at the moment...

"Ava, scan for an underwater city and show me the location."


He teleported atop Atlantis with a mischievous expression. 'Let's do something crazy and laugh a little.'

"Ava dispatch Nanobots and change the shape of the surface to resemble a hand showing a middle finger to the words 'Arthur Curry' and Atlantis. Behind it write 'Lord Invincible'."

He was feeling a little resentment toward Aquaman...

In the movie, Lex had contacted Steppenwolf directly but I changed that. Think of it as the butterfly flapping its wings...

Guys tell me the crazy things he can do in DCEU. Trolling and stuff for fun. I need help with that!

Next Chapter: Training and Making Ki Techniques

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