
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


He entered his mansion and he didn't waste time. He immediately entered Dimension and stopped in front of a floating Suit.

It was a test version that he made to see how good it would turn out. It wasn't good enough to use as his suit for the void but it was extremely durable, capable of enduring great heat and cold, and could partly withstand the battles he might fight.

The suit was all black, a metallic black with a silver luster; It looked fairly similar to Superman's but there was no sign or anything in the chest are. It was simple.

He had added a cape because it unexpectedly helped during flight. And he felt embarrassed going in such a suit without a cape or something providing some extra cover…

It was, however, made for fighting; Perfectly flexible and it would absorb a decent amount of damage. It would also help hide his Tail. Even though the tail would be wrapped around his waist, the cape helped in hiding it.

He calmly put it on. It wasn't his first time. Every time he had gone to space to mine asteroids, he had put it on.

He had never ever gone out of his lab on full moons… The moon affected him only when he was on earth at the times of full moon.

He finished putting it on and found a face mask nearby. This one wasn't hiding the lower part of his face, it covered above the cheeks, the eyes, and the lower half of his forehead; Between the left and right temple of his head. It stuck like a second skin and was very comfortable.

He slowly floated from the ground and observed himself in a nearby mirror, he looked very good. The suit brought out his muscles and physic and coupled with the black color and mask, he looked uniquely attractive.

A special door opened and he flew out of a hole near the Mansion. It was night so no one saw him.

He flew all the way to the northern Atlantic ocean. He dived in the water and slowly vanished into the depths.

'I want to see Atlantis… It will be the perfect place to take my mind off work in Dimension.'

He searched for a while but he found no clue. He didn't give up…

A dozen hours of searching later and he was ready to give up. Just as he turned around to fly up. He saw something in the distant depth.

It was a man holding a trident coming at him. He waited patiently and the man reached him in no time.

"What do you want?" Asked the man he recognized as Aquaman.

Just as he opened his mouth to answer, he realized something. 'I can't talk in the water…'

He gestured toward his mouth and made a talking sign with his hand and flew up to the surface of the water. The man followed him.

When he reached the surface, he said to the man. "I came to see Atlantis."

Aqua man's eyebrows rose, "Just that?".

Nion nodded, "Yes, I want to see how it looks like up close.".

Aqua man frowned, "Sorry, we don't want visitors. Goodbye.".

He didn't wait for Nion's answer as he dove back in the water.

Nion was taken aback, 'So unfriendly… Well, I tried.'.

He wanted to see it but he wasn't going to intrude their territory. He himself wouldn't like someone coming to his home when he didn't want them there so he decided to try again some other day...

He teleported back to his ship with a downhearted expression. Just as he wanted to take off his suit, his phone began ringing.

He froze…

His phone almost never rang because his phone number was only available to a few people and they seldom called him. He saw the number was Clark's.

He picked up.

"Hello, Clark, what's up?"

"I need your help now. Lex has my mother."

Nion was a bit surprised, 'I took the key, without the key there is no knowledge from the ship so Lex should give up and not even have the idea to attempt such a plan. There should have been no plan and no fight between batman and superman…It seems Luthor is smarter than I thought. Good for me…'.

He frowned and said, "I am on my way.".

Just as he put the phone down, it began ringing again. He picked it up and saw it was a message with a picture. His Lab was connected to the world, Ava was the one managing that.

[ There is a bomb in your mansion, your butler's family just received a gift with another bomb inside. If you leave the mansion, Mr. Invincible, they will die. ]

In the picture he saw Bernard, his loyal butler, giving a toy to his grandchild.

Nion was beyond angry… He took a deep breath and calmed down.

'Bernard is a good butler, I can't let him die. He is my people, in a sense… Damn It! They probably have set cameras around the mansion so If I am seen leaving it…'

'So Lex somehow still got his hands on the archives in the ship as expected. Should have destroyed the ship… No! I need to fight doomsday to quench this thirst… What to do now?'

He called Clark, Clark picked up a moment later.

"What Happened?"

"Lex put bombs around people who work for me, If I leave the mansion, they die… I won't make it in time."

"It's okay, I will talk to Batman myself. Take care…"

Clark cut the call before Nion could respond.

Nion wondered, 'Where could the bomb be? Can't be in Dimension… The one on the mansion is not that important. I should stop living here, Dimension is much better.'.

'It must be on the higher floors of the mansion but finding it takes too long… Let's let that one explode.'

He paced back and forth, deep in thought. He sighed a moment later, 'No other way, I need an EMP that shuts down everything for a moment in the city.'. (Electro-Magnetic Pulse)

He began using the 3D Creator…

Nanobots came to life and began making a new device. From afar it looked like a million ants crawling through stuff…

A few minutes later, A new device laid on a nearby desk.

'Good thing I developed the worker Nanobots to build stuff for me… Let's do it.'

A bizarre Boom echoed in Metropolis and all technology turned off. The Bombs were disabled for 5 seconds.

Nion didn't use a very powerful EMP to not destroy things but it had a very large area of effect, engulfing the city.

He teleported above his mansion and made sure no one was in the mansion. He saw no one was in so he flew away.

A few seconds later, he arrived in front of the house that his Butler's family lived in. He broke the door and entered without delaying a moment.

Bernard panicked and took out a gun, pointing it at Nion.

"Stop or I will shoot!"

Bernard's wife and kid hid behind him in fear. Anyone would if a stranger in an alien-looking suit entered…

Nion didn't care as he saw the toy, he began walking toward it. Bernard closed his eyes and began shooting…

The bullets didn't do anything as Nion grabbed the toy and left without saying anything. He flew away toward the Batman sign on the clouds of Gotham.

He inspected the bomb with a smirk, 'Noobs…' and dropped it in the water below him as he flew and approached the site. The bomb exploded mid-air.

He landed on the destroyed roof and looked around, "They began fighting?".