
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs

Doomsday is Born

He floated inside the building and moved toward the direction he heard noises from.

He crashed through the walls and finally saw the two.

Superman was in pain on the ground, green gas surrounding him.

'Kryptonite… I destroyed the world engine and its surrounding with Ki blasts, there shouldn't have been any… but it could have survived the Ki blasts if it was under the ground.'

He saw Batman carrying something to smash on Superman. He stopped when he saw Nion.

"I expected you to be here…" Batman said in his changed voice. It sounded quite intimidating.

A screeching noise suddenly echoed in the building. Nion cried out in pain as he held his ears trying to block the sound. Superman was also affected as he began twitching in pain holding his head.

Nion bashed his head on the wall and flew out of the building through the hole created. The noise continued screeching in the building.

Nion was a little disoriented but he soon recovered. He frowned.

'I can't enter with that thing active. Hmm, those poles seem to be the generator of it, they need to be destroyed. I need to hurry up…'

He extended his palm forward and dozens of weak Ki Blasts were fired and changed direction mid-air to hit various parts of the building. The sound came to a halt.

Nion was a master of technology after studying so long with the Archives of Krypton and Earth at his disposal. He was also a genius of sorts so it was easy to deal with these tricks.

He also had trained his Ki control as much as self-taught training and meditation could go… so he had complete control over his simple Ki attacks. His power had also improved after training in his Gravity Chamber…

He immediately headed inside the building and saw Batman holding a Kryptonite spear.

"It seems unlike him, you have a good understanding of human science. However, It won't help you. Tell me, Do you bleed?"

Nion was a bit relieved he made it in time. He became surprised as he heard Batman talking.

'It feels a little unnerving, Batman saying do you bleed to my face with that menacing look… Never give Batman prep time, huh?'

Nion tried to make his voice sound a little deeper without it sounding unnatural, "Batman, we are not your enemy. And, yes; I do bleed like humans… That's a strange question…".

The mood changed a little as Batman didn't expect him to answer so calmly, 'Is he not even a little panicked that I have Kryptonite and Superman down… He is dangerously confident and calm.'.

Yes, Everyone in the world had thought that Nion was a Kryptonian for the following reasons.

1. He appeared at the same time as the Kryptonians and there was no record of his existence before so they speculated he came with Zod and turned on him for unknown reasons.

2. He had all the powers of Kryptonians and they speculated that his energy beams were the same type of attack as the laser eyes of Superman and he could use them due to a certain weapon on his body. They did not understand Alien Tech after all.

3. He was seen in the video footage, talking with Zod and Superman for extended periods which looked as if they knew each other (Zod and Nion) and had a grudge.

4. They never found any other form of evidence of what he could be so they speculated as such. His Tail was carefully hidden by him under the coat and since it was black, it was impossible to distinguish in the available footage due to the low quality of said footage. Essentially making him too similar to a Kryptonian despite the extra beam power.

Such was the reasoning of Batman and Lex Luthor and others interested in Nion like the military.

So Batman thought Nion's weakness was Kryptonite since there could be no other possibility.

The possibility of him being anything other than a Kryptonian was zero in their eyes.

The saying; Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth; was true as long as they had the complete facts. But wrong in Nion's case…

Nion slowly walked toward Batman. Step by Step after he landed on the ground. A grenade exploded near him and engulfed his body in Kryptonite gas.

The Only sounds were of his footsteps and superman's grunts of pain, Clark was poisoned by Kryptonite.

Batman got ready to fight, the moment Nion got close enough, Batman thrust the spear toward him like a martial artist.

To Batman's confusion. Nion calmly stopped the spear by gripping its tip in time. He looked at Batman's partially visible face with a smile.

It didn't take even a second for Batman to piece things together. He felt his heart drop a little as he knew he would die soon...

'He is not a Kryptonian… I was wrong.'

Batman retreated immediately. He had to let go of the spear since Nion's grip was too strong.

'I have the spear, Now I just need to go to the Kryptonian ship and fight doomsday and kill it. I have quenched this need for battle and saved the day. Perfect. Worst case scenario just laser beam it to death.'

Nion slowly began flying as he said, "Bruce, Superman's mother is in Luthor's hands. He was the one who put you against each other and bombed the white house during Superman's so-called trial. I think I have said enough.".

Nion flew off, leaving a surprised Batman with Superman. He muttered in a low voice but Superman heard it, "Tell them about my origins if they ask.".

Lois Lane got off a Helicopter nearby and entered the building…

Batman looked at Superman and asked, "Is what he said true?".

Superman slowly got off the ground and nodded as he coughed. "Yes, we need to save her."

Batman hesitated for a moment, 'This is unexpected...' and then contacted Alfred and asked him to find their location.

"I will have the location soon. Your friend, what is he?"

Superman took a deep breath and felt he had returned to normal as he answered. "He is from a race called Saiyans, his planet was destroyed by a space demon named Frieza and he took shelter here. That's all he told me. Do you have the location?"

Batman nodded as he conversed with Alfred. "I have it, she is in a warehouse at this address..."

Superman didn't stick around. He instantly flew off... poor souls who had kidnapped his mother.

Lois lane entered the building only to see Batman walking away. He looked at her and said grimly, "Leave, Superman has left.". 'A Saiyan? Frieza? Strange name.'

Meanwhile, Nion crashed through the wall of the ship and entered inside. He saw Lex Luthor and an abomination inside an artificial egg-like womb.

Luthor said, "Late, Late; Sais the white Rabbit. Hmm, out of tricks, out of time.".

Nion ignored him and asked, "How did you access the ship's command without the key?".

he thought that by taking the key the latter wouldn't be able to access the ship… Luthor wouldn't have been able to do anything if Nion had been a bit more careful but Nion wanted to fight something...

Lex looked at him and eccentrically shrugged his shoulders, "A smart man has many tricks… Locks are meant to be cracked as doors are meant to be opened…".

The Ships robotic voice could be heard, "20 seconds to animation.".

'Annoying…' thought Nion as suddenly the nearby phone rang…

"Ah. That'll be the cook. Excuse me. Uh, Gotham Roast. Well done. Hello. Break the bad news."

Batman's voice came from the other end, "I'd rather do the breaking in person.".

Lex Luthor stepped back in surprise and a little fear.

"10 seconds to animation. 9, 8."

Nion sighed as he looked at the abomination slowly coming to life. His body shivered in expectation, his heart beating faster in preparation for battle.

He knew using the spear in his hand immediately was the safest option but the Saiyan blood in him didn't like that. It demanded a fight.

He was so daring because he knew he was unkillable and he felt confident in his power. He also had the weapon to kill it. There was a Kryptonite laser as well…

"If men can't kill the gods…"

"2, 1."

"The Devil will do it.".

Superman crashed into the Ship and stopped far away from Nion since he had the spear and looked at the abomination slowly moving around.

Nion was not concerned at all because he had a kryptonite laser beam locked and ready to kill it instantly. However, he wanted to fight it to scratch the itch for battle he had been feeling for the last few months. Not revealing his tech was also another reason.

Lex Luther looked at it in excitement, "Ancient Kryptonian deformity. Blood of my blood. Born to destroy you. Your Doomsday. Now Gods are good as dead.".

Doomsday tore apart the walls that contained him and slowly emerged. It roared in their faces.

'It looks kinda terrifying up close… Disgusting...'