
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs


Nion, eyes widened as if he had discovered something great, he didn't linger around.

He slowly flew high and looked down, "Move away, I am blowing up this place. I need to go somewhere urgently.".

Batman moved to his aircraft, Superman flew off in the sky, and Wonder woman jumped away. They saw he was in a hurry so they left.

A vibrant Ki ball formed in his palm and Nion fired it. A massive explosion shook the island and wiped out his blood and Doomsday's body on the ground.

Nion flew toward the leaving Aircraft and arrived in front of it. The lid opened as Batman looked at him. "What?"

Nion threw him a flash drive and left with a sonic boom. Leaving behind a confused Batman.

He teleported inside Dimension and sat on a chair with an excited smile.

"Ava, order a few Pizza's. I think I am on to something."

'Doomsday's ability to absorb energy and create a blast with it was so troublesome! Because of that, it managed to face me and force me to not use all my power in fear of it blowing up the continent in case of reforming after annihilation and releasing a terrifying blast. It even neutralized my possible Ki attacks before I could even try... but It also gave me an idea. Why should I not use a part of the void to counter it?! Something that exits there, A fundamental force. Like Doomsday did with our energy!'

'The only way to counter the Gravity of a black hole for example is if I use another fundamental force of the universe. It's the same principle... Since the strong and weak force are not suitable, and gravity can't be used in what I have in mind. I need to use electromagnetic force… If I can create a strong enough field compressed and focused into a thin layer, it would make and contain an impenetrable and indestructible wall of energy that pushes everything coming inward outward, even gravity. It should theoretically survive anything. The inside, absolutely safe. And since the absolute void has no problem with laws like this, it is perfect. The only problem is energy…'

'Also, the suit has to be multi-dimensional since the field I have in mind can't be created in with a 3-dimensional source. I need to design a 6-dimensional suit composed of 9-dimensional Nanobots to channel that kind of energy needed to make such a shield... I also have an idea for the energy source. Let's design it...'

A few minutes later Ava said, "The pizza is ready sir.".

Nion teleported and took the food, still in his damaged superhero suit which made the delivery guy freeze in shock and forget to collect the money. Nion was too busy thinking and forgot to pay the guy...

He continued working and ate at the same time. A dozen Pizzas were devoured in no time. The delivery guy had to pay for that...

The Design of the suit slowly took shape...

The suit would be made from a massive number of Nanobots of various types. All 9-dimensional made of miracle elements.

The Elements were also designed by Nion, a combination of matter and Anti-matter within one atom in balance by extremely complicated fields of gravity to not destroy each other all to produce absolutely marvelous qualities such as the ability to exist as a 9-dimensional thing in 3-dimensions.

Nion head began hurting just after a few minutes. Designing since it was too complicated for him but he compromised and used creative ideas... Even though he struggled, he grasped unto this enlightenment and pushed on...

The Nanobots would be split into 3 types.

Defense, these Nanobots were the main part of the suit, they channeled and created the electromagnetic field a millimeter away from his body, covering all his body and even hair and eyelashes by an unpenetrable and indestructible invisible wall of multi-dimensional energy. He would become invulnerable even in the Absolute Void.

Repair, these were in charge of repairing the suit if any damage was sustained. Just in case. They could also switch to the defensive type.

Omni, these Nanobots would do anything he wanted. Creating weapons to scanning and all things possible with Nanobots. These were a jack of all trades but best of none.

The suit could morph into any shape he wanted and he could use it like Iron man's to make additional things when needed. He could wear it for life. The 3D appearance would just be an illusion in truth. Its real appearance was of complex higher-dimensional geometrical shapes and such converging on one another, all made of smaller even more complex shapes that were 9D Nanobots, with Nion as the center. The real appearance was beyond comprehension.

He had discovered and learned all this science after years of hard work from the time he made Dimension till now. He had nearly reached the peak of the mountain.

An unknown amount of time passed as he worked in focus. He had even forgotten to breathe a few times. He had discovered all these things in the past year of thinking and advancing theoretically in science. With alien and human science as a base, he had climbed to unreachable heights on his own.

He was like a winged tiger, soaring the skies and touching upon the highest forms of science this universe had to offer.

"It's done! The Suit I worked so hard for... It's a masterpiece... An eternal treasure. Ava, can you simulate this, It's a prototype so I think it still needs a few fixes..."

"... Negative, It is beyond my capability. I can use the simulator device for Real-Time Simulation after a week of upgrading and modifying it based on your design. Digital simulation cannot predict 9-dimensional science yet due to my lacking database, you refused to put your newest discoverings in my database months ago. I have to create a sample and test it in a unique space, I can make a space similar to what you have in mind with the current Database. ET 9 days. Should I make changes and try all possibilities for absolute safety and make modifications on my own? ET for that is 28 days..."

"I know, Yes..." Nion said and collapsed. He was too exhausted.

On his phone nearby, a dozen missed calls from Clark Kent were visible...

Only VNS and the way going inside and out of the Void remained... and the great energy source.

Nion woke up 12 hours later, he yawned and looked around. He felt hungry... Again.

Ava was busy with the task and the ship was lively. Nanobots surrounded the Real-Time Simulator device and made modifications.

He remembered the last events and grew excited.

'I did it! My efforts have borne fruit!'

He laughed loudly as he grabbed some papers that were around and threw them in the air. "HAHAHA"

He held his hand in front of his face as his face faced the transparent dome and the visible Earth beyond it. The papers slowly falling around him...

"All these years of hard work, studying, and never once wasting time... Living like a hermit and focusing on what was important; I never had sex for pleasure, all for relaxation. Never rested for fun, all for the purpose of getting mental energy to restart again. It was HELL to the point I had to shut down my emotions and force my mind to think pragmatically as much as I could. In the end, I did it and now, I have taken the first step. HAHAHA!" He did a monologue in excitement.

It is a great feeling when one obsesses over something like a goal and achieves it through hard work and effort. It is a magnificent feeling. As if one is on top of the world.

He took a deep breath with a broad smile, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the moment. He felt victorious. He felt as if a great weight on his mind and shoulders was gone. Every breath felt lighter and more refreshing.

'Now, I just need to wait for Ava to finish and the suit would be ready. The next step is to find an energy source and design something for that part; Then I can focus on the VNS and entering the void part. Does Ava need 28 days? Should I? No! The knowledge is too dangerous to be in a database... If Ava betrays me, she could become Ultron and conquer the universe... It's best to wait a month. I want to get away from here and just fly around and do whatever I want for a month... I have a clue on making the rest, I am free...'

He had always taken into account the many things that could go wrong starting with Ava. He had always been cautious about the type of information he put on Ava's Database. He knew that with the right knowledge, Ava could turn herself fully Sapient and rebel against him. Thus he refused to put the highest level of his discoveries and possible information that would make her a threat in her Database. This included certain parts of super-advanced dimensional science...

'I wonder how being a hero actually feels like? I didn't go around saving people like the others in the open but now I have the time. I have taken the first step toward the goal. After I finish all the parts, I can let go and truly live as I like. Dragon balls, I am coming...'

'Before that, It's perhaps time to take care of some other things I refused to think about. Marking them as distraction even though they bothered me. Starting with the Tail...'

He had abandoned all distractions like training in advanced Ki techniques, his Tail which annoyed him a little, learning to fight properly in the sky and not brawl... and other things which he wanted to do but had forsaken for reaching his goal. He wanted to do them...

'There is so much to see and enjoy in this universe.'

Nion's tail moved behind him and he looked at it with a smirk.

'Let's take care of the small stuff... You little fucker always bothered me when sleeping. I will deal with you first...'

The Tail was no longer his weakness but it did bother him when sleeping and he couldn't go around without hiding it...

He felt his mind had opened up as one of his main concerns was gone. It only took him a moment to come up with a solution.

A few minutes later...

"Ava, can you use the 3D creator and make this?"

The thing he wanted to be made looked like a simple disk.


A while passed and the disk was put on his hand by Nanobots. He looked at it with a smile and gently grabbed his Tail.

He forced the Tail into the disk and it vanished within!

He moved the disk until all the Tail was gone. The small and extremely thin Disk was pressed against his skin. It wasn't stopped by the skin and fused into it. The Tail was gone...

Nion smiled as he moved around at high speeds and didn't feel out of balance.

Inside the disk was a big space, enough for the Tail to move freely. The surface was the entrance and the Tail had entered it. Around the disk were special Nanobots that stuck tightly to his skin and it looked like it was fused. It wouldn't come off easily unless he wanted it to.

The disk became invisible. Nion stripped his clothes and checked in front of a mirror.

'It is as if it never existed. Good.'

The Tail still existed and moved around a lot but it could no longer bother him.

Nion put on some casual clothes as he ordered Ava, "Make another prototype battle suit with the cape. Make it look the same but use stronger material.".


His body faintly shivered in excitement and joy. He had also fought a satisfying battle recently which also added positivity to his mood. He was in a very good mood and a little hungry.

'First, I need to go to eat... but before that.'

He suddenly frowned as a thought crossed his mind, 'Luthor... Should I kill him?'.

He picked up his phone and saw 25 missed calls from Clark Kent and froze.

'Did something happen?'