
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs


A few hours later Nion drove out of the mansion. This time he drove a Mclaren sports car, it was yellow colored and stood out. He bought it because he liked the combination very much. (Car model: 600LT Coupe)

Nion had stopped mining gold and instead mined other metals like Palladium and Platinum. He mined much more in massive amounts for those and made a great amount of money. He had made a total of 1 billion dollars and had spent more than half on his lab and for fun during the few years that had passed. He had sold a lot of valuable metals in the underground world.

The bald merchant he worked with had even created a mafia for this line of work. They would eat the minerals like sharks and it would vanish in a few days no matter the amount, the money flowing into his bank account…

The bald man had made a company that worked on buying and selling metals of all kinds to manage the metals and had given Nion most of the shares. Out of fear or respect? Nion did not know or care.

Due to that Nion had a little fame so his name was mentioned as a young millionaire in the rich circles. He usually didn't go to such parties but this one was different.

He arrived in front of the address, His Mclaren's engine roared as he came to a halt, and came out of the car. The cameras were on him instantly and began taking pictures.

He wore the same long black coat, the collars were put upward that gave him a slightly rebellious look. He was very charming and elegant.

"Isn't that the major shareholder of Worvio Metal, that new rising company? The one that trades valuable minerals?"

"Yes, he is Mr. Grimm! Hey, Mr. Grimm! Wait a moment!"

Nion Ignored them and calmly gave the keys of his car to the person who was responsible for taking the luxury cars and stepped away.

He noticed Clark looking his way from afar but he didn't head over. He walked on the red carpet and went into the mansion.

Inside, he saw many people going around enjoying the party. He was offered a glass and took it then began drinking a little.

'It's been a while since I drank alcohol… It doesn't affect me anyway since I regenerate too fast to get drunk…'

He saw Clark coming toward him and shook his hand in greeting.

"Hey, Clark it's been a while…"

Clark nodded with a smile, "Yes, how are you doing?".

"Fine, mostly. I heard the news, must be frustrating…"

Clark chuckled, "Not as much as some would think. I guess you vanishing hasn't helped now has it?".

Nion also chuckled, "Why would I stay? Remember, only world threats.".


Nion enjoyed the conversation as the two continued to have a casual chat.

The surrounding suddenly turned silent as the announcer invited Lex Luthor. Lex went to the stage with the audience's applause and began talking.

Nion didn't pay attention to those things. His focus was on two other people. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince. He couldn't help but focus a bit more on Diana.

'She is… hot!'

Nion had encountered a problem a few years back. His body reacted differently to sex than he was used to as a human. He could do it and he was better in every aspect than most human males but the problem was the levels of arousal. He had many ladies accompany him in the past years in this world to relax but his level of arousal was not very high.

This upset him a little and he even had a bad premonition about it.

Now, however, those thoughts all vanished.

'It was not about me, it was about the other party… Saiyans seem to have certain criteria to get horny as a species. I learn new things about myself everyday…'

Diana looked at him with a polite smile and he looked away calmly.

'She noticed huh? As expected of a warrior.'

He saw Bruce Wayne leave. He stopped focusing on them, he could faintly hear Alfred's voice in Bruce's ear but he was not interested at the moment.

He looked at Lex Luthor and smiled, 'Why is he spouting nonsense?'.

"Books are knowledge, and knowledge is power. And I am... Heh heh heh, no. I, umm. No, what am I? What was I saying? No. The bittersweet pain among man is having knowledge with no power. Because... Because that is paradoxical! And umm...Thank you for coming. Please, drink, it's free."

'I wonder if in another universe the Lex Luthor will be smarter than him. I think meeting the best version and having a chat would be fun. Still… Knowledge brings power and having knowledge without power is paradoxical so he is not wrong. he is referring to Superman… so this paradox is happening here. Or maybe to me?'

Clark left and quickly caught up to Bruce Wayne, "Mr. Wayne? Mr. Wayne? Clark Kent, Daily Planet.".

Bruce said, "Oh, my foundation has already issued a statement in support of the... books.".

Seeing him look around Clark tried to get his attention, "Sir?".

"Wow. Pretty girl. Bad habit. Don't quote me, alright?"

Clark suddenly asked, "What's your position on the bat vigilante in Gotham?"

"Daily Planet. Wait, do I own this one? Or was that the other guy?"

Clark continued, "Civil liberties have been trampled on in your city. Good people living in fear.".

Wayne got serious hearing that, "Don't believe everything you hear, son.".

"I've seen it, Mr. Wayne. He thinks he's above the law."

"The Daily Planet criticizing those who think they're above the law is a little hypocritical, wouldn't you say? Considering every time your hero saves a cat out of a tree, you write a puff piece editorial, about an alien who, if he wanted to, could burn the whole place down. There wouldn't be a damn thing we can do to stop him."

"Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr. Wayne."

"Maybe it's the Gotham City in me, we just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns."

Nion chuckled in his mind. He felt curious.

"Mr. Wayne, What are your thoughts on the alien known as Invincible?" Nion suddenly asked with interest.

Bruce Wayne looked at him and something flashed in his eyes, "He has been missing and has only been seen once; I think he has left the planet... that is if we are fortunate. Mr. Grimm.".

"You know me?" Nion asked with surprise.

Bruce answered vaguely, "I tend to keep my eyes on possible business rivals, especially those from Gotham.".

Lex Luthor arrived suddenly, "Boys! Mm, Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent and Ion Grimm. Ah, I love it! I love bringing people together! How are we?"

"Lex." Greeted Bruce simply.

Lex Extended his hand toward Clark, "Hello, good. Hi, hello. Lex. It is a pleasure... Ow! Wow, that is a good grip! You should, not pick a fight with this person."

Lex extended his hand toward Nion, he simply shook it normally.

"A pleasure to finally meet you. Metal Trading is being dominated by your company. Your business seems to be invincible these days."

Nion raised his eyebrows and smiled politely. "You are too kind."

Lex suddenly turned toward Bruce, "Ha! So, after all these years, we've finally got you over to Metropolis.".

Bruce replied, "Well, I thought I come drink you dry.".

"Well, you're welcome. You should hop the hub more often though, I love to show you my labs. Maybe we could, be partner on something. My R&D is up to all sorts of no good."

Luthor's assistant came, "Mr. Luthor. The governor.".

"Governor. Excuse me."

"Next time."

Luthor left to talk with the governor.

Bruce left abruptly. Nion fell in deep thought.

'It is possible that he saw some video footage and managed to identify me… Doesn't matter that much if he keeps it to himself. Something was implied though…'

He was broken out of his train of thought by Clark.

"Hey, I am leaving. See you around."

"Sure. Good luck."

Clark followed Bruce…

Nion left the party and drove off, he felt like he needed to do something out of ordinary. He realized he had stayed too long in his lab. 'A field trip would be good.'

'I am going to be a bit crazy and go find Atlantis; I always wondered how it looks like…'

The reason he doesn't care if people find out his identity is that no one can touch him. He has no loved around and Dimension is untouchable. He has no weakness... He doesn't need money anymore as well...

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