
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs

Few Years

A few weeks later and he finished making the lab. It was more of a spaceship than a lab, he could live in it as well. He named it Dimension.

He began researching and experimenting to further his knowledge and science, he spent hours and days without rest studying the universe and its laws, from the quantum realm to engineering to higher dimensions and space-time. He used the particle accelerator for many things...

He improved slowly in his Ki control and finally realized why he was so bad at it. It was a very simple reason. He had too much Ki, since it was too much every time that he summoned it, it would be like water flowing out of a broken dam; Very hard to control. This was because he had not experienced lower levels and had directly jumped from having a stream to an ocean of Ki.

Despite that, he did not give up. He trained for 1 hour every day on his Ki control. 1 hour he spent on studying martial arts just in case he encountered an equal opponent, in that situation skill would decide the winner. And he hated the fact that holding his tail made his body shiver and have goosebumps, so he decided to train it and make it like his hand, not a weakness.

He suffered a lot to find a way but he realized that if he spent an hour every day concentrating on his Tail and moving it around would slowly reduce the sensitivity. He did that.

The rest of the time he spent on learning more about the universe, the void, and higher dimensions. He was obsessed with it and felt a strange hunger for more... Every day he stepped a little higher and learned more...

All this time he lived and would live in 100G or higher. His body handled 10G and all the way tp 90G easily. 100G barely made him feel like a human.

A few months later, he made an A.I to help him.

A few months after that, he realized his Tail had become like a natural part of his body, it wasn't a weakness anymore...

A few months later, he made a device on his body that would put him at 150G.

Nothing extraordinary happened, he kept to himself and didn't bother anyone. Focusing on his goals and working hard every day. Sometimes he would give himself a break and go have fun for a few days but he would return instantly after to continue. He got closer and closer to making his suit but never reached it.

The most notable moments would perhaps be times when he had intercourse for fun... He had to lie and say the Tail was a fetish-related thing that created a lot of awkwardness. Thankfully his vigorous little brother down there saved the day those times...

Time passed...

Nion listened to the giant TV in his room indifferently as he did push-ups with one hand and with the other he held a pen and constantly wrote extremely complicated equations beyond human understanding in a notebook and played with them.

His looks hadn't changed at all, he still looked like a very handsome man in his early twenties with the same hairstyle. He wore simple and comfortable clothing…

On his wrist was a strange bracelet than had the words, '150G' on them. He was doing push-ups under 150 times the normal gravity of earth. The gravity seemed to only affect his body, nothing was out of the normal around him.

On the TV, the news said…

"Invincible, the hero that defeated Zod, is still missing, many speculate that his disappearance is… Wait for a moment… Breaking news!"

"It seems a man went into the Heros park and painted over Superman's statue. Let us let our reporter continue…"

"Yes, today a man who seemed to be…"

Nion stopped paying attention to the reporter and looked at the familiar face with a smirk. As the reported continued, Nion noticed the man yelling, "I work for Bruce Wayne!".

He had written 'false god' on Superman's statue.

'Time flies so fast when one is busy… I barely noticed it. The suit is so hard to make… How to make it?! Damn it!'

Nion had hit a bottleneck with the suit. He could make a suit that would survive in a condition close to a black hole but that wouldn't hold on in the absolute void. It had to be stronger and better…

He had figured out the situation in the absolute void. What made it dangerous were several things, not one.

First, The Absolute Void had its own set of laws; This meant that classic laws would stop making sense there. Only Quantum, relative and fundamental things that were the building blocks of reality would work there. Things like Fundamental forces and the quantum realm. Even atoms and electrons would go crazy. This was the reason he was destroyed many times when he was tossed there through the crack.

Second, he speculated that the Absolute Time-stream of that place would cause conflict with the time-stream of the universe he exited from to go there so he needed the suit to adapt to the different space-time continuum.

Third, there was the possibility of lifeforms or even other entities like himself there, traveling. He had to take into consideration the possibility of a fight there when building his suit. Since the laws were different, he had no idea how his Ki would affect the void.

Fourth, Speed. He didn't know how long he would need to travel from one universe to another. It could take 1 second or billions of years… He needed the suit to survive for an extended time in case of that.

There were other things to take into consideration as well.

He had solved some already, he could go to the absolute void through a medium like the Phantom Zone. Yes, he had already figured out how to go there and exit it. He was inspired by the phantom zone for that.

Space there was easy to crack and he could go back to the phantom zone as easily. Getting into a universe was easy based on his equations. Exiting was much harder since the laws would restrict and strengthen space.

The 4th problem would be solved by the navigation system so he wasn't worried. The first and third problems, however, gave him a headache. He had yet to even begin designing the VNS…(Void Navigation System)

His head wanted to explode due to the difficulty, 'Traveling the Omniverse is not easy at all. It's much harder than making a time machine…'.

Indeed he could make a time machine if he wanted to but he didn't since he was not sure how the paradoxes would affect him.

'Would I be erased if I kill my younger self or a new universe would be born? I don't wanna even try making time travel… It is tempting to go to the future and just snatch the suit from myself but it's too risky. Not worth it.'

He suddenly tore apart the notebook and stood up.

"Time to rest for a few weeks…"

A knock on the wall attracted his attention, he turned around and saw his butler holding a letter in his hand. He was someone in their fifties in an elegant suit. He looked at the butler more like a friend over the years...

Nion sighed in annoyance, "Bernard, My friend. You know I don't like to participate in stuff like that. Why bother bringing it here?".

"Sir, You don't leave the mansion much so I thought you should go to a party; it's not healthy to be cooped up in here all day. Besides, You have been invited to the Luthor Mansion for a cocktail party!"

Nion was taken aback, 'Did Luthor figure out my identity? Not unlikely, he is smart after all. Interesting… I decided to rest for a while so why not?'.

Nion smiled and patted the butler on the shoulder, "Bernard, you are a lifesaver. I was too bored… This might be good. Thanks for bringing it.".

Bernard replied calmly with a faint smile, "It is my job, sir. I will prepare a proper suit.".

Nion stopped him, "No need. I won't change my style for anyone. Thanks though. How is the family?".

"Good, sir. Thanks to you."

Nion Nodded and turned around to leave as he said, "Good, if you need anything ask me. Don't forget to buy a new toy for your grandson.".

"Sure. Thanks, sir."

Nion left the room and when no one was around, he vanished in a whitish-blue halo and appeared in his Lab.

Since no one could possibly enter it, he had made the mansion open to the maids and his butler 24/7. They took care of it. He also had filled the cave under the mansion for safety…

As for the location of the lab, it was a small black orb that lied above a painting in his bedroom… It was very convenient that it could shrink.

The inside was truly beautiful, above him, a faintly glowing white dome lit up the entire space. A tube that glowed in a faint yellow was near the top in a circle, it was the particle accelerator. The accelerator would project the happening inside as a giant hologram above the lab when active.

The lab was an open space with glass-like walls on various places separating some parts. These walls could easily morph into colors if he needed a wall to do private things in case he brought someone inside.

In the middle was the Heart Sphere, all the status on the 3D hologram screen above it were green at 100%.

Most of the lab was empty so he put decorations there which made it really a pleasant sight. The decorations were from Anti-gravity parts that made colorful balls dance mid-air to energy structures moving around. It was a magnificent sight.

The machines and the others were each in a room with glass-like walls. Except for the particle accelerator that was too big for that so it was made on the dome.

On a certain part, a suit could be seen floating… It was a simple prototype he made for when he went to space; He had gotten tired of getting naked there… and in case he needed a casual fight.

He walked toward one of the rooms as he said, "Ava!".

A very beautiful feminine voice came from all directions in the lab, "Yes? How can I help you Nion?".

It was the A.I he had designed. It had taken him a month without sleep to code it even with the science of Krypton and other worlds in his head. It was a half-sapient A.I which meant it was the same as a human with one big difference. It couldn't make decisions for itself. It followed his commands absolutely but could creatively do things as well like a human.

With nearly limitless computing power backing it up, the A.I was the perfect assistant. It could do almost anything, Nion didn't even need to be present since the A.I could manage the lab and create the suit on its own.

But it had flaws as well, Ava needed the knowledge input and its intelligence was limited in creativity so discovering new things was very hard for it. That's why Ava couldn't complete the suit since even Nion didn't fully understand what he needed to do.

Nion's greatest trait besides his memory was the terrifying creativity he realized he had. That helped him do everything and make so much out of alien tech. His brain's calculation power paled in comparison so he made Ava to compensate.

He had made a watch that was always on his wrist to get into the lab and out. Its other function was communicating with Ava and have her hack anything he wanted on Earth.

"Status of projects."

Ava replied, "Void Suit, 3%. VNS, 0%. Omni-Lenses, 78%. Prototype Suit for space travel and battle, 100%. Entry-Watch, 100%. Shall I continue?".

"No…" he said with a sigh.

He dreamed of a day he would see suit and VNS at 100%. The Entry-Watch was the one he wore.

The Omni-Lenses were a pair of lenses that would show him data of everything by just looking and analyze whatever in range of sight. He could use Ava's ability to use them and accomplish many things. The problem was an energy source since charging them with electromagnetic waves was too obvious and easy to figure out for enemies. He also did not want to bend space near his eyes and Ki flowing out to his eyes would enhance them which caused all sorts of problems…

"Ava, active the ship's enhanced Entry Zone and fly to the upper Atmosphere. Set course for high orbit around the planet. "

Yes, he had stopped calling it a lab since it was no longer one. It was a space ship that could easily travel between galaxies in minutes by bending space.

He also realized the use of the zone so he upgraded it. He could enter and exit the ship from anywhere in the solar system when the enhanced zone was active. He also upgraded the energy source.

The new Magnetic reactor would take apart atoms with precise and extreme magnetic force and break the particles to produce raw energy. With an apple, he could power the ship for a few months. Of course, the more particles the better so he had a few tons of Bismuth on the ship connected to the reactor. It would power it for a few centuries. He named it Energy Reactor.

It had a flaw, it consumed 50% of the energy it made to make more energy but it still produced energy many times higher than the previous one.

"Ava, the probability of a battle exists. Activate the Kryptonite beam on the target I set if things get out of hand. Disable the outer shields, I want to see the planet."


The dome above and the ground below him became transparent, he could see the planet, the moon, and the sun with the stars in between. Looking from within the lab was something else.

'I don't want to reveal the fact that I can make Kryptonite with the accelerator to the world by showing the laser since people would suspect me, especially Clark. But if somehow Luthor still creates Doomsday and I fail to beat it. It will be the trump card.'

The reason he didn't go and destroy the ship was that his body craved for a battle… He didn't know if Superman would fight him so he wanted to fight Doomsday. He really needed to fight things, his body craved for a battle and it was getting out of control. Saiyan's basic instinct…

'I will go to the party and see how it works.'

"Put up the shields, make sure Dimension stays on top of Metropolis. I am going down…"


He had named his ship, Dimension. It was unfortunate that it couldn't handle the void. But he could take it under his suit with him.

He teleported inside his mansion, the orb was missing from the bedroom… It was in space now.

(Ava is an A.I assistant. Not a clone...)

For people who say fly into the sun to get stronger and such... You realize he feels the pain right? Would you want to be burned millions of times over and over to get stronger? even though it is not necessary! I doubt that.

TheMysticcreators' thoughts