
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs

Ultimate Lab?

Nion spent a few days sketching and designing. He wanted a lab that would be bigger on the inside, self-sufficient with everything he would need. He also wanted the lab to be portable.

He wanted to be able to take it around with him when he wanted to leave the universe and travel the multiverse. Similar to the technology of Earth in DBZ.

He used the technology of Phantom drives which bent space and tweaked them. As you know, they bent the space inwards to move faster in space.

If space was bent in place, not inward or outward, it would create a gateway to the phantom zone.

So he designed a giant drive that would bend space outward from a point within, while the outer layer would bend it inward.

This would expand outward and make the inside much bigger. He balanced the numbers and in the end, he could make his lab small as a pebble outside but big as a football field inside. This was the limit with the magnetic energy reactor he had in mind.

He designed all the details and made a simulation on his computer. It worked flawlessly so he began making it.

He first needed new materials to make alien alloys since Earth was limited in that area. He set off to space to mine asteroids but this time it was not for money.

He had great knowledge of metals and minerals and adding the Archives on top… He was a super expert.

He began playing with the temperatures and separated the materials one by one. He spent 3 days in space mining and organizing and another day to bring them to his lab on earth one by one.

The first thing he did was to create the spatial drive. That was what he named the device that would expand the inside of the lab.

First, he made dozens of different alloys and shaped them into the shapes he needed. He then began building everything from the ground up.

He spent a week making the base parts and then started connecting them. When he got bored with working, he played AC/DC to get motivated. This universe had them…

He was like a badass inventor as he slowly made everything from the ground up. His superhuman strength and speed also helped a lot since he could move all the heavy things by himself and bend the metals or melt them with Ki.

A sphere the size of a car slowly took shape in the middle of his lab.

He had made a unique device before named 3D creator. This Device took the alloys and metals and used Nanobots to reassemble them into whatever he wanted. He just needed to give it the model.

This device helped speed up everything a lot but it couldn't do everything since a lot of the alloys and metals were new, those he had to make by hand. He had to upgrade it…

Eventually, the day came that it was finished. The Heart Sphere was completed. He named the Heart of the lab 'Heart Sphere'.

It was covered in lines that faintly glowed. Its main body was very smooth and metallic black. The lines converged in the middle of its top in hexagonal patterns.

A 3D screen was visible above the pattern showing the stats of many things. The screen was made from the light of the lines.

Most of the things were red since the lab was incomplete but one was green with 100% in front of it. It was energy.

'This thing is going to be the heart of my lab; The magnetic reactor is inside, it will power the lab and the spatial drive when I activate it. Goodbye, expensive Uranium...'

Uranium was hard to find and even harder to mine on asteroids so he had bought it for energy…

He continued his work.

He began expanding the lab as he excavated the walls and made it bigger and bigger. He made an Anti-gravity device to hold up the Mansion so it wouldn't collapse on him.

Hills of soil and rocks accumulated around the land of his mansion but no one paid It much attention.

He expanded the main body underground in a circular shape. It slowly turned into a big dome-like structure. The base circle had a radius of 58 meters. The height to the top was 30 meters.

He began creating the outer layer. It had 5 layers in total and between them, there were hollow parts. The hollow parts in-between were there to fit energy layers in them.

He made sure it was completely impenetrable by creating an extremely powerful outer wall of electromagnetic force covering the lab's outer shell completely. He didn't make a door since the method of going in and out was supposed to be like teleportation.

The electromagnetic wall was strong enough to block all his physical attacks and smaller Ki attacks as he tested it. He was satisfied. Bigger Ki attacks would have alerted people and caused an earthquake so he didn't try.

He embedded systems for Artificial gravity In the walls, they could generate constant gravity up to 200G without problem in certain parts of the lab. He didn't want to make all his equipment and devices Gravity proof to work in 200G after all so he made it that way.

If all the lab went to 200G, it would collapse on itself since space would start slowly bending and with the spatial drive already active… the lab would be destroyed.

The max his design could handle was 100G on all the lab and 200 on certain parts meant for training just in case.

This was slowly becoming more than a lab… He wanted to take it with him traveling the multiverse so it was a type of house on its own.

He completed the Spatial drive as he finished the walls. The walls were a pleasant milky-white color that faintly glowed and lit up the lab in a very efficient way. He didn't need to make other means of illumination, it was perfect already.

He made an atmosphere maker and put it in the walls since he liked breathing despite not needing it. It would be self-sufficient so he never needed to take care of it. The air inside the lab would always be very refreshing, clean, and pure…

The base was finished, he activated the spatial drive and it came to life. Nothing strange happened inside, everything went as normal. He pushed a button on a watch that was in his hand and he vanished from the lab.

He appeared outside the lab and saw an empty cave, pieces of soil and rock fell from above gently with water. He realized the cave was under his mansion. At the bottom of the cave, a perfect metallic black smooth orb the size of a pebble laid there unsuspectingly.

He smiled and clicked on the watch again. He vanished and appeared in the lab. This Teleportation technique was fairly simple, it was related to the phantom zone.

He had made a similar subspace around and within his ship, with the lab as the center to roughly 1 kilometer in every direction. He could enter and exit it at will by a click. He named it the Entry Zone.

When he wanted to, he would instantaneously enter the zone and exit it at the marked location within the limit of the subspaces range. Thus it looked like teleporting. The Entry Zone was like a smaller dimension only accessible through the watch. It was impossible to enter it otherwise…

His means of entering and leaving the lab was also finished.

Then began the next stage, he had to make the devices and machines he needed as essentials to work on making his suit, the VNS, and any other possible things he would need.

He summarized it in a list.

1. 3D Creator, like the previous one but better.

2. Nanobot Maker, for when he wanted to make them in bulk.

3. Alloy Forger, to create alloys efficiently and fast in big amounts.

4. Particle Accelerator, to make new elements if needed and experimenting on Quantum physics and laws.

5. Real-time Simulator, to simulate whatever he wanted not just digitally but also in reality.

6. Mega Quantum Computer, nearly limitless computing power. The Brain of the lab… The lab currently barely functioned on his previous supercomputer.

7. Emergency Power generator, another magnetic reactor in case the one in the heart of the lab stopped working.




The Entry Zone was managed by the heart of the lab. There were other tools, devices, machines, and such but these were the basic and most important ones…

He had these to make for a reason. He could design and test on the computer then use the simulator to see if it would work. Then he would go to the alloy forger to make the base materials and grab the other elements and then have the 3D creator make whatever he wanted. The Nanobots his little workers.

The Particle accelerator was created by Kryptonian standards so it could easily create a bulk of elements and such of he needed it but didn't have access to get them himself. It had no limit…

The Nanobot maker was very important since it supported the 3D creator. It could create all sorts of Nanobots with different functions. He had already solved his memory problem temporarily with the previous equipment, with these new ones in hand…

The possibilities were limitless…

He began making them and completing the lab... Or maybe 'space ship' was a better name, maybe 'portable house'?

The multiverse mentioned is the Grand Multiverse = Omniverse.

TheMysticcreators' thoughts